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Photograph by Maria Daniels, ... Eustathius 1324.18 (12th CE): boxing ' ... in boxing at Olympia, Tisias, his gymnastes, brought him through to a win by ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


Faster, Higher, Stronger Olympic training and
Philadelphia MS739Main panel runner on
rightPhotograph by Maria Daniels, courtesy of
The University ofPennsylvania Museum of
Archaeology and Anthropology
Lucian On Slander 12 (2nd CE)stadion, diaulos,
  • In the races, once the husplex goes down, the
    good runner puts his mind only on going forward,
    and concentraing on the finish, puts his hope of
    victory in his legs. He does not foul the man
    next to him nor does he waste time thinking up
    tricks against his opponents. He immoral,
    unskilled athlete, however, turns his hope of
    success to unsportsmanlike conduct, and how
    to hold his opponent or check him by tripping .

Harvard 1972.39Side B hoplitodromos at
leftPhotograph by Maria Daniels, courtesy of
Harvard University Art Museums
Pausanias 5.12.8 (2nd CE)
  • There in the temple at Olympia are kept the 25
    bronze shields, which are carried by the
    competitors in the hoplite race.

Aristotle Rhetoric 1.5 1361b (4th BCE) pentathlon
  • The pentathletes have the most beautiful bodies,
    because they are constructed for strength and
    speed together.
  • Scholiast on Aristeides 3.339 (2nd CE)
  • Pentathlete is used instead of those competing
    in the five events or those winning in the five
    events, because not all the pentathletes win all
    five events. For three of the five events are
    sufficient for them to win.

Boston 01.8020Tondo discus throwerPhotograph
courtesy of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Pindar Olympian Odes 10.72 (5th BCE) diskos
  • And Nikeus, whirling around, threw the stone
    with his arm farther than all the others.
  • Cicero On the Orator 2.5.21 (1st BCE)
  • The students of teachers in the Greek gymnasia
    prefer to hear the diskos than to hear the

Toledo 1961.26, Attic red figure kylixSide B
javelin throwersPhotograph by Maria Daniels,
courtesy of the Toledo Museum of Art
Pindar Pythian Odes 1.44-45 (5th BCE) javelin
  • As for this bronze-pointed javelin which I am
    shaking in my hand, I hope I will not throw it
    out of bounds but rather hurl it a long distance,
    so as to surpass my competitors.
  • Scholiast on Euripides Andromache 1133 (5th BCE)
  • A mesagkylon is a kind of javelin with a cord
    wrapped around the middle, which the athletes
    hold on to as they throw.

Boston 01.8020Side A jumperPhotograph courtesy
of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Philostratos On Athletics 55 (3rd CE) long jump
  • The halteres are an invention of the
    pentathletes and were invented for jumping
    halma, in Greek, from which they take their
    name. Considering the jump to be one of the most
    difficult events in competition, the rules permit
    encouragement of the jumper by means of a flute
    and also assist him even more with the halteres.
    For then guidance of the hands is unfailing and
    brings the feet to the ground without wavering
    and in good form. The rules show how important
    this is, for they refuse to have the jump
    measured if the mark is not correct.

Toledo 1961.24Side B pankrationPhotograph by
Maria Daniels, courtesy of the Toledo Museum of
Philostratos Pictures 2.6(3rd CE) pankration
  • The pankratiasts engage in a dangerous kind of
    wrestling. For they have to take blows in the
    face, which are considered too dangerous for a
    regular wrestler, and they take holds where it is
    necessary to fall in order to win . A
    pankratiast may simultaneously grab his
    opponents ankle and wrench his arm in addition
    to hitting and jumping on him. For these moves
    are permitted , but not biting or poking.

Philadelphia MS2444Side A trainer watching
wrestlersPhotograph by Maria Daniels, courtesy
of The University ofPennsylvania Museum of
Archaeology and Anthropology
Anonymous, Greek Anthology (5th BCE 5th CE)
  • Milo of Kroton was once the only wrestler to
    show up at the sacred games. The official in
    charge at once called him forward to receive the
    crown. As he approached he slipped and fell on
    his hip. The spectators shouted that he should
    not be crowned since he fell when he was all
    alone. Standing up in the middle, Milo shouted in
    reply, That is not three falls. I fell only
    once let someone give me the other two falls.
  • Semonides, fragment 153D (7th BCE)
  • This is the glorious statue of glorious Milo,
    who in fighting seven times at Olympia never fell
    to his knees.

Pausanias 6.14.5-8 (2nd CE) Milo of Croton
  • The statue of Milo the son of Diotimus was made
    by Dameas, also a native of Crotona. Milo won six
    victories for wrestling at Olympia, one of them
    among the boys at Pytho he won six among the men
    and one among the boys. He came to Olympia to
    wrestle for the seventh time, but did not succeed
    in mastering Timasitheus, a fellow-citizen who
    was also a young man, and who refused, moreover,
    to come to close quarters with him. It is further
    stated that Milo carried his own statue into the
    Altis. His feats with the pomegranate and the
    diskos are also remembered by tradition. He would
    grasp a pomegranate so firmly that nobody could
    wrest it from him by force, yet he did not damage
    it by pressure. He would stand upon a greased
    diskos, and make fools of those who charged him
    and tried to push him from the diskos. He used to
    perform also the following exhibition feats.

