Title: University of SaskatchewanSeminar 8 October 2004 Markku Peltoniemi Helsinki University of Technology (TKK)
1University of Saskatchewan Seminar 8 October
2004Markku Peltoniemi Helsinki University of
Technology (TKK)
- Current Trends in Airborne Geophysics
- Quick Overview
- High-Accuracy GPS
- Aeromagnetic Method
- Gradient measurements
- Airborne Electromagnetics
- Depth of penetration
- Airborne Gamma-Ray Spectrometry
- Spectral component analysis
- Airborne Gravity
- Wavelet Analysis
3Quick Overview How and Why Airborne Geophysics
Aircraft Sensors
(Geological Survey of Finland GTK Cessna Caravan)
4(GTK 2003) Twin Otter
Cessna Caravan
Instrumentation Data Acquisition
5Digital Data Quality Control
(GTK 2003)
6Digital Images Interpretation
7GPS (Global Positioning System)
The travel time of the signal from a satellite to
a receiver is measured and converted into a
precise distance
24 satellites z 20.200 km t 11 h 58 min
8GPS Pseudo-Range ri c Dt
DGPS using two receivers, one stationary, one
9GPS Signal Structure
10New DGPS Developments - VRS
- VRS Virtual Reference Station
- carrier wave phase measurements closely-spaced
stationary receivers - cm-range accuracy
(Landau et al. 2001)
11VRS Service in Finland
opened in Dec. 2003, full coverage in 2005
(Hakli 2004)
12VRS Accuracy
(Hakli 2004)
- Rock magnetism
- Gradient measurements
- Levelling of aeromagnetic data
14Rock Magnetism Crustal Field
- Mi kH (induced magnetisation)
- Mtot Mi Mr (total induced remanent
magnetisation) - Measured field
- Bt moH moMi moMr
- mo(1k)H moMr
- demagnetisation term
- high-magnetisation effects
15Aeromagnetic Gradient Measurements
- Advantages
- temporal field variations are cancelled
- near-surface source effects increase
- contact effects increase
- gridding accuracy is improved
- Difficulties
- increased accuracy in data acquisition is needed
- increased accuracy in navigation and positioning
is needed
16HM5 Gradiometer / Fugro AS350 helicopter
17Magnetic Gradiometer (Sander Cessna Caravan)
18AM Horizontal Gradient Gridding
Bps Blinja Dy ()dypsDy measured
dBt/dyBlinja (BleftBright)/2
19AM Horizontal Gradient
(GTK 2003)
20TRIAX / Fugro
source between flight lines
21Factors Affecting AM Accuracy
Table summarizes the sources of, and typical
ranges of, expected noise for various types of
aeromagnetic surveys. SURVEY ACCURACY (in nT)
Survey sensor Alkali Vapor Proton Fluxgate Res
olution .01 -.25 .1 - 1 .1 - 2 Instrumental
error .01 - .5 .1 - 1. .5 - 1. Diurnal etc. .5
- 2. .5 - 2 .5 - 2 Positioning Errors .25 -
5 .25 - 5 .25 - 5 Total .77 - 4.75 .95 -
9 1.35 - 10 As is evident in this table, the
major noise sources are the temporal changes and
positioning errors.
22 Levelling Datasetsfrom Different Surveys
60 surveys in Alaska unlevelled local
levelling corrections final levelling
corrections, including long-wavelength
corrections (IGRF)
23Airborne Electromagnetic Method
GTK Cessna Caravan AEM - wingtip intallation 2
frequencies, rigid-coil system (HMD)
24Helicopter AEM Frequency Domain Fugro RESOLVE
rigid-coil system
25Time Domain Towed Bird AEM
Fugro Airborne Surveys
26Helicopter AEM in Time Domain
Aeroquest AEROTEM
Geotech VTEM
Rationale Improved Spatial Resolution
27Skin Depth vs Depth of Penetration
Skin depth di is defined as the depth at which
the intensity of EM field in a conductive medium
is deceased into 1/e (37 ) from the original
value at the surface. Skin depth for a plane wave
excitation is defined easily as di ????????
