16 Ways Artificial Intelligence Can Be Used in Marketing

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16 Ways Artificial Intelligence Can Be Used in Marketing


Using Artificial Intelligence in marketing is crucial to the success of marketing campaigns. Here are 16 ways marketers are using AI to increase marketing efficiency. Have a look! – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: 16 Ways Artificial Intelligence Can Be Used in Marketing

16 Ways Artificial Intelligence Can Be Used in
  • Artificial Intelligence, in its most basic
    definition, refers to the capability of computer
    programs to predict and mimic human thoughts and
    actions. Thus, Artificial Intelligence for
    Marketers becomes increasingly helpful, as it
    allows you to better observe and predict consumer
    behavior and create delightful customer
  • AI allows for personalized communication for each
    consumer, which makes consumers connect with the
    brand better. This change in perception makes
    consumers feel valued, and a good customer-care
    experience means they will come back for more. 
  • In addition to the above, the use of AI and
    AI-based tools can help marketers automate a lot
    of their repetitive work, become more productive,
    and increase their marketing ROI.
  • The potential of AI in Marketing is massive. The
    applications of AI in marketing include, but are
    not limited to, chatbots, voice and image search,
    consumer profiling, etc. 
  • In this article, we will look at 16 ways that
    talk about how to use AI in marketing. 
  • 1. Create Better Content Faster
  • While AI cannot be used to write contextual
    pieces like Political Op-eds or an in-depth blog
    on industry-specific issues, it can prove useful
    for generating elementary content to bring in
    more traffic for your website. 

  • AI can also be used for editing content. If you
    have ever used Grammarly, you have already been
    using AI in your everyday work to make your
    content clearer and more impactful
  • Here are dome AI-driven content creation tools
    that you can explore
  • Quill  Have a marketing dashboard on data viz
    tools like Tableau or Power Bi that you want to
    summarize? Quill automatically converts your data
    into a story.
  • Wordsmith  Similar to Quill, wordsmith is
    another tool that generates millions of articles
    a year by transforming data into insightful
  • Articoolo  With Articoolo, all you need to do is
    enter your topic and word count. The tool then
    creates unique content from scratch, just like a
    human writer would!
  • MarketMuse First Draft  Marketmuse, an
    AI-powered content research and optimization tool
    has launched First Draft, which as the name
    indicates, automatically creates the first draft
    of the article, when you give it a topic with a
    basic brief.
  • 2. Write Better Ad Copies
  • Most digital advertising platforms today allow
    you to use multiple ad copies and then use
    machine learning to find the winner. Googles
    Responsive Search Ads (RSA) are a perfect example
    of this. All you need to do is create multiple
    variations and the system will pick the best
    variations, tailored for the consumer the ad is
    being shown to.

  • But how do you know if you are coming up with the
    best copies for all those variations of your ads
    and creatives? 
  • This where AI-driven copywriting tools
    like Phrasee come in. Phrasee uses data from your
    existing marketing campaigns to craft better
    data-driven messages that you can use to improve
    campaign efficiency. 
  • And whats more, the tool also understands your
    brand voice and ensures it is consistent on all
    the creatives.
  • Another tool that helps with coming up with the
    best messages to connect with your target
    audience, in your brands voice is Persado. It
    continuously learns from your data and keeps
    creating better data-driven messaging over time.
    And it works to create messaging across all your
    marketing channels.
  • 3. Create a better content strategy
  • Another application of artificial intelligence in
    marketing is using it to come up with better
    content strategies.
  • Here are some tools that can help you with
    creating an AI-powered content strategy
  • Apart from these, MarketMuse mentioned above for
    content creation, also helps in building a
    full-fledged content strategy
  • Cobomba  Cobomba helps marketers with the entire
    content marketing process right from content
    recommendations to audits and planning. It also
    helps optimize existing content and track the
    performance of all your content marketing

  • Atomic Reach Atomic Reach uses AI to help you
    edit and optimize your content. It helps you
    create better titles and also auto-generate
    content summaries, which you can use for meta
    descriptions and social media captions
  • 4 . Automate repetitive tasks
  • Applications of AI in marketing also include
    using or building programs and tools that allow
    you to automate tasks that were previously being
    done manually. 
  • Lets take an example lets say you are an SEO
    or content marketer and you are working on a site
    that has 20,000 pages, most of which have no meta
  • If you had to read content on each of these
    20,000 pages and summarize it to write a meta
    description, it would take weeks to get this
    done. And youll be mind-numbed at the end of it!
  • Even if you get an army of 10 interns to do this
    for you, it would still take at least a week and
    you would also have to coordinate and follow up
    with each of them

