Human Physiology: Digestion - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Human Physiology: Digestion


Human Physiology: Digestion Topic 6.1, 11.3 Option H2, H3, H4 Kidney Excretory system produces and disposes of urine in four major processes: Filtration Occurs when ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Human Physiology: Digestion

Human PhysiologyDigestion
  • Topic 6.1, 11.3Option H2, H3, H4

3 Dietary Categories
  • Herbivores
  • Cattle, gorillas, snails, and sea urchins,
  • eat autotrophs (plants and algae)
  • Carnivores
  • Lions, hawks, spiders, and snakes
  • Ingest other animals
  • Omnivores
  • Crows, cockroaches, raccoons, and humans
  • Ingest both plants and animals

How do animals obtain and ingest their food?
  • Suspension feeders
  • Extract food particles suspended in the
    surrounding water
  • Ex. Clams and oysters
  • Substrate feeders
  • Live on or in their food source and eat their way
    through it.
  • Ex. Caterpillars and earthworms
  • Fluid feeders
  • Obtain food by sucking nutrient nutrient-rich
    fluids from a living host, either a plant or an
  • Ex. Mosquitoes and ticks
  • Bulk feeders
  • Ingest relatively large pieces of food
  • Ex. most animals

Overview Food processing
  • Four stages
  • Ingestion
  • The act of eating
  • Digestion
  • The breaking down of food into molecules small
    enough for the body to absorb.
  • Two phases
  • 1. Breaking food down mechanically
    (teeth?chewing) into smaller pieces
  • 2. hydrolysis, chemical breakdown, catalyzed by
  • Absorption
  • Cells lining the digestive tract take up
    (absorb) the products of digestionsmall
    molecules such as amino acids and simple sugars
  • Nutrients travel through blood to cells,
    where they are made into macromolecules or
    further broken down for energy
  • Elimination
  • undigested material passes out of the
    digestive tract

General compartments for digestion
  • Food vacuoles are the simplest digestive
  • Phagocytosis cell engulfs food particle, which
    then fuses with a lysosome.
  • Most animals have an alimentary canal, a
    digestive tube with two openings, a mouth and an
  • Allows food to move in one direction, with
    specialized regions in the digestive tube that
    carry out digestion and absorption of nutrients
    in sequence

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General compartments for digestion
  • Food entering the mouth usually passes into
  • A pharynx, or throat
  • Then passes into the esophagus
  • Passed to stomach, muscular and churns and grinds
  • Chemical digestion and nutrient absorption occur
    mainly in the intestine
  • Undigested materials are expelled though the

Human Digestive Tract
  • Main parts of human alimentary canal
  • Mouth, oral cavity, tongue, pharynx, esophagus,
    stomach, small intestine, large intestine,
    rectum, and anus.
  • Main digestive glands
  • Salivary glands, pancreas, and liver
  • Secrete digestive juices that enter the
    alimentary canal through ducts.
  • Secretions from liver are stored in gallbladder
    before they are released into the intestine.

Human Digestive Tract
  • Peristalsis
  • Rhythmic waves of contractions of smooth muscles
    in the walls of the digestive tract
  • Once food is swallowed, peristalsis propels it
    through the alimentary canal.
  • In only 5-10 seconds, food passes from the
    pharynx down the esophagus and into the stomach.
  • Pyloric sphincter, a muscular ringlike valve,
    keeps food in the stomach by regulating the pass
    of food into the small intestive.
  • Works like a drawstring, closing off the tube and
    keeping food in the stomach long enough for
    stomach acids and enzymes to begin digestion.
  • http//

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Human Digestive Tract
  • Final steps of digestion and nutrient absorption
    occur in the small intestine over a period of 5-6
  • Undigested material moves slowly through the
    large intestine (taking 12-24 hours), and feces
    are expelled through the anus.

Digestion Begins in the Oral Cavity
  • Saliva is produced by the salivary glands through
    ducts to the oral cavity even before you eat
    its a response to presence of food
  • Sight or smell of food causes nerve stimulation
  • In a typical day, salivary glands secrete more
    than a liter of saliva

Digestion Begins in the Oral Cavity
  • Saliva contains several substances necessary for
    food processing
  • Slippery glycoproteins
  • Protects the soft lining of the mouth and
    lubricates food for easier swallowing
  • Buffers
  • Neutralize food acids, helping prevent tooth
  • Antibacterial agents
  • Kill many of the bacteria that enter the mouth
    with food.
  • Salivary amylase
  • Digestive enzyme that begins hydrolyzing food

Digestion Begins in the Oral Cavity
  • Oral Cavity
  • Mechanical and chemical digestion begins in the
    oral cavity.
  • Chewing cuts, smashes, and grinds food, making it
    easier to swallow and exposing more food surface
    to digestive enzymes
  • Teeth and tongue are prominent
  • Teeth grind and crush food
  • Tongue, muscular organ with taste buds, allows
    you to taste your meal and manipulates food and
    helps shape it into a ball called a bolus.
  • In swallowing, it pushed the bolus to the back of
    the oral cavity and into the pharynx.

