Celebrate; Prepare the way of the Lord; Riding out across the desert; Peace to you; Silver star; O Little town; Little drummer boy; Hark the herald; Christmas is here; Child in a manger born; The gift; Unto us a child is born; Thorns in the straw; Look - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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About This Presentation

Celebrate; Prepare the way of the Lord; Riding out across the desert; Peace to you; Silver star; O Little town; Little drummer boy; Hark the herald; Christmas is here; Child in a manger born; The gift; Unto us a child is born; Thorns in the straw; Look


For today in Bethlehem The love ... Lord has come Let earth receive her king Let e-ev-vr-ry hear-ar-art Pre pare-are Hi-im roo-oo-oom And hea ven and na ture ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Celebrate; Prepare the way of the Lord; Riding out across the desert; Peace to you; Silver star; O Little town; Little drummer boy; Hark the herald; Christmas is here; Child in a manger born; The gift; Unto us a child is born; Thorns in the straw; Look

Celebrate Prepare the way of the Lord
Riding out across the desert Peace to you
Silver star O Little town Little drummer boy
Hark the herald Christmas is here Child in a
manger born The gift Unto us a child is born
Thorns in the straw Look to the skies No room
at the inn See amid the winters snow Joy to the
world Turn down the lights.
Riding out across the desert
Riding out across the d-e-sert, travelling over
sandy plains,Comes a com-pan-y of wise
men, moving stead-il-y along their way. Leaving
all their friends be-hi-nd them, guided by a star
so bright,Now they've got to keep on
go-ing, must not let the star get out of sight.
Ri-ding through the d-e-sert, gently the wise
men go,Onward to the King, who, was promised
long ago But they don't know where they're
going to f-ind himThere's many towns to search,
so they'll keep on following the star,For it
will take them to his place of birth.
Wise men on their desert j-our-ney, travelled
many miles so far,Though they're getting tired
and wear-y, town of Bethlehem is not too
far. How they long to worship J-e-sus, and
honour him with royal gifts,Hearts are full of
joy and won-der, as they're searching for the new
born King.
Ri-ding through the d-e-sert, gently the wise
men go,Onward to the King, who, was promised
long ago But they don't know where they're
going to f-ind himThere's many towns to search,
so they'll keep on following the star,For it
will take them to his place of birth. END ?
Prepare the way of the Lord
? The king is coming, a voice is calling Prepare
the way of the Lord God comes among us, behold
his glory Prepare the way of the Lord
Get ready for joy, Get ready for love The
Christmas hope Immanuel is coming to us Get
ready for truth, Get ready for life The long
awaited saviour king is soon to arrive
? The ancient prophets foretell his
coming Prepare the way of the Lord The Christmas
angels resound in singing Prepare the way of the
Get ready for joy, Get ready for love The
Christmas hope Immanuel is coming to us Get
ready for truth, Get ready for life The long
awaited saviour king is soon to
arrive Instrumental WATCH ?
WATCH ? People, get ready People, get
ready Prepare the way of the ?Lord People, get
ready People, get ready Prepare the way of the ?
Lord People, get ready People, get ready Prepare
the way of the ? Lord (hold)
Get ready for joy, Get ready for love The
Christmas hope Immanuel is coming to us Get
ready for truth, Get ready for life The long
awaited saviour king is soon to arrive Repeat
Get ready for joy, Get ready for love The
Christmas hope Immanuel is coming to us Get
ready for truth, Get ready for life The long
awaited saviour king is soon to arrive END ?
Joy to the World
? Joy to the world the Lord has come Let earth
receive her king Let e-ev-vr-ry hear-ar-art Pre
pare-are Hi-im roo-oo-oom And hea ven and na ture
sing A-nd hea ven and na ture sing A-nd hea-ven,
and he-ea-ven, and na-ture sing
? Joy to the world, the Saviour reigns! Let men,
their songs, employ While fie-lds a-nd fl-o-ods,
