Title: Concept Note for Asset Management System under Mahatma Gandhi NREGA using GIS, GPS
1Concept Note for Asset Management Systemunder
Mahatma Gandhi NREGA usingGIS, GPS Remote
Panchayati Raj Department, Government of Orissa.
- For effective planning and monitoring of
following works under - MGNREGA using GIS, GPS Remote Sensing
Technologies. - Water conservation and water harvesting,
- Drought proofing including afforestation and tree
plantation - Irrigation canals including micro and macro
irrigation works - Land Development
- Rural Connectivity to provide all weather access
- Flood control protection works, incl. drainage
in water-logged areas - Renovation of traditional water bodies including
de-silting of tanks etc.
- Geographic Information System (GIS)
- that captures, stores, analyzes, manages, and
presents data that are linked to location. - Global Positioning System (GPS)
- provides reliable positioning, navigation, and
timing services to worldwide users on a
continuous basis in all weather, day and night,
anywhere on or near the Earth - Remote Sensing (RS)
- small or large-scale acquisition of information
of an object or phenomenon, by the use of either
recording or real-time sensing device(s) that are
wireless, or not in physical or intimate contact
with the object (such as by way of aircraft,
spacecraft, satellite, buoy, or ship).
4Proposed Solution
- Under MGNREGA labour budget and preparation of
- annual action plan for coming financial year is
to be - completed by end of Dec of the current year
basing - upon the performance of current year.
- Using GPS, the longitude and lat itude of each
project can be taken and can also be incorporated
in the GIS. - Topographical data collected through RS
technology of each village is to be incorporated
in the GIS - Feasibility of proposed project can be
ascertained basing on the above information and
field surveyed data.
Not to Scale
Not to Scale
7MGNREGA Project Estimate
- Using GIS, registered willing job seekers under
MGNREGA within the 5 KM radius of the proposed
project can be indentified. - The labour cost of the project, duration of the
execution of the project can be calculated and
final estimate of the project by incorporating
the material cost etc would be finalized.
8Project Execution
- Seasonal work allocation will be done basing on
the willing of job seeker can be show in GIS map. - Attendance of job seeker at the work site will
be captured using GPS enabled Biometric Handheld
device and also be incorporated in GIS. (This
concept is proven and being used in ICT Pilot
Project, Orissa, and its available in Google
Map) - Preparation of Muster Roll , wage list and
Payment thru BC Model can be extended as its
done in existing ICT project. It can be
integrated with GIS map.
9Sample project Job seekers within 5 KM radius
Not to Scale
10Impact Analysis
- Change in various topographical parameters can be
studied using RS / GIS. - Usability of the project can be mapped in GIS.
- Study in Agricultural / Pisciculture etc. can be
ascertained as per the nature of the project. - Existing Assets created under MGNREGA can be
layered in GIS Map for decision support.
11Process Architecture
- The existing database of NREGASoft is required to
be used from start of the concept by use of
following technologies. - Web Services
12Schedule of Activities (PERT Chart)
Activity/Week Wk 1 Wk 2 Wk 3 Wk 4 Wk 5 Wk 6 Wk 7 Wk 8 Wk 9 Wk 10 Wk 11 Wk 12
Identification of project Location
Identification of Trainees
Identification of Equipments
Identification of Vendor
Procurement of Devices Other HW
SW Development
Integration with existing ICT project
Project Implementation
Project Monitoring Evaluation
- Hardware like Server, Desktop, Printer, GPS
Enabled Handheld Device with Thermal Printer
GPRS Enabled Mobile of ICT Pilot Project can also
be used for this project. - Only GIS software is the additional requirement.
13Thank You !!