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Pharynx- Swallowing
  • Pharynx has openings for both the esophagus and
    the trachea (wind-pipe)
  • Most of the time, esophageal opening is closed
    and air enters the trachea and proceeds to the
  • When you eat
  • a bolus of food enters the pharynx, triggering
    the swallowing reflex
  • The esophageal sphincter relaxes and allows the
    bolus to enter the esophagus
  • Larynx (voice box) moves upwards and tips the
    epliglottis over the tracheal opening.
  • Epiglottis prevents food from passing into the
  • After the bolus enters the esophagus, the larynx
    moves downward, the epiglottis moves up again,
    and breathing passage reopens
  • Esphogas sphincter contracts above the bolus.

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Esophagus Peristalsis
  • Esophagus is a muscular tube that conveys food
    boluses from the pharynx to the stomach.
  • Muscles at the very top of esophagus are under
    voluntary control thus, the act of swallowing
    begins voluntarily.
  • Then, Involuntary waves of contraction by smooth
    muscles in the rest of the esophagus take over.

Esophagus Peristalsis
  • As food is swallowed, muscles above the bolus
    contract, pushing the bolus downward
  • Simultaneously, muscles around the bolus relax,
    allowing the passageway to open.
  • Muscle contractions continue in waves until the
    bolus enters the stomach.
  • Waves of smooth muscle contraction also move
    materials through small and large intestine

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Stomach stores and breaks down food
  • Stomachs are the main reason we do not have to
    eat constantly
  • Highly elastic and can stretch to accommodate
    about 2 Liters of food and drink, usually enough
    to satisfy our bodys needs for many hours.
  • Some digestion occurs in the stomach.
  • The stomach secrete gastric juice
  • made up of mucus, enzymes, and strong acid.
  • Functions to break apart the cells in food
  • Also kills most bacteria and other microbes that
    are swallowed with food.

Stomach stores and breaks down food
  • Stomach wall is highly folded, and has pits that
    lead to tubular gastric glands.
  • Three types of cells that secrete different
    components of the gastric juice
  • Mucous cells secrete mucous, which lubricates
    and protects the cells lining the stomach
  • Parietal cells secrete HCl acid
  • Chief cells secrete pepsinogen, an inactive form
    of the enzyme pepsin

Stomach stores and breaks down food
  • Pepsinogen, HCl, and pepsin
  • 1. Pepsinogen and HCl are secreted into the lumen
    (cavity) of the stomach.
  • 2. HCl converts pepsinogen to pepsin.
  • 3.Pepsin then activates more pepsinogen, starting
    a chain reaction. Pepsin begins the chemical
    digestion of proteins. Proteins will be further
    digested in small intestine.

Stomach stores and breaks down food
  • Prevention of gastric juice from digesting away
    stomach lining
  • Secreting pepsin in the inactive form of
    pepsinogen helps protect the cells of the gastric
  • mucus helps protect the stomach lining from both
    pepsin and acid.
  • Still, epithelium is constantly eroded enough
    new cells are generated by mitosis to replace the
    stomach lining completely about every three days.

Stomach stores and breaks down food
  • Gastric glands are regulated by a combination of
    nerve signals and hormones
  • When you see, smell, or taste food, a signal from
    your brain to your stomach stimulates your
    gastric glands to secrete gastric juice.
  • Once food is in your stomach, substances in the
    food stimulate cells in the stomach wall to
    release the hormone gastrin in the circulatory
  • Gastrin circulates in the blood stream, returning
    to the stomach wall, stimulating further
    secretion of gastric juice.
  • As much as 3L of gastric juice may be secreted a
  • A negative-feedback mechanism inhibits secretion
    of gastric juice when the stomach contents become
    too acidic.
  • Acid inhibits the release of gastrin, and with
    less gastrin in the blood, the gastric glands
    secrete less gastric juice.

Stomach stores and breaks down food
  • About every 20 seconds, the stomach contents are
    mixed by the churning action of muscle in the
    stomach wall and result in acid chyme.
  • Opening between the esophagus and the stomach is
    usually closed until a bolus arrives.
  • Backflow of acid chyme causes heartburn (which
    should be called esophagus-burn)
  • Can also cause acid-reflux (gastroesophageal
    reflux disease GERD)

Stomach stores and breaks down food
  • Pyloric sphincter helps regulate the passage of
    acid chyme from the stomach into the small
  • The stomach takes about 2-6 hours to empty after
    a meal acid chyme leaves stomach only a squirt
    at a time.
  • Acid chyme rich in fats stimulates the small
    intestine to release a hormone that slows the
    emptying of the stomach, providing more time for
  • Other hormones secreted by the small intestine
    influence the release of digestive juices from
    the pancreas and gall bladder.

