Title: The role of Social Partners in Promoting Sustainable Growth and Inclusive Growth and Development
1The role of Social Partners in Promoting
Sustainable Growth and Inclusive Growth and
- Sound Partners for Sustainable Growth and
Inclusive DevelopmentLO Skolen, Elsinore, 7-9
May 2012 - Hjördis DAgostino Ogendo, Development and
Cooperation DG, European Commission
2- 1. EC/EU responses policy framework
- 2. Role of social partners in inclusive growth
- 3. EU support
- 4. Challenges for supporting social partners and
social dialogue
3 4EU policy framework I
- 2011 Communication by European
- Commission on Increasing the Impact of EU
development policy An Agenda for Change - Eradicate poverty is the primary objective of
development policy - Continuing support of MDGs essential but not
5Agenda for change - continues
- EU Development policy and aid should be spent
efficient, delivers the best results - greatest impact should concentrate aid to
- Human rights, democracy and other elements of
good governance - Inclusive and sustainable growth for human
6Agenda for change - continues
- Differentiation
- Coordinated EU action
- Improved policy coherence
7Agenda for Change - some challenges
- High economic growth had not lead to sufficiently
poverty reduction (fulfill MDG 1?) and decent
work creation - High and Increasing income inequality
- Low share in formal employment mostly
self-employment either in agriculture or informal
economy - New jobs created mostly in the informal economy
- low wages, poor working conditions, no or
limited social protection coverage and no or low
degree of social dialogue (social partners)
mainly women and young people - Main issue is not unemployment but absence of
decent jobs -
8Inclusive and sustainable growth for human
- So rate of economic growth per se not sufficient
but economic patterns are equally important for
long term poverty reduction - We need inclusive economic growth or pro-poor
growth - peoples ability to participate in contribute
to and benefit from wealth and job creation
promotion of decent work - Support sectors that build foundations for growth
ie education, health and social protection - Target to reach 20 of EU aid on social
inclusion and human development
9EU Responses policy framework II
- 2005 European Consensus for Development
- 2006 Communication and Council Conclusions on
Promoting Decent Work for all - 2007 Staff working paper on Promoting Employment
through EU Development Cooperation and Council
- EC/EU committed and endorse decent work agenda -
according to policy documents - In practice
- In current programming period?
- In future programming period?
11- 2
- The Role of Social Partners
12Role of social partners
- EU level Treaty of Lisbon (art 152)
- The Union is committed to promoting the role of
European social partners and facilitating the
dialogue between social partners respecting their
autonomy - ...
13Role of social partners
- 2. EU development cooperation
- A number of policy documents that gives a clear
mandate - Agenda for change
- civil society and local authorities EU should
strengthen links with civil society
organisations, social partners and local
authorities - Stronger CSR at international and national level
- Support to the decent work agenda...reaffirmed!
14 15Role of social partners in EU development
- 1. Consultation and Structured Dialogue
- Most recently in prep of 2 Communications
- to be adopted by the EC in September 2012
- Social protection in EU development cooperation
- Civil Society Organisations in Development
16The Role of Social Partners
- 2. Thematic programmes
- Supplementary instrument to EUs support through
country programmes - Funding possibilities for... social partners
- Non State Actors and local authorities in
development - EIHDR European instrument for democracy and
human rights - Investing in people
17- 3. Geographical programmes/cooperation
- ie cooperation with our partner countries
- Support at EU Delegations level
- Social dialogue is missing in the CSP/NIP
- How to strengthen and support social dialogue?
What can EU do?
18Investing in people thematic programme
- 2007-2013 around 1 Billion
- Good health for all 56
- Education and skills 12
- Other aspects of human and social
development 21 - Gender equality 5
192011-2013 Investing in people thematic
- other aspects of human and social development
divided in - Social cohesion, employment and decent work
- Children and youth
- Culture
20Investing in people thematic programme
- Promoting social cohesion, employment and decent
work - total 38 M (2011-2013) - 1strengthen rights, representation,
participation, employability and access to social
protection for informal workers - 2. Awareness raising on the global level for
basic level of social protection to all
21- 3. Capacity building and exchange of best
practices among ..social partners aiming at
strengthening social dialogue for development and
implementation of inclusive national employment
policies - Preparation of Annual Action Programme 2013 to
be adopted in 2012 or early 2013
22- EC on-going feasibility study on how to
strengthen social dialogue in EU development
cooperation - Main objectives
- To address ways on strengthening social dialogue
- Provide recommendations on how future actions
could be designed ...in view of the 2013 Annual
Action Programme of investing in people
23- Seminar on 25 May in Bruxelles
- The draft report of the study will be presented
- The discussion will feed in not only into the
report but also ideas / proposals for future
EU actions in AAP 2013 of the Investing in People
24- Challenges include
- High and growing informal economy in our partner
countries - Limited and weak capacity of trade unions and
employers organisation - Political and lack of respect of human rights and
labour rights of social partners /trade unions to
engage in social dialogue
25- Conclusions
- EU is committed to strengthen the role of social
partners and social dialogue in EU development
cooperation (politically...) - But
- How can we do more and better?
26- Thank you for your attention