Title: Non CPA Executives in CPA Firms Can it really work?
1Non CPA Executives in CPA FirmsCan it really
- It starts with Change Management.
- Exploring the possibilities of non CPA
executives. - What is the C Suite and can it really work in
an accounting firm? - Identifying the right fit for your leadership
group. - How To Get Started
3Embracing Change A new culture
4Polling Question How Do You Feel When You Hear
The Word CHANGE?
- Bring it on!
- Let me think about it
- No thank you
5Its what you dont know you dont know that can
cost you!Source UnknownResistance to change
can be expensive!L. Gary Boomer
6(No Transcript)
7The Missing Structure
Top 100 Firms gt30M
Whats The Difference
90 of Firms lt3M
8Culture Also Determines
- How you handle tension
- Whether you address or ignore conflict
- Strength of agreements
- Emotional commitment
- Ability to achieve growth
- Ability to change
9The Leaders Goal Upgrade People Move to the
next stage.
Professionals Avoid Stages 1 Stage 2
Firms work in multiple stages
Executives/Leaders should be at higher stages
Words and relationships determine the stage your
firm is in. To move from one stage to another
requires external coaching. The process is slow.
Resources Tribal Leadership, by Dave Logan, John
King, Halee Fischer-Wright Good to Great, by
Jim Collins
11The Economics of Trust
Low Trust
From The Speed of Trust by Stephen M. R. Covey
12The Economics of Trust
High Trust
From The Speed of Trust by Stephen M. R. Covey
13Coveys 13 Behaviorsto increase trust
- Straight talk
- Demonstrate respect
- Create transparency
- Right Wrongs
- Show loyalty
- Deliver results
- Get better
- Confront reality
- Clarify expectations
- Practice accountability
- Listen first
- Keep commitments
- Extend trust
14Managing Change
- Not all changes are the same.
- Do Different Think Different Think About
15The Ability to Change
- Motivators
- Fear
- Greed
- Peers
- Knowledge
- Principles Values
16The Hawthorne Effect
The Hawthorne effect is a form of reactivity, and
describes a temporary change to behavior or
performance in response to a change in the
environmental conditions, with the response being
typically an improvement. The term was coined in
1955 by Henry A. Landsberger when analyzing older
experiments from 1924-1932 at the Hawthorne Works
(outside Chicago).
17Management Leadership
1 2 3 4 5 6
Efficient Effective Improving Cutting Copying
Different Impossible
The 7 Levels of Change
18How Individuals Deal With Change
19The Non-cpa playersin your firm
20(No Transcript)
21(No Transcript)
22Polling QuestionWhat Percentage Of Team Members
in Your Firm are Non-CPAs?
- 0 to 10
- 11 to 25
- 26 to 50
- 51 to 75
- 76 to 100
23Exploring the possibilities of non CPA
24Accounting Professionals
- Start without the CPA designation
- Setting the expectations for their career
- Staff Senior Manager Principal Partner
- Does it take a carrot?
- Not just about expectations think about the law
25Its the Law
- Check your state law
- New York Owners must hold CPA designation
- Other States 49 must hold CPA designation
26Management LevelLeadership Level
- Management Team
- Leading Everyone in the Firm
275 Levels of Leadership
5. Executive
4. Effective Leader
3. Competent Manager
2. Contributing Team Member
1. Capable Individual
Source Good to Great by Jim Collins
28Managements Challenges
- Generational issues
- Innovation
- Risk management
- Performance
- Collaboration
- Teamwork
29Management Skills Tools
- Project management
- Team building
- Conflict resolution
- Performance management
- Accountability
- Delegation strategies
- Meeting management
- Client service
- Communication techniques
- Business development
- 90 Day Game Plans
- Unique processes
- Risk management
- Client analysis value
- Building a peer network
- Change management
- IT the accelerator
- Pricing
- Training and learning
- Mentoring versus coaching
30The Management Team
The Effect
M a n a g e m e n t
31Polling QuestionWhat Percentage of your MP time
is spent on Managing the Firm? (Non client
- 1 to 25
- 26 to 50
- 51 to 75
- 76 to 100
32What is the C Suite and can it really work in
an accounting firm?
33CEO Chief Executive Officer
- Deliver consistent results
- Utilize the 80-20 rule
- Put the best people in charge of the greatest
opportunities - Eyes on the future with current reality
- Evaluated on individual and team basis
34COO Chief Operations Officer
- Executive Committee member
- Glue that holds the firm together
- Master communicator
- Human Resources
- Training and Learning
- CEO/MP right (and left) arm
- High level position
35CFO Chief Financial Officer
- Executive Committee member
- Firm financial master
- Staff payroll and benefit master
- Bookkeeper supervision
- Firm insurance manager
36CIO Chief Information Officer
- Executive Committee member
- Thinks about how to implement technology
strategically - Hardware and software expert
- Extraordinary people person
- Excellent process developer
- Sees the training needs
37CLO Chief Learning Officer
- Adult Education background
- Curriculum development
- Communication expert
- Connections with outside teachers/trainers
- Strategic Thinker
- Firm Cheerleader
38Identifying the right fit for your leadership
39Polling QuestionWill Your Firm Be Hiring Any New
Team Members at the Management Level in the Next
40Im Intrigued, where do I start?
- Current Organizational Chart
- Identify Challenges - Create a Synergy Report
- Re-organize Where Needed
- Hiring Process
- Job Description
- Expectations
- Interview
- Hire
41Workplace Diagnostics
Kolbe B Index Workers self-Expectations
Kolbe A Index IndividualsRealities
Significant differences among conative Realities,
Expectations and Requirements cause over 70 of
work-related stress.
Kolbe C Index Evaluators functional
42 Synergy Algorithm
Team Synergy
- Kolbe has proven
- Without synergy, teams
- are doomed to fail.
- Kolbe also makes synergy
- Definable
- Quantifiable
- Predictable
- Improvable
43Validity in predicting success
Who Will Work Well
Performance Ratings
Kolbe A Index
Cognitive Test Score
Biographical Data
Reference Checks
College Grades
The Validity of Different Predictors of Job
Source Wall Street Journal
44Kolbe RightFit
- Ease of use
- Predictive
- Internet-based
- Screening Tool
- Meets and exceeds EEOC requirements
45Kolbe Selection Process
46How to get started
47Steps To Moving Toward A New Culture
- Hire people with integrity, intelligence
energy. - Build the management administrative teams
around the leader(s). - Use the Kolbe Index and Synergy Report.
- Utilize non-accountants in many of the positions.
- Team members need personal development programs.
- Develop managers. Talent leaves bad managers,
not firms. - Spend time to think, plan and grow.
- Technology is the accelerator. Get digital ASAP.
- Successful firms have successful business models.
- Employee recognition is as important as planning
and accountability. - READ!!!
49Thank you!
- sandra.wiley_at_boomer.com
- www.boomer.com