Gastric Ulcers
  • Gastric Ulcers
  • Open sores that form when mucus, which normally
    protects the stomach wall from the corrosive
    effect of digestive juice, fails to protect it.
  • Small intestine and esophagus are also
    susceptible to ulcers
  • Symptoms are usually gnawing pain in the upper
    abdomen, which may occur a few hours after
  • Were formerly thought to result from the
    production of too much pepsin/and or acid or too
    little mucus
  • For years, the blame was put on factors that
    cause these effects, such as aspirin, ibuprofen,
    smoking, alcohol, coffee, and stress
  • However, strong evidence now points to

Gastric Ulcers
  • H. pylori
  • A spiral-shaped bacteria
  • Low pH of the stomach kills most microbes, but
    not this one!
  • Burrows beneath mucus and releases harmful
  • Growth seems to result in a localized loss of
    protective mucus and damage to the cells lining
    the stomach
  • WBC fight infection, causing mild inflammation of
    the stomach, called gastritis.
  • Gastric ulcers form when pepsin and HCl destroy
    cells faster than the cell can regenerate from
    the H. pylori attack.
  • Eventually, stomach will erode to the pint where
    it actually has a hole in it, which can lead to a
    life threatening infection in abdomen or internal
  • 70-90 of ulcer and gastritis sufferers have this
    bacterial infection
  • Also found in 30 of healthy people.? linked to
    certain kinds of stomach cancer

Gastric Ulcers
  • Treatment
  • Usually respond to a combination of anti-biotics
    and bismuth (the active ingredients of
    Pepto-Bismol) which eliminates bacteria and
    promotes healing.
  • Drugs that reduce stomach acidity may also help,
    and researchers are working on preventitive
    treatment for H.Pylori.

Small Intestine
  • Once at the S.I., food has been mechanically
    reduced to smaller pieces and mixed with juices
    it now resembles a thick soup.
  • Starch digestion began in the mouth, and protein
    breakdown began in the stomach.
  • All other chemical digestion occurs in the s.i.
  • Nutrients are also absorbed into the blood from
    the s.i.
  • Length of over 6m, making it the longest organ of
    the alimentary canal. Diameter is only about 2cm,
    which is why its called the small intestine.

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Small Intestine
  • Contributing to digestion in s.i. are two large
    glandular organs pancreas and liver.
  • Pancreas
  • Produces pancreatic juice
  • a mixture of digestive enzymes and an alkaline
    solution rich in bicarbonate
  • Alkaline solution neutralizes acid chyme as it
    enters the small intestine

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Small Intestine
  • Liver
  • Performs a wide variety of functions, including
    the production of bile
  • Contains bile salts that emulsify fats, making
    them more susceptible to attack by digestive
  • Gall bladder stores bile until it is needed in
    the small intestine.

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Small Intestine
  • First 25 cm or so of the s.i. is called the
  • Where acid chyme squirted from the stomach mixes
    with bile from the gall bladder, pancreatic juice
    from the pancreas, and digestive enzymes from
    gland cells in the in the intestinal wall.

Small Intestine
  • All four types of macromolecules (carbohydrates,
    proteins, nucleic acids, and fats) are digested.
  • Refer to table 21.11 on pg. 438

Small Intestine
  • Carbohydrate digestion
  • Begins in the oral cavity and is completed in the
  • Pancreatic amylase hydrolyzes starch (a
    polysaccharide) into the disaccharide maltose
  • Maltose is then hydrolyzed into glucose via
  • Sucrase hydrolyzes table sugar and lactase
    digests milk sugar (lactose)

Small Intestine
  • Protein digestion
  • S.i. completes protein digestion from the stomach
  • Pancreas and duodenum secrete hydrolytic enzymes
    that completely dismantle polypeptides into amino
  • dipeptidase
  • Hydrolyzes fragments only two or three amino
    acids long.
  • trypsin and chymotripsin
  • Break polypeptides into smaller polypeptides
  • Trypsinogen (in pancreas) is converted into
    trypsin by the action of enteropeptidase (the
    enzyme that is bound to the membranes of the
    small intestine).
  • aminopeptidase and carboxypeptidase
  • Split off one amino acid at a time, working from
    both ends of a polypeptide.

Small Intestine
  • Nucleic acid digestion
  • Nucleases hydrolyzes the nucleic acids in food.
  • From the pancreas
  • Split DNA and RNA (which are present in the cells
    of food items) into their component nucleotides,
    which are then broken down into nitrogenous
    bases, sugars, and phosphates by other enzymes
    produced by the duodenal cells.

