Title: The Rights of the Unaccompanied Alien Children and the Duties of Federal, State, and Local Governments
1The Rights of the Unaccompanied Alien Children
and the Duties of Federal, State, and Local
- 300 P.M. T U Non-Immigrant Visas
- Kristin Zipple-Shedd, Supervising Attorney,
Catholic Charities - Maurice Hew, Clinic Director and Professor of
Law, - Thurgood Marshall School of Law
- Michelle Permenter, Director of Victim Witness
Unit, - Harris Co. District Attorneys Office
- Houston Community College
- 5601 West Loop
- Houston Texas
- July 31, 2o14
2Human Trafficking and the T Visa
- Catholic Charities
- Cabrini Center for Immigrant Legal Assistance
- Kristin Zipple-Shedd
3Forms of Human Trafficking
- Forced commercial sexual exploitation The
recruitment, harboring, transportation,
provision, or obtaining of a person for the
purpose of a commercial sex act, in which a
commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or
coercion, or in which the person forced to
perform such an act is under the age of 18
years. - Forced labor The recruitment, harboring,
transportation, provision, or obtaining of a
person for labor or services, through the use of
force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of
subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage,
debt bondage or slavery. - 22 U.S.C. 7102(8)
4Elements of Human Trafficking
- Force
- Physical beatings
- Sexual Violence (rape)
- Drug/Alcohol abuse
- Withholding of documents
- Deprivation (lack of food/water)
- Physical restraint
- Confinement/Isolation
- Fraud
- False documents
- False offers of employment (American dream
enticement) - Deception
- Coercion
- Debt bondage (repayment of expenses)
- Psychological Abuse
- Control through threats of violence to victim or
victims family - reporting to immigration officials
5Two UAC HT Survivors
- Juan left his home in Honduras due to extreme
poverty at the age of 7 and lived on the streets
until he came to the U.S. at age 13. After
entering the U.S., Juan walked from Laredo to El
Paso where he met Mr. B, who offered him food
and shelter. He worked on the ranch and in the
family business from 5am until 6pm seven days a
week, lived in unsanitary conditions without
enough food or water, and feared for his life.
- Sandra came to the U.S. with her boyfriend, who
promised her work caring for his aunts children.
However, after they arrived in Houston, he left
her with his aunt, who forced her to work at a
cantina to pay off a debt she didnt know she had
accrued until after she arrived. Sandra endured
physical, sexual, verbal, and emotional abuse as
her perpetrators forced her to work 12 hours a
day doing things at the cantina that continue to
haunt her.
6Purpose of T (and U Visas)
- Humanitarian/Protection of Victims
- Public Interest
- Encourages victims to cooperate with law
enforcement and facilitates trust between police
and immigrant community - Holds perpetrators accountable
7Immigration Remedies for HT Victim Continued
- Temporary authorized stay in the U.S.
- One year, can be renewed
- Valid only as long as the government deems it
necessary - Employment authorization
- Not a path to permanent status
- 22 U.S.C. 7105(c)(3)
8Immigration Remedies T Visa
- Lawful T visa status for 4 years, INA 214(o)(7)
- If law enforcement certifies that victims
presence is necessary, status may be extended - Employment Authorization , 8 C.F.R.
214.11(l)(4) - Same benefits to derivative beneficiaries
- Possibility of adjustment to Legal Permanent
9Immigration Remedies T Visa Requirements
- Victim of severe form of trafficking in persons,
- Physically present in the United States on
account of human trafficking or the investigation
of human trafficking, - Suffer extreme hardship involving unusual and
severe harm if removed from the United States,
and - Cooperate with Law Enforcement in the
investigation or prosecution of trafficking,
unless victim is under 18 or waiver
10Element 1 Victim of Severe Form of Trafficking
- Involuntary Servitude. 22 U.S.C. 7102(5) (2008)
- see 18 U.S.C. 1584.
- Peonage. See 18 U.S.C. 1581.
- Debt Bondage. 22 U.S.C. 7102(4).
- Slavery. See 18 U.S.C. 1583.
- Forced Labor. See 18 U.S.C. 1589.
- Forced Commercial Sex Act. 22 U.S.C. 7102(8)(a).
11Element 2Physically Present on Account of
- Present because s/he was trafficked,
- Present because s/he recently escaped from a
trafficking scheme, or - Present in the US as direct result of past
trafficking - Even one trip back to home country can eliminate
T-visa option. - 8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)(T)(i)(I) (2008) 8 C.F.R.
