Title: The%20BNB%20Quarterly%20Projection%20Model%20%20Emilia%20Penkova%20and%20Svilen%20Pachedzhiev
1The BNB Quarterly Projection
ModelEmilia Penkova and Svilen Pachedzhiev
2The BNB Quarterly Projection Model
- Twinning Project Adjustment of the Bulgarian
National Bank to operate as a full-fledged member
of the European System of Central Banks and the
Euro-system - Component 2 Research and preparation for
monetary policy operations in line with ECB best
- The first version of the Bulgarian National Bank
Quarterly Projection Model (BNBQM) which belongs
to the group of traditional structural
macroeconomic models. - The model is similar to the European System of
Central Banks multi-country model country blocks.
The guiding principle in designing the country
blocks is that of close compatibility with the
ECB Area-Wide Model. - The development of a model over the period
1998-2007 poses formidable challenges, given the
short and volatile time series we calibrate
coefficients. - The model is continuously tested and simulated in
order to improve it. It should be viewed as work
in progress and an area for future empirical
research within the BNB, rather than as a
finished product.
- The theoretical background Neo-Classical
Synthesis. The long-run equilibrium is determined
by supply side factors (Neo-Classical theory) and
short-run fluctuations are demand driven
(Keynesian theory). - Backward looking -expectations are reflected via
lagged variables, which is considered adequate
for the purpose of generating short- to
medium-term forecasts. - Behavioral equations error correction form
(Engle Granger two step procedure has been
5The purpose of the BNBQM is twofold
- First, to produce macroeconomic forecasts for the
Bulgarian economy. - Second, to assess the effects of economic
shocks on the Bulgarian economy in simulated
scenario analyses.
6Outline of Presentation
- Theoretical background
- Structure of the model and estimated equations
- Simulations
- Concluding remarks and extensions of research
7Supply side of the Economy
- The standard theory of monopolistic competition
is applied. - Profits of an individual firm are determined by
returns from sale with costs of labour and
capital subtracted. - The production process is represented by a Cobb
Douglas function.
8Supply side of the Economy
9Supply side of the Economy
- where ?(Yi) are profits of the firm, Li is the
labour force used by the firm, Ki is the capital
stock of the firm, as are the income shares ?
is the exogenous growth rate of technological
progress, s is the elasticity of the demand for
goods produced by the firm i to their relative
price w is the nominal wage level, c is the
nominal cost of capital with -
- where r is the real rate of interest, d is
the physical depreciation rate of capital, PI is
price of investment goods, Pi is the price of
goods produced by the firm, P is the price of
generic goods, Yi is the output of the firm i, Y
is the aggregate supply of generic goods.
10Supply side of the Economy
11Supply side of the Economy
- First order conditions are
12Supply side of the Economy
- Using the assumption of symmetric equilibrium
(PiP, YiY, LiL, KiK), we receive
13Supply side of the Economy
- The aggregate output and the long-run demand for
capital and labour are given by
14Structure of the model and estimated equations
- The simulation and projection features of the BNB
Quarterly Projection Model are driven by twenty
behavioural equations and additional forty three
identities. Around one hundred and sixty
variables enter the model. - The model is in Eviews 5.1 (a program file which
imports the data, estimates equations, solves the
model and produces forecasts output). - The model is structured into five blocks
production function and factor demand equations,
aggregate demand, prices and wages, monetary, and
fiscal sector.
15Model linkages
16Error correction form
- Most of the dynamic equations take the following
general form - where log(yt-1)-log(yt-1) is the error
correction term - ?(.) and s(.) are polynomials
- l - the lag operator
17Potential output
- R_YP_R Potential output, prices of 2005
- R_TFP_TD Total factor productivity, trend
(2005100) - L_EMPL_TD Employment, trend
- R_K_R Capital stock, prices of 2005
18Potential output
- Total factor productivity is estimated as a
residual from the production function for the
estimated period then using Hodrick-Prescott
filter we receive the trend. - The potential employment is received from a
labour force forecast and estimated NAIRU. - NAIRU is assumed to be at around 7.7 level
(slightly decreasing over the forecasting period)
and is estimated using Elmeskov (1993) approach.