Small Intestine
  • Fat digestion
  • Most fat remains undigested until it reaches the
  • Hydrolysis of fats is problematic due to fats
    insolubility in water. Emulsification Problem
  • Bile salts in bile cause fat globules to be
    physically broken up into smaller fat droplets, a
    process called emulsification.
  • Many small droplets allows for a larger surface
    area of fat exposed to lipase, an enzyme that
    breaks fat molecules down into fatty acids and

Small Intestine
  • Problems with lipid digestion in a hydrophillic
  • Lipids tend to coalesce (lump together) and are
    only accessible to lipase at the lipid-water
  • Bile molecules have a hydrophobic end and a
    hydrophilic end which emulsifies (prevents from
    coalescing) the lipids
  • Lipase must be water-soluble and has a
    hydrophobic active site (for its substrate,
  • The increased surface area allows lipase greater
    access to its substrate

Small Intestine
  • By the time persistalsis has moved the mixture of
    chyme and digestive juices through the duodenum,
    chemical digestion of your meal is just about
  • Main function of the rest of the small intestine
    is the absorption of nutrients and water.

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Small Intestine
  • Structurally, great for nutrient absorption.
  • Lining has a huge surface area roughly 300 m2,
    about the size of a tennis court
  • Extensive surface area results from several kinds
    of folds and projections.
  • Villi large circular folds with numerous, small
    fingerlike projections around the inner wall of
    the s.i.
  • Microvilli many tiny surface projections found
    on epithelial cells lining a villus.
  • extend into the lumen of the intestine and
    greatly increase the surface area across which
    nutrients are absorbed.

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Small Intestine
  • Some nutrients are absorbed via simple diffusion
    other nutrients are pumped against concentration
    gradients into the epithelial cells
  • The core of each villus is penetrated by a small
    lymph vessel and a network of capillaries.
  • After fatty acids and glycerol are absorbed by an
    epithelial cell, these building blocks are
    recombined into fats and are transported into the
    lymph vessel.
  • Amino acids and sugars pass out of the intestinal
    epithelium and then across the thin walls of the
    capillaries into the blood.

Small Intestine
  • Capillaries that drain nutrients away from the
    villi converge into larger veins and eventually
    into a main vessel, the hepatic portal vein, that
    leads directly to the liver
  • Liver gets first access to nutrients absorbed
    from a meal
  • Converts many nutrients into new substances that
    the body needs.
  • One of its main functions is to remove excess
    glucose from the blood and convert it to
    glycogen, which is stored in liver cells.
  • From the liver, blood travels to the heart, which
    pumps the blood and the nutrients it contains to
    all parts of the body.

Small Intestine
  • Structural features of an epithelial cell of a
  • Villi provide a huge surface area for
  • Epithelium cells single layer of small cells,
    packed with mitochondria the source of ATP
    (metabolic energy) for active uptake across the
    plasma membrane
  • Pump proteins in the plasma membrane of
    epithelium cells actively transport nutrients
    across the plasma membrane into the villi
  • Network of capillaries large surface area for
    uptake of amino acids, monosaccharides, and fatty
    acids and glycerol into blood circulation
  • Lacteal branch of the lymphatic system into
    which triglycerides (combined with protein) pass
    for transport to body cells
  • Mucus from goblet cells in epithelium
    lubricates movement of digested food among the
    villi and protects plasma membrane of epithelial
  • Microvilli these tiny, finger-like infoldings
    of the cell surface facing the lumen of the gut
    greatly increase the surface area in contact with
    material to be absorbed.
  • Mitochondria these organelles are present in
    large numbers, suggesting a significant demand
    for ATP in these cells.
  • Pinocytotic vesicles these are the site of
    pinocytosis by which fluid is taken up or
    released in tiny vesicles, across the plasma
    membrane of a cell.
  • Tight junctions these bind together the
    individual epithelial cells, so that the only way
    into the tissues of the body is through the

Small Intestine
Small Intestine
  • Mechanisms used by Ileum to absorb and transport
  • Facilitated diffusion. Some substances need a
    little assistance to enter and exit cells. The
    transmembrane protein helps out by changing
  • Active transport. Some substances need a lot of
    assistance to enter cells. Similar to swimming
    upstream, energy is needed for the substance to
    penetrate against an unfavorable concentration
  • Endocytosis. Cells can use their cell membranes
    to engulf a particle and bring it inside the
    cell. The engulfing portion of the membrane
    separates from the cell wall and encases the
    particle in a vesicle.

