Program Verification - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Program Verification


Verification of Sequential and Concurrent Programs -Krzysztof R. Apt ... By Assignment Axiom Again: {(quo 1) y (rem y) = x rem y 0} ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Program Verification

Program Verification
  • Verification of Sequential and Concurrent
  • -Krzysztof R. Apt
  • An Axiomatic Basis for Computer Programming
  • -C. A. R. Hoare

Presented by Dengping Zhu
  • Problem How to verify whether or not a program
    carries out its intended function?
  • Example (Extended Euclids Algorithm)
  • Fun ExEuclid (a, b)
  • if b 0 then (a, 1, 0)
  • else
  • let val (d, x, y) ExEuclid (b, a mod b) in
  • (d, y, x (a div b) y)
  • end
  • Given ambnd, how to prove that this algorithm
    works for all m and n?

  • Floyds approach flow chart assertions
  • Take a flow chart for some algorithm
  • Label each of the arrows with an assertion about
    the current state when computation traverses this
  • Prove that for each box, if any one of the
    assertions on the arrow leading into the box is
    true, then all of the assertions on the arrows
    leading away from the box are true after the
  • Then it follows that all assertions are true
    during any execution of the algorithm (by
    indcution on the number of steps).

A1 m gt0, ngt0
A2 cmgt0, dngt0, ab0, ab1
a à 0 a à 1 c à m b à 1 b à 0 d à n

A3 ambnd, ambncqdr 0 rltd, gcd(c,d)
q à quotient (c d) r à remainder (c d)
A4 ambndgcd(m,n)
A5 ambnd, ambndqdr 0ltrltd,
r 0 ?
c à d, d à r t à a, a à a, a à t qa t
à b, b à b, b à t - qb
A6 ambnd, ambnc, dgt0 gcd(c,d)gcd(m,n)
Hoare Logic
  • In 1969, Hoare formalized this idea

If the assertion P is true before initiation of a
program Q, then the assertion R will be true on
its completion.
  • Define the syntax
  • Introduce its operational semantics
  • Study the proof theory
  • Soundness
  • Completeness

We focus on sequential deterministic program.
  • S skip
  • u t
  • S1 S2
  • if B then S1 then S2 fi
  • while B do S1 od
  • Abbreviation
  • if B then S fi if B then S else skip fi

  • State a mapping that assigns every simple and
    array variables of type T a value in the domain
    DT .
  • For example Dint , -1, 0, 1,
  • ? is a state stands for divergence.
  • Semantics is a mapping M S from initial
    states to final states.
  • We specify a transition relation ! first, then
    define M S with the help of !.

Transition Relation !
  • It is a relation between configurations of an
    abstract machine.
  • Configuration is simply a pair lt S, ?gt, where S
    is a program and ? is a state.
  • For example transition
  • lt S, ?gt ! lt R, ?gt
  • means executing S one step in a state ? can
    lead to state ? with R being the remainder.

Transition Relation !
  • ltskip, ?gt ! ltE, ?gt,
  • ltu t, ?gt ! ltE, ?u ?(t),
  • ltif B then S1 else S2 fi, ?gt ! lts1, ?gt where ? ²
  • ltif B then S1 else S2 fi, ?gt ! lts2, ?gt where ? ²
  • ltwhile B do S od, ?gt ! ltS while B do S od, ?gt
    where ? ² B,
  • ltwhile B do S od, ?gt ! ltE, ?gt where ? ² B.

Operational Semantics
  • Let ! stand for the transitive, reflexive
    closure of !.
  • Partial correctness semantics
  • M S (?) ? ltS, ?gt ! ltE, ?gt
  • Total correctness semantics
  • Mtot S (?) M S (?) ? j S can
    diverge from ?

Proof Theory
  • Correctness formula p S q
  • p and q are assertions S is a program
  • Define p ? j ? is a state and ? ² p
  • Partial correctness
  • ² p S q if M S ( p ) µ q
  • Total correctness
  • ²tot p S q if Mtot S ( p ) µ q

  • A program S
  • a0 1
  • a1 0
  • While ax ? 0 do x x 1 od
  • Need to show that x0 S x1 in the sense of
    partial correctness.
  • We can reason in terms of semantics.

  • Let ? be a state in which x is 0.
  • ? stand for ? a0 1 a1 0.
  • lt S, ? gt
  • ! lt a10 while ax ? 0 do x x1 od, ?
    a0 1 gt
  • ! lt while ax ? 0 do x x1 od, ? gt
  • ! lt x x1 while ax ? 0 do x x1 od, ? gt
  • ! lt while ax ? 0 do x x1 od, ?x 1 gt
  • ! lt E, ?x 1 gt

A Better Approach
  • The previous one is not very convenient.
  • Why not reason directly on the level of
    correctness formulas?
  • Following Hoare, we introduce a proof system PD.
  • We can prove partial correctness of deterministic
    programs in a systax-directed manner.