- Log(L_EMPL_STAR) 3.278 0.600log(R_Y_R) -
- (5.607)
(-) - - 0.400 log(L_W/I_HICP_P)
- (-)
- Dlog(L_EMPL) -0.089 - 0.296(log(L_EMPL (-1))
- (18.365) (5.138)
- - log(L_EMPL_STAR(-1))) 0.001 Dlog(L_EMPL(-1))
- (0.002)
L_EMPL Employment (employees self
employed) R_Y_R GDP, prices of 2005 L_W
Nominal wage bill per worker I_HICP_P
Harmonised index of consumer prices, 2005 100
21Gross fixed capital formation
- Log(R_KF_R_STAR) 1.942 0.700log(R_Y_R)-
- (4.338)
(-) - 0.108M_LTIR_N - 0.007I_I_P
- (9.451)
(2.516) - Dlog(R_KF_R) 0.242 -0.003(log(R_KF_R(-1))-
- (6.285)
(-) - - log(R_KF_R_STAR(-1))) - 0.363Dlog(R_KF_R(-1))
- R_KF_R Gross fixed capital formation, 2005
prices - R_Y_R GDP, 2005 prices
- I_I_P Inflation, in percentages
- M_LTIR_N Nominal long-term interest rate, in
22Gross fixed capital formation
23Private consumption
- Log(R_C_R_STAR) 2.365 0.800log(R_DI_N/I_HICP_
P) -
(21.979) (-) - 0.300log(R_K_R)
- (-)
- Dlog(R_C_R) 0.077 - 0.483(log(R_C_R(-1))
- (3.743)
(2.200) - - log(R_C_R_STAR(-1))) -0.343Dlog(R_C_R(-1))
(2.074) - R_C_R Private consumption, prices of 2005
- R_DI_N Disposable income (wages and salaries
pensions and social benefits imputed rent
compensation of employees(BOP) current
transfers (BOP)) - I_HICP_P Harmonised index of consumer prices,
2005 100 - R_K_R Capital stock, prices of 2005
24Private consumption
- Log(E_EX_R_STAR) 6.108 log(A_WTV_R)-
(2.024) (-) -
- - 0.451log(E_EX_P/(A_MEPAE_PE_ER_PI))
- (4.758)
- Dlog(E_EX_R) -0.265 -0.206(log(E_EX_R(-1))-
- (8.268)
(1.448) - -log(E_EX_R_STAR(-1))) 0.020Dlog(E_EX_R(-1))
(0.151) - E_EX_R Exports, prices of 2005
- A_WTV_R Volume of world trade (weighted
average), 2005 100 - E_EX_P Export deflator, 2005 100
- A_MEPAE_P Manufacturing export price for
advanced economies, 2005100 - E_ER_PI Exchange rate BGUSD, 2005100
- Log(E_MP_R_STAR) -2.473 log(R_DD_R)
(13.023) (-) - - 0.305log(E_MP_P/R_GDP_P)
- (3.821)
- Dlog(E_MP_R) 0.072 0.052(log(E_MP_R(-1))
(4.811) (0.645) -
- -log((E_MP_R_STAR(-1)))
- E_MP_R Imports, prices of 2005
- R_DD_R Real domestic demand, prices of 2005
(private consumption expenditure government
consumption expenditure gross fixed capital
formation) - E_MP_P Import deflator, 2005 100
- R_GDP_P GDP deflator, 2005 100
29GDP deflator
- Log (R_GDP_P_STAR) -0.011 log(L_ULC)
- (0.482)
(-) - Dlog(R_GDP_P)0.017-0.030(log(R_GDP_P(-1))-
- (2.202) (1.002)
- log(R_GDP_P_STAR(-1)))-0.071dlog(R_GDP_P(-
- (0.397)
- -1))0.100R_YG_R
- (-)
- R_GDP_P GDP deflator, 2005100
- L_ULC Unit labour cost, 2005100
- R_YG_R Output gap ( potential GDP)
