Introducing RSF Reasonable Server Faces - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introducing RSF Reasonable Server Faces


RSF was designed with several special requirements of large ... Decouple the workflows of developers and designers/UX experts, ... ORM 'idiom' rather ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Introducing RSF Reasonable Server Faces

Introducing RSF(Reasonable Server Faces)
Aaron Zeckoski Centre for Applied Research in
Educational Technologies, University of Cambridge
  • RSF Goals and Strategies
  • Simple templating example
  • XHTML and Java
  • Basic application structure
  • Spring contexts and Producers
  • Case studies of components
  • Reorderer, Date widget - Demo
  • Brief overview of some more advanced features
  • Validation, I18N, OTP
  • Integration with Spring Web
  • Demo

Why RSF?
  • RSF was designed with several special
    requirements of large scale development
    communities in mind
  • Decouple the workflows of developers and
    designers/UX experts, and allow them to work
  • Full IoC throughout the design powered by Spring,
    from the view layer down to the model
  • Enable universal portability of apps to whatever
    environments may arise, without requiring code

Designers and Coders
  • Designers
  • Coders

Markup (XHTML) CSS Images AJAX / Javascript
Java / ? SQL XML AJAX / Javascript
RSF is for Coders and Designers
  • RSF is easy for coders since it is built out of
    Spring components
  • Can always extend/modify the framework if needed
  • Once you get the pattern, it is possible to build
    very powerful components and apps that require a
    lot more custom/stovepipe work in other
  • RSF is easy for designers since they can just
    work with plain HTML and hand it over the fence
    to coders who can start working with it directly
  • Designers can continue to update templates while
    developers work without disrupting each other

RSF and Fluid
  • RSF is closely involved with the Fluid Flexible
    UI project now running from UToronto and other
    key institutions
  • http//
  • Harness the power of designers and accessibility
    experts to create inclusive designs

Why use RSF?
  • Core RSF Values
  • Completely pure HTML templating
  • Roundtrip with designers without loss
  • Preview behaviour as well as appearance from the
    file system (demo later)
  • Templates can be reloaded on a live server just
    by dropping in files
  • IoC is built-in
  • No need to "integrate with" Spring, RSF is built
    from Spring
  • IoC in the request scope "refreshes the parts
    other IoC cannot reach" (universal portability
    without code changes)

Three Levels of RSF
  • On the design side, completely pure (X)HTML
    templates, previewability of appearance AND
    behaviour (IKAT renderer)
  • On the code side, an unintrusive binding to an
    application model (EL)
  • Portability of applications assured through
    request-scope IoC (RSAC) using Spring context
  • Statelessness and transparency of application
    behaviour through request cycle and
  • In between, a completely technology-neutral and
    behaviour-free representation of the function
    of a user interface (component tree)

RSF structure
  • The template (XHTML) defines the interface
  • The producer (Java or XML) defines the view,
    populates the template, and handles navigation
  • ViewParams define the values passed between views
  • The requestContext defines producer and backing
  • The applicationContext defines app scope beans
    and handles RSF app config (via Spring)
  • Backing beans handle action processing
  • Logic layer beans can be injected as defined in
    the context XML files
  • Model is basic data POJO or richer domain

Template (XHTML)
ViewParams (Java)
Producer (Java)
requestContext (XML)
Backing bean (Java)
applicationContext (XML)
Logic layer (rest of app)
Model (Java)
Template (XHTML)
  • Here is some real XHTML
  • It is also an RSF template!
  • To make a template, you simply add the rsfid
    attribute to tags which might have their content
    replaced when the app runs, or might need to be
    copied or moved about

lthtmlgt ltheadgtlttitlegtRSF samplelt/titlegtlt/headgt ltbod
ygt lth1gtHello ltspan rsfiduser-namegtUser
Namelt/spangtlt/h1gt Today is ltspan
rsfidcurrent-dategt1/1/2006lt/spangtltbr/gt lttable
gt lttr rsfiditem-rowgt lttd
rsfiditem-valuegtitem value herelt/tdgt
lt/trgt lt/tablegt lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt
RSF Templates
  • The template will load and preview fine in any
    browser or editor
  • Properly, we will always give RSF templates a
    proper XHTML doctype, and namespace for the
    rsfid attribute
  • The rsfid attribute is the ONLY addition to the
  • RSF can actually render with any kind of XML
    template, not just XHTML
  • Processed using the RSF IKAT renderer

