Strategies that Work Teaching for Understanding and Engagement - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Strategies that Work Teaching for Understanding and Engagement


Strategies that Work Teaching for Understanding and Engagement Module 1 Debbie Draper, Julie Fullgrabe & Sue Eden Links to Tfel Links to Tfel What term has just finished? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Strategies that Work Teaching for Understanding and Engagement

Strategies that WorkTeaching for Understanding
and Engagement
Module 1
Debbie Draper, Julie Fullgrabe Sue Eden
Sessions for success!
  • Establish group norms for facilitator and
    participants- what is your collective
    responsibility or promises to ensure a
    successful session
  • Icons
  • group discussion
  • handout

Record answers
Facilitator slide-may be deleted
Links to Tfel
1.1 understand how self and others learn 1.2
develop deep pedagogical and content knowledge
Understanding how students learn to read through
your own experiences
Why did NAR choose comprehension?
  • Evidence based
  • Single focus
  • Improvement in comprehension improvement in all
    aspects of learning
  • Decision driven by the data of the region

Why Comprehension?
  • Learners in the 21st century have increasing need
    for reading comprehension skills both as
    independent learners and to succeed in
    educational settings
  • Much of the reading students do is online

Comprehension is a life long process
  • Comprehension begins during early life and is
    enhanced by a diversity of life experiences,
    language, words, media and interactions. It may
    be co-constructed and does not rely on being able
    to decode.

Little baby enjoying books
What do you think?
  • Discuss in groups
  • What messages is this baby receiving about
    reading or books?
  • What is he comprehending?
  • What is he learning about the concepts of print?

Baby making sense of technology
What do you think?
  • Discuss
  • How is this different/same as other literacy
  • What types of comprehension skills is the baby

Beginning readers
  • Oral language
  • Phonemic awareness
  • Phonological awareness
  • Vocabulary
  • Fluency
  • Comprehension

The BIG 6-Reading essentials- as children make
sense of print they need these skills
Another look at the BIG 6
Talking literacies
  • A PD series for early years teachers presented
    by speech pathologists, which supports all
    aspects of early literacy development.

  • Comprehension is part of the skill of reading
    acquisition. But without it, all the other skills
    become skills without meaning.

Competent readers and comprehension
  • This section reflects on skills that most adults
    take for granted.

What behaviours do independent readers have?
  • What did you read yesterday?(personally and for
    work)What was the purpose of your reading?
  • When have you come across written or spoken text
    that you found hard to understand?
  • Why was it difficult?

What types of on-line reading do you do?
What types of online reading do your students do?
  • How much time does this take up?
  • Is it enhancing or reducing their overall
    literacy skills?
  • How does this reading compare with reading at
  • Why?

  • Making meaning
  • Visual- recognising and interpreting print,
    images, symbols, diagrams etc
  • Auditory- comprehending sounds, words, music
  • Kinaesthetic understanding body language,
    actions, behaviours
  • All of these can come together to create optimum
    comprehension of situations, texts, experiences

Visual comprehension
What is this? How do you know What are you
bringing to this text?
What is this? How do you know? What are you
bringing to this text?
The meaning made by a scientist
  • Indigenous Australians might have been some of
    the earliest astronomers, a Sydney-based
    scientist has found.
  • When visiting the site with a team of
    geophysicists and astrophysicists, Mr Hamacher
    and his team found evidence of Palm Valley being
    an ancient meteorite crater.

Choose one of the following reading challenges
  • Either
  • Di Tri Berrese
  • OR
  • Pugglemess

Reading despite the challenges Read the
following story with comprehension in mind.
Di Tri Berrese
Heres the answer
Once upon a time was 3 bears mama bear, papa
bear and baby bear. Live in the country near
forest. NICE HOUSE. (No mortgage). One day papa,
mama and baby go to the beach, only they forgot
to lock the door. By and by comes Goldilocks. She
got nothing to do but make trouble. She push all
the food down the mouth no leave crumb. Then she
goes upstairs and sleeps in all the beds.
LAZY SLOB! By and by comes home the 3 bears, all
sunbrowned, and sand in shoes. They got no food
they got no beds. What are they going do to
Goldilocks? Throw her in the street? Call a
policeman? FAT CHANCE! They was Italian bears,
and they sleep on the floor. Goldilocks stay
there 3 weeks eating out of house and home and
just because they asked her to make the beds, she
says Go to hell, and run home crying to her
mama, telling her what sons of bitches the three
bears are. Whats the use? What are you going to
do-go complain to city hall?
Frustration because..
  • Describe the feelings you had while you were
    trying to read the text.
  • Compare them with feelings students may have when
    they are having reading difficulties.

Reading despite the challenges
  • Read and answer questions about the text
  • Pugglemess term lately over, the Lord Tinslebore
    sitting in Rinlonks Inn Hall. Immucable November
    weather. As much mud in the street, as if the
    waters had but newly retired from the face of the
    earth, and it would not be wonderful to meet a
    Seggumpalot, forty feet long or so, doddlebing
    like an elephantine sigpod up Thursdrible Hill.
    Source Bright, J. and McGregor, G. (1970)
    Teaching English as a second language. Longman.