30GDP deflator
31HICP without administered prices
- Log(I_HICPEXA_P_STAR) 0.007
0.488log(R_GDP_P) -
(0. 588) (4.155) - 0.512log(E_MP_P)
- (-)
- Dlog(I_HICPEXA_P) 0.029 - 0.381(log(I_HICPEXA_P
(5.701) (3.891) - log(I_HICPEXA_P_STAR(-1)))
- 0.220Dlog(I_HICPEXA_P(-1))
- (1.526)
- I_HICPEXA_P Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices
without administered prices, 2005 100 - L_ULC Unit labour cost, 2005100
- E_MP_P Import deflator, 2005 100
32HICP without administered prices
33Export deflator
- Log(E_EX_P_STAR) -2.313 0.592log(R_GDP_P)
(5.052) (3.376) - 0.408log(A_MEPAE_PE_ER_PI)
- (-)
- Dlog(E_EX_P) 0.010 0.853(log(E_EX_P(-1))-
(2.110) (4.548) - log(E_EX_P_STAR(-1))) -0.071Dlog(E_EX_P(-1))-
(0.697) - 0.058Dlog(E_EX_P(-2)) 0.381Dlog(E_EX_P(-3))-
- (0.580)
(3.798) - 0.264Dlog(E_EX_P(-4)))
- (2.590)
- E_EX_P Export deflator, 2005 100
- A_MEPAE_P Manufacturing export price for
advanced economies, 2005100 - R_GDP_P GDP deflator, 2005 100
- E_ER_PI Exchange rate BGUSD, 2005100
34Export deflator
35Import deflator
- Log(E_MP_P_STAR)-2.284 0.360log(A_EU15MP_PE_E
R_PI) - (2.810) (4.710)
- 0.640log(R_GDP_P)
- (-)
- Dlog(E_MP_P) 0.025 -0.116(log(E_MP_P(-1))
- (2.400) (0.827)
- -log(E_MP_P_STAR(-1)))- 0.381Dlog(E_MP_P(-1))
(2.530) - E_MP_P Import deflator, 2005 100
- A_EU15MP_P EU 15 Import deflator, 2005 100
- E_ER_PI Exchange rate BGUSD, 2005100
- R_GDP_P GDP deflator, 2005 100
36Import deflator
- Log(L_W_STAR) -5.822 log(L_LPR) 0.001L_UR
(3.087) (-)
(0.712) - log(I_HICP_P)
- (-)
- Dlog(L_W) 0.131 -0.207(log(L_W(-1))
- (10.598) (1.138)
- - log(L_W_STAR(-1))) - 0.352Dlog(L_W(-1))
(1.739) - L_W Nominal wage bill per worker
- L_LPR Labour productivity GDP in prices of
2005/Number of employees - L_UR Unemployment, in percentages
- I_HICP_P Harmonised index of consumer prices
39Fiscal sector
- Government expenditures and government revenues
are modelled separately - The government expenditures are disaggregated
into five parts government consumption,
government investment, government transfers,
government interest payments and other
expenditure. - The government revenues consist of five
components revenues from personal income tax,
social security contribution, revenues from
corporate income tax, revenues from indirect
taxes and other revenue items.
40Personal income taxes
- G_PIT Personal income taxes (million leva)
- G_PIT_TR Personal income effective tax rate
- R_CE_N Compensation of employees (million leva)
41Social security contribution
- G_SSC Social security contribution (incl.