rocks, hi-lls a-nd pla-i-ns Repeat the sounding
joy, Repeat the sounding joy, Re-peat, repeat,
the sounding joy.
? He rules the world with truth and grace And
makes, the na-tions prove The gl-or-ies o-o-of
His ri-ght-eous-n-ess The wonders of His
love The wonders of His love The won-ders, the
wo-on-nd-ers, of His love END ?
Child in a manger born
Child in a manger born, Lies in a cattle
stall. Safely Hes sleeping, Mary is keeping
close beside her baby so small. Angels watch
over Him, Softly their praises sing. Voices
ascending Joy never-ending Glory be to Jesus the
? And God in the heavens above, Looks down with a
heart full of love. Leaving their flocks
behind, Shepherds have come to find Jesus the
Saviour, Lord of all ages, Here within the stable
? And God in the heavens above, Looks down with a
heart full of love. Wise men from far and
wide, Kneel at the babys side. Gazing in
wonder, Praising the Son who Came to Earth to lay
down his life.
? And God in the heavens above, Looks down with a
heart full of love. ? SOLO Child in a manger
born I want to know you more Know you are near
me Love you more dearly Jesus, my Lord. END ?
? All around the world its Christmas time
Everywhere resounds with joy-ful
sing-ing People join together from afar Every
land and every tongue rejoicing.
? Cel-e-brate, everybody Welcome him, the king
of glory Hope is here, the saving one Love has
come for us Dance and sing, come adore
him Shout for joy, bow before him Tell the world
of all hes done Love has come for us
? Raise a prayer of praise this Christmas
time Saying thank you for the gift of Jesus A
perfect life of love and sacrifice Born to die
and raised to life to save us
? Cel-e-brate, everybody Welcome him, the king
of glory Hope is here, the saving one Love has
come for us Dance and sing, come adore
him Shout for joy, bow before him Tell the world
of all hes done Love has come for us
Cel-e-brate, ev-ry-?body Cel-e-brate,
ev-ry-?body ? Cel-e-brate, everybody Welcome
him, the king of glory Hope is here, the saving
one Love has come for us Dance and sing, come
adore him Shout for joy, bow before him Tell the
world of all hes done Love has come for us. END
Silver Star
? SOLO Silver star__, shining out over
Bethlehem Lead worshipers from afar, Inspiring
and guiding them They look for the infant
king, With their gifts they will honour him And
love in their hearts they bring, True service to
offer him
? Holy night__, for a pilgrim to journey
through O traveller, seek the light, That
welcomes and beckons you You come to the brink of
heaven, To the gateway of paradise For you has
the child been given, On you shall the sun arise
? Silent sky__, full of wonder and mystery The
splendour of God most high, The mantle of
majesty Yet God lays aside his crown, O give
praise to the mighty Lord And for our release
comes down, O welcome the living word END ?
O Little Town
? O little town o-of B-e-e-e-thlehem, How still
we see you l-i-i-i-ie! A-bove your deep and
dr-ea-m-less sleep Th-e si-lent stars g-o-o
by-y-y Yet in the dark str-ee-ts shining Is
everlasting light The hopes and fears of all the
years Are met in you ? to-night.
? For Christ is born of M-a-a-ry And, gath-ered
all a-a-bove, While mortals sleep, the
a-a-n-gels keep Their watch of wondring
l-o-ve. O morning stars to-gether Proclaim the
ho-l-y birth, And praises sing to God the
King, And peace to men ? on earth.
? How si-lent-ly, how si-i-ilently, The won-drous
gift i-i-is g-i-i-iven! So, God imparts to
h-u-u-man hearts The bless-ings of H-i-is
h-ea-ven. No ear may hear His coming But in
this world of sin, Where meek souls will receive
Him, still The dear Christ en-?ters in.
? O holy child of B-e-e-thlehem, De-scend to-oo
us we-e-e pr-ay-ay Cast out our sin and
en-en-enter in Be born i-i-in us to-oo-day. We
hear the Christmas angels The great glad tidings
tell O come to us, abide with us Our Lord
Em-man-?uel. END ?
Peace to you
  • SOLO (1 of 3)
  • Peace to you___
  • We bless you now in the name of the Lord.
  • Peace to you___
  • We bless you now in the name of the Prince of
  • Peace to you___