  • A better solution here is to use an AI-powered
    tool to automatically generate meta
    descriptions for you. Smacients Meta
    Descriptions Writer Google Sheets add-on just
    does this it uses AI-powered Natural Language
    Processing, which allows it to extract text from
    the given URLs and summarize it to generate a
    meta decsriptsoon
  • Apart from this, you can also use Python which
    has a lot of marketing applications to also help
    you automate a lot of your day-to-day boring
    repetitive tasks.
  • 5. Target the right audiences with your ads
  • Most digital advertising platforms today use
    machine learning to help you show the right ad to
    the right person at the right time and in the
    right context.
  • As a marketer, if you understand the fundamentals
    of how these systems work, you can use them to
    your advantage.
  • A simple example is Lookalike audiences in
    Facebook ads. These are audiences that Facebook
    builds which are similar to a source audience
    (custom audience) that you provide.
  • If you understand the fact that machine learning
    algorithms are only as strong as their input data
    (learning data), you would work to ensure that
    the source audiences that you use are the most

  • For example, if you had to create a lookalike of
    three custom audiences 180-day website
    visitors, 180-day add-to-carts, and 180-day
    purchasers, which one of these would give you the
    most accurate lookalike? Well obviously the
    purchase audience (provided, the size is large
    enough), since these are people who have the
    highest probability of buying from you. 
  • This might seem basic to those of you who are
    pros at performance advertising, but for those of
    you who are beginners, these are very important
    concepts to understand which will help you use
    the platforms machine learning capabilities to
    your advantage
  • Apart from having this understanding, you can
    also use tools like Albert AI to supercharge your
    performance advertising across platforms
    search, social, and programmatic. 
  • This might seem basic to those of you who are
    pros at performance advertising, but for those of
    you who are beginners, these are very important
    concepts to understand which will help you use
    the platforms machine learning capabilities to
    your advantage
  • Apart from having this understanding, you can
    also use tools like Albert AI to supercharge your
    performance advertising across platforms
    search, social, and programmatic. 
  • 6. Use Chatbots for real-time interactions
  • Chatbots are customer-interactive applications
    that solve consumer queries in real-time. It is
    not humanly possible to interact with consumers
    all day long and immediately respond to their
    queries manually. This is where the chatbot
    applications of AI in marketing come to a
    marketers rescue. 

  • multiple FAQs or any complaints they might have.
    This not only makes it easier for consumers to
    navigate through the website, but it also makes
    them feel valued. Since their troubles can be
    solved almost immediately, they are more likely
    to return to the same brand in the future as
  • However, chatbots need to be used with
    precautions. A consumer should be allowed to
    switch between chatbots, or human customer care
    executives if they so wish to. This allows for a
    flexible and accommodating experience for the
  • Tools like MobileMonkey and TARS can help you
    quickly build and deploy chatbots to enhance your
    customer experience.
  • 7 Derive better social media insights
  • Markets today have to engage with customers
    across multiple social platforms, which makes
    monitoring it all very challenging. And deriving
    actionable insights is all the more challenging.
  • AI-powered social intelligence tools
    like Linkfluence help track brand equity, detect
    social trends, monitor online reputation, and
    also identify the best social influencers to
    amplify the barn message.
  • 8 Ensure your ads are showing in the right
  • Sifting through placement reports in Google Ads
    and other platforms to find placements that
    perform and exclude those that are not, can be a
    mammoth task, especially when you have hundreds
    of thousands of placements to analyze.

  • AI to the marketers rescue! Contextual
    intelligence tool GumGum uses computer vision and
    natural language processing to scan images,
    videos, audio, and text and ensure ads are served
    dynamically, where users are most likely to see
    them. It also ensures brand safety by preventing
    ads from showing on sites that could harm your
    brands reputation.
  • 9 Use voice search to your advantage
  • Voice Search allows consumers to simply voice
    their queries into their digital devices, without
    having to type it out. 
  • With voice-activated services like Alexa, Siri,
    Google Home, etc on the rise, marketers can
    leverage these to create voice-focussed
    experiences for their target audience.
  • This would include optimizing for the answer box
    on search as well as creating Google Home Actions
    and Alexa Skills.
  • 10 Automate SEO processes
  • A lot of day-to-day SEO processes involve a lot
    of manual repetitive work.
  • Apart from the example of writing meta
    descriptions mentioned above, there are many
    other tasks, where using AI can help.
  • For example, we all know how important internal
    linking is to SEO. Lets say you have started
    working on a new SEO project and want to get
    ideas on which internal pages you could link to.
    If you are not too familiar with the site and its
    contents, this could take you a very long time. A
    tool like Smacients Interlinking Opportunities
    Finder can help you save a ton of time. All you
    need to do is enter the page URL and the tool
    would suggest relevant anchor text and pages it
    could link to.

