Title: 1- Iron deficiency anemia 2- Anemia of Chronic disorders 3- Sideroblastic Anemia 4- Thalassemia 5- Lead poisoning 6- Iron overload
11- Iron deficiency anemia2- Anemia of Chronic
disorders3- Sideroblastic Anemia4-
Thalassemia5- Lead poisoning 6- Iron overload
Chapter 3Hypochromic Anemia
2RBC Disorders
3Iron deficiency anemia
- Iron deficiency is the most common cause of
anemia in every country of the world. - It is the most important cause of a microcytic
hypochromic anemia, in which the two red cell
indices MCV (mean corpuscular volume) and MCH
(mean corpuscular hemoglobin) are reduced and the
blood film shows small (microcytic) and pale
(hypochromic) red cells. - This appearance is caused by a defect in
hemoglobin synthesis
- Iron is one of the most common elements in the
Earth's crust, yet iron deficiency is the most
common cause of anemia, affecting about 500
million people worldwide. This is because the
body has a limited ability to absorb iron and
excess loss of iron as a result of hemorrhage is
Body Iron distribution and transport
- The transport and storage of iron is largely
mediated by three proteins transferrin, the
transferrin receptor 1 (TfR1) and ferritin. - Transferrin can contain up to two atoms of iron.
It delivers iron to tissues that have transferrin
receptors, especially erythroblasts in the bone
marrow which incorporate the iron into
hemoglobin, the transferrin is then reutilized. - At the end of their life, red cells are broken
down in the macrophages of the reticuloendothelial
system (RES) and the iron is released from
hemoglobin, enters the plasma and provides most
of the iron on transferrin. Only a small
proportion of plasma transferrin iron comes from
dietary iron, absorbed through the duodenum and
jejunum. - Some iron is stored in the macrophages as
ferritin and hemosiderin - The levels of ferritin and TfRl are linked to
iron status so that iron overload causes a rise
in tissue ferritin and a fall in TfRl, whereas in
iron deficiency ferritin is low and TfRl
increased. - When plasma iron is raised and transferrin is
saturated the amount of iron transferred to
parenchymal cells (e,g, those of the liver,
endocrine organs, pancreas and heart) is
increased and this is the basis of the
pathological changes associated with iron loading
5Dietary Iron
- Iron is present in food as ferric hydroxides,
ferric protein and haem-protein complexes. Both
the iron content and the proportion of iron
absorbed differ from food to food in general,
meat-in particular liver is a better source than
vegetables, eggs or dairy foods,
Iron transport
- Organic dietary iron is partly absorbed as haem
and partly broken down in the gut to inorganic
iron. - Absorption occurs through the duodenum. Haem is
absorbed through a specific receptor, exposed on
the apical membrane of the duodenal enterocyte.
Haem is then digested to release iron. - Inorganic iron absorption is favored by factors
such as acid and reducing agents that keep iron
in the gut lumen in the Fe2 rather than the Fe3
Iron requirements
- The amount of iron required each day to
compensate for losses from the body and for
growth varies with age and sex it is highest in
pregnancy, adolescent and menstruating females
6Hemoglobin-Iron cycle
- Rate Hgb synthesis depends on availability of
iron - 80 of body iron complexed to Heme in Hgb
- 20 stored in bone marrow, liver, spleen, and
other organs - Dietary Iron absorbed in the small intestine,
especially duodenum - Absorbed iron enters circulation and combines
with a beta globulin (apotransferrin) to form
7Clinical feature Iron Deficiency anemia
- When iron deficiency is developing the
reticuloendothelial stores (haemosiderin and
ferritin) become completely depleted before
anaemia occurs. - As the condition develops the patient may develop
the general symptoms and signs of anaemia and
also show - - A painless glossitis
- - Angular stomatitis
- - Brittle, ridged or spoon nails (koilonychia)
- - Dysphagia as a result of pharyngeal webs
- Pregnant women
- Increased risk of preterm delivery In the first
two trimesters of pregnancy - Three fold increased risk for delivering a
low-birth weight baby
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9Causes of Iron Deficiency anemia
1- Chronic blood loss, especially uterine or from
the gastrointestinal tract, is the dominant cause
2- Increased demands during infancy,
adolescence, pregnancy, lactation and in
menstruating women account for the high risk of
anemia. Newborn infants have a store of iron
derived the breakdown of excess red cells 3- In
pregnancy increased iron is needed for an
increased maternal red cell mass of approximately
35, transfer of 300 mg of iron to the fetus and
because of blood loss at delivery. Although iron
absorption is also increased, iron therapy is
often needed if the hemoglobin (Hb) falls below
10 g/dL or the mean cell volume (MCV) is below 82
fL in the third trimester 4- Growth 5-
Erythropoietin therapy 6- Malabsorption 7- poor
10Laboratory Diagnosis Iron Deficiency anemia
1- Red cell indices and blood film Even before
anemia occurs, the red cell indices fall and they
fall progressively as the anemia becomes more
severe. The blood film shows hypochromic
microcytic cells with occasional target cells and
pencil-shaped poikilocytes. The reticulocyte
count is low in relation to the degree of anemia.