(2 of 3) Peace to you___ We bless you now in the
name of the Lord. Peace to you___ We bless you
now in the name of the Prince of Peace Peace to
(3 of 3) Peace to you___ We bless you now in the
name of the Lord. Peace to you___ We bless you
now in the name of the Prince of Peace Peace to
you___. Peace to you___. Peace to you______. END
Christmas is here
Christmas is here__, another year
en-ding Candles are burn-ing and fires
a-light Carols are sung, presents are
gi-ven Re-mem-ber-ing tales of that first holy
Gods blessing this Christmas To you and your
loved ones May you know peace and joy that He
brings Look on to the new year And all it will
offer For our hopes and our longings and dreams
Hear sleigh bells ring__, listen to
singing Pro-claim-ing the won-der-ous gift come
to earth Famlies and friends, gather
together For this is the season of our saviours
Gods blessing this Christmas To you and your
loved ones May you know peace and joy that He
brings Look on to the new year And all it will
offer For our hopes and our longings and
dreams END ?
Unto us a child is born
? Unto us a child is born, Unto us a son is
given. He shall reign in all the earth, He will
be called Emmanuel! ? Unto us a child is
born, Unto us a son is given. He shall reign in
all the earth, He will be called Emmanuel!
Angel voices sing, Hallelujahs ring, For today in
Bethlehem The love of God has come to men, The
Saviour of the world is Christ the King___!
? Unto us a child is born, Unto us a son is
given. He shall reign in all the earth, He will
be called Emmanuel! ? Unto us a child is
born, Unto us a son is given. He shall reign in
all the earth, He will be called Emmanuel!
Leave your cares aside, Seek and you will
find, For today in Bethlehem The love of God has
come to men, The Saviour of the world is Jesus
? Unto us a child is born, Unto us a son is
given. He shall reign in all the earth, He will
be called Emmanuel! ? Unto us a child is
born, Unto us a son is given. He shall reign in
all the earth, He will be called Emmanuel!
Come let us adore, Now and evermore. For today in
Bethlehem The love of God has come to men, The
Saviour of the world is Christ the Lord___!
? Unto us a child is born, Unto us a son is
given. He shall reign in all the earth, He will
be called Emmanuel! ? Unto us a child is
born, Unto us a son is given. He shall reign in
all the earth, He will be called Emmanuel!
? Unto us a child is born, Unto us a son is
given. He shall reign in all the earth, He will
be called Emmanuel! END ?
Little drummer boy
  • SOLO ?
  • Come__ they told mePa rum pum pum pum
  • A new born King to seePa rum pum pum pum
  • Our fin-est gifts we bringPa rum pum pum pum

  • SOLO ?
  • To lay before the KingPa rum pum pum pum,rum
    pum pum pum,rum pum pum pumSo__ to honour
    HimPa rum pum pum pumWhen we come

