Chapter 2: Fundamentals of the Analysis of Algorithm Efficiency - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 2: Fundamentals of the Analysis of Algorithm Efficiency


Title: Chapter 2: Fundamentals of the Analysis of Algorithm Efficiency Author: Anany Levitin Last modified by: E_man Created Date: 8/23/1999 5:38:43 PM – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 2: Fundamentals of the Analysis of Algorithm Efficiency

Dynamic Programming Dr. M. Sakalli, Marmara
University Matrix Chain Problem
Assembly-line scheduling Elements of dynamic
Picture reference to http//
Crane strokes
Dynamic Programming (pro-gram)
  • Like Divide and Conquer, DP solves a problem by
    partitioning the problem into sub-problems and
    combines solutions. The differences are that
  • DC is top-down while DP is bottom to top
    approach. But memoization will allow top to down
  • The sub-problems are independent from each other
    in the former case, while they are not
    independent in the dynamic programming.
  • Therefore, DP algorithm solves every sub-problem
    just ONCE and saves its answer in a TABLE and
    then reuse it. Memoization.
  • Optimization problems Many solutions possible
    solutions and each has a value.
  • A solution with the optimal sub-solutions. Such a
    solution is called an optimal solution to the
    problem. Not the optimum. Shortest path example
  • The development of a dp algorithm can be in four
  • Characterize the structure of an optimal
  • Recursively define the value of an optimal
  • Compute the value of an optimal solution in a
    bottom-up fashion.
  • Construct an optimal solution from computed

Dynamic Programming
Assembly-Line Scheduling
  • ei time to enter
  • xi time to exit assembly lines
  • tj time to transfer from assembly
  • aj processing time in each station.
  • Brute-force approach
  • Enumerate all possible sequences through lines i
    ?1, 2,
  • For each sequence of n stations Sj j ?1, n,
    compute the passing time. (the computation takes
    ?(n) time.)
  • Record the sequence with smaller passing time.
  • However, there are too many possible sequences
    totaling 2n

Assembly-Line Scheduling
  • DP Step 1 Analyze the structure of the fastest
    way through the paths
  • Seeking an optimal substructure The fastest
    possible way (minf) through a station Si,j
    contains the fastest way from start to the
    station Si,j trough either assembly line S1, j-1
    or S2, j-1.
  • For j1, there is only one possibility
  • For j2,3,,n, two possibilities from S1, j-1 or
    S2, j-1
  • from S1, j-1, additional time a1, j
  • from S2, j-1, additional time t2, j-1 a1,j
  • suppose the fastest way through S1, j is through
    S1, j-1, then the chassis must have taken a
    fastest way from starting point through S1,j-1.
  • Similar rendering for S2, j-1.
  • An optimal solution to a problem contains within
    it an optimal solution to sub-prbls.
  • the fastest way through station Si,j contains
    within it the fastest way through station S1,j-1
    or S2,j-1 .
  • Thus can construct an optimal solution to a
    problem from the optimal solutions to

  • DP Step 2 A recursive solution
  • DP Step 3 Computing the fastest times in T(n)
  • Problem ri (j) 2n-j. So f11 is referred to
    2n-1 times.
  • Total references to all fij is ?(2n).

Running time O(n).
  • Step 4 Construct the fastest way through the

  • Determining the fastest way through the factory

Matrix-chain Multiplication
  • Problem definition Given a chain of matrices A1,
    A2, ..., An, where matrix Ai has dimension
    pi-1pi, find the order of matrix multiplications
    minimizing the number of the total scalar
    multiplications to compute the final product.
  • Let A be a p, q matrix, and B be a q, r
    matrix. Then the complexity is pqr.
  • In the matrix-chain multiplication problem, the
    actually matrices are not multiplied, the aim is
    to determine an order for multiplying matrices
    that has the lowest cost.
  • Then, the time invested in determining optimal
    order must worth more than paid for by the time
    saved later on when actually performing the
    matrix multiplications.
  • C(p,r) A(p,q) B(q,r)
  • for i?1 to p for j?1 to r
  • Ci,j0
  • for i1 to p
  • for j1 to r
  • for k1 to q Ci,j Ci,j Ai,kBk,j

