Title: Fourth Year Final Project - BGU HF Electromagnetic Vector Sensor
1Fourth Year Final Project - BGU HF
Electromagnetic Vector Sensor
- Students
- Roy Nevo, Yiftach Barash
- Advisors
- Mr. Benny Almog
- Prof. Reuven Shavit
- 17.5.2011
2Challenges and Motivation
- Electromagnetic direction finding (DF) is of high
priority, both for civilian and military needs. - In the High-Frequency (HF) range (3-30MHz) the
common passive DF methods require very large
aperture (tens of meters). - Thus, HF DF system is bulky to carry and to
set-up. - Small aperture antenna array and elements (in
terms of wavelength) that perform DF is required.
3Project Goals
- Main Goal
- Using the Poynting theorem to produce a small
antenna for - HF-DF applications
- Objectives
- Wideband in the HF region
- Simultaneous azimuth
- and elevation finding
- RMS error lt 2
- Production of the antenna
- Test environment for the HF range The TEM Cell
?80 f157
4Project Final Result
- The sensor basic element and its feeding
circuitry were simulated and produced - TEM-cell test environment was also simulated and
produced - The antenna was measured inside the TEM-cell and
the total RMS error of the azimuth and elevation
estimation was lt 2
Simulation -Total Error RMS 1.43
Measurements - Total Error RMS 1.98
5Theoretical BackgroundThe Poynting Theorem
- Propagating EM plane wave
- in free space
- E-field - H-field - Propagation (Poynting
vector). - The Poynting Theorem
- From the Cartesian elements of the fields, the
propagation direction can be extracted
6Theoretical Background Electric and Magnetic
- Electric dipole on the Z axis
- Response related to Ez
- Magnetic dipole on the Z axis
- Response related to Hz
7Simulated Elements
- Small Electric Dipole
- Small Loop
- Magnetic Dipole
- Combined element
- Slotted Dipole
- With less coupling
- and thus, possibly, higher SNR
8Dipoles Simulation
- Electric and magnetic dipoles far field
(incident wave response).
Electric dipole far field radiation (E?)
Rectangular loop far field radiation (Ef)
9Dipoles Simulation
- Slotted Dipole far field (incident wave
Electric dipole far field radiation (E?)
Slot far field radiation (Ef)
10Test Environment The TEM cell
- The TEM-cell was matched to have 200O impedance
- The Electric field orientation in the center is
well defined
11Combined Simulation DF analysis
- Simulation results 6 dipoles in the TEM CELL
? 7.12E-06 Ex
? 5.02E-09 Ey
? 4.63E-04 Ez
? 2.35E-06 Hx
? 5.19E-02 Hy
? 1.03E-07 Hz
2.39E-05 Sx
1.09E-09 Sy
1.45E-07 Sz
Angle Expected Simulation result
Phi 0 0.0023
Theta 0 0.34
12Orientation Index
- Polarization0
- Theta0
- Phi0
- Polarization0
- Theta30
- Phi0
- Polarization0
- Theta0
- Phi30
- Polarization30
- Theta0
- Phi0
13DF Results and Noise Analysis
Error in RMS Phi Theta Abs
Dipole and Loop 2.0275 0.9701 2.2476
Slotted Dipole 1.3266 0.5481 1.4353
- The slotted dipole show better DF result in
simulation - For good performance, with no signal processing
operations, the signal must be larger than the
noise in at least 20dB.
14The TEM-cell
- The TEM-cell was produced from wood (EM
transparent) and two parallel metal net (EM
plate) - From S parameters measurements, the TEM-cell is
well matched and perform as parallel plate
transmission line
Output/ Termination
15Testing System Layout
- The antenna is placed on special holders with
different angels in the TEM-cell. - The TEM-cell is connected to port 1, the
antenna to port 2 of the ENA and S21 is measured.
16Sensor Element Measurement Results
- The elements directional response is as expected
! - In most of the HF range, the signal response in
the TEM is larger than the noise in more than 30dB
17Sensor Element Measurement Results
- In the HF range the antenna gain is very small
- small antenna-large bandwidth limitation
- The DF result on arbitrary angle show good
performance up to 20MHz (The magnetic dipole
upper limitation)
18Measurements Results and Comparison to Simulation
Error RMS Error - ? Error - f ? ? f f ? ß a
0.92 0.98 0.86 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1.43 0.8 1.86 58 58 -16 -16 45 45 45
0.75 0.48 0.94 47 47 -58 -58 60 45 30
3.51 3 3.95 4 4 12 12 30 60 30
1.98 1.98 Total Error-RMS Total Error-RMS Total Error-RMS Total Error-RMS
1.43 1.43 Simulation -Total Error-RMS Simulation -Total Error-RMS Simulation -Total Error-RMS Simulation -Total Error-RMS
19Conclusion and Future Steps
- A novel HF DF antenna was developed and produced
- The antenna is very small in terms of wavelength
and thus highly mobile - The DF RMS error lt 2 as was initially specified
- Continuous measurements and signal processing
algorithm (MUSIC) will be applied in order to
further reduce the RMS error
- 1 C. Balanis, Antenna theory Wiley New York,
1997. - 2 C. Balanis, Modern Antenna Handbook Wiley
New York, 2008. - 3 A. Nehorai and E. Paldi, "Vector sensor
processing for electromagnetic source
localization," in Signals, Systems and
computers, 1991. - 4 C. E. Smith and R. A. Fouty, Circular
Polarization in F-M Broadcasting, Electronics,
vol. 21 (September 1948) 103 107. Application
of the slotted cylinder for a circularly
polarized omnidirectional antenna.
21Thank You For Your AttentionQuestions ???
22The slotted dipole
- Simulation results current density
Electric dipole ports generator - J A/m
Slot ports generator - J mA/m
23Project Methodology
Production and Measurements
Electric and magnetic dipoles basic simulation in
different realizations
Production of the TEM-cell and S-parameters
measurements for match evaluation
DF calculation and comparison with the simulation
Detailed simulation of selected realization
including feed
Production of one element of the antenna
electric and magnetic dipole
Calculation and simulation of the TEM-cell for
match evaluation
Measurement of the electric and magnetic dipole
response in the TEM-cell in different orientation
Simulation of the dipoles in the cell and DF
24Project Methodology
Production and Measurements
DF calculation
Electric and magnetic dipoles basic simulation
Production of the TEM-cell and S-parameters
Detailed simulation including feed
Production of electric and magnetic dipole
Calculation and simulation - TEM-cell
Measurement of the electric and magnetic dipole
in the TEM-cell
Simulation and DF calculation