Title: Percutaneous Coronary Interventions in Facilities without On-Site Cardiac Surgery: A Report from the National Cardiovascular Data Registry (NCDR)
1Percutaneous Coronary Interventions in
Facilities without On-Site Cardiac Surgery A
Report from the National Cardiovascular Data
Registry (NCDR)
- ACC/SCAI i2 Summit
- Late Breaking Clinical Trials
- March 29, 2008
2On Behalf of the National Cardiovascular Data
- Michael A. Kutcher, MD
- Lloyd W. Klein, MD
- Thomas P. Wharton, Jr., MD
- Mandeep Singh, MD, MPH
- Gregory J. Dehmer, MD
- H. Vernon Anderson, MD
- John S. Rumsfeld, MD, PhD
- William S. Weintraub, MD
- Eric D. Peterson, MD, MPH
- Fang-Shu Ou, MS
- Sarah Milford-Beland, MS
- Al Woodward, PhD. MBA
- Ralph G. Brindis, MPH
- Wake Forest University Health Sciences
- Rush University School of Medicine
- Exeter Hospital, Exeter, NH
- Mayo Clinic
- Texas AM School of Medicine
- Univ Texas Health Science, Houston
- Chief Science Officer, NCDR
- Christiana Health Care, Wilmington, DE
- Duke Clinical Research Institute (DCRI)
- Chief Executive Officer, NCDR
3Special Thanks
- Jessica Morris
- Data Clarification Project Contact Staff
- Kristi Mitchell, MPH
- Data Clarification Project Coordinator
- NCDR and DCRI support staff
- Matthew Sacrinty, MS
- Wake Forest University Health Sciences
- All the hospitals and their staff that have
committed to participate in the NCDR
4No DisclosuresRelated to this presentation
- There are few published large studies that have
examined whether the procedural outcomes at PCI
facilities that do not have surgery on-site are
as safe and effective compared to those
facilities that have cardiac surgery on-site. - Wennberg DE et al. JAMA 20042921961-68.
- Ting HH et al. J Am Coll Cardiol 2006471713-21.
- Carlsson J et al. SCARR. Heart 200793335-8.
- The National Cardiovascular Data Registry (NCDR)
CathPCI Registry is a large ongoing multi-center
database that offers a unique opportunity to
provide contemporary insights into this
controversial issue. - Standard data sets
- Written definitions
- Uniform data entry
- Secure transmission requirements
- Data quality and auditing checks
- Risk adjustment algorithms
7Study Population
8Off-Site Data Clarification Project
- A Data Clarification (DC) Project was undertaken
to address potentially ambiguous data issues
unique to Off-Site PCI centers. - Sites with questionable data were sent a Data
Clarification Form (DCF) to clarify whether a
patient transferred for CABG was elective or
emergency and to verify eventual survival. - An additional Off-Site Capabilities Survey (OSCS)
was developed to gather information regarding
organization, staffing, and logistics.
9Off-Site Data Clarification Project
- Each Off-Site PCI program was formally contacted
with follow-up by NCDR staff over a 4 month time
period. - 44 sites with 174 patients had data points that
required verification. - 38 sites (86) were able to fill out the DCF to
reconcile transfer and/or mortality data on 153
patients (88). - 49 out of 61 sites (80) filled out the Off-Site
Capabilities Survey (OSCS).
10Statistical Analysis by DCRI
- Major endpoints
- In-hospital death from all causes following PCI
- Incidence of emergency surgery (version 3.04
definitions) - Emergency CABG performed within lt24 hours
following PCI in which there was evidence of
active ischemia or mechanical dysfunction. - Emergent/Salvage patient required
cardiopulmonary resuscitation en route to the OR
or before anesthesia. - Secondary endpoints
- Cerebrovascular accident
- Renal failure
- Hemorrhage
- Myocardial infarction
- Reperfusion time in cases of primary PCI
11Off-Site Capabilities SurveyTransportation
12Off-Site Capabilities SurveyOrganization and
13Institutional Characteristics
Two sites had missing CMS bed data
14MI Presentation
15Procedural Success and Complications
16Observed Outcomes All PCI Patients
17Risk Adjusted Outcomes
Odds Ratio (OR) outcomes for patients at On-Site
(vs. Off-Site) facilities Adjusting for site
correlations and potential confounding variables
- In-hospital outcomes were analyzed long term
follow-up was not available. - Definitions did not discriminate whether
emergency surgery was performed for complications
of a PCI or whether PCI was a temporizing measure
prior to staged surgery. - Our study was based on a voluntary observational
registry and a selection bias cannot be excluded.
- Our study involves the largest clinical analysis
and comparison of diverse PCI centers in the
United States with and without on-site cardiac
surgery support. - The results of the Off-Site Capabilities Survey
provides detailed information regarding the
organization and logistics of the Off-Site PCI
programs participating in the NCDR.
- Off-Site PCI centers participating in the NCDR
are well organized with good logistical plans - Dedicated staff and facilities.
- Travel time, distances, and modality of transport
are generally within range for timely transfer to
the off-site surgery center. - 92 of sites provide 24/7 coverage.
- All sites are committed to provide primary PCI
for STEMI.
- Compared to On-Site PCI centers, Off-Site PCI
programs - Have smaller bed capacities.
