Title: IEEE Learning Technology Standards Committee Report to Plugfest 9
1IEEE Learning Technology Standards Committee
Report to Plugfest 9
- Prepared by Robby Robson
- Chair, LTSC
- robby_at_computer.org
- February 23, 2005
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2LTSC Mission
- The IEEE Learning Technology Standards Committee
(LTSC) is chartered by the IEEE Computer Society
Standards Activity Board to develop accredited
technical standards, recommended practices, and
guides for learning technology. - ltsc.ieee.org
3IEEE Standards Produced by the LTSC
- 1484.12.1 - 2002 IEEE Standard for Learning
Object Metadata (LOM) - 1484.1 - 2003 IEEE standard for learning
technology-learning technology systems
architecture (LTSA) - 1484.11.2 - 2003 - IEEE Standard for Learning
Technology - ECMAScript application programming
interface for content to runtime services
communication (SCORM API) - 1484.11.1-2004 IEEE Standard for Learning
Technology - Data Model for Content Object
Communication (CMI Data Model)
4LTSC Standards in Progress
- XML bindings of
- CMI Data Model
- Learning, Education Training Requirements for a
Digital Rights Expression Language - Resource Aggregation Models for Learning,
Education and Training (early stages) - Reusable Competency Definitions
5General Program
- Bringing together communities while focusing on
applications to learning - Standards based on existing practice
- SCORM 2004 future ADL work to be based on
voluntary consensus standards - In process of looking forward 3 5 years
6Some Collaborations Coordination
- Advanced Distributed Learning
- Aviation Industry CBT Committee
- CEN/ISSS Workshop Learning Technology
- Digital Library Federation
- Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
- IEEE-CS Learning Technology Technical Committee
- IMS Global Learning Consortium
7Modus Operandi
STANDARDS - Openness
- Consensus
- Balance
- Due Process
- Right to Appeal
8Participation in standards development
- Working Group reflectors, calls and meetings are
open to all - Votes are restricted to LTSC members (200 per
year dues) - Working Groups use Breeze / Conference Calls
- Typically meet every week or every other week
9LTSC Working Groups
- Learning Object Metadata
- Chair Wayne Hodgins (CA)
- Technical Editor Erik Duval (BE)
- Chair Kerry Blinco (AU)
- Technical Editor Scott Lewis (US)
- Digital Rights Expression Languages
- Chair Magda Mourad (US/EG)
- Technical Editor Jon Mason (AU)
- Reusable Competency Definitions
- Chair Claude Ostyn (US)
10Participation in standards approval
- Run by IEEE Standards Association
- Requires membership in IEEE-SA
- Does not require membership in LTSC
- Governed by the 5 principles
- Opportunity (and commitment) to carefully examine
and comment on standards - Through a balloting process
- Voluntary consensus standards body
- Have standardized foundational work
- Continuing work on XML
- Moving into future now is the time to get
- Contact information
- robby_at_computer.org (LTSC Chair)
- mura_at_mura.org (LTSC Treasurer)
- w.g.kraan_at_bangor.ac.uk (LTSC Information
Officer) - cjkainz_at_uchicago.edu (LTSC Vice Chair)
- debbie_at_cett.msstate.edu (LTSC Secretary)
13Unofficial AICC Update
- AICC actively engages in
- Supporting aviation industry training
- Maintaining existing specifications (many with
wide adoption) - Evaluating and applying standards and techniques
- Most familiar work
- CMI (integral to SCORM)
- Test Suite and Certification
14Active Newer Areas
- AICC LOM Profile
- Developing vocabularies specific to aviation
- Examining obligations of elements
- Contributing to SC36 work
- Reusable Objects Working Group
- AICC LOM Profile
- Definitions of instructional terms
- Reusability in mobile environments
15Active Newer Areas
- CMI Offline Specification
- Enabling tracking / synchronization with offline
players - Package Exchange Notification Services (PENS)
- Automate transfer / update of content from
authoring systems to LMS Repositories.
16Additional AICC Projects
- Simulations Smart Graphics
- A French company, I-Component, has implemented
the draft Smart Graphics specification. - Training Development Checklist
- Identifies vital aspects of a quality
CBT/Training program - Recommends standards and common components of a
quality training program. - Used for RFPs, budgets, program validation
- Regular meetings to discuss common goals
- Points of convergence include
- Web Services
- Profiles of standards specifications
- Emerging technologies (mobile / hand-held)
18AICC Web Site