Title: Robotic Technology for USAR Illah Nourbakhsh Robotics Lead NASA/Ames Research Center
1Robotic Technology for USAR Illah
NourbakhshRobotics LeadNASA/Ames Research Center
2Background Key Secondary Affiliations
- University
- Carnegie Mellon Associate Professor (on leave)
- University of California Santa Cruz Adjunct
Professor - University of Pittsburgh, Stanford, USF
collaborations - Government
- NSF Co-PI on Agent Architectures for Urban Search
Rescue - NIST PI on Instrumented Facilities for USAR
standardization - Chair, 2003 National Robocup Rescue exhibition
- Industry
- Intel Corporation embedded robotics processor
development - Intel Pittsburgh robotics university lead
- Robotics Engineering Task Force
- Evolution Robotics advisor
3Role of Robotics in USAR
- Lower latency of first entry
- HAZMAT scheduling, preparation
- Structural analysis and approval
- Lower very high human risk
- Increase accessible domain
- Broaden operating conditions (heat, lack of
oxygen) - Human sensing augmentation
- Sensing Infrared imaging, Environmental modeling
- Force multiplier
4Role of Robotics in USAR
- Lower latency of first entry
- Lower human risk
- Human sensing augmentation
- Increase survival chance and outcome for
victims, decrease risk exposure and hazards to
first responders.
5Role of Robotics in Space Exploration
- Lower latency of first entry
- Lower human risk
- Human sensing augmentation
- Space Exploration and USAR share common goals
and therefore common technological trajectories.
- synergy
6Barriers to Success
- Effective human-robot interaction
- USAR robot operating system standardization
- Mechatronic robot innovation
- Robot sensor interfaces
- Systems-level field testing and validation
7Barriers to Success
- Effective human-robot interaction
- Current interfaces fragile, inefficient and need
extensive training - Human factors analysis must be applied to USAR
case - Iterative interaction design of interfaces
- This investment has high payoff, imagine 16
humanrobot - USAR robot operating system standardization
- Mechatronic robot innovation
- Robot sensor interfaces
- Systems-level field testing and validation
Photos courtesy of University of South Florida
9Barriers to Success
- Effective human-robot interaction
- USAR robot operating system standardization
- To maximize effectiveness across research
efforts, we need standardized integrations of
heterogeneous robot platforms. - Decouple physical robot structure, embedded
processing and high-level interaction design - USAR O.S. will lower barrier to entry for
industry and research partners - Mechatronic robot innovation
- Robot sensor interfaces
- Systems-level field testing and validation
10Barriers to Success
- Effective human-robot interaction
- USAR robot operating system standardization
- Mechatronic robot innovation
- No single robot design serves all search rescue
needs. - Consider USAR robotics as a set of tools
dynamically assembled based on real-time demands - Robustness and price point essential to
commercial viability - Robot sensor interfaces
- Systems-level field testing and validation
11Barriers to Success
- Effective human-robot interaction
- USAR robot operating system standardization
- Mechatronic robot innovation
- Robot sensor interfaces
- Retooling existing USAR sensors for robot use.
- Human-readable sensors must be dual-use
- Overcome mechanical, electronic and AI obstacles
- Systems-level field testing and validation
12Barriers to Success
- Effective human-robot interaction
- USAR robot operating system standardization
- Mechatronic robot innovation
- Robot sensor interfaces
- Systems-level field testing and validation
- We must build foundational knowledge rather than
individual engineered solutions. - Design gt Implementation gt Testing gt Evaluation gt
Refinement gt Dissemination - Instrumented test facilities, standards and
evaluation methodologies are required
13ARC and Partner Roles
- ARC has the on-base physical and intellectual
resources and collaborators to be a prime center
for rapidly maturing research and development for
USAR robotics.