A dimorphic blood film is also seen in patients
with iron deficiency anemia who have received
recent iron therapy and produced a population of
new haemoglobinized normal-sized red cells and
when the patient has been transfused. The
platelet count is often moderately raised in iron
deficiency, particularly when haemorrhage is
11Laboratory Diagnosis Iron Deficiency anemia
2- Bone marrow iron In iron deficiency anemia
there is a complete absence of iron from stores
(macrophages) and from developing erythroblasts.
The erythroblasts are small and have a ragged
12Laboratory Diagnosis Iron Deficiency anemia
3- Serum Iron and total Iron binding
capacity Iron binding Capacity (IPC) The iron
in the serum is bound to transferrin protein. In
normal person this protein is loaded with iron
(serum iron) to about one third of its binding
capacity. The quantity of iron that can be
additionally picked up by transferrin is called
free iron binding capacity of serum. The total
quantity of iron contained in iron saturated
serum is called the total iron binding capacity
TIPC So Free iron binding capacity serum Free
iron level Total iron binding capacity
4- Serum transferrin receptor Transferrin
receptor is shed from cells into plasma. The
level of serum transferrin receptor (sTfR) is
increased in iron deficiency anemia but not in
the anemia of chronic disease or thalassaemia
trait. The level is also raised if the overall
level of erythropoiesis is increased.
5- Serum ferritin A small fraction of body
ferritin circulates in the serum, the
concentration being related to tissue,
particularly reticuloendothelial, iron stores.
The normal range in men is higher than in women
(Fig. 3.11). In iron deficiency anaemia the serum
ferritin is very low while a raised serum
ferritin indicates iron overload or excess
release of ferritin from damaged tissues
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14Treatment of Iron deficiency
- The underlying cause is treated as far as
possible. In addition, iron is given to correct
the anaemia and replenish iron stores. - Oral iron
- The best preparation is ferrous sulphate which is
cheap, contains 67 mg of iron in each 200 mg
tablet and is best given on an empty stomach in
doses spaced by at least 6 h. If side-effects
occur (e.g. nausea, abdominal pain, constipation
or diarrhoea), these can be reduced by giving
iron with food or by using a preparation of lower
iron content (e.g. ferrous gluconate which
contains less iron (37 mg) per 300 mg tablet). - Oral iron therapy should be given for long enough
both to correct the anaemia and to replenish body
iron stores, which usually means for at least 6
months. The hemoglobin should rise at the rate of
approximately 2 g/dL every 3 weeks.
15Anemia of chronic disorders
- One of the most common anemias occurs in patients
with a variety of chronic inflammatory and
malignant diseases. The characteristic features
are - 1- Normochromic, normocytic or mildly
hypochromic (MCV rarely lt75 fL) indices and red
cell morphology. - 2- Mild and non-progressive anaemia (hemoglobin
rarely lt9.0 g/dL). The severity being related to
the severity of the disease. - 3- Both the serum iron and TIBC are reduced sTfR
levels are normal. - 4- The serum ferritin is normal or raised.
- 5- Bone marrow storage (reticuloendothelial) iron
is normal but erythroblast iron is reduced. - The pathogenesis of this anaemia appears to be
related to - 1- Decreased release of iron from macrophages to
plasma - 2- Reduced red cell lifespan
- 3- An inadequate erythropoietin response to
anaemia caused by the effects of cytokines such
as IL-1 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) on
erythropoiesis. - The anaemia is corrected by successful treatment
of the underlying disease and does not respond to
iron therapy
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17Sideroblastic anemia
- This is a refractory anaemia with hypochromic
cells in the. peripheral blood and increased
marrow iron it is defined by the presence of
many pathological ring sideroblasts in the bone
- Sideroblastic anaemia is classified into
different types (and the common link is a defect
in haem synthesis. - In the hereditary forms the anaemia is usually
characterized by a markedly hypochromic and
microcytic blood picture. - The much more common primary acquired form is one
subtype of myelodysplasia. It is also termed
'refractory anaemia with ring sideroblasts'.
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19Lead Poisoning
- Lead inhibits both haem and globin synthesis at a
number of points. In addition it interferes with
the breakdown of RNA by inhibiting the enzyme
pyrimidine 5' 'nucleotidase, causing accumulation
of denatured RNA in red cells, the RNA giving an
appearance called basophilic stippling - The anaemia may be hypochromic or predominantly
hemolytic, and the bone marrow may show ring
sideroblasts. Free erythrocyte protoporphyrin is
- Iron overload
- There is no physiological mechanism for
eliminating excess iron from the body and so iron
absorption is normally carefully regulated to
avoid accumulation. - Iron overload can occur in disorders associated
with excessive absorption or chronic blood
transfusion. - Excessive iron deposition in tissues can cause
serious damage to organs, particularly the heart,
liver and endocrine organs - Heamochromatosis it is autosomal recessive
condition which characterized by increase
absorption of iron from gastrointestinal tract
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