Partial Correctness
  • Axiom 1 Skip p skip p
  • Axiom 2 Assignment pu t u t p
  • Rule 3 Composition
  • Rule 4 Conditional
  • Rule 5 Loop
  • Rule 6 Consequence

  • DIV quo 0 rem x S, where S
  • while rem y do rem rem y quo quo 1
  • Wish to show that
  • ² x 0 Æ y 0 DIV quo y rem x Æ 0
    rem lt y. (1)
  • To prove (1) , we prove
  • x 0 Æ y 0 DIV quo y rem x Æ 0 rem
    lt y. (2)
  • in PD.
  • Choose the loop invariant of S
  • P quo y rem x Æ rem 0

Example cont
  • Three sub-goals
  • x 0 Æ y 0 quo 0 rem x p (3)
  • p Æ rem y rem rem y quo quo 1 p
  • Which implies p S p Æ (rem y) (by Loop
    rule) (5)
  • p Æ (rem y) ! quo y rem x Æ 0 rem lt
    y (6)
  • Applying Composition rule to (3) and (5) ,
  • x 0 Æ y 0 DIV p Æ (rem y) (7)
  • Then by (6) and (7) , (2) holds (applying
    Consequence rule).

Example cont
  • Let prove the sub-goal (4) .
  • By Assignment axiom
  • (quo 1) y rem x Æ rem 0 quo quo 1
  • By Assignment Axiom Again
  • (quo 1) y (rem y) x Æ rem y 0
  • rem rem y (quo 1) y rem x Æ rem
  • By Composition rule
  • (quo 1) y (rem y) x Æ rem y 0
  • rem rem y quo quo 1 p
  • p Æ rem y ! (quo 1) y (rem y) x Æ rem
    y 0
  • Then (4) holds by Consequence rule.

Total Correctness
  • We can not establish termination of programs with
    PD. For example DIV diverges when y 0.
  • Refine the loop rule Rule 7
  • Where t is an integer expression and z is an
  • Variable that does not appear in p, B, t or S.
  • t is called a bound function of the loop.

  • Wish to show that
  • ²tot x 0 Æ y gt 0 DIV quo y rem x Æ 0
    rem lt y. (8)
  • Thus, we need to prove
  • x 0 Æ y gt 0 DIV quo y rem x Æ 0 rem
    lt y. (9)
  • in TD.
  • loop invariant of S
  • p p Æ y gt 0, where P quo y rem x Æ
    rem 0
  • Let t rem be the bound function.

  • We need to prove the following sub-goals
  • x 0 Æ y gt 0 quo 0 rem x p (10)
  • p Æ rem y rem rem y quo quo 1 p
  • p Æ rem y Æ rem z rem rem y quo
    quo 1 rem lt z (12)
  • p ! rem 0 (13)
  • P Æ (rem y) ! quo y rem x Æ 0 rem lt
    y (14)
  • By the new Loop rule, (11), (12) and (13) imply
  • p S0 p Æ (rem y). The rest of the proof
    is similar to
  • that in PD.

  • Question Did we really prove (8) ?
  • ² x 0 Æ y gt 0 DIV quo y rem x Æ 0
    rem lt y. (8)
  • In fact, we interpreted proof of (9) as (8)
  • x 0 Æ y gt 0 DIV quo y rem x Æ 0 rem
    lt y. (9)
  • It is correct provided we prove the soundness of
    PD and TD.
  • Consider total correctness TD is sound if
  • TD ? implies ²tot ?.
  • A proof rule is sound for total
    correctness if the truth of ?1, ?, ?k implies the
    truth of ?k1.

  • Theorem The proof system TD is sound for total
    correctness of deterministic program.
  • Proof only need to prove that
  • All axioms of TD are true
  • All proof rules are sound.
  • By induction on the length of proofs.

Completeness (TD)
  • TD is complete for total correctness if
  • ²tot ? implies TD ?.
  • Weakest precondition wp(S, ?) ? j Mtot S
    (?) µ ?
  • (1) wp(skip, q) q
  • (2) wp(u t, q) q u t
  • (3) wp(S1 S2, q) wp(S1, wp(S2, q))
  • (4) wp(if B then S1 else S2 fi, q) (B Æ wp(S1,
    q)) Ç ( B Æ wp(S2, q))
  • (5) wp(S, q) Æ B ! wp(S1, wp(S, q)), where S
    while B do S1 od
  • (6) wp(S, q) Æ B ! q, where S while B do S1
  • (7) ²tot p S q iff p ! wp(S, q)

Completeness (TD)
  • Theorem TD is complete for total correctness of
    deterministic programs.
  • Proof First we prove that for all S and q,
  • TD wp(S, q) S q.
  • This can be done by induction on the structure of
  • Now suppose ²tot p S q , then by (7), we have
    p ! wpS,q. Thus,
  • TD p S q by the consequence rule.
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