Title: Normal Eating, Positive Body Image and Self Esteem
1 Normal Eating, Positive Body Image and Self
- What is healthy eating?
- What is disordered eating?
- Positive body image
- Healthy self esteem
- Media
- Where to go for more information
3Healthy Eating
- Your body decides
- What
- How much, and
- How often of eating
4Normal Eating
- Normal eating is the
- When
- Where
- Why of eating
- Flexible and enjoyable
- Making your own choices
- Include your favourite foods
5Normal Eating Is
- Going to the table hungry and eating until you
are satisfied - Eating foods you like and
- Not stopping because you think you should
- Choosing nutritious and enjoyable foods
6Normal Eating Is
- Sometimes its okay to eat just because
- Eating three meals a day four or five or it
can be choosing to munch along the way - Leaving some cookies on the plate for tomorrow or
eating more now because they taste so wonderful!
7Normal Eating Is
- Feeling overfull sometimes
- Under-eating sometimes
- Trusting your body
- Takes time and is enjoyable
- Flexible depends on
- your hunger
- your schedule
- your feelings
8Supporting Normal Eating
- We are born to eat instinctively
- If you change your eating habits, be gentle
- Drop the guilt
- Eat slowly
- Eat with others
- Enjoy meal time!
9- Do You Have a Healthy Relationship with Food?
10Disordered Eating
- Unhealthy attitudes about your body
- Weight concerns
- Poor body image
- Unhealthy thoughts and behaviours
- skipping meals
- chronic or crash dieting
- excessive eating (binge eating or compulsive
11Disordered Eating - Statistics
- Females
- One in four teen girls have disordered eating
- 53 of teen females with a healthy BMI try to
lose weight - Males
- 25 of teen males are dieting
- 20 want to loose weight
12Eating Disorders
- Most eating disorders start with a diet
13Bulimia Nervosa
- Binge eating eating a large amount of food in a
short amount of time - Then, getting rid of the calories by
- Purging (vomiting) and/or
- Laxatives, diuretics
- Excessive exercise
14Anorexia Nervosa
- Obsessive fear of gaining weight
- Refusal to eat enough to maintain weight
- Often with a distorted self image
- 5-8 mortality rate
15Other Eating Disorders
- Examples
- A woman restricts her eating and is very
underweight but still gets her menstrual period - She has an eating disorder, but it isnt anorexia
- Binge-eating disorder
16What Can We Do About Disordered Eating?
17Books, Websites, Resources Links
- My Food Guide
- http//www.hc-sc.gc.ca/fn-an/food-guide-aliment/in
dex-eng.php - BC Dairy Foundation
- www.bcdairyfoundation.ca
- Michelle May, Founder of Am I Hungry?
- www.amihungry.com
18More Resources
- HealthLinkBC Factsheet Supporting Someone with a
Eating Disorder - http//www.healthlinkbc.ca/kb/content/special/hw48
146.html - Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre
- http//keltyeatingdisorders.ca/
- Looking Glass - Provincial Online Support
- www.looking_glass.meetsupport.com/register/
- Anorexics and Bulimics Anonymous 12 Step Program
- www.anorexicsandbulimicsaba.org
- Overeaters Anonymous 12 Step Program www.oa.org
19Eating Disorders ProgramEating Disorder Program
- Talk with Dietitians and Counselors
- Anyone can call
- Group education and support
- Phone 250-387-0000
20Fostering Healthy Body Image
- What does body image mean to you?
21Body Image
- the mental picture you have of your body and the
feelings you have about that picture - Healthy body image
- Feeling "at home" in your body
- Knowing how to take care of yourself
- Feeling energetic
- Able to do the things you want
- Not trying to have the "perfect" body
- Feeling good about yourself
22Body Dysmorphic Disorder
- People who are obsessed with what they believe
are defects in the way they look - They spend hours every day fixing, checking,
hiding appearance flaws - Interferes with happiness
- Needs professional help
23Fostering Healthy Body Image
- Be aware of what you are saying to yourself and
to others - Hurtful comments can last a lifetime
- Focus on health - not weight, not size
24Fostering Healthy Body Image
- Respect yourself
- Everyone grows and develops at a different rate
- Healthy bodies come in all shapes and sizes
- Puberty is a time of rapid growth and development
- Your body is just one part of you
- Recognize your strengths and
celebrate your talents
25What do you say?
- A friend asks you how to lose weight and get a
flat tummy again. - What do you do?
26Enjoying the Occasional Treat
- You brought cookies for the class and one student
says to the another, you shouldnt eat that it
will make you fat. - What do you do?
- What do you say?
27Fostering Healthy Self Esteem
- What does self esteem mean to you?
28What is Self Esteem?
- A persons overall evaluation of his/her own
worth - Includes beliefs
- I am competent, I am worthy
- Includes emotions, including
- Triumph
- Despair
- Pride
- Shame
29What Influences Self Esteem?
- For many people, body image can be closely linked
to self-esteem. - As kids develop into teens, they care more about
how others see them - Early experiences
- Outside influences
- Puberty
- What is needed for a person to build a healthy
self esteem and positive body image. - Consider
- Individual and peer factors
- Family and cultural factors
- Community and societal factors
- What role do we play as
- Friends
- Parents
- Teachers
- Community members
- People who believe in themselves
- are better able to recognize mistakes, learn from
them and bounce back from disappointment - Skills can be fostered through
- Caring relationships
32Media Literacy
- What does media literacy mean to you?
33Media Literacy is
- Being able to analyze, evaluate, and create
messages in different forms of media modes - Ask
- What do you watch?
- What do you hear?
- What do you read?
34We are Bombarded with Messages
35(No Transcript)
36Media Literacy - Education
- Education addresses the negatives of mass media
and popular - Media violence
- Gender and racial stereotypes
- Sexualization of youth
- Loss of privacy
- Cyber bullying
- Internet predators
37Media Literacy - Education
- Goal
- To help you make good choices in your use of media
38Media Literacy Tools and Resources
- Fat Talk (3 min. 19 sec.)
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?v4CuMJybvAh8
- Dove Evolution (1 min. 15 sec.)
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vhibyAJOSW8U
- Dove Beauty Pressure (1 min. 15 sec.)
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vEi6JvK0W60Ifeature
39Final Thoughts
- The purpose of eatingis to fuel living.
- I have more time and energywhen Im not
consumed byfood, eating, and weight. -
- Where will I invest my energy today?