214.11(g) (2008).I
12Element Three Extreme Hardship
- Age and Personal Circumstances
- Physical or Mental Illness
- Trafficking-Related Physical or Psychological
Consequences - Loss of Access to Courts
- Laws, Social Practices, or Customs of Home
Country - Risk to Physical Safety or of Being Re-victimized
- 8 C.F.R. 214.11(i)
13Element FourCooperation with Law Enforcement
- I-914, Supplement B, Declaration of Law
Enforcement Officer for Victim of Trafficking in
Persons (uscis.gov) - Victimization
- Investigation and/or Prosecution
- Victims Cooperation with Law Enforcement
- Unlike the U Visa, certification is not required
(although good as it is primary evidence of
cooperation) - Secondary Evidence
- Victim Declaration
- Communication with Law Enforcement
- Copies of Correspondence
- Affidavit from Liaison
14T (and U) Visa Derivative Family Members
- Two main rules
- Must be a qualifying family member
- Must be admissible, and not culpable in the
qualifying crime - Victim over 21
- Spouse, children (under 21 and unmarried)
- Victim under 21
- Spouse, children (under 21 and unmarried),
unmarried siblings under 18, parents - The Applicant may apply for Derivatives who live
in the US or abroad. If the derivative lives
abroad, he/she will need to go through consular
processing in order to enter the US. -
15- Trafficking Information and Referral Hotline
- 1-888-3737-888
16Contact Information
- Kristin Zipple-Shedd
- Supervising Attorney, Crime Victims Program
- kzipple-shedd_at_catholiccharities.org
- 713-875-6550
17 18U Visa Summary Requirements8 U.S.C.
1101(a)(15(U) INA 101(a)(15)(U),8 CFR 214.14
- Victim of a statutorily-listed crime in violation
of U.S. law or in US territories or possessions - Rape, torture, trafficking, incest, dom.
violence, sexual assault, abusive sexual
contact, prostitution, sexual exploitation, FGM,
being held hostage, peonage, involuntary
servitude, slave trade, kidnapping, abduction,
false imprisonment, blackmail, extortion,
manslaughter, murder, felonious assault, witness
tampering, obstruction of justice, perjury or
attempt, conspiracy, or solicitation to commit
any of the above-mentioned crimes, or any
similar activity in violation of federal, state
or local criminal law INA 101(a)(15)(U)(iii) - Helpfulness in a criminal investigation or
prosecution. - Substantial physical or mental abuse.
- Law enforcement certification of helpfulness
INA 214(p)(1). Unlike the T, I 918 B
certification form required for approval of U
- A Federal, state, or local law enforcement
agency, prosecutor, judge, or other authority
responsible for the investigation or prosecution
of a qualifying crime or criminal activity. - 8 CFR 214.14 (a)(2)
- 6 month rule-the certification must be signed
within the six months immediately preceding the
filing. - 8 CFR214.14 (c)(2)(ii)
20FAMILY MEMBERS8 CFR 214.14(a)(10)
- If victim 21 years of age or older-
- Spouse and or children
- If victim 21 years of age or younger
- Spouse, children, parents, unmarried siblings
under the age of 18
- Under INA 212(d)(14) all grounds of
inadmissibility may be waived for U nonimmigrant
applicants EXCEPT INA 212(a)(3)(E) - Nazi persecution, genocide, torture,
extrajudicial killing - Waiver standard
- Discretionary
- If in the public or national interest
22U VISA Benefits
- Lawful immigration status for a four-year
duration unless more time required for
investigation or prosecution - INA 214(p)(6) - Can file an I-539 to extend status
- Derivative family member cannot be issued
duration longer than principal - U visa is a temporary visa. Can seek permanent
residency status, after the U. - Employment authorization.
- Continued Presence
- Removal Proceedings
- Administrative stay of removal order INA 237(d)
- Administrative closure or joint motion to
terminate removal proceedings for one who has
established a prima facie case for a T or a U 8
CFR 214.14(c)(ii) - Termination of removal proceedings for one whose
T or U is approved. - Criminal Proceedings
- Termination of criminal proceedings
24Contact Information
- Maurice Hew, Jr.
- Clinic Director and Associate Professor of Law
- Thurgood Marshall School of Law
- 3100 Cleburne Street
- Houston, TX 77004
- 713.313.7275(tel)
- 713.313.1191(fax)
- Board Certified, Immigration and Nationality
Law, - Texas Board of Legal Specialization
25T and U Non-Immigrant VisasWorking with the
Immigrant Community
- Harris County District Attorneys Office
- Victim Witness Division
- Michelle Permenter
26Why Provide a Certification?
- Identify and prosecute criminals
- Encourage reporting of crime
- Overcome obstacles to victim cooperation
- Provide humanitarian relief
27What Obstacles are faced in Obtaining the Law
Enforcement Certification?
- Agency does not have certification policy
- Misunderstandings and misperceptions certifying
agencies have about the process
28Does the Harris County District Attorneys Office
have a Policy?
- Will review only cases where charges are filed
and are pending or disposed cases up to three
years post disposition date.
29Contact InformationMichelle Permenter,
DirectorVictim Witness DivisionHarris County
District Attorneys Officepermenter_michelle_at_dao.
hctx.netWork (713) 755-6655Fax (713) 755-0452