  • Another use case is paraphrasing. When you have
    to create multiple variations of text on your
    pages, to prevent duplicate content issues you
    could use Natural Language Processing algorithm
    to your advantage and get the same done much
    faster than getting a team of people to do it.
  • 11 Profile your audience better 
  • Customer Profiling refers to marketers making
    extensive profiles on their customers, by
    extracting and analyzing as much data about them
    as possible. These profiles include data like
    their demographics, expectations, beliefs,
    behavioral patterns, etc.
  • These data points can be used to analyze the
    customers purchasing patterns, and then group
    customers on the basis of shared patterns. These
    groups, called segments, can be used to create
    customized communication strategies with the
    customers, to identify target audiences, to
    predict the purchase decisions a group might
    make, and then use that knowledge to come up with
    strategies that increase average customer
    purchase value, and so on. 
  • 12 Leverage predictive analytics
  • While it is important for businesses to gain new
    customers, it is also equally, if not more,
    important for them to keep their existing
    consumer base. Statistically, strategies to get
    new customers cost more than keeping the
    pre-existing customers happy. Marketers can work
    out how to use AI in marketing by using
    predictive analytics that is to say, you can
    use available data and common trends to predict
    if any of your existing customers are on their
    way to stop using your product/service. You can
    then deploy tactics to keep them engaged / happy
    and prevent them from leaving.

  • Apart from predicting customer churn and reducing
    it, you can also use tools like Pattern89 to
    predict which creatives would work, even before
    you launch your campaign! Imagine how much
    marketing money this could save you if you didnt
    have to run an A/B test and wait for the data to
    help you find the winner. All that money and time
    spent testing could now be deployed elsewhere to
    increase your marketing ROI.
  • 13 Create personalized website experiences
  • Another way to use artificial intelligence in
    marketing is by making the website experience
    itself something that is suited to the consumers
  • You could ensure that each site visitor gets
    content based on their past interactions on the
    site. This keeps them engaged and makes them want
    to come back for more.
  • Imagine what your website could do if it
    recommended content to your users, just like how
    Netflix does in a highly personalized manner! 
  • A tool that helps here is PathFactory, which
    creates AI-driven content journeys based on the
    individuals content consumption data.
  • 14 Create hyper-personalized emails
  • Artificial Intelligence can be used to compose
    personalized emails for one-on-one interactions
    with customers. 

  • Dell reported a very high return on investment
    rate after employing artificial intelligence in
    marketing for their emails. Doing so involved
    dividing their wide consumer base into multiple
    segments based on their purchase patterns, age
    group, and other such data which would impact
    their buying decisions. These segments were then
    sent customized emails and newsletters with
    headlines and subject details that were most
    suited to catch their attention. Once a target
    audience had been set, Dell could further entice
    them with customized discounts and offers. After
    employing this AI technology, Dell reported an
    increase in both click-through rates and
  • Customized emails not only provide consumers with
    deals best for them, thereby increasing chances
    of them remaining loyal buyers, but also provides
    a human element in an otherwise technical
    industry. This human element, which can make
    consumers feel valued can be all the difference
    between customers who return for further
    purchases and customers who dont. 
  • An example of a tool that helps with this is Rasa
    IO, which helps brands create Smart Newsletters
    to boost customer engagement and sales 
  • 15 Qualify your leads and nurture them 
  • As a marketer, one of your key goals is to send
    quality leads to the sales team and also nurture
    those leads until they convert.
  • Exceed AI is an AI-powered lead conversion
    automation platform that automatically qualifies
    your leads by asking them relevant qualifying
    questions in human-like conversations, before
    passing them on to sales.
  • This could help bring sales and marketing in
    perfect alignment and grow revenues for the

  • 16 Create unique marketing campaigns
  • With every brand trying to engage customers on
    digital media, there is a lot of noise and
    clutter out there.
  • If you want your marketing campaigns to drive
    real impact you would need to be creative and
  • If you think creativity is only within the ambit
    of humans, think twice! You could use AI to your
    advantage when it comes to creativity as well
    take a look at this example from Nutella in
    Italy. The Nutella Unica campaign used AI to
    generate millions of unique package designs which
    acted as prized collectibles, that consumers
    rushed to buy. Apart from driving sales the
    campaign also created a lot of social media
    chatter that helped the brand drive awareness and
  • Conclusion
  • In this day and age, when consumers are spoilt
    for choice between multiple brands in the market,
    it becomes necessary to make them feel valued in
    order to ensure their loyalty.
  • Human capital alone is no longer enough to drive
    delightful customer experience in the fast-paced
    world that we live in. With the pace only going
    to increase, it is important for marketers to
    realize that it is not marketers vs AI but
    marketers plus AI that would allow marketers to
    be more productive, drive better impact, and
    improve marketing ROI while ensuring that our
    marketing campaigns continue to have the most
    important human touch. 
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