Example given in class
2x3 3x5 5x7 7x2 A1 A2
A3 A4
Suppose we want to multiply a sequence of
matrices, A1A4 with dimensions. Remember
Matrix multiplication is not commutative. 1-
Total of multiplication for this method is 30
70 20 120 2- Above the total of
multiplications is 30 70 28 128 3- Below
the total of multiplications is 70 30 12
  • The aim as to fully parenthesize the product of
    matrices minimizing scalar multiplications.
  • For example, for the product A1 A2 A3 A4, a fully
    parenthesization is ((A1 A2) A3) A4.
  • A product of matrices is fully parenthesized if
    it is either a single matrix, or a product of two
    fully parenthesized matrix product, surrounded by
  • Brute-force approach
  • Enumerate all possible parenthesizations.
  • Compute the number of scalar multiplications of
    each parenthesization.
  • Select the parenthesization needing the least
    number of scalar multiplications.
  • The number of enumerated parenthesizations of a
    product of n matrices, denoted by P(n), is the
    sequence of Catalan number growing as O(4n/n3/2)
    and solution to recurrence is O(2n).

The Brute-force approach is inefficient.
Catalan numbers the number of ways in which
parentheses can be placed in a sequence of
numbers to be multiplied, two at a time
  • 3 numbers
  • (1 (2 3)), ((1 2) 3)
  • 4 numbers
  • (1 (2 (3 4))), (1 ((2 3) 4)), ((1 2) (3 4)), ((1
    (2 3)) 4), (((1 2) 3) 4)
  • 5 numbers
  • (1 (2 (3 (4 5)))), (1 (2 ((3 4) 5))), (1 ((2 3)
    (4 5))), (1 ((2 (3 4)) 5)),
  • (1 (((2 3) 4) 5)), ((1 2) (3 (4 5))), ((1 2) ((3
    4) 5)), ((1 (2 3)) (4 5)),
  • ((1 (2 (3 4))) 5), ((1 ((2 3) 4)) 5), (((1 2) 3)
    (4 5)), (((1 2) (3 4)) 5),
  • (((1 (2 3)) 4) 5) ((((1 2) 3) 4) 5)

With DP
  • DP Step 1 structure of an optimal
  • Let Ai..j (i?j) denote the matrix resulting from
  • Any parenthesization of Ai?Ai1??Aj must split
    the product between Ak and Ak1 for some k,
    (i?kltj). The cost of computing Ai..k of
    computing Ak1..j Ai..k ? Ak1..j.
  • If k is the position for an optimal
    parenthesization, the parenthesization of
    prefix subchain Ai?Ai1??Ak within this
    optimal parenthesization of Ai?Ai1??Aj must be
    an optimal parenthesization of Ai?Ai1??Ak.
  • Ai?Ai1??Ak ? Ak1??Aj

Step 2 Recursively define the value of an
optimal solution
  • DP Step 2 a recursive relation
  • Let mi,j be the minimum number of
    multiplications needed to compute the matrix
  • The lowest cost to compute A1 A2 An would be
  • Recurrence
  • 0 if i j
  • mi,j
  • mini?kltj mi,k
    mk1,j pi-1pkpj if iltj
  • ( (Ai Ak) (Ak1 Aj) )
    (Split at k)

Recursive (top-down) solution
  • using the formula for mi,j
  • if ij then return 0
  • mi, j ?
  • for k ? 1 to j - 1
  • q ? RECURSIVE-MATRIX-CHAIN (p, i , k)
  • pi-1 pk pj
  • if q lt mi, j then mi, j ? q
  • return mi, j

Line 1
Line 6
Line 4
Line 5
Line 6
for n gt 1
Complexity of the recursive solution
  • Using inductive method to prove by using the
    substitution method we guess a solution and
    then prove by using mathematical induction that
    it is correct.
  • Prove that T(n) ?(2n) that is T(n) 2n-1 for
    all n 1.
  • Induction Base T(1) 120
  • Induction Assumption assume T(k) 2k-1 for all
    1 k lt n
  • Induction Step

  • Step 3, Computing the optimal cost
  • If by recursive algorithm is exponential in n,
    ?(2n), no better than brute-force.
  • But only have n ?(n2)
  • Recursive behavior will encounter to revisit the
    same overlapping subproblems many times.
  • If tabling the answers for subproblems, each
    subproblem is only solved once.
  • The second hallmark of DP overlapping
    subproblems and solve every subproblem just once.

