Title: Earth Science Projects for Olin College Students: J. Vanderlei Martins UMBC Physics Department and NASA GSFC Climate and Radiation Branch
1Earth Science Projects for Olin College
StudentsJ. Vanderlei Martins UMBC Physics
Departmentand NASA GSFC Climate and Radiation
- CCD Detection System for Rainbow Camera
- CCD readout system for specific lines of the CCD
- CubeSat Sun-Sensor
- CCD or CMOS based
- Position Sensing Detector Based
(http//www.on-trak.com/theory.html) - Solar Cell based
- CubeSat Attitude Control System
- Sun-Sensor to determine pointing
- Magnetorquers to control the satellites
2Science The Big Picture Interaction Between
Aerosols and Clouds
Andreae, et al. Science 2004Smoking Rain
Clouds over the Amazon
3Cloud Droplet Measurements from Cloud
RainbowF-M. Breon, P. Goloub, 1998.
4Project 1- CCD Detection System for Rainbow Camera
- Interested in Only Selected lines of the CCD
- Most CCD/Cameras allow for windowing or binning
but not for reading a bunch of selected lines
along the CCD. - Reading only selected lines increases speed and
reduces data volume
5Example of stripe filter need to read only one
line in the center of each stripe
6Project 2 - CubeSat Sun-Sensor
- One face of the satellite must always point to
the sun - maximizes solar incidence in the solar panel
- Assures optimum geometry for cloud-side
measurements - Feedback from Sun-Sensor increases accuracy of
the Attitude and Determination Control System
7More Science Cloud-Side Profiling
Aerosol Impact in Microphysics?
mixed phase
Water-ice processes
8Cloud CubeSatOrbit Geometry
Ex SunSensor from Nat. Cheng Kung University for
the PACE CubeSat
- Other options
- PSD analog position sensitive detector
- Solar cell pyramid
CMOS Detector Array
10Project 3 - CubeSat Attitude Control System
- Can we control the attitude of the satellite
using Earths magnetic field - How much torque is needed and how to implement an
active control system to keep one face of the
satellite always pointing to the sun. - Sun-Sensor can be used as feedback mechanism
11Use Sun-Sensor signal to align one face of the
satellite (or solar panel) to the sun
Magnetorquer Coils