Transitional//EN" "http//
1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"gt lthtml
Using the Template - Producers
Producer (Java)
  • Everything in RSF is a Spring-configured bean of
    some kind
  • A special kind of bean called a Producer (or View
    Producer) is responsible for rendering a page
    from a template
  • The same Producer can render from many different
    templates, as long as the rsfids agree
  • The purpose of a Producer is to create a
    Component Tree of RSF Primitive Components
    which will get paired up with the template by the
    RSF renderer (IKAT)
  • The component tree is created at the beginning,
    and destroyed at the end of every render request

View Producer
public class ItemsProducer implements
ViewComponentProducer, DefaultView ...
private CrudPlusLogic logic public void
setLogic(CrudPlusLogic logic) this.logic
logic public void fillComponents(UIContaine
r tofill, ViewParameters viewparams,
ComponentChecker checker)
UIOutput.make(tofill, "user-name",
logic.getUserName()) for (CrudPlusItem item
UIBranchContainer itemrow
UIBranchContainer.make(listform, "item-row",
item.getId()) UIOutput.make(itemrow,
item-value, item.getValue())
UIOutput.make(itemrow, current-date", new
Date().toString() )
  • A Spring bean which defines what appears in the
  • Equivalent to its serialized form could also be
    defined in XML etc.
  • UIOutput and UIBranchContainer are primitive RSF
  • The 2nd arguments to the make() calls match up
    with the rsfids written in the template

ViewParams (Java)
  • Contains all the information required to locate a
  • Is an abstract summary of the information held in
    a URL (query parameters and trunk)
  • Should be the primary route for passing
    information from view to view
  • Since ViewParameters contents are properly typed,
    it forms a miniature "bean container"
  • The key to implementing RESTful "URL flows" based
    on cloning
  • Can be reused on multiple pages

Sample ViewParams
public class ItemViewParameters extends
SimpleViewParameters public Long id // an
identifier for an item public ItemViewParameters(
) public ItemViewParameters(String viewID,
Long id) id this.viewID
  • Is a "Pea" (uses public fields rather than
  • Can override getParseSpec method to gain fine
    control over URL structure

Registering a Producer
  • RSF Producers are typically declared as Spring
    beans at request scope
  • Can be at application scope if they have no
    request scope dependencies
  • In WEB-INF/requestContext.xml

ltbean class"org.sakaiproject.crudplus.tool.produc
ers.ItemsProducer"gt ltproperty
name"logic" ref"org.sakaiproject.crudplus.logic
.CrudPlusLogic" /gt lt/beangt
RSAC for the request scope
requestContext (xml)
  • RSF extends Spring with a fast request-scope
    implementation called RSAC
  • All RSAC beans are lazy loaded by default
  • Request-scope beans go into requestContext.xml
    rather than applicationContext.xml, but the file
    format is the same
  • Parts of the "backing model" can also be injected
    into producers
  • Avoids framework dependencies by "fetch" with
    weak typing
  • Backing model is marked as addressible (via EL)
    over the request using a declarative syntax with

model (Java)
  • VERY lightweight version of JSF/JSP EL
  • Just a dot-separated path of bean names and
    properties (or 0-arg method for a method binding)
  • No logic allowed
  • Binds component tree to the model without
    polluting it
  • Works for any bean in request/application context
  • Example UIInput accepting form input with binding

EL Reference
Bean ID
Initial value
UIInput.make(addupdateitem, "item-title",
Component Case Studies
Component case study Reorderer
  • Allows users to directly move around and
    re-arrange content on the page
  • The content type is extremely flexible (can be
    any markup or other RSF components)
  • Allow full accessibility via screen readers (ARIA
    markup roles), and keyboard shortcuts
  • Developed as part of the Fluid Project
  • http//

Reorderer design workflow
  • Reorderer is developed as a pure client-side
  • JSUnit tests run from the filesystem to verify
    Javascript behaviour
  • Drag-and-drop and accessibility behaviour can be
    previewed without a server
  • The same XHTML template functions directly as the
    component definition for RSF at runtime

