Title: Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities: What does it mean for [ORGANISATION]?
1Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities
What does it mean forORGANISATION?
2Workshop overview
- Introduction to Human Rights
- Activity Human Rights in the News
- Overview of the Victorian Charter
- Public Authorities Obligations under the Charter
- Limitations on Human Rights
- Substantive Charter Rights
- Remedies for Breaches of the Charter
- Activity Case Studies
- Implications of the Charter for ORGANISATION
- Looking forward
3Context for todays workshop
- How can the Charter
- Assist me in advocating for my clients?
- Assist my clients in obtaining redress if their
rights have been breached? - Assist with targeting programs to those most in
need? - What can I do to ensure that I act compatibly
with the Charter?
4Thinking about rights
- What would you want if
- your parent was placed in a rest home?
- your partner was rejected for a job on the
grounds of his or her ethnicity and accent? - your friend was arrested and charged for alleged
criminal activity?
5What are human rights?
- Human rights are those rights one needs to live a
dignified life (a life worthy of a human being) - Human rights are
- derived from human dignity
- universal, core minimum standards
- common sense and common values
- essential in a democratic and inclusive society
that respects the rule of law, human dignity,
equality and freedom (Charter preamble)
6Who has human rights?
- Me?
- You?
- Citizens?
- Non-citizens?
- Criminals?
- Minority groups?
- Companies?
- Human rights belong to all human beings by virtue
of them being human
7Human Rights in the Charter
Freedom movement, assembly association, forced work, expression, thought religion, liberty security, fair hearing
Respect life, protection of families and children, cultural rights, property
Equality non-discrimination, equal recognition, participation
Dignity torture cruel treatment, privacy reputation, humane treatment in detention
8Governments human rights obligations
- Protect rights
- Prevent others from violating rights
- Respect rights
- Do not do anything that violates rights
- Fulfill rights
- Take action to ensure that the right is enjoyed
by all people in Victoria
9The key human rights
Civil and political rights Economic, social and cultural rights
Right to life Right to health
Right to privacy Right to food
Freedom from discrimination Right to adequate shelter
Freedom of expression Right to work and to just conditions of work
Freedom of thought, conscience and religion Right to education
Freedom of association, assembly and movement Right to form and join a trade union
Freedom from torture, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment Cultural rights
Right to liberty and security Protection of families and children
Freedom from slavery Right to an adequate standard of living
Right to a fair hearing rights in criminal proceedings Right to social security
10Activity Human rights issues in the news
- Looking at The Age, assess
- Which stories raise human rights issues?
- What rights are impacted?
11Activity Case study
- What rights are raised by this scenario?
- Whose rights are they?
12Overview of Victorian Charter
- Requires all arms of government (parliament,
government, courts) to consider human rights as
part of decision-making processes - Requires the government to act compatibly with
human rights - Requires courts to interpret and apply laws
consistently with human rights
13How do the arms of government protect and
promote human rights?
Government Human rights standards built into laws and policies Assesses all new laws for compliance with human rights and reports to Parliament Responds to declarations made by Supreme Court
Courts Where possible, interpret law to be compatible with the Charter Supreme Court can make a declaration that a law is not consistent with the Charter
Parliament Passes laws after assessing them for compliance with human rights In exceptional circumstances, can override the Charter in passing legislation Has the final say on all laws
14Effect on new laws
- Government
- Government must build human rights standards into
policy, legislation and practices - Government must provide a Statement of
Compatibility or Human Rights Certificate with
all new laws - Parliament
- Parliamentary Committee (SARC) also reviews
compatibility - Parliament can decide that a law overrides the
Charter and issue an Override Declaration (should
be rare)
15Effect on interpreting laws
- All Victorian legislation must be interpreted and
applied in accordance with the Charter - if this is possible and does not undermine
purpose of the law - The Supreme Court can issue a declaration of
inconsistent interpretation if it is impossible
to interpret a law in accordance with the Charter
- but an inconsistent law is still valid
16What is a Public Authority?
- Definitely public authorities
- Ministers
- Government departments
- Public officials and servants
- Victoria Police
- Local governments
- Statutory bodies
- Might be public authorities
- If they perform a service on behalf of government
- If what they do is otherwise connected to or
identified with government - If their functions are specifically set out in
law - If they receive public funding
17Public authorities obligations under the Charter
- Must give proper consideration to human rights
in decision-making processes - No blanket or inflexible rules real, genuine and
proportionate consideration - Must act compatibly with human rights
- Means treating people as individuals and
according to their needs - Must interpret and apply laws compatibly with
human rights - Requires active consideration and a sincere
attempt to comply with human rights
18Public authorities relevant to ORGANISATION
- Office of Housing
- Victoria Police
- Connex
- Sheriffs office
- Infringement court
19Limitations on human rights
- Rights are not absolute
- Rights may be subject to limitations that
- Have a legitimate and compelling aim
- Are proportionate to that aim and
- Impair the right as little as reasonably possible
- Financial considerations alone are not a
sufficient reason to limit rights
20Activity Case study
- What rights are raised by this scenario?
- Whose rights are they?
- Are the rights being limited?
- Are the limitations reasonable?
21Rights most relevant to ORGANISATION?
- Insert the names of 3-4 rights in these bullet
points (eg, Privacy ). - From the slides that follow that set out the
substantive rights, select 3-4 slides you think
are most relevant for the particular
organisation. Refer to the Presenters Manual to
select the most appropriate rights.
22Equality and non-discrimination (s 8)
- Right to recognition as a person before the law
- all people have legal rights in a general sense
- Enjoyment of human rights without discrimination
- every person should be able to enjoy the human
rights that are set out in the Charter without
discrimination - Equality before the law, equal protection of the
law, protection against discrimination - people must not be discriminated against based on
any of the attributes listed in the Equal
Opportunity Act 1995 (eg age, gender, race)
23Right to life (s 9)
- Right to life and freedom from arbitrary
deprivation of life - Tripartite obligations
- Negative obligation not to take life without
justification - Substantive obligation to establish laws,
precautions, procedures and enforcement which
protect life to the greatest extent reasonably
practicable - Procedural obligation to undertake effective,
independent, public investigation where
substantive obligation may have been breached
24Freedom from torture, cruel, inhuman and
degrading treatment (s 10)
- Torture is severe pain and suffering (physical or
mental), intentionally inflicted, for a
prohibited purpose - Cruel and inhuman treatment involves less severe
physical or mental ill-treatment than torture.
It does not need to be intentional and the
purpose is not relevant - Degrading treatment is treatment that humiliates
or debases a person. - No medical or scientific experimentation or
treatment without consent
25Freedom from slavery, servitude or forced work
(s 11)
- Freedom from slavery and servitude
- Slavery means effective ownership of a person
by someone else, as if the person were a piece of
property - Servitude means being forced to perform labour
for another person under coercion - Freedom from forced work
- Forced work is work a person is made to do under
the threat of a penalty, which he or she has not
voluntarily offered to do - It does not include
- Work done during legitimate detention or on
conditional release from detention (such as
prison work or community service) - Community service in a public emergency
- Any work that forms part of a normal civic
obligation, such as jury duty or maintaining a
building if you are a landlord
26Freedom of movement (s 12)
- Right to move freely within Victoria
- Right to enter and leave Victoria
- Freedom to choose where to live
- Applies to all persons lawfully in Victoria
27Privacy (s 13)
- Privacy
- Broad term which covers all aspects of a persons
physical, psychological and social identity and
relationships - Family
- Broad interpretation to include all those
comprising the family as understood in society
and is not confined by marriage - Home
- Includes where a person resides or carries out
their ordinary occupation - Right to not have your reputation unlawfully
28Freedom of thought, conscience, religion and
belief (s 14)
- Freedom of thought
- Freedom of conscience
- Freedom of religion and belief
- Including right to have, adopt, worship, observe,
practice and teach this religion or belief,
either individually or as part of a community, in
public or in private
29Freedom of expression (s 15)
- Includes the freedom to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas of all kinds, whether
orally, in writing, in print, through art or
another medium - Information and expression regarding core
democratic processes enjoys a very high degree
of protection - Includes protection for unpopular or offensive
ideas - May be limited to respect the rights and
reputation of other persons or for the protection
of national security, public order, public health
or public morality
30Peaceful assembly and freedom of association (s
- Peaceful assembly
- Right for individuals and groups to meet together
to receive or impart information or ideas, to
express their views or to hold a protest - Freedom of association with others
- Right for persons to join together in groups to
pursue common interests (eg, social groups,
political parties, trade unions)
31Families and children (s 17)
- Modelled on art 24 of the ICCPR which requires
- development of necessary protections by social
institutions - every possible social and economic measure to,
among other things, ensure protection from
violence, exploitation and adequate nutrition - every possible measure to foster development,
including provision of adequate education - access to the conditions that guarantee a
dignified existence - Right of every child to protection which is in
his or her best interest
32Taking part in public life (s 18)
- The right to participate in the conduct of public
affairs - The right to vote and be elected at state and
municipal elections (eligible persons) - Right to have access to the Victorian Public
Service and public office (eligible persons)
33Cultural rights (s 19)
- Right to enjoy your culture
- Right to practice or declare your religion
- Right to use your language
- Rights of Aboriginal persons to enjoy their
identity and culture
34Right to property (s 20)
- Right not to be deprived of your property, other
than in accordance with the law - Law must be accessible and non-arbitrary
35Liberty and security (s 21)
- Right to security of person
- Freedom from arbitrary or unlawful detention or
arrest (right to liberty) - Any restraint or deprivation of liberty must be
proportionate and no more restrictive than is
strictly necessary - Rights to certain processes when arrested or
detained on a criminal charge
36Humane treatment when deprived of liberty (s 22)
- Right to be treated with humanity and dignity
when detained - Right of an unconvicted person to be separated
from persons who have been convicted of offences,
except where reasonably necessary - Right of an unconvicted person to be treated
37Children in the criminal process (s 23)
- Right of a child to be held in detention
separately from adults - Right of an accused child to be brought to trial
as quickly as possible - Right of a child who has been convicted of an
offence to be treated appropriately
38Fair hearing (s 24)
- Applies to criminal or civil courts and tribunals
- The right to have the charge or proceeding
decided by a competent, independent and impartial
court after a fair and public hearing - Minimum basic elements of a fair hearing include
- Equal access to, and equality before, the courts
- Right to legal advice and representation (inc
right to civil legal aid in some circumstances) - Right to procedural fairness
- Discretion as to costs
- Right to expeditious hearing / trial without
undue delay - Right to interpreter where necessary
39Rights in criminal proceedings (s 25)
- Right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty
- Right to certain minimum guarantees when charged
with a criminal offence - Right of a child charged with a criminal offence
to a procedure which takes into account their age
and their rehabilitation - Right to have any criminal conviction or sentence
reviewed by a higher court
40Right not to be tried or punished more than once
(s 26)
- Right not to be tried or punished more than once
for an offence which a person has already been
convicted or acquitted - This is known as the rule against double
41Retrospective offences and penalties (s 27)
- An act must be a crime at the time a person
commits the act, in order for the person to be
subject to criminal punishment - The right of a person to not be subjected to a
penalty which is more severe than that which
existed at the time they committed the offence - The right of a person to receive a reduced
penalty if that penalty was reduced before they
are sentenced - This section does not affect trial or punishment
where the conduct was a criminal offence under
international law at the time it was engaged in
(eg. a war crime, genocide)
42What can you do if someones human rights are
being breached?
- Complaints processes
- Informal or formal (first port of call)
- Ombudsman
- May enquire into or investigate whether any
government action is incompatible with human
rights - Misconduct procedures against public officials
- Public officials are required to make decisions
compatibly with human rights - Court proceedings
- Can only be used where you can piggyback on an
existing case - No entitlement to damages
43Case studies
- What Charter rights are relevant to this
scenario? - Whose rights are they?
- Are any rights being limited?
- Are the limitations reasonable?
44How can the Charter be used in casework and
- Human rights are best practice and lead to best
outcomes by - empowering clients
- improving service delivery
- securing positive changes to individual
circumstances - leading to systemic improvement of policies
45Importance of the Charter for organisation as a
public authority
- Use the Charter as an audit tool to ensure best
practice and improved service outcomes - Does the policy or practice raise any human
rights issues? - Have we given proper consideration to these
rights? - Are we limiting any human rights?
- If so, is the limitation reasonable,
proportionate, and impacting on rights as little
as possible?
46Key Charter messages
- A human rights approach to service delivery is
common sense and reflects existing best practice - Giving proper consideration to human rights in
delivering services results in better outcomes
and increased satisfaction
47Looking forward Inclusion of ESC rights in the
- Rights are indivisible
- It is misguided to think that ESC rights are not
suitable for scrutiny by the courts - The 4-year review of the Charter provides an
opportunity to seek inclusion of these rights
48Looking forward A federal Charter of Human
- Australia is the only Western democratic nation
without a Charter of Human Rights - A federal Charter of Human Rights is needed to
protect the human rights of all people in
Australia - This Charter should include both civil and
political as well as economic, social and
cultural rights - Check out www.hrlrc.org.au or www.humanrightsact.c
om.au to find out how to get involved
49Human rights in Victoria Some useful websites
- Human Rights Law Resource Centre
www.hrlrc.org.au - Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights
Commission www.humanrightscommission.vic.gov.au - VCOSS www.vcoss.org.au
- Victorian Ombudsman www.ombudsman.vic.gov.au
- Federation of Community Legal Centreswww.communi
50Some useful resources on human rights
- British Institute of Human Rights www.bihr.org
- UK Department of Justice www.justice.gov.uk/whatw
edo/humanrights.htm - Liberty UK guide to human rights
www.yourrights.org.uk - Site on international human rightswww.bayefsky.c