Title: Introduction to Kalman Filter and SLAM
1Introduction to Kalman Filter and SLAM
2What is Kalman Filter? (cont.)
3What is Kalman Filter? (cont.)
- Whats used for ?
- Tracking missiles
- Tracking heads/heads
- Extracting lip motion from video
- Fitting Bezier patches to points data
- Lots of computer vision
- Economics
- Navigation
4Basic Idea
5Basic Idea
6Basic Idea (cont.)
7Kalman Filter Model
8Extend to System Model
9Estimate from Two Distributions
- If x and y are distributed according to Gaussian
PDF with E(x) E(y)T - And covariance matrix
10Extend to System Model
11Extend to System Model
12Extend to System Model
x1, s1
13Pre-limit of Kalman Filter
- Linear dynamical system
- Markov Chain
- Zero mean Gaussian noise
14Prediction to Correction
15System Model
- Fk state transition model
- wk is the process noise which is assumed to be
drawn from a zero mean multivariate normal
distribution with covariance Qk - Observation model
- vk is the observation noise which is assumed to
be zero mean Gaussian white noise with covariance
16System Model
x1, s1
x2, s2
x3, s3
17Predict and Update
- Predict
- Predicted state
- Predicted estimate covariance
- Update
- innovation or measurement residual
- Innovation (or residual) covariance
18Predict and Update (cont.)
- Update
- Optimal Kalman gain
- Updated state estimate
- Updated estimate covariance
- http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalman_filter
19Example 2D PV Model
u(n) change in velocity v(n) measurement error
20Example 2D PV Model (cont.)
Measurement Noise Covariance
Process Noise Covariance
21EKF-Extended Kalman Filter
- Processes to be estimate or measurement is
non-linear. - Model
- Predict
22EKF-Extended Kalman Filter
- Update
- Transition and observation matrix
23Disadvantage of the Extended Kalman Filter
- Use only first level Taylor series.
- If the initial estimate of the state is wrong,
the filter may quickly diverge. - Solution Unsented Kalman filter
- Simultaneous localization and mapping
- Technique used by robots and autonomous vehicles
to build up a map within an unknown environment.
25SLAM Problem
26Overview of the Process
- 1.Update the current state estimate using the
odometry data. - 2.Update the estimated state from re-observing
landmarks. - 3.Add new landmarks to the current state.
27Spring Network Analogy
28System Model
- Fk state transition model
- wk is the process noise which is assumed to be
drawn from a zero mean multivariate normal
distribution with covariance Qk - Observation model
- vk is the observation noise which is assumed to
be zero mean Gaussian white noise with covariance
29The Matrix
- The system state x
- xr, yr , thetar for robot
- x1,y1xn, yn position of each landmark.
30The Matrix
31The Matrix
32The Matrix
33The Matrix
- H for SLAM EKF as landmark number two observed.
34The Matrix
35The Matrix
36The Matrix
- The SLAM specific Jacobians
37Step 1 Update current state using the odometry
- Update current state using odometry data
- Prr is the top left 3 by 3 matrix of P
- Update the robot to feature correlation
38Step 2.Update the Estimated State from
Re-observing Landmarks
39The Matrix
- Process noise
- Measure noise
- c, d represent the accuracy of measure device
40Step 3 Add New Landmarks to Current State
- Integrates particle filter and extend Kalman
Filter. - Cope with non-linear robot models better.
42FastSLAM Robot Trajectory
43Factoring the SLAM Posterior
- T MAP, consists of collection of features?0
?1?n - st robot post at time t
- st s1, s2, s3st
- zt , nt measurement feature n at time t
- ut control of vehicle
45Fast SLAM Algorithm
- zt depend only on st, nt, ?nt
46Particle Filter in FastSLAM
47Step 1. Extend the Path Posterior by Sampling New
st robot pose ut contorl
48Step 2 Updating the Observed Landmark Estimate
zt sensor measurement ?landmark
49Step 3. Resampling
50Step 3. Resampling (cont.)