Pausanias 6.14.5-8 (2nd CE) Milo of Croton
  • 7 He would tie a cord round his forehead as
    though it were a ribbon or a crown. Holding his
    breath and filling with blood the veins on his
    head, he would break the cord by the strength of
    these veins. It is said that he would let down by
    his side his right arm from the shoulder to the
    elbow, and stretch out straight the arm below the
    elbow, turning the thumb upwards, while the other
    fingers lay in a row. In this position, then, the
    little finger was lowest, but nobody could bend
    it back by pressure. They say that he was killed
    by wild beasts. The story has it that he came
    across in the land of Crotona a tree-trunk that
    was drying up wedges were inserted to keep the
    trunk apart. Milo in his pride thrust his hands
    into the trunk, the wedges slipped, and Milo was
    held fast by the trunk until the wolves--a beast
    that roves in vast packs in the land of
    Crotona--made him their prey.

Toledo 1961.26, Attic red figure kylixSide A
boxer on near rightPhotograph by Maria Daniels,
courtesy of the Toledo Museum of Art
Eustathius 1324.18 (12th CE) boxing
  • Boxers himantes of leather were wrapped around
    their hands to make them better for striking and
    to hold the fingers together, binding them
    stiffly into a round shape, like some sort of
  • Anonymous Greek Anthology (5th BCE 5th CE)
  • This statue of the boxer Apis was set up in
    gratitude by his competitors. For he never
    injured any of them.

Tampa 86.35Shoulder chariot racePhotograph by
Maria Daniels, courtesy of the Tampa Museum of
Art Anthropology
Tampa 86.24Side B two ridersPhotograph by
Maria Daniels, courtesy of the Tampa Museum of
Isokrates Team of Horses 32-34 (4th BCE)
  • My father turned his attention to raising
    horses, which is the activity of the most wealthy
    and not one which a poor man should attempt, and
    he surpassed not only his rivals but also all the
    earlier victors. For he entered chariots in a
    larger number than the largest cities could match
    and of such quality that he came in first and
    second and third.

Anonymous Greek Anthology 13.16 (5th BCE 5th
CE) chariot-racing and women
  • My ancestors and my brothers were kings of
    Sparta I, Kyniska, won the chariot race with my
    swift-footed horses and erected this statue. I
    claim that of all Greeks I am the only woman to
    have won this crown.

Pausanias 5.16.2-3 (2nd CE) women and the Heraia
  • Every four years ltat Olympiagt 16 women weave a
    robe for Hera, and they also put on the Heraia.
    This contest is a running event for unmarried
    girls. They are not all the same age, but the
    first to run are the youngest, after them the
    next older, and the last to run are the oldest of
    the girls. Here is their method of running. They
    let down their hair, let the tunic hang down a
    little above the knee, and uncover the right
    shoulder as far as the breast. They use the
    stadium for this event, although the length of
    the track is reduced by a sixth . The victors
    may set up statues with their names inscribed.

Toledo 1963.26, Attic black figure calyx
kraterSide B Athletes and trainersPhotograph
by Maria Daniels, courtesy of the Toledo Museum
of Art
Philostratos On Athletics 20 (3rd CE) trainers
  • The different psychological approaches which the
    gymnastes have on their athletes, whether
    encouraging them or scolding them or through
    threats or trickery include this story when
    Glaukos from Karystos was being forced back by
    his opponent in boxing at Olympia, Tisias, his
    gymnastes, brought him through to a win by
    shouting, Hit him like you did the plow! For
    Glaukos right-handed punch was so strong that
    back home he once straightened a bent plowshare
    by using his right hand as a hammer.

Philostratos On Athletics 48 (3rd CE) diet
  • You can recognize an athlete who overeats by his
    thick eyebrows, gasping breath, and prominent
    collarbones, as well as rolls of fat around his
    waist. Those who drink too much wine have an
    excessive paunch . Many signs point to the
    athletes who indulge in sex. Their strength has
    been weakened they are short of breath and no
    longer display initiative on offense . When they
    strip, their collarbones are hollow, their hips
    do not fit properly, their ribs stick out, and
    their blood is cold ..

Philostratos On Athletics 48 (3rd CE) diet
  • If you should get involved in training an
    athlete like that, he would never win a crown for
    you. Athletes like this have flabby cheeks, weak
    pulse, insufficient perspiration, restless sleep
    when they are digesting their food their gaze
    wanders and indicates their preoccupation with

Philadelphia MS2445, Attic red figure kylixSide
A lyre player in center, singingPhotograph by
Maria Daniels, courtesy of The University
ofPennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and
Homer Iliad 9.186-189 (8th BCE) music
  • They found him delighting his heart with his
    handsome clear-toned lyre, beautiful and
    carefully wrought, and the crosspiece was made of
    silver. He had taken this from the spoils when
    the Greeks destroyed the city of Eetion. With
    this he was pleasing his spirit, and he was
    singing of the fair deeds of men.
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