14ARC Instrumented Test Facility
- Instrumentation for robotics per NIST direction
- Additional instruments for human factors
- From NIST 3-level to ARC spectrum of realism and
continuity - No test facility for robotics would be complete
without real first responder training
15Cooperative Test Facilities
16USAR Test Arena ProliferationFOSTERING
2002 FUKUOKA, JAPAN AAAI Conference
JAPAN RoboCupRescue 2003 PADUA, ITALY
2004 COMPETITIONS American Open German
Open Japan Open RoboCupRescue LISBON, PORTUGAL
(2000) Museum of Emerging Science TOKYO, JAPAN
(2002) Carnegie Mellon University PENNSYLVANIA,
USA (2003) Istituto Superiore Antincendi ROME,
ITALY (2003) University of New Orleans LOUSIANA
USA (2004) Bremen University BREMEMN GERMANY
(2004) Portugal TBD LISBON, PORTUGAL (2004)
17USAR Interaction Design Testing
- ARC Human Factors division
- ARC Human-centered Computing Area
- JPL MER operation lessons
- U. Pitt. Psychology test instruments
18Modeling and Visualization
- Migration of ARC tools used by scientists at MER
mission ops in JPL - Model visualization
- Image refinement
19USAR Robotics Operating System
- ARC, Intel and CMU cooperation
- Modular robot architecture developed by JPL and
ARC - Embedded robot control board produced by Intel
- Robot control API for Intel XScale released by CMU
20USAR Robotics Operating System
- ARC, Intel and CMU cooperation
- Modular robot architecture developed by JPL and
ARC - Embedded robot control board produced by Intel
- Robot control API for Intel XScale released by CMU
21Sensor Integration
- USF expertise in first responder sensor needs
- CMU expertise in embedded sensor interfacing
electronics and software - ARC expertise in local reasoning and
22Sensor Integration
- USF expertise in first responder sensor needs
- CMU expertise in embedded sensor interfacing
electronics and software - ARC expertise in local reasoning and
23Sensor Integration
- USF expertise in first responder sensor needs
- CMU expertise in embedded sensor interfacing
electronics and software - ARC expertise in local reasoning and
24Sensor Integration
- USF expertise in first responder sensor needs
- CMU expertise in embedded sensor interfacing
electronics and software - ARC expertise in local reasoning and
25Mechatronic Robot Innovation
- ARC robot control development
- CMU rapid prototyping facilities
26Mechatronic Robot Innovation
- ARC robot control development
- CMU rapid prototyping facilities
27Mechatronic Robot Innovation
- ARC robot control development
- CMU rapid prototyping facilities
28Mechatronic Robot Innovation
- ARC robot control development
- CMU rapid prototyping facilities
29Mechatronic Robot Innovation
- ARC robot control development
- CMU rapid prototyping facilities
30Simulation and Training
- U. Pitt. / CMU Unreal simulation, chosen for
broad dissemination as the NIST standard - Sensor model characterization only possible in
most realistic possible environments ARC - Scorpion EarBot dynamic modeling and neural net
controlled V.O.R. research
31Simulation and Training
- U. Pitt. / CMU Unreal simulation, chosen for
broad dissemination as the NIST standard - Sensor model characterization only possible in
most realistic possible environments ARC - Scorpion EarBot dynamic modeling and neural net
controlled V.O.R. research
32Simulation and Training
- U. Pitt. / CMU Unreal simulation, chosen for
broad dissemination as the NIST standard - Sensor model characterization only possible in
most realistic possible environments ARC - Scorpion EarBot dynamic modeling and neural net
controlled V.O.R. research
33Simulation and Training
- U. Pitt. / CMU Unreal simulation, chosen for
broad dissemination as the NIST standard - Sensor model characterization only possible in
most realistic possible environments ARC - Scorpion EarBot dynamic modeling and neural net
controlled V.O.R. research
34Systems-level Field Testing
- ARC Robotics acts as a whole-system hub
- Continuity extending beyond a student or academic
year - Test facility combined with evaluation
methodology - Industry, government and academic partnerships
- ARC has the on-base physical and intellectual
resources and collaborators to be a prime center
for rapidly maturing research and development for
USAR robotics. - First milestones for success
- Training center for USAR robotics
- Quantitative measurement of team effectiveness
- Robot prototypes that have viable commercial
Thank you