Title: STAY%20ON%20TARGET%20Reducing%20your%20stress%20by%20managing%20your%20time
1STAY ON TARGETReducing your stress by managing
your time
- Presented by
- Patrick Jacobo, C.M.T.
- Blackberrys, iPhones, iPods, iPads, MacBooks,
Kindles, Nooks, Notebooks and Pagers
4Time Management Courses, Seminars and Classes
- Various CAMSS Chapter Meetings discussing time
- Company Sponsored Time Management Training Courses
- AMA American Management Association
- Palm Pilot or any PDA (personal digital assistant)
5The problem IS TIME WASTED
6Real Time Wasters?
7Or Real Time Wasters?
Medical Staff Professionals Daily Schedule 800
Report to work, coffee in hand 830 Listen to
Voicemail 900 Open Outlook and
shuffle papers on desk 930 Review e-mails and
answer the easy ones 1000 Place
a few calls
8Or Real Time Wasters?
Medical Staff Professionals Daily Schedule -
Cont. 1030 1200 Staff Meeting 1048 Text
Messages from Doctor 1100 Department Manager
Report 1112 Text Messages from Dept.
Chair 1130 Credentialing Coordinator
Update 1136 Text Messages to Chief of
Staff 1145 Medical Staff Coordinators
Report 1155 Check
Text Messages
9Or Real Time Wasters?
Medical Staff Professionals Daily Schedule
Cont. 1200 1230 Lunch 1230 130
Medical Staff Committee Meeting 130 230
Meeting with the boss 230 300 Coffee
Run 300 400 Meeting with Chief of
Staff who is also
drinking coffee
10Or Real Time Wasters?
- Medical Staff Professionals Daily Schedule
Cont. - 400 500
- Call from attorney Prepare minutes for meetings
Review license renewals for physicians
Research Ongoing Professional Practice
Evaluations (OPPE) Schedule Judicial Review
Hearings Scan old files and documents
Maintain accurate records Prepare agenda
packets Write QA letters to physicians
Prepare updates on by-laws, policies and
procedures Review update with Joint Commission
and CMS standards Deal with pending legal
issues Make certain that physicians have the
needed current competences for privileges
requested Tracking down various agenda items
for approval from others in the organization
Assist staff when warranted Provide updates to
superiors Return telephone - calls
Answer e-mails - 530 Go HomeIf youre lucky!!!
11The question
12The Question
- One Whos the Boss of you?
- Two What are the Distractions?
- Three When are you going to get it accomplished?
- Four Where did you leave it?
- Five Why do YOU allow it?
- Six How you can master your time!
13Is It Fixed or Can It be Moved?
- How many hours do you have in your work week?
- 45 50
- What is the distinct difference between real time
and artificial time? - Real time is time that you do not control.
- Artificial time is time that you control.
- Appointment (Real Time)
- A fixed mutual agreement for a meeting or
engagement - A meeting set for a specific time and/or place
- Task (Artificial Time)
- An assigned job
- A piece of work that somebody is given, usually
short in duration yet has a deadline
14The solution
15Focus on the Targets Bulls-Eye first.
- The question that need to be asked and
answeredand only you can answer it... - Is it imperative? Is it important? Is it not
16Sowhere should your time be spent?
- Judicial Review Hearings
- Minutes for meetings
- Tracking down various agenda items for approval
from others in the organization - Research Ongoing Professional Practice
Evaluations (OPPE) - Updates on by-laws, policies and procedures
- QA letters to physicians
- Pending legal issues
- Prepare agenda packets
- Expireables License, DEA, OIG, Malpractice, etc.
- Keeping current with Joint Commission standards
- Make certain that physicians have the needed
current competences for privileges requested - Maintain accurate records.
- Assisting others when needed
- Providing updates to superiors
- Scanning old files and docs.
- Filing
- Answering calls
- Answering e-mails
- Medical Staff deposits
- Overall process review How to streamline the
process - Student orientation
17The action plan
18Keeping Yourself ON TARGET Is As Easy As ABC and
1 2 3
Hibernate You need a minimum 20 to 30 minutes
of personal think time, EACH AND EVERY MORNING,
to prepare your productive dayevery day!
Create your Target What are todays
Bulls-Eye business items?
Assign a letter to each item A Imperative B
Important C Everything else
Assign a numeric value to each item for each
letter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 etc.
Determine When you will deal with the pests!
19(No Transcript)
20(No Transcript)
21(No Transcript)
22Ideas for creating more time
- Close the Open Door policy
- Limit non-vital visitors to three minutes or less
- Select specific times to look at and answer
- Delegate your large target into several small
- Allow your phones to go to voice mail
- Let your managers manage and your supervisors
- Select specific times to return phone calls
- DIRECT YOURSELF and your department will direct
- Limit non-vital phone calls to three minutes or
- Attend ONLY those meetings that require your
valuable time
23What are the most dangerous questions of your day?
- You need a minute? Ill give you three. Whats
on your mind?
- Can I talk with you for just a minute?
- I need a couple of minutes of your time.
- I can give you three minutes. How can I help you?
- I need to talk to you as soon as possible.
- Im buying lunch but we have to be back as soon
as possible.
- So, why are we talking???
24A TIMESAVING INVESTMENT The 3 minute-glass
25On-Line Time Wasted in the Workplace
- Facebook, LinkedIn, Yahoo, Google and Amazon
- In 2008, 74 of employees state that they visit
non-work related sites daily.
- 35 Not Challenged Enough
- 34 Hours are too long
- 30 Unsatisfied
- 23 Bored
- 18 Underpaid
- In 2012, 64 of employees state that they visit
non-work related sites daily.
- 1 hour or less 39
- 2 to 5 hours 29
- 5 to 10 hours 21
- 10 or more hours 3
- 26-35 Years-Old 75
- 18-25 Years-Old 72
- 36-45 Years-Old 65
- 46-55 Years-Old 58
- 55 Years-Old 55
- Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Yahoo, Google and
- Blocking sites backfires because employees will
use their own smartphones, tablets or other
26Off-Line Time Wasted in the Workplace
27 Cost of Time Wasted in the Workplace?
- Acquire the SUM of the hourly wages of your
- Divide by the number of employees
- Multiply by 3 hours per employee (average daily
hours lost)
- Multiply by 147 work days
- (65 of the annual 225 workdays)
- Medical Staff Office (4 employees 115.00 per
hr.) - 28.75 average hourly wage
- X 12 hours per day
- 345.00
- X 147 days
- 50,715 or 24.5 the overall wage of 207,000
284-Steps to the Bulls-Eye
- This chart demonstrates four simple steps that if
followed will allow you to become more productive
in terms of accomplishing the IMPERATIVE AND
IMPORTANT tasks rather than spinning your wheels
on the non-important tasks that stifle your day.
29Thank you for your valuable TIME!