  • Step 3 Compute the value of an optimal solution
  • Input n an array p0n containing matrix
  • State m1..n, 1..n for storing mi, j
  • s1..n, 1..n for storing the optimal k that
    was used to calculate mi, j
  • Result Minimum-cost table m and split table s
  • for i ? 1 to n
  • mi, i ? 0
  • for l ? 2 to n
  • for i ? 1 to n-l1
  • j ? il-1
  • mi, j ? ?
  • for k ? i to j-1
  • q ? mi, k mk1, j pi-1 pk pj
  • if q lt mi, j
  • mi, j ? q
  • si, j ? k
  • return m and s

Takes O(n3) time Requires ?(n2) space
chains of length 1
A1 301
A2 140
A3 4010
A4 1025
1 2 3 4
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0
chains of length 2
A1 301
A2 140
A3 4010
A4 1025
1 2 3 4
1 0 1200 1
2 0 400 2
3 0 10000 3
4 0
chains of length 3
1 2 3 4
1 0 1200 1 700 1
2 0 400 2 650 3
3 0 10000 3
4 0
A1 301
A2 140
A3 4010
A4 1025
chains of length 4
1 2 3 4
1 0 1200 1 700 1 1400 1
2 0 400 2 650 3
3 0 10000 3
4 0
A1 301
A2 140
A3 4010
A4 1025
Printing the solution
2 3 4
1 1 1 1
2 2 3
3 3
A1 301
A2 140
A3 4010
A4 1025
PRINT(s, 1, 4)
PRINT (s, 1, 1)
PRINT (s, 2, 4)
PRINT (s, 2, 3)
PRINT (s, 4, 4)
Output (A1((A2A3)A4))
PRINT (s, 2, 2)
PRINT (s, 3, 3)
  • Step 4 Constructing an optimal solution
  • Each entry si, j k shows where to split the
    product Ai Ai1 Aj for the minimum cost
  • A1 An ( (A1 Asi, n) (Asi, n1 An) )
  • To print the solution invoke the following
    function with (s, 1, n) as the parameter
  • if ij then print Ai
  • else print (
    j1, j)
  • print )

  • Suppose
  • A1 A2 Ai.Ar
  • P1xP2 P2xP3 PixPi1 . PrxPr1
  • Assume
  • mij the of multiplication needed to multiply
    Ai A i1......Aj
  • Initial value mii mjj 0
  • Final Value m1r
  • A1..AiAk Ak1..Aj
  • mij mik mk1, j Pi Pk1 Pj1
  • k could be i lt k lt j-1
  • We know the range of k but dont know the exact
    value of k

  • Thus mij min(mik mk1, j Pi Pk1 Pj1) for
    i lt k lt j-1
  • recurrence index (j-1) - i 1(j-i)
  • Example Calculate m14 for
  • A1 A2 A3 A4
  • 2x5 5x3 3x7 7x2
  • P1 2, P2 5, P3 3, P4 7, P5 2
  • j-i 0 j-i 1 j-i 2
    j-i 3
  • m11 0 m12 30 m13 72 m14
  • m220 m23105 m2472
  • m330 m3442
  • mij min(mik mk1,i PiPk1Pj1) for i lt k
    lt j-1
  • m12 min(m11 m22 P1P2P3) for 1 lt k lt 1
  • min( 0 0 2x5x3)

m(1,1) m(1,2) m(1,3) m(1,4) m(1,5) m(1,6)
m(2,2) m(2,3) m(2,4) m(2,5) m(2,6)
m(3,3) m(3,4) m(3,5)
m(3,6) m(4,4)
m(4,5) m(4,6)
m(5,5) m(5,6)
  • mij min(mik mk1, j PiPk1Pj1) for ilt klt
  • m13 min(m1k mk1,3 P1Pk1P4)for 1ltklt2
  • min(m11 m23 P1P2P4 , m12 m33 P1P3P4
  • min( 01052x5x7, 30 0 2x3x7)
  • min( 10570, 30 42) 72
  • m24 min(m2k mk1,3 P2Pk1P4)for 2ltklt3
  • min(m22 m34 P2P3P5 , m23 m44 P2P4P5
  • min( 0425x3x2, 105 0 5x7x2)
  • min( 42 30, .) 72
  • m14 min(m1k mk1,4 P1Pk1P5)for 1ltklt3
  • min(m11 m24 P1P2P5 , m12 m34 P1P3P5 ,
    m13 m44 P1P4P5 )
  • min( 722x5x2, 3042 2x3x2, 722x7x2)
  • min( 7220, 304212, 72 28) min( 92, 84,
    100) 84