? Lit-tle babyPa rum pum pum pum I am a poor
boy tooPa rum pum pum pum I have no gift to
bringPa rum pum pum pum
? That's fit to give our KingPa rum pum pum
pum,rum pum pum pum,rum pum pum pumShall__ I
play for youPa rum pum pum pumOn my drum
? Ma-ry noddedPa rum pum pum pum The ox and
lamb kept timePa rum pum pum pum I played my
drum for HimPa rum pum pum pum
? I played my best for HimPa rum pum pum
pum,rum pum pum pum,rum pum pum pumThen__ He
smiled at mePa rum pum pum pumMe and my
drum END ?
Hark the herald
? Hark! The her-ald angels si-ng,Glor-y to the
new-born KingPeace on earth, and mer-cy
mi-ld,God and sin-ners re-con-ciled! ?Joy-ful,
all ye na-tions rise,? Join the tri-umph of the
ski-es? With angelic host pro-claim,Christ
i-is born in Beth-le-hem! Hark! the her-ald
angels sing,Glor-y to the new born King!
? Christ, by high-est Heavn a-doredChrist the
e-ver-last-ing LordLate in time, be-hold Him
co-me,Off-spring of a virgins womb. ? Veiled
in flesh the God head see,? Hail thincarn-ate
De-i-ty,? Pleased as man with man to
dwell Je-sus, our Em-man-uel. Hark! the her-ald
angels sing,Glor-y to the new born King!
? Hail the he'n-born Prince of Pea-ce!Hail the
Son of Right-eous-ness!Light and life to all He
bri-ngsRis'n with hea-ling in His wings. ? Mild
he lays his glo-ry b-y,? Born that man no more
may d-ie,? Born to raise the sons of Earth Born
to-oo give them se-cond birth Hark! the her-ald
angels sing,Glor-y to the new born King! END ?
Thorns in the straw
? SOLO Verse 1Since the day the angel came It
seemed that everything had changed.The only
certain thing, was the child that moved within.
On the road that would not end, Winding down to
Bethlehem, So far away from home___ Into verse 2
? SOLO Verse 2Just a blanket on the floor Of a
vacant cattle stall But there the child was
born She held him in her arms And as she laid him
down to sleep She wondered will it always be So
bitter and so sweet Into Chorus
? SOLO ChorusAnd did she see there___ In the
straw, by his head, a thorn. And did she smell
myrrh___ In the air on that starry night. And did
she hear an___gels sing not so far away, Till at
last the sun___ rose blood-red in the morning
sky. Into Verse 3 (ALL)
? ALL Verse 3Then the words of ancient
seers Tumbled down the centuries A virgin shall
conceive God with us Prince of Peace Man of
Sorrow strangest name Oh Joseph ? there is
comes again So bitter yet so sweet Into Verse 4
? ALL Verse 4And she watched him through the
years Her joy was mingles with the tears And
shed feel it all again The glory, and the
shame And when the miracles began She wondered ?
who is this man And where will this all
end. Into Chorus (ALL)
? Chorus (ALL)And did she see there___ In the
straw, by his head, a thorn. And did she smell
myrrh___ In the air on that starry night. And did
she hear an___gels sing not so far away, Till at
last the sun___ rose blood-red in the morning
sky. ? Into Verse 5 (SOLO)
? SOLO Verse 5Til Against a darkening sky The
son she loved was lifted high And with his dying
breath She heard him say Father forgive And to
the criminal beside Today with me in
Paradise So bitter yet so sweet. END ?
Look to the skies
? Look to the skies, there's a cel-e-brationLift
up your heads, join the an-gel songFor our
Creator becomes our Savi-our(rest) As a baby
born!Angels, amazed, bow in ad-or-a-tion'Glory
to God in the highest heaven!'Send the good news
out to every nation (rest) For our hope has come
? (34) Worship the King__ (56) Come, see His
brightness Worship the King___ His wonders
tell Jesus our King___ is born today we(ALL)
Welcome You, Emmanuel
? Won-der-ful Coun-se-llor, Migh-ty GodFa-ther
for ev-er, the Prince of PeaceThere'll be no end
to Your rule of jus-tice (rest)For it shall
in-crease__ Light of Your face, come to pierce
our dark-nessJoy of Your heart come to chase our
gloomStar of the morn-ing, a new day
dawn-ing(rest) Make our hearts Your home
? (34) Worship the King__ (56) Come, see His
brightness Worship the King___ His wonders
tell Jesus our King___ is born today we(ALL)
Welcome You, Emmanuel
? Quiet-ly He came as a help-less ba-byOne day
in power He will come a-gainSwift through the
skies He will ? burst with splen-dour (rest)On
the earth to reignJe-sus, I bow at Your man-ger
lowlyNow in my life let Your will be doneLive
in my flesh by Your Spi-rit holy(rest) Till Your
King-dom comes
? (34) Worship the King__ (56) Come, see His
brightness Worship the King___ His wonders
tell Jesus our King___ is born today we (ALL)
Welcome You, Emmanuel. END ?
No room at the inn
? No room at the inn! All res-er-vations were
made in the Spring. Were full to the brim, Sorry