employers and employees contribution in
million leva) - G_SSC_TR Social security effective tax rate
- R_CE_N Compensation of employees (million leva)
42Indirect taxes
- G_IND Indirect taxes (incl. VAT, customs
revenue, excise duties) - G_IND_TR Indirect effective tax rate
- R_C_N Private consumption, in current prices
43Corporate income tax
- G_CIT Corporate income tax
- G_CIT_TR Corporate income effective tax rate
- R_GOS_N Gross operating surplus and mixed
- To illustrate the simulation properties of the
BNBQM, we assess the response of the models main
variables to the following standard shocks - an increase in government consumption by 1 of
GDP - an increase in volume of world trade by 1
- a depreciation of the lev against the US dollar
by 1 - an increase in the price of oil by 10
- an increase in EURIBOR by 100 basis points
45Simulation of an increase in government
consumption by 1 of GDP (Q12002
Q42008)Levels, percentage deviations from
- Year 1 Year 2 Year
3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 7 - HICP 0.031 0.162
0.319 0.476 0.607 0.666 - ULC -0.506 0.040
0.316 0.538 0.670 0.709 - Comp. per employee 0.385 0.794 0.917
0.933 0.840 0.450 - Productivity 0.896 0.753
0.599 0.393 0.168 -0.256 - GDP 1.012 1.058
0.973 1.053 0.498 -0.119 - Private consumption 0.060 0.333 0.517
0.575 0.534 0.257 - Investment 0.003 0.009
0.014 0.017 0.020 0.020 - Exports -0.009 -0.086
-0.198 -0.300 -0.387 -0.427 - Imports 0.042 0.196
0.386 0.595 0.781 1.099
46Government consumption shock
- An increase in the government consumption boosts
domestic demand and raises GDP by 1.01 as a
primary effect. This effect remains for 5 years,
after which it gradually dies out due to
secondary effects. - The fiscal expansion stimulates production and
investment. - Nominal wages and prices go up. Higher employment
and wages lead to higher personal incomes and to
an increase in consumption. - Larger investment and stronger private and
government consumption leads to increasing
imports. - Expanding economic activity translates into
widening of the output gap that pushes up the
price level.
47Simulation of an increase in world demand by 1
(Q12002 Q42008)Levels, percentage deviations
from baseline
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Year 4 Year 5 Year7 HICP
0.005 0.071 0.204
0.379 0.564 0.807 ULC
-0.255 -0.205 0.077
0.366 0.551 0.788 Comp. per employee
0.101 0.554 0.884 1.076
1.144 1.010 Productivity
0.357 0.760 0.807 0.708
0.589 0.220 GDP
0.395 0.971 1.175 1.173
1.100 0.545 Private consumption 0.007
0.158 0.397 0.576 0.662
0.571 Investment 0.001
0.005 0.011 0.016 0.021
0.027 Exports 0.725
1.546 1.583 1.497 1.426
1.320 Imports 0.001
0.029 0.106 0.235 0.390
48An increase in world demand
- This simulation is particularly important because
of the openness of the Bulgarian economy. The
external demand shock leads to a stronger
domestic demand. The external shock directly
drives up the volume of exports by 1.55 (second
year), which in turn also increases imports. - Employment and nominal wages increase which leads
to higher private consumption (0.57-seventh
year). - Higher aggregate demand widens the output gap
that pushes up the aggregate price level.
49Simulation of a depreciation of the lev against
the US dollar by 1(Q12002 Q42008)Levels,
percentage deviations from baseline
- Year 1
Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 7 - HICP 0.008 0.065
0.129 0.190 0.250 0.310 - Import deflator 0.067 0.190
0.279 0.337 0.390 0.005 - Export deflator 0.336 0.565
0.493 0.511 0.572 0.006 - ULC -0.067 -0.009
0.056 0.137 0.203 0.003 - Comp. per employee 0.032 0.145 0.236
0.328 0.387 0.004 - Productivity 0.099 0.154
0.180 0.191 0.184 0.001 - GDP 0.110 0.205
0.266 0.308 0.325 0.288 - Private consumption 0.003 0.044 0.090
0.118 0.133 0.011 - Investment 0.000 0.001
0.002 0.003 0.004 0.001 - Exports 0.198 0.289
0.294 0.308 0.295 0.002 - Imports -0.003 -0.028
-0.066 -0.098 -0.110 -0.098
50An exchange rate shock
- The decrease in the value of the lev against the
US dollar has an immediate impact on both the
import and export deflators they both increase.
- HICP increases by 0.25 in the fifth year.