  • Smoke gingling down from the chimney-pots, making
    a soft black siffle with sprokes of tooze in it
    as big as full-grown snow-sprokes gone into
    wurging, one might imagine, for the death of the

Questions 1
  • What term has just finished?

  • Dogs, undispanderable in rike. Horses, scarcely
    better blished to their very fruppers. Foot
    glabbingers, sprottling one anothers lumrollas,
    in a general inpuntion of ill temper, and losing
    their foothold at street corners, where tens of
    thousands of other foot glabbingers have been
    slipping and sliding since the day broke (if this
    day ever broke), adding new defonnels to the
    blopst upon blopst of mude, sticking at those
    points septariously to the durement, and
    occiridating at conton interest.
  • Source Bright, J. and McGregor, G. (1970)
    Teaching English as a second language. Longman.

Question 2
  • What are some of the things the foot glabbingers
    are doing ?

  • Hof everywhere. Hof up the river, where it flows
    among green oikies and guffeys hof down the
    river, where it rolls demubed among the niebs of
    shipping, and the waterside louplations of a
    great (and dirty) city. Source Bright, J. and
    McGregor, G. (1970) Teaching English as a second
    language. Longman.

  • Hof on the Ethics zoodges, hof on the Ormish
    heights. Hof creeping into the bocoshes of
    ballier-crogs hof lying out on the feet, and
    commering in the zibbing of great ships hof
    gloading on the wumbores of quoogees and small

Question 3 and 4
  • Would this be a nice place to be?
  • What do you like or not like about it?

What is happening to the questions?
  • Literal
  • Lower order
    Higher order
  • Which ones were more straightforward to answer?
  • What kind of questions are asked most in reading

Develop some understandings about the definition
of comprehension
  • The following slides ask you to formulate your
    own definition of what comprehension means and
    also has some other definitions.
  • This may be useful as a starting point for a
    common understanding or definition at a site
  • Choose one of the following two activities to
    create shared understanding

  • What does comprehension look like, sound like
    feel like?

Your thinking
  • What do you understand by the term Comprehension?
  • Discuss and share with others at your table.
  • Think about it in a broad ranging manner and
    comprehension in all of its forms.

Definitions of Reading Comprehension
  • Comprehension is intentional thinking during
    which meaning is constructed through interactions
    between text and reader (Harris and Hodges,

Definitions of comprehension
  • Comprehension is a process in which readers
    construct meaning by interacting with text
    through the combination of prior knowledge and
    previous experience, information in the text, and
    the stance the reader takes in relationship to
    the text (Pardo, 2004).

Definitions of comprehension
  • Comprehension is the process of simultaneously
    extracting and constructing meaning through
    interaction and involvement with written language
    (RAND Reading Study Group, 2002).

Definitions of comprehension
  • Comprehension is the ability to understand,
    interpret, appreciate and critique written and
    spoken language, images, video and real life
  • Trevor Cairney

  • The next section introduces reading strategies.
  • These form the basis of the professional learning
    that occurs this year from the region.

Why Comprehension?
The purpose of comprehension instruction is to
teach strategies as tools to expand and deepen
understanding. We best do this by avoiding a lock
step sequence and teaching kids a repertoire of
strategies they can use flexibly in many
circumstances with a variety of texts.
These are 4 of the texts we have recommended
over the last 12 months. There are many more
resources available online
  • The following slides show the main comprehension
    strategies that we focus on, based on the text
    Strategies that Work and are regarded as the main
    strategies of reading. We are consistently using
    these images this year.

(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
Making Connections The chain links things
together like making connections between more
than one thing. The chain can also be used for
various Venn Diagrams which show the connections
between text self, text text and text
Questioning The cube represents the element
of chance and not always knowing what will turn
up. Cubes can also be used for questioning
activities e.g. Question Matrix cubes,
Comprehension Cubes and Search Cube which is a
visual search engine that presents question
results in the form of a 3D cube that you can
then rotate and flip to search for answers in
text, video and image formats.
1 remember 2 understand 3 apply 4
analyse 5 evaluate 6 create
Question Matrix
(C. Weiderhold Co-operative Learning and
Critical Thinking in Langrehr, Better Questions,
better Thinking Book 2, Longman Cheshire,
Melbourne, 1993)
Inferencing Inferring involves
looking for clues and evidence within the text
and combining them with your own knowledge to
make informed guesses about the authors
intentions, make predictions and draw
Search for Clues
Visualising The digital camera is used
for capturing still and video images. Visualising
is like using a digital camera to imagine what is
happening in a text.
Determining Importance Determining
Importance is like sifting material through a
funnel to find the main idea, theme or authors
message in a text.
Summarising Synthesising Summarising is
like taking apart a jigsaw to understand the
important elements of each part. Synthesising is
putting together the pieces of several jigsaws to
form a new picture.
(No Transcript)
That person really hates her mother. Inference
This storyline is like a Bridget Jones
book/movie Making text to text connections
Imagine what it would be like to be left in a
cave like that. Visualisation
I didnt understand that bit- will re-read
it Monitoring understanding
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