we cant let you in. No room at the inn! Were
fully booked and the partys in swing. Please,
pardon the din, Sorry we cant let you in.
? Mary Joseph tell me what your gonna do?
There is no way youll be get-ting bed and
breakfast for 2.
? No room at the inn! Id say your chances are
probably slim. Weve not got a thing Sorry we
cant let you in. No room at the inn! Just take
a look at the state that were in. Say, where
have you been Sorry we cant let you in.
? Mary Joseph tell me what your gonna do?
There is no way youll be get-ting bed and
breakfast for 2.
? No room at the inn! Everyones saying the very
same thing. Wedtake anything Somebody please
let us in. ? INSTRUMENTAL then ?
? ? Weve room at the inn! It would-nt exact-ly
be fit for a King Here give me your things
Hope you dont mind mucking in. END ?
The gift
? Over two thousand year ago Under a star lit
sky Many e-vents were taking place As the
ancients had prophesised And a gift was given
from heaven to Earth, The ever lasting light So,
let us adore the Saviour born Immanuel, here
? Heavenly hosts of angels Praising God on
high Sang of the promised child to come The
Saviour Jesus Christ And a gift was given from
heaven to Earth, The ever lasting light So, let
us adore the Saviour born Immanuel, here tonight.
? Darkness was over Bethlehem Brightly the star
did shine Showing the way to where he lay In a
manger for all to find. And a gift was given
from heaven to Earth, The ever lasting light So,
let us adore the Saviour born Immanuel, here
? Never before in history Had there been such a
sight For G-od was born in human form For the
s-ake of all mankind And a gift was given from
heaven to Earth, The ever lasting light So, let
us adore the Saviour born Immanuel, here
tonight. So END ?
See amid the winters snow
? SOLO See amid the winter's snow,Born for us on
earth below,See the tender Lamb
appears,Promised from eternal years. ? Hail,
thou ever-blessed morn!Hail, redemption's happy
dawn!Sing through all Jer-u-sa-lem,Christ is
born in Bethlehem.
? ALL Lo, within a manger liesHe who built the
starry skiesHe who throned in height
sub-limeSits amid the cher-u-bim. ? Hail, thou
ever-blessed morn!Hail, redemption's happy
dawn!Sing through all Jer-u-sa-lem,Christ is
born in Bethlehem.
? Say, ye holy shepherds, sayWhat your joy-ful
news to-dayWhere-fore have ye left your
sheepOn the lone-ly mountain steep? ? Hail,
thou ever-blessed morn!Hail, redemption's happy
dawn!Sing through all Jer-u-sa-lem,Christ is
born in Bethlehem.
? As we watched at dead of night,Lo, we saw a
wondrous lightAngels sing-ing peace on
earthTold us of the Sa-viour's birth. ? Hail,
thou ever-blessed morn!Hail, redemption's happy
dawn!Sing through all Jer-u-sa-lem,Christ is
born in Bethlehem.
? Sacred in-fant, all div-ine,What a tender
love was thine,Thus to come from high-est
blissDown to such a world as this. ? Hail,
thou ever-blessed morn!Hail, redemption's happy
dawn!Sing through all Jer-u-sa-lem,Christ is
born in Bethlehem.
? Teach, O teach us, Holy Child,By Thy Face so
meek and mild,Teach us to re-sem-ble Thee,In
Thy Sweet hu-mil-ity! ? Hail, thou ever-blessed
morn!Hail, redemption's happy dawn!Sing through
all Jer-u-sa-lem,Christ is born in
Bethlehem. END ?
Turn down the lights
  • ? Turn down the lights and watch the fire
  • Colours burn bright and warm
  • Now is the time for waiting and knowing
  • Christmas will come with the dawn

  • ? Dark is the night and gentle the snowing
  • Silently white it falls
  • Calm is the sight and soft the wind blowing
  • Quietly come Christmas morn
  • Into Chorus

  • ? Night before Christmas the world is at home
  • This day is over and done
  • Treasure the moment when everythings still
  • Soon Christmas morning will come

  • ? Under the tree the presents lie gleaming
  • Ribboned and wrapped and signed
  • No-one can see but everyones dreaming
  • Thoughts of the secrets inside
  • Into Chorus

  • ? Night before Christmas the world is at home
  • This day is over and done
  • Treasure the moment when everythings still
  • Soon Christmas morning will come

  • ? All through the house a slumber is falling
  • Settle you down to sleep
  • No need to frown, it soon will be morning
  • All your surprises will keep
  • Into Chorus

  • ? Night before Christmas the world is at home
  • This day is over and done
  • Treasure the moment when everythings still
  • Soon Christmas morning will come
  • Repeat

  • ? Night before Christmas the world is at home
  • This day is over and done
  • Treasure the moment when everythings still
  • Soon Christmas morning will come
  • END ?
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