(No Transcript)
Memoized Matrix Chain
  • LOOKUP-CHAIN(p,i,j)
  • if mi,jlt? then return mi,j
  • if ij then mi,j ?0
  • else for k?i to j-1
  • do q? LOOKUP-CHAIN(p,i,k)

  • LOOKUP-CHAIN(p,k1,j)pi-1pkpj
  • if qlt
    mi,j then mi,j ?q
  • return mi,j

For a DP to be applicable an optmztn prbl must
  • Optimal substructure
  • An optimal solution to the problem contains
    within it optimal solutions to subproblems.
  • Overlapping (dependencies) subproblems
  • The space of subproblems must be small i.e., the
    same subproblems are encountered over and over.

DP step3. Memoization T(n)O(n3),
  • A top-down variation of dynamic programming
  • Idea remember the solution to subproblems as
    they are solved in the simple recursive algorithm
    but may be quite costly
  • DP is considered better when all subproblems must
    be calculated, because there is no overhead for
    recursion. Lookup-Chain(p, i, j)
  • LookUp-Table(p,i,j)
  • Initialize all mi,j to ?
  • if mi,j lt ? then return mi,j
  • if i j then mi,j ? 0
  • else for k ? 1 to j - 1
  • q ? LookUp-Table (p, i , k)
  • LookUp-Table (p, k1 ,
    j) pi-1 pk pj
  • if q lt mi, j then mi, j ? q
  • return mi, j

Elements of DP
  • Optimal substructure
  • A problem exhibits optimal substructure if an
    optimal solution to the problem contains within
    its optimal solution to subproblems.
  • Overlapping subproblems
  • When a recursive algorithm revisits the same
    problem over and over again, that is the
    optimization problem has overlapping subproblems.
  • Subtleties
  • Better to not assume that optimal substructure
    applies in general. Two examples in a directed
    graph G (V, E) and vertices u, v ? V.
  • Unweighted shortest path
  • Find a path from u to v consisting of the fewest
    edges. Good for Dynamic programming.
  • Unweighted longest simple path
  • Find a simple path from u to v consisting of the
    most edges. Not good for Dynamic programming.

  • The running time of a dynamic-programming
    algorithm depends on the product of two factors.
  • The number of subproblems overall the number
    of choices for each subproblem. Sum of entire
  • Assembly line scheduling
  • T(n) subproblems 2 choices T(n)
  • Matrix chain multiplication
  • T(n2) subproblems (n-1) choices O(n3)

Principle of Optimality (Optimal Substructure)
  • The principle of optimality applies to a problem
    (not an algorithm)
  • A large number of optimization problems satisfy
    this principle.
  • Principle of optimality Given an optimal
    sequence of decisions or choices, each
    subsequence must also be optimal.
  • Principle of optimality - shortest path problem
  • Problem Given a graph G and vertices s and t,
    find a shortest path in G from s to t
  • Theorem A subpath P (from s to t) of a
    shortest path P is a shortest path from s to t
    of the subgraph G induced by P. Subpaths are
    paths that start or end at an intermediate vertex
    of P.
  • Proof If P was not a shortest path from s to
    t in G, we can substitute the subpath from s
    to t in P, by the shortest path in G from s
    to t. The result is a shorter path from s to t
    than P. This contradicts our assumption that P
    is a shortest path from s to t.

Principle of Optimality
  • P must be a shortest path from c to e in G,
    otherwise P cannot be a shortest path from a to e
    in G.
  • Problem What is the longest simple route
    between City A and B?
  • Simple never visit the same spot twice.
  • The longest simple route (solid line) has city
    C as an intermediate city.
  • Does not consist of the longest simple route
    from A to C and the longest simple route from C
    to B. Therefore does not satisfy the Principle of
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