Title: Addressing Barriers to Learning and Teaching to Enhance School Improvement
1Addressing Barriers to Learning and Teaching to
Enhance School Improvement
2- About this Resource
- This is part of a set of 3 power point sessions.
There is also a related 7 session set online. For
each session, there are also a package of
handouts (online in PDF) that cover the material.
Many of these handouts provide additional details
on a given topic.
3- Feel free to use the power point slides and the
handouts as is or by adapting them to advance
efforts to develop a comprehensive system of
learning supports.
4Outline for the Session II
- Toward a Comprehensive System of Learning
Supports - A. How Does School Improvement Policy and
Practice Need to be Expanded? - B. What are the Implications for Framing a
Comprehensive System for Addressing Barriers to
Learning and Teaching?
5Toward a Comprehensive System of Learning
6 Defining learning supports To accomplish the
essential public education goal of enabling all
students to have an equal opportunity for success
at school, research indicates the need for
developing a comprehensive, multifaceted, and
cohesive system of learning supports. Learning
supports are the resources, strategies, and
practices that provide physical, social,
emotional, and intellectual supports to directly
address barriers to learning and teaching and
re-engage disconnected students. A
comprehensive system of learning supports
provides supportive interventions in classrooms
and schoolwide and is fully integrated with
efforts to improve instruction and management at
a school.
7How Does School Improvement Policy and Practice
Need to be Expanded?
8Moving from a Two- to a Three-component
Framework for School Improvement
Current State of Affairs
Direct Facilitation of
Learning Development
Student Family Assistance
Besides offering a small amount of school-owned
student "support services, schools outreach to
the community to add a few school-based/linked
Instructional/ Developmental Component
Management Component
Governance and Resource Management
9Moving from a Two- to a Three-component
Framework for School Improvement
Moving toward a Comprehensive System of Learning
Direct Facilitation of Learning
Addressing Barriers to Learning
Instructional/ Developmental Component
Learning Supports Component
Management Component
Governance and Resource Management
10Policy Umbrella for School Improvement Planning
Related to Addressing Barriers to Learning
Addressing Barriers to
Learning/Teaching (Enabling or Learning
Supports Component)
Direct Facilitation of Learning
(Instructional Component)
Examples of Initiatives, programs and
services gtpositive behavioral
supports gtprograms for safe and drug free
schools gtbi-lingual, cultural, and other
diversity programs gtcompensatory education
programs gtfamily engagement programs gtspecial
education programs gtmandates stemming from the
No Child Left Behind Act other federal
Governance and Resource Management (Management
11Expanding the Framework for School Accountability
to Encompass an Enabling or Learning Supports
High Standards for Academics
gtmeasures of cognitive achievements
High Standards for Learning/Development
Related to Social Personal Functioning
gtmeasures of engagement and social emotional
Indicators of Positive Learning and
"Community Report Cards" gtincreases
in positive indicators
gtdecreases in negative indicators
Benchmark Indicators of Progress in Addressing
Barriers (Re-)engaging Students in Classroom
High Standards for Enabling Learning and
Development gtmeasures of
effectiveness in addressing barriers, such as
gtincreased attendance family
involvement gtreduced tardies misbehavior and
bullying gtfewer inappropriate referrals for
specialized assistance special education
gