Title: Risk Adjusted Profitability by Business Unit: How to Allocate Capital and How Not to
1Risk Adjusted Profitability by Business Unit How
to Allocate Capital and How Not to
2Risk-Adjusted Profit from ERM Models
- ERM quantifies risk of company and each business
unit - Management would like to use that information to
identify units that have better and worse
profitability compared to risk
3Uses of Risk Adjusted Profitability
- Strategic planning for insurer
- Grow business units that have higher profit in
relationship to risk - De-emphasize or restructure business that does
not give enough profit for the risk
4Typical Approach
- Quantify risk by a percentile of the distribution
of profit - Maybe start with capital 1/3333 quantile
- Compute 1/100 quantile for each business unit
and for company - Allocate capital by ratio of business unit
quantile to company quantile - Divide unit profits by capital so allocated
5Some Criticisms Historically
- Quantile is a very limited risk measure
- 1/3333 quantile impossible to quantify accurately
- Profit not measured relative to marginal cost of
risk - Arbitrary choices required (1/100, etc.)
- Not clear that growing units with higher returns
will actually increase risk adjusted return or
firm value
6Improvements Round 1 Co-measures
- Goal is additive allocation
- Capital allocated separately to lines A and B
will equal the capital allocated to lines A and B
on a combined basis. - Start with a risk measure for the company, for
example the average loss in the 1 in 10 and worse
years - Then, consider only the cases where the companys
total losses exceed this threshold. In this
example it is the worst 10 of possible results
for the company. - For these scenarios co-measure is how much each
line of business is contributing to the poor
- Denoting loss for the total company as Y, and for
each line of business as Xi let - R(Y) E Y F(Y) gt a . Then
- Co-R(Xi) E Xi F(Y) gt a
- More generally
- Risk measure r(Y) defined as Eh(Y)g(Y)
condition on Y, where h is additive, i.e.,
h(UV) h(U) h(V) - Allocate by r(Xj) Eh(Xj)g(Y) condition on Y
- VaRa(Y) EYF(Y) a, r(Xj) EXjF(Y) a
8Improvements Round 2 Marginal Decompostion
- Applies when allocation of capital is based on
allocating a risk measure - Marginal impact of a business unit on company
risk measure is decrease in overall risk measure
from ceding a small increment of the line by a
quota share - Marginal allocation assigns this marginal risk to
every such increment in the line - Treats every increment as the last one in
- If sum of all such allocations over all lines is
the overall company risk measure, this is called
a marginal decomposition of the risk measure - All co-measures are additive but not all are
9Advantage of Marginal Decomposition
- You would like to have it so that
- If you increase business in a unit that has above
average return relative to risk - Then the comparable return for the whole company
goes up - Not all allocation does that marginal
decomposition does - Thus useful for strategic planning
10How to Achieve Marginal Decomposition
- First of all, risk measure must be scalable
- Proportional increase in business produces a
proportional increase in the risk measure - Standard deviation, tail risk measures are
- Variance isnt
- Also requires that change in business unit is
scale increase homogeneous growth - Allocation is a co-measure defined by a
derivative of the company risk measure - Sums up under these conditions Euler
11Formal Definition
- Marginal r(Xj) lime?0r(YeXj) r(Y)/e .
- Take derivative of numerator and denominator wrt
e. - LHopitals rule then gives r(Xj) r(YeXj)0
. - Consider r(Y) Std(Y)
- r(YeXj) Var(Y)2eCov(Xj,Y)e2Var(Xj)½ so
r(YeXj)0 - Var(Y)2eCov(Xj,Y)e2Var(Xj)-½ Cov(Xj,Y)
eVar(Xj)0 - r(Xj) Cov(Xj,Y)/Std(Y)
- With h(X) X EX and g(Y) (Y EY)/Std(Y)
- r(Y) E(Y EY)(Y EY)/Std(Y) Std(Y)
- r(Xj) E(Xj EXj)(Y EY)/Std(Y)
Cov(Xj,Y)/Std(Y) - So this co-measure gives marginal allocation
12Example Tail Value at Risk, etc.
- Co-TVaR, co-Var are marginal decompositions
- Increasing Xj by (1a) increases co-measure and
measure by same amount - EPDa (1 a)TVaRa VaRa is expected
insolvency cost if capital VaRa - Co EPD is aco-TVaR co-VaR and is marginal
13Some Criticisms Historically
- Quantile is a very limited risk measure
- 1/3333 quantile impossible to quantify accurately
- Profit not measured relative to marginal cost of
risk - Arbitrary choices required (1/100, etc.)
- Not clear that growing units with higher returns
will actually increase risk adjusted return or
firm value
14Improvements Round 3 Risk Measures and Capital
15Purposes of Risk Measures
- Have a consistent way of comparing different
risks, including asset risk, results from
different businesses - Comparing profit to risk one key application
- For strategic planning which lines to grow,
which to re-organize - Maybe for paying bonuses to managers
- Measuring impact of risk-management
- All of these work better if risk measures
proportional to economic value of the risk
16Relating Capital to Risk Measure
- Do not have to set capital risk measure
- Useful alternative is capital as a multiple of a
risk measure - Capital 10 times TVaR _at_ 80
- Average loss in worst 20 of years is 10 of
capital - Models can measure this better than 1/3333
- Includes more adverse scenarios
17Which Risk Measure?
- It has been clearly demonstrated that the
possibility of extreme adverse results is not the
only risk driver of importance. - Wish I knew who said it, what literature it
refers to, and what other risk is important - But the idea seems sound
- Losing part of capital can be a big hit to value
- Even profit less than target profit can be also
18Classification of Risk Measures
- Moment based measures
- Variance, standard deviation, semi-standard
deviation - Generalized moments, like EYecY/EY
- Tail based measures
- Look only at the tail of the distribution
- Transformed distribution measures
- Change the probabilities then take mean or other
risk measure with the transformed probabilities - Uses whole distribution but puts more weight in
tails by increasing the probabilities of large
19Variance and Standard Deviation
- Do not differentiate between good and poor
deviations. - Two distributions with same mean and standard
deviation but Risk B has a much higher loss
potential. It will produce losses in excess of
20,000 while Risk A will not. - Semi-variance does
20Spectral Measures
- for nonnegative function h.
- gives TVaRq.
- gives
blurred VaR - Co-measure is
- Marginal for step function or smooth h.
21Tail-Based Measures
- Probability of default
- Value at risk
- Tail value at risk
- Excess tail value at risk
- Expected policyholder deficit
- VaR criticized for not being subadditive but not
very important with co-VaR - TVaR criticized for linear treatment of large
22Transformed Probability Measures
- Risk measure is the mean (but could be TVaR,
etc.) after transforming the loss probabilities
to give more weight to adverse outcomes - Prices for risky instruments in practice and
theory have been found to be approximated this
way - Wang transform for bonds and cat bonds
- Esscher transform for compound Poisson process
tested for catastrophe reinsurance - Black-Scholes and CAPM are of this form as well
- More potential to be proportional to the market
value of the risk
23Possible Transforms
- G(x) QkF-1(G(x)) l where Qk is the
t-distribution with k dof - Wang transform - l .0453 and k ? 5,6 fit prices of cat bonds
and various grades of commercial bonds - k can be non-integer with beta distribution
- Compound Poisson martingale transform
- Requires function f(x), with f(x) gt 1 for xgt0
- l l1Ef(X)
- g(x) g(x)1f(x)/1 Ef(X)
24Reinsurance Pricing Compared to Minimum Entropy
and Least Squares
- g(y) g(y)ecy/EY/EecY/EY
- l lEecY/EY
- Quadratic
- Average
25Which Risk Measures?
- Useful to be proportional to value of risk being
measured - Favors transformed probability measures
- Tail measures are popular but ignore some of the
26Some Criticisms Historically
- Quantile is a very limited risk measure
- 1/3333 quantile impossible to quantify accurately
- Profit not measured relative to marginal cost of
risk - Arbitrary choices required (1/100, etc.)
- Not clear that growing units with higher returns
will actually increase risk adjusted return or
firm value
27Problems with Capital Allocation
- Inherently arbitrary
- Several risk measures are equally possible
- Basically artificial
- Units are not limited to their allocations
- Alternative methods of risk-adjusting profit may
be better - One possibility is capital consumption
28Improvements Round 4 Capital Consumption Risk
Adjusted Performance Without Capital Allocation
29Alternative to Capital Allocation(for measuring
risk-adjusted profit)
- Charge each business unit for its right to access
the capital of the company - Profit should exceed value of this right
- Essentially an economic value added approach
- Avoids arbitrary and artificial notions of
allocating capital - Business unit has option to use capital when
premiums plus investment income on premiums run
out (company provides stop-loss reinsurance at
break-even) - Company has option on profits of unit if there
are any - Pricing of these options can determine economic
value added
30Insurance Viewpoint
- Company implicitly provides stop-loss reinsurance
to each business unit - Any unit losses above premium and investment
income on premium are covered - Value of this reinsurance is an implicit cost of
the business unit - Higher for higher risk units
- Subtracting this value from profit is the value
added of the unit - A form of risk adjusted profitability
- Right measure of profit to compare is expected
value of profit if positive times probability it
is positive - Company gets the profit if it is positive
- Company pays the losses otherwise
- Comparing value of these options
31Some Approaches to Valuing
- Units that have big loss when firm overall does
cost more to reinsure, so correlation is an issue - Limits on worth of stop loss
- Probably worth more than expected value
- Probably worth less than market value
- Stop-loss pricing includes moral hazard
- Company should be able to control this for unit
- Or look at impact of unit loss on firm value
- Need to understand relationship of risk and value
32Capital Consumption Summary
- Perhaps more theoretically sound than allocating
capital - Does not provide return on capital by unit
- Instead shows economic value of unit profits
after accounting for risk - A few approaches for calculation possible
- Really requires market value of risk
33Improvements Round 5 Market Value of Risk
34Market Value of Risk Transfer
- Needed for right risk measure for capital
allocation - Needed to value options for capital consumption
- If known, could compare directly to profits, so
neither of other approaches would be needed
35Two Paradigms
- Arbitrage-free pricing
- And their generalizations
36CAPM and Insurance Risk
- Insurance risk is zero beta so should get
risk-free rate? - But insurance companies lose money on premiums
but make it up with investment income on float - Really leveraged investment trust, high beta?
- Hard to quantify
- Cummins-Phillips using full information betas
found required returns around 20
37Problems with CAPM
- How to interpret Fama-French?
- Proxies for higher co-moments?
- Could co-moment generating function work?
- What about pricing of jump risk?
- Earthquakes, hurricanes ,
- Two standard approaches to jump risk
- Assume it is priced
- Assume it is not priced
- Possible compromise price co-jump risk
38Arbitrage-Free Pricing
- Incomplete market so which transform?
- Same transform for all business units?
- Marginal decomposition with co-measures improves
allocation exercise - Choice of risk measure can make result more
meaningful - Capital consumption removes some arbitrary
choices and artificial notions - Market value of risk is really what is needed