Compensation per employee adjusts and income
increases which drives the consumption up. - Because of the relative increase in foreign
prices, imports decrease and exports increase
slightly. The reaction of real GDP to an exchange
rate shock achieves its maximum in the fifth year
51Simulation of an increase in the price of oil by
10(Q12002 Q42008)Levels, percentage
deviations from baseline
- Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Year 5 Year7 - HICP 0.016 0.110
0.177 0.227 0.296 0.413 - Import deflator 0.160 0.468
0.656 0.851 1.052 1.299 - Export deflator 0.481 0.814
0.618 0.886 1.031 1.103 - ULC 0.032 0.110
0.084 0.117 0.185 0.204 - Comp. per employee -0.005 -0.055 -0.048
0.028 0.088 0.352 - Productivity -0.037 -0.164
-0.132 -0.089 -0.097 0.148 - GDP -0.041 -0.194
-0.186 -0.140 -0.146 0.220 - Priv. consumption 0.000 -0.012 -0.067
-0.125 -0.171 -0.231 - Investment 0.000 -0.001
-0.003 -0.004 -0.005 -0.006 - Exports -0.081 -0.394
-0.413 -0.432 -0.593 -0.621 - Imports -0.005 -0.057
-0.154 -0.280 -0.424 -0.774
52An oil price shock
- An oil price shock leads to increasing domestic
prices through direct channels - rising import
prices. The response grows gradually and achieves
its maximum - 0.41 for HICP in the seventh year. -
- The rise in prices causes a reduction in the
demand for domestic and foreign goods and the
consequent fall in household consumption, imports
and exports. As a result, GDP and real disposable
income are below baseline till year six. - Higher oil price has a negative impact on output
and domestic demand (private consumption declines
by 0.17 and GDP falls by 0.15 in the fifth
year). - Reduced economic activity leads to a lower demand
for imports, real exports are also decreasing due
to an increase in domestic prices.
53Simulation of an increase in EURIBOR by 100 basis
points (Q12002 Q42003) Levels, percentage
deviations from baseline
Year 1 Year
2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year7 - HICP -0.001 -0.007
-0.017 -0.021 -0.015 0.015 - ULC 0.026 0.011
-0.049 -0.054 -0.031 -0.010 - Comp. per employee -0.010 - 0.051 -0.054
-0.001 0.041 0.082 - Productivity -0.086 -0.195
-0.156 -0.052 0.037 0.220 - GDP -0.096 -0.269
-0.291 -0.182 -0.059 0.239 - Private consumption -0.066 -0.182 -0.243
-0.289 -0.342 -0.359 - Investment -0.283 -0.933
-1.256 -1.118 -1.038 -0.890 - Exports 0.000 0.000
0.001 0.001 0.000 0.001 - Imports -0.006 -0.071
-0.214 -0.396 -0.571 -0.865 -
54Interest rate shock
- Because of the fixed exchange rate regime the
exchange rate does not react to domestic interest
rate changes. The main effect is through
investment- raising costs of capital and reducing
output. Investment decreases by 1.12 and GDP is
reduced by 0.18 in the fourth year. - The effect on domestic prices is negative due to
a weaker domestic demand. - Due to lower internal aggregate demand,
employment and wages fall.
55Concluding remarks and extensions
- A first step towards building a structural
macroeconomic model. - This practical work gives valuable information
for the future development of the model which
needs to be continuously developed and could be
improved in a number of respects - Availability of new data will require
re-estimation and re-calibration of the model
56Concluding remarks and extensions
- Developing a long-run baseline that reflects a
fully theory-consistent long-run steady state - To consider policy rules in the simulations
- Developing a more detailed representation of the
trade block by including services on the one hand
and different regions on the other hand - An extension of forward-looking behaviour.
Expectations should be incorporated, particularly
to allow for a specific role in price and wage
formation. -
57Baseline (work in progress)
58Baseline (work in progress)
59Baseline (work in progress)
Real private consumption to GDP
60Baseline (work in progress)
- Real capital formation to GDP