503v(r/f ) (m) 1D Skin depth is a measure
for electrical attenuation of EM field in a
conductive (lossy) medium. Geometrical
attenuation is determined by the geometry of the
source, and in case of dipolar AEM sources is
governed by the basic formula
Both types of attenuation affect AEM measurements
283D Skin Depth Footprint
(Beamish 2004)
29AEM TD dB/dt vs BMegatem (Fugro)
30Response Function in Time Domain
traditional (dB/dt signal) new (B
TD Quadrature systems
(Smith Annan 1998)
31TD In-phase Component(On-time new)
32Broadband AEM (new)
- Frequency range                       300 Hz to
48 kHz - Number of frequencies             Programmable
(typically 5) - GEM-2A is a programmable, broadband EM sensor.
The system utilizes a single set of
transmitter-receiver coils for all frequencies
GEM-2A (Geophex)
33Time DomainS/N-Ratio andPenetrationFugro
GEOTEM noise levels in
(Smith Annan 1997)
34State-of-the-Art AEM Inversion Display
US DoE / Fugro
35State-of-the-Art AEM Forward Modelling
coaxial HEM Inphase the barren in red the
target in blue
(Raiche et al., 2003)
36Airborne Gamma-Ray Spectrometry
KUTh map on topographic relief
(AGSO Journal 1997 Vol 17 No 2)
37Cumulative Gamam-Ray Spectrum
(GTK 2003)
38Noise in Airborne g-Ray Measurements
- Statistical noise
- Radioactivity is a statistical phenomenon
(Poisson process). If N counts per unit time are
measured, the standard deviation is s ÖN - Relative noise De due to low count rate N is
- De ÖN / N 100
- Athmospheric radon
- Meteorological factors - Rn222 half-life is 3.82
39Noise Filtering
40Noise Filtering Principal Component Analysis
principal components 1 - 4
(Grasty Hovgaard 1997)
41Noise Filtering Principal Component Analysis
principal components 5 - 8
(Grasty Hovgaard 1997)
42Uraniumresults before and after processing
(Grasty Hovgaard 1997)
43U Map, Incomplete Rn Correction
(AGSO Journal 1997 Vol 17 No 2)
44U Map after Background Rn Correction
(AGSO Journal 1997 Vol 17 No 2)
45K,U,Th (IHS Color Scheme) on 3D Relief
(IAEA Tech Doc 1363, 2003)
46BHP Billiton FALCONTM airborne gravity meter
Airborne Gravity
47Gravity Gradient Sensors
48Partial Gravity Tensor Measurement
49Eotvos Correction Two parts 1) Aircraft
acceleration gd 2) Coriolis force (deviation of
aircracft acceleration from that of normal
centrifugal acceleration of the Earth) -gt gm -gt
Eotvos correction Eotvos unit 1 Eo 10-4
mGal / m , or 10-9 1/s2
50Example of Eotvos Correction
(Peltonemi Pirttivaara 2002)
Cross Section
Ground colour FalconTM contours
(ASEG 2001 Melbourne)
52Full Tensor Gradiometer
- introduced by Bell Geospace in 2004
- three perpendicular, rotating inertial platforms
- two pairs of accelerometers on every rotating
(ASEG Preview August 2003 p. 22)
53Fourier vs Wavelet Analysis
- The Fourier power spectrum will tell you that
there are two assemblages of sources, shallow and
deep - this is useful - The problem is that the Fourier analysis does not
tell you, where these sources are located (x,y)
(G.Cooper 2002)
54Problems with Fourier Transform
- Instability Stationarity requirement
- Trend in data
(G.Cooper 2002)
55Problems with the Fourier Power Spectrum
(Phase spectra will tell that the two series are
different, but not how in space domain)
(G.Cooper 2002)
56The Wavelet Transform
- Capable of analysing non-stationary signals!
(energy of the wavelength)
time (or position)
(G.Cooper 2002)