- Are predominantly located in rural and suburban
areas. - Have lower annual PCI volume.
- Treat a higher percentage of patients who present
with subsets of MI (STEMI and NSTEMI). - Have better reperfusion times in primary PCI.
- Compared to On-Site PCI centers, Off-Site PCI
programs have similar observed - Procedure success
- Morbidity
- Emergency CABG surgery rates
- Mortality in cases that require emergency CABG
- The risk-adjusted mortality rate in Off-Site
facilities was comparable to those PCI centers
that have cardiac surgery on-site.
- Off-Site PCI centers can provide excellent care
to patients if the organization of the program
is thoughtfully developed. - The Off-Site programs in our study have
demonstrated a strong commitment to key
structure, process, and outcomes measurements.
Without such a commitment, similar results may
not be achievable.
- The findings of our study should not be
extrapolated to encourage the wide-spread
proliferation of Off-Site PCI programs. - Our study does confirm the safety of an Off-Site
strategy at existing PCI centers where rigorous
clinical, operator, and institutional criteria
are in place and are monitored to assure high
quality outcomes.
25Thank You
26Backup Slides
27Sensitivity Analysis
- Since there was some missing data for follow-up
mortality that was not clarified, a sensitivity
analysis was performed to assess the stability of
the risk adjusted results. - The analysis was comprised of 4 different models
which imputed missing mortality to various
potential scenarios.
28Sensitivity Analysis
Worst case scenario Patients with missing
mortality were considered as all died Best case
scenario Patients with missing mortality were
considered as all alive
29Sensitivity Analysis
- Although the Odds Ratio could change from 1.1 to
0.8, the sensitivity analysis of risk adjusted
mortality for any of the 4 models was not
statistically significant between Off-Site versus
On-Site facilities. - Based on these results, the missing data would
not have significantly affected the stability or
the conclusions of the risk adjusted model.
30Statistical Analysis
- Data Analysis was performed by DCRI
- To test for independence of a patients baseline
characteristics, in-hospital care patterns and
outcomes with respect to Off-Site vs. On-Site
centers were analyzed. - Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon nonparametric tests were
used for continuous variables. - Pearson chi-square tests were used for
categorical variables.
31Statistical Analysis
- A multivariable logistic regression was utilized
to estimate the association surgical status
(On-Site versus Off-Site) and outcomes. - The Generalized Estimate Equation (GEE) method
was applied to account for within-hospital
clustering, assuming patients at the same
hospital are more likely to have similar
responses relative to patients in other hospitals.
32Variables in Risk Adjusted Mortality Model
- Age
- Gender
- Insulin treated diabetes
- Hypercholesterolemia
- Hypertension
- GFR/dialysis
- Cerebrovascular disease
- Prior CABG
- Prior PCI
- Prior MI
- Cardiogenic shock
- MI presentation (STEMI, NSTEMI, no MI)
- Preoperative IABP
- PCI status (salvage, emergent, urgent, elective)
- Subacute thrombosis
- Treated left main lesion
- Treated total occlusion
- Treated lesion TIMI flow 0
- Treated lesion High/C
- Total number of lesions treated
33Variables in Risk Adjusted Emergency Surgery Model
- Cardiogenic shock
- MI Presentation
- No MI
- Pre-operative IABP
- PCI status
- Salvage
- Emergent
- Urgent
- Elective
- Any treated left main lesion
35Patient Characteristics
36Lesion Characteristics
37Observed Outcomes Primary PCI Patients
- Since the introduction of PCI in 1977 by Andreas
Gruntzig, a preferred practice has been to have
cardiac surgery capabilities on-site to provide
emergency CABG in the event of life threatening
acute procedural failures.
- Over the last 10 years, as a result of
improvements in technology and pharmacology - The incidence of emergency CABG surgery for
failed PCI is now very infrequent (0.3-0.6) - Seshadri N et al. Circulation 20021062346-50.
- Yang EH et al. J Am Coll Cardiol 20052004-20.
- Primary PCI has been shown to be superior to
fibrinolytic therapy for the treatment of STEMI - Keely et al. Lancet 200336113-20.
- These developments have formed the justification
for some hospitals without on-site cardiac
surgery to develop PCI programs based on a
strategy to - Provide more rapid and superior care for STEMI in
the form of primary PCI - Increase the availability of primary and elective
PCI to patients residing in geographically
underserved areas.
- The safety and efficacy of performing primary PCI
in facilities without on site surgical back-up
has been documented in several trials. - Wharton TP Jr. et al. J Am Coll Cardiol
1999331257-65. - Aversano T el. C-PORT trial. JAMA
20022871943-51. - Wharton TP Jr. et al. PAMI-NoSOS Study. J Am Coll
Cardiol 2004431943-50. - There have been numerous observational reports
that extend the Off-Site concept to both primary
and elective PCI.
- The ACC/AHA/SCAI 2005 PCI Guidelines designated
the following indications for PCI at centers that
do not have surgery on-site - Primary PCI Class IIb may be considered
- Elective PCI Class III not recommended
- Smith SC Jr. et al. J Am Coll Cardiol
200647216-35. - The 2007 Focused PCI Guideline Update did not
address or change these designations. - King SB III et al. J Am Coll Cardiol