Title: General Classes of Lower Bounds on Outage Error Probability and MSE in Bayesian Parameter Estimation
1General Classes of Lower Bounds on Outage Error
Probability and MSE in Bayesian Parameter
- Tirza Routtenberg
- Dept. of ECE, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
- Supervisor Dr. Joseph Tabrikian
- Introduction
- Derivation of a new class of lower bounds on the
probability of outage error - Derivation of a new class of lower bounds on the
MSE - Bounds properties tightness conditions, relation
to the ZZLB - Examples
- Conclusion
3IntroductionBayesian parameter estimation
- Goal to estimate the unknown parameter ?
- based on the observation vector x.
- Assumptions
- ? and x are random variables
- The observation cdf and
- posterior pdf are known
Applications Radar/Sonar, Communication,
Biomedical, Audio/speech,
4IntroductionParameter estimation criteria
- Mean-square error (MSE)
- Probability of outage error
5IntroductionParameter estimation criteria
- Advantages of the probability of outage error
criterion - Provides meaningful information in the presence
of large errors case. - Dominated by the all error distribution.
- Prediction of the operation region.
6IntroductionMMSE estimation
- The minimum MSE is attained by MMSE
7Introductionh-MAP estimation
The corresponding minimum probability of h-outage
error is
8Performance lower bounds
- Motivation
- Performance analysis
- Threshold prediction
- System design
- Feasibility study
9Performance lower bounds
- Bounds desired features
- Computational simplicity
- Tightness
- Asymptotically coincides with the optimal
performance - Validity independent of the estimator.
10Previous work probability of outage error bounds
- Most of the existing bounds on the probability of
outage error are based on the relation to the
probability of error in decision procedure
(binary/multiple). - Kotelnikov inequality - lower bound for uniformly
distributed unknown parameter.
11Previous work Bayesian MSE bounds
12General class of outage error probability lower
The probability of outage error
(Reverse) Hölder inequality for
13General class of outage error probability lower
Objective obtain valid bounds, independent of
14General class of outage error probability lower
- Theorem
- A necessary and sufficient condition to
obtain a valid bound which is independent of the
estimator, is that the function - is periodic in ? with period h, almost
15General class of outage error probability lower
Using Fourier series representation the general
class of bounds is
16Example Linear Gaussian model
The model
The minimum h-outage error probability
The single coefficient bound
17The tightest subclass of lower bounds
- The bound is maximized w.r.t.
for given p
Convergence condition There exists l0h(?,x),
agt0 such that for all ll0h(?,x)
This mild condition guaranties that
converges for every p1.
18The tightest subclass of lower bounds
Under the convergence condition, the tightest
bounds are
h sampling period
19The tightest subclass of lower bounds
Under the convergence condition, the tightest
bounds are
- Properties
- The bound exists
- The bound becomes tighter by decreasing p.
- For p?1, the tightest bound is
h sampling period
20General class of MSE lower bounds
- The probability of outage error and MSE are
related via - Chebyshev's inequality
- Known probability identity
21General class of MSE lower bounds
- New MSE lower bounds can be obtained by using
- and lower bounding the probability of outage
- For example
- General class of MSE bounds
- The tightest MSE bound
22General class of lower bounds on different cost
- Arbitrary cost function C() that is
non-decreasing and differentiable satisfies - Thus, it can be bounded using lower bounds on
the probability of outage error
Examples the absolute error, higher moments of
the error.
23Properties Relation to the ZZLB
- Theorem
- The proposed tightest MSE bound is always
tighter than the extended ZZLB.
The extended ZZLB is The tightest proposed MSE
bound can be rewritten as
24Properties Relation to the ZZLB
The proposed bound
max out
For any converging sequence of non-negative
numbers Therefore,
25Properties unimodal symmetric pdf
- Theorem
- A. If the posterior pdf f ? x(? x) is
unimodal, then the proposed tightest outage
error probability bound coincides with the
minimum probability of outage error for every
hgt0. - B. If the posterior pdf f ? x(? x) is
unimodal and symmetric, then the proposed
tightest MSE bound coincides with the minimum MSE.
26Example 1
27Example 2
The model
- The concept of probability of outage error
criterion is proposed. - New classes of lower bounds on the probability of
outage error and on the MSE in Bayesian parameter
estimation were derived. - It is shown that the proposed tightest MSE bound
is always tighter than the Ziv-Zakai lower bound. - Tightness of the bounds
- Probability of outage error- condition Unimodal
posterior pdf. - MSE condition Unimodal and symmetric posterior