Demo of Reorderer from Filesystem and Live
Component case study Date widget
  • Requirements
  • Complete internationalisation support
  • Accessible markup, together with good use of
    screen estate and rapid use by expert users
  • Uses an AJAX strategy to make use of reliable
    server-side date and timezone processing logic
  • Uses RSF's DWR-like "Universal View Bus" (UVB)
  • this AJAX works fine from within a Spring Web
    Flow also
  • As for the reorderer, markup and behaviour can be
    previewed and tested in the filesystem
  • http//

More Advanced RSF Topics
Internationalization (I18N)
ltb rsfidremove-item"gtAre you sure you want to
remove item (title)?lt/bgt
UIMessage.make(tofill, remove-item",
"remove.item.text", new Object
item.getTitle() )
remove.item.textAre you sure you want to remove
item (0)?
  • Well supported with UIMessage concrete class
  • Also MessageLocator as a service
  • Simple cases can be handled in the template with
  • Takes advantage of the standard Java language
    properties bundle handling
  • Uses Spring MessageSource for resource
    (properties file) loading
  • Configurable in application context

URL http//
User-directed Messages
  • Messages are held in a request-scope bean named
  • Propagated to the following view in a mini-flow
  • Inject it where you want (also has a standard
    proxy for use in application scope)
  • Messages appear in the template at the tag marked
  • Messages widget can be reskinned through

messages.addMessage(new TargettedMessage("item_upd
ated", new Object item.getTitle(),
BeanGuards for Validation
  • A declarative strategy for attaching rules to
    modifications of the bean container
  • Similar to, for example, Springs declarative
    transaction demarcation, or Spring Security/Acegi
    declarative rules
  • Key functionality is to provide guaranteed
    execution of logic without intruding either on
    the target, or on the validation code with
    framework code

  • Two main styles of BeanGuards
  • The Spring Validator interface is supported
  • Also supports pure POJO validators (validation
    triggered via setter)
  • Both of these are simply declared as beans (at
    either request or application scope)

_at_author Rod Johnson public interface
Validator boolean supports(Class clazz)
void validate(Object obj, Errors errors)

One True Path (OTP)
  • RSF ORM idiom rather than library
  • OTP assigns preferred EL path to each entity of
    data model
  • Referential transparency for EL expressions
    applied to persistence

How does RSF OTP work?
  • Assigns a unique EL path to each Entity managed
    by ORM, where read/write of the EL is directly
    bound to read/write of the model
  • The EL path for the Person with ID of 5 is
  • Add new entities with the special id form
  • 1
  • Following two points are useful optional
    extensions to the model
  • Issue special binding type (UIDeletionBinding) to
    unlink or delete an existing entity
  • If the request concludes normally, commit if
    any kind of exception propagates out, rollback.
  • Not tied to any particular flavour or even use of
    ORM EL paths are completely generic

RSF and Web MVC
  • RSF renderer (IKAT) can be used to form a Spring
    Web MVC View
  • A couple caveats
  • You lose the URL abstraction provided by RSF and
    have to manage your navigation yourself
  • You also lose the nice widgets in RSF
  • However
  • You keep the IKAT pure XHTML rendering
  • "Spring MVC Step by Step" sample treated on the
  • http//

RSF and Spring Web Flow
  • RSF integrates cleanly with both Web Flow 1.x and
    2.x (tracking trunk and milestones)
  • All RSF widgets and evolvers naturally supported,
    even those transparently using AJAX
  • Launch flows with special ViewParams
    SWFLaunchViewParams and binding bean
  • Fire flow events with special ViewParams
    SWFEventViewParams and binding bean SWFEventBean
  • Can support both old "MVC"-style flows (with
    FormAction binding) and new "JSF"-style flows
    (with framework binding) in the same environment!

Producer interacting with Spring Web Flow
for (Person colleague person.getColleagues())
UIInternalLink.make(tofill, "colleague",
colleague.getFirstName() " "
colleague.getLastName(), new
SWFEventViewParams("select", new
UIForm form UIForm.make(tofill, "form")
UICommand.make(form, "back", "SWFEventBean.back")

Web Flow Samples
  • The majority of "out of the box" SWF samples have
    been ported to RSF including recent 2.x "Hotel
    Booking Sample"
  • Sample code and live demos available online
  • All apps are "click-through-able" in the
    filesystem, unlike the non-RSF originals

(Spring Web Flow Samples Demo)
  • RSF wiki, forums and JIRA
  • http//
  • Spring framework
  • http//
  • Demos
  • http//
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