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    Resort in nubra valley - Lchang Nang Retreat PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Title: Resort in nubra valley - Lchang Nang Retreat - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Description: Lchang Nang is a destination created for travellers in search of peace and tranquility. Combining comfort and simplicity, it pays homage to its local heritage via its links to the local community and the local culture. Our library, still at a budding stage, offers a unique collection of archives on the local fauna, wildlife, Buddhist culture and Silk Route history . Lchang Nang aims to play a role in reducing Ladakh’s carbon footprint. The retreat is fully solar powered and plastic containers are kept to a minimum. In the coming years we plans to grow and source most of its operational needs locally. Lchang Nang also maintains a vision for a sustainable future through eco-conscious initiatives. For example, the property is primarily powered through solar energy, which is plentiful in sunny Ladakh. We also offer our guests filtered glacial snowmelt for both drinking and bathing purposes, reducing our reliance on single use plastics. For more info visit: – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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