Small Intestine
  • Material not absorbed and are egested
  • cellulose and lignin from plant matter
  • the remains of intestinal epithelial cells
  • bile pigments
  • bacteria

Small Intestine
  • Absorption vs. Assimilation
  • Absorption involves the passage of digested
    nutrients into the blood from the
    gastro-intestinal tract, glucose, fructose and
    amino acids go straight to the blood capillaries,
    whereas fatty acids and monoglycerides so first
    into the lymphatic system and then the blood
    system. Assimilation involves the integration
    of these absorbed molecules into the living
    processes of the organism that ingested them,
    using them to build new molecules that are
    necessary for its normal functioning and
    survival. Or using them to produce energy

Large Intestine
  • Also known as the colon
  • 1.5 m long and 5 cm in diameter
  • It joins the small intestine at a T-shaped
    junction, where a sphincter controls the passage
    of unabsorbed food material out of the small
  • One arm of the T is a blind pouch called the
  • A small, fingerlike extension of the cecum is the
    appendix contains a mass of w.b.cs that make a
    minor contribution to immunity.

Large Intestine
  • Main function is to absorb water from the
    alimentary canal.
  • About 7L of fluid enters the lumen of the
    digestive tract each day as the solvent of the
    various digestive juices.
  • About 90 of this water is absorbed back into the
    blood and tissue fluids, with the small intestine
    reclaiming most of it and the colon finishing the

Large Intestine
  • As water gets absorbed, remains of the digested
    food become more solid as they are moved along
    the colon via peristalsis.
  • Remains make feces, the waste products of
    digestion, which consist mainly of indigestible
    plant fibers

Large Intestine
  • Surprise, surprise!
  • Bacteria, such as E.coli, live in your colon!
  • Produce important vitamins (biotin, folic acid,
    B vitamins, and Vitamin K) that are absorbed into
    the bloodstream through the colon

Large Intestine
  • Rectum terminal portion of the colon where feces
    are stored until they can be eliminated.
  • Strong contractions of the colon create the urge
    to defecate.
  • Two rectal sphincters, one voluntary and one
    involuntary, regulate the opening of the anus.

Large Intestine
  • Diarrhea
  • If the lining of the colon is irritated by a
    viral or bacterial infection, the colon is less
    effective in reclaiming water
  • Constipation
  • Peristalsis moves the feces along too slowly the
    colon reabsorbs too much water, and the feces
    become too compacted.
  • Usually caused by a diet with not enough fiber or
    from a lack of exercise.

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Digestion Animation
  • http//

Digestion Exocrine Gland Cells
  • Exocrine glands are responsible for the release
    of digestive fluids.
  • Exocrine glands secrete into ducts. Exocrine
    gland has a duct portion and a glandular portion.
  • At the end of each branch is an acinus (tube)
    formed at secretory cells of two types
  • serous cells (which secrete proteins such as
    enzymes), ex. chief cells
  • mucous cells (which secrete mucus).

Digestion Exocrine Gland Cells
  • Now that youve learned about digestion, its
    time to check out excretion.
  • Main excretory organs
  • Liver
  • Kidneys

  • The liver is a large organ, weighing about 1.4
    kg, making up 3-5 of body weight.
  • It carries out several hundred different
  • a pivotal role in the maintenance of homeostasis.
  • Production of bile
  • Storage and processing of nutrients
  • Detoxification of poisons and metabolic wastes.

  • We will be looking at
  • 1. Blood circulation through liver tissue (The
    Hepatic Portal System)
  • 2. Role of liver in regulating levels of
    nutrients in the blood.
  • 3.Role of liver in storage of nutrients
  • 4.Liver synthesis of plasma proteins and
  • 5. Role of liver in detoxification
  • 6. Process of erythrocyte and hemoglobin
  • 7. Effects of excessive alcohol consumption

  • Liver tissue and cells
  • Relatively simple when compared to its function.
  • Liver tissue is made up of many lobules, each one
    comprising cords of liver cells (hepatocytes)
    radiating from a central vein, and surrounded by
    branches of the hepatic artery, hepatic portal
    vein, and bile ductile.
  • Hepatocytes produce bile and also process
    nutrients entering the liver via the hepatic
    portal system

  • 1. The Hepatic Portal System
  • Refers to all the blood flow from the digestive
    organs that passes through the liver before
    returning to the heart.
  • Hepatic portal blood is rich in nutrients the
    liver monitors and processes this load before the
    blood passes into general circulation.

  • 1. The Hepatic Portal System (continued)
  • provides a unique double blood supply
  • Up to 20 of the total blood volume flows through
    the liver it any one time.
  • The rich vascularization makes it the central
    organ for regulating activities associated with
    the blood and circulatory system.
  • The liver obtains oxygenated blood from the
    hepatic artery, but it also receives deoxygenated
    blood containing newly absorbed nutrients via the
    hepatic portal vein.

  • 1. The Hepatic Portal System (continued)
  • Hepatic portal vein
  • The blood is deoxygenated with lots of nutrients.
  • Inside the liver, it divides up into vessels
    called sinusoids.
  • Sinusoids are vessels wider than normal
    capillaries and have more porous walls,
    consisting of a single layer of very thin cells,
    with many pores or gaps between the cells and no
    basement membrane.
  • Blood flowing along the sinusoids is therefore in
    close contact with the surrounding hepatocytes.
  • The sinusoids drain into wider vessels that are
    branches of the hepatic vein.
  • Blood from the liver is carried by the hepatic
    vein to the right side of the heart via the
    inferior vena cava.

  • 1. The Hepatic Portal System (continued)
  • The hepatic artery
  • Carries oxygenated blood from the left side of
    the heart via the aorta.
  • Branches of the hepatic artery join the sinusoids
    at various points along their length, providing
    the hepatocytes with oxygen that they need for
    aerobic cell respiration.

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  • 2. Role of liver in regulation nutrients in
  • Nutrient Glucose
  • On arrival in the liver sinusoids, excess glucose
    is withdrawn from the plasma solution and used in
    metabolism or stored as glycogen. Glycogen
    reserves are also stored elsewhere in the body,
    particularly in the skeletal muscles.
  • Respiring tissues of the body receive glucose
    supplies from the blood circulation.
  • As the blood glucose levels fall due to
    respiration in tissues, glycogen reserves in the
    liver are converted back to gluce to maintain the
    normal plasma concentration

  • 2. Role of liver in regulation nutrients in
  • Nutrient amino acids
  • The liver cells also adjust the level of a.a. as
    the blood passes along the liver sinusoids.
  • A pool of a.a. is maintained in the plasma, in
    the liver, and in other tissues undergoing rapid
    protein synthesis.
  • A.a. are constantly built into up into proteins,
    which then function as enzymes., components of
    membranes, and structural components (e.g.
    collagen fibers, keratin)
  • The demand for new proteins on a daily basis is
    very high most proteins are short-lived, but the
    body cannot store a.a. Instead, excess a.a. are
    deaminated in the liver.
  • The organic part of each a.a. is removed and
    respired, or converted to a fat or carbohydrate.
  • By this process, the liver ensures that soluble
    ammonia is not formed and released in the
  • Urea is removed from the blood in the kidneys.

  • 2. Role of liver in regulation nutrients in
  • Nutrient Fat
  • The fatty acids (and glycerol) that reach the
    liver are combined to form triglycerides.
  • These are combined with proteins in the liver,
    and may be stored there.
  • Alternatively, they are transported in the blood
    plasma, mostly as low-density lipoprotein (LDLs)
    to the tissues.
  • Here lipids may be stored as food reserves (fat)
    or immediately broken down and respired as a
    source of energy.

  • 3.Role of liver in storage of nutrients
  • When certain nutrients are in excess in the
    blood, hepatocytes absorb and store them,
    releasing them when they are at too low a level.
  • For example, when the blood glucose level is too
    high, insulin stimulates hepatocytes to absorb
    glucose and convert it to glycogen for storage.
    When the blood glucose is too low, glucagon
    stimulates hepatocytes to break down glycogen and
    release glucose into the blood.
  • Iron, reinal (vitamin A) and calciferol (vitamin
    D) are also stored in the liver.

  • 4. Liver synthesis of plasma proteins and
  • Liver is the site of synthesis of all the blood
    proteins, including globulins, albumin,
    prothrombin, and fibrinogen.
  • Also, most of the cholesterol required by the
    body on a daily basis is manufactured in the
    liver. (the remainder is taken in as part of the

  • 5. Role of liver in detoxification
  • The liver detoxifies harmful substances such as
    alcohol, or renders drugs and toxins that have
    entered the blood stream into harmless forms for
    excretion from the blood circulation in the
  • drugs such as the antibiotics penicillin and
    erythromycin are handled in this way, as are
  • Hormones such as thyroid hormone, and steroid
    hormones such as estrogen, testosterone, and
    aldosterone are similarly inactivated, ready for
    removal from the blood.

  • 6. Process of erythrocyte and hemoglobin
  • Erythrocytes, also called red blood cells, have
    a fairly short lifespan of about 120 days.
  • The plasma membrane becomes fragile and
    eventually ruptures, releasing the hemoglobin
    into the blood plasma.
  • The hemoglobin is absorbed by phagocytosis,
    chiefly in the liver.
  • Some of the cells in the walls of the
    sinusoids are phagocytic. They are called
    Kupffer cells. Inside Kupffer cells the
    hemoglobin split into heme groups and
  • The globins are hydrolysed to amino acids,
    which are released into the blood.
  • Iron is removed from the heme groups, to leave
    a yellow-colored substance called bile pigment
    or bilirubin.
  • The iron and the bile pigment are released
    into the blood.
  • Much of the iron is carried to bone marrow,
    where it is used in the production of
    hemoglobin in new red blood cells.
  • The bile pigment is absorbed by hepatocytes
    and forms part of the bile.

  • 7. Effects of excessive alcohol consumption
  • Cirrhosis of the liver- a chronic inflammation of
    the liver in which liver cells are destroyed and
    replaced by fibrous or adipose (lipid-containing)
    connective tissue.

  • Main processing centers of our excretory system
    are the two kidneys.
  • Each is a compact organ, about the size of your
    fist, nearly filled with about 80 km of fine
    tubes (tubules) and an intricate network of blood
  • Body contains about 5L of blood, which circulates
    repeatedly, allowing for about 1,100-2,000 L to
    pass though the capillaries in our kidneys every

  • From this enormous (1,100-2000 L) traffic of
    blood, our kidneys extract daily about 180L of
  • Filtrate is made of water, urea, and a number of
    valuable solutes including glucose, amino acids,
    ions, and vitamins.
  • If we excreted all the filtrate as urine, we
    would lose vital nutrients and dehydrate rapidly.
  • But our kidneys refine the filtrate,
    concentrating the urea and returning most of the
    water and solutes to the blood.

  • In a typical day, we excrete only about 1.5 L of
  • Plumbing plan of kidneys
  • 1. Blood to be filtered enters each kidney via a
    renal artery
  • 2. Blood that has been filtered leaves the kidney
    in the renal vein
  • 3. urine leaves each kidney via a duct called a
    ureter and passes into the urinary bladder.
  • 4. periodically, the bladder empties during
    urination via a tube called the urethra, which
    empties near the female vagina or through the
    male penis

  • Has two main regions
  • Renal cortex (outer layer)
  • Renal medulla (inner region)
  • Urine flows into a chamber called the renal
    pelvis, and from there into the ureter.

  • Nephron
  • Tiny functional units of the kidney
  • About a million
  • Consists of a nephron tubule and its associated
    blood vessels.
  • Extracts a tiny amount of filtrate from the blood
    and then refines the filtrate into a much smaller
    quantity of urine.
  • Each nephron starts and ends in the kidneys
    cortex and extend into the medulla

  • Nephron (continued)
  • Receiving end of the nephron is a cup-shaped
    swelling called the Bowmans capsule.
  • Bowmans capsule envelops a ball of capillaries
    called the glomerulus which together make up the
    blood-filtering unit of the nephron.
  • 1. Here, blood pressure forces water and solutes
    from the blood in the glomerular capillaries
    across the wall of Bowmans capsule and into the
    nephron tubule.
  • 2. The plasma is filtered through three layers
    the capillary wall, the basement membrane, and
    the epithelium of the Bowmans capsule
  • 3. This process creates filtrate, leaving blood
    cells and large molecules such as plasma proteins
    behind in the capillaries.
  • At the other end of the nephron is the collecting
    duct, which carries urine to the renal pelvis.

  • Nephron (continued)
  • Rest of the nephron refines the filtrate. The
    tubule has three sections
  • 1. proximal tubule
  • in the cortex
  • 2. Loop of Henle
  • A hairpin loop carrying filtrate toward in some
    cases, intothe medula and then back toward the
  • 3. Distal tubule
  • A. Called distal because it is the most distant
    from Bowmans capsule
  • B. Drains into a collecting duct, which receives
    filtrate from many nephrons
  • C. in the kidneys many collecting ducts, the
    processed filtrate, urine, passes into the renal
    pelvis and then into the ureter.

Kidney animation
  • http//

  • Nephron (continued)
  • The intricate association between blood vessels
    and tubules is key to nephron function
  • Two key networks of capillaries
  • 1.Glomerulus
  • A finely divided portion of an arteriole that
    branches from the renal artery.
  • Leaving the Glomerulus, the arteriole carries
    blood to
  • 2.Proximal and distal tubules
  • This second network functions with the tubules in
    refining the filtrate some of the vessels
    parallel the loop of Henle, with blood flowing
    down in one vessel and back up through another.
  • Leaving the nephron, the capillaries converge to
    form a venule leading toward the renal vein.

  • Excretory system produces and disposes of urine
    in four major processes
  • Filtration
  • Occurs when water and virtually all other
    molecules small enough to be forced through the
    capillary wall enter the nephron tubule from the
  • Reabsorption
  • Refines filtrate water and valuable solutes,
    including glucose, salt, other ions, and amino
    acids are returned to the blood from the filtrate.

  • Secretion
  • Also refines the filtrate substances in the
    blood are transported into the filtrate.
  • For example, when there is an excess of H in the
    blood, these ions are secreted into the filtrate,
    thus keeping the blood from becoming acidic
  • Eliminates certain drugs and other toxic
    substances from the blood
  • both reabsorption and secretion, water and
    solutes move between the tubule and capillaries
    by passing through the interstitial fluid.
  • Excretion
  • Urine, the product of filtration, reabsorption,
    and secretion, passes through the kidneys to the
    outside via the ureters, urinary bladder, and

  • Reabsorption and Secretion in a nephron Figure
  • pink arrows show reabsorption , which may occur
    via active transport, passive diffusion, or
  • Blue arrows show secretion
  • Colored area shows the interstitial fluid,
    through which solutes and water move between the
    tubules and capillaries
  • Intensity of color reflects solute conc. cortex
    has lowest conc. and medulla has highest conc.
  • Solute conc. of the interstitial fluid exceeds
    that of the filtrate? water moves by osmosis out
    of filtrate into interstitial fluid

  • Reabsorption and Secretion in a nephron Figure
    25.11 (continued)
  • Proximal and distal tubule function
  • Proximal tubule actively transports nutrients
    such as glucose and amino acids from the filtrate
    into the interstitial fluid, to be reabsorbed
    into the capillaries.
  • NaCl is reabsorbed from both proximal and distal,
    and water follows by osmosis.
  • Secretion of H and reabsorption of HCO3- also
    occur in both proximal and distal, helping to
    regulate the bloods pH.
  • Potassium conc. in blood is regulated by
    secretion of excess K into the distal tubule.
  • Drugs and poisons processed in the liver are
    secreted into the proximal tubule.

  • Reabsorption and Secretion in a nephron Figure
    25.11 (continued)
  • Loop of Henle and collecting duct function
  • Major function is water reabsorption
  • Long loop of Henle carries filtrate deep into the
    medulla and then back to the cortex
  • Presence of NaCl and some urea in interstitial
    fluid in the medulla maintains the high conc.
    gradient that increases water reabsorption by
  • As soon as water passes into interstitial fluid,
    it moves into nearby blood capillaries and is
    carried away. This prompt removal is essential to
    avoid diluting the interstitial fluid and
    destroying the conc. Gradient necessary for water

  • Reabsorption and Secretion in a nephron Figure
    25.11 (continued)
  • Loop of Henle and collecting duct function
  • water reabsorption stops at hairpin because the
    tubule there is impermeable to water.
  • As filtrate moves back toward the cortex, NaCl
    leaves the filtrate, first passively and then
    actively as the cells of the tubule pump NaCl
    into the interstitial fluid.
  • it is primarily this movement of salt that
    creates the solute gradient in the interstitial
    fluid of the medulla.

  • Reabsorption and Secretion in a nephron Figure
    25.11 (continued)
  • Loop of Henle and collecting duct function
  • Final refining of the filtrate occurs in the
    collecting duct.
  • By actively reabsorbing NaCl, the collecting duct
    is important in determining how much salt is
    excreted in the urine.
  • In the inner medulla, the collecting duct becomes
    permeable to urea and some leaks out, adding to
    the high conc. gradient in the interstitial
  • As filtrate moves through medulla, more water is
    reabsorbed before the urine passes into the renal

  • Reabsorption and Secretion in a nephron Figure
    25.11 (continued)
  • In sum, the nephron returns much of the water
    that filters into it from the blood.
  • Water conservation is one of the major functions
    of the kidney
  • Maintain a precise and essential balance btw
    water and solutes in our body fluids.

  • Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
  • Increased in the blood by a control center in
    the brain when the solute concentration rises
    above a set point.
  • Signals nephrons to step up water reabsorption.
  • When the solute conc. Is diluted below the set
    point, as when we drink a lot of water, blood
    levels of ADH drop and water reabsorption is
    reduced, resulting in an increased discharge of
    dilute urine.
  • Alcohol inhibits the release of ADH and can cause
    excessive urinary water loss and dehydration,
    which may account for the symptoms of a hangover.

  • Dialysis
  • A person can survive with only one functioning
    kidney, but if both kidneys fail, the build up of
    toxic wastes and the lack of regulation of blood
    pressure, pH, and ion concentrations will lead to
    certain death if untreated.
  • Over 60 of kidney disease cases are caused by
    hypertension and diabetes, but prolonged use of
    pain relievers, alcohol, and other drugs are also
    possible causes

  • Dialysis How it works
  • Dialysis means separation in Greek
  • Like the nephron, the machine sorts small
    molecules of blood, keeping some and discarding
  • Patients blood is pumped from an artery through
    a series of tubes made of a selectively permeable
  • The tubes are immersed in a dialyzing solution
    much like the interstitial fluid that bathes the
  • As the blood circulates through the tubing, urea
    and excess ions diffuse out.
  • Needed substances, such as biocarbonate ions,
    diffuse from the dialyzing solution into the
  • Machine continually discards the used dialyzing
    solution as wastes build up.

  • Dialysis
  • Although life sustaining, its costly and time
    consuming (three times a week for 4-6 hours at a
  • Also requires severe dietary and lifestyle
  • Waiting list for kidney transplants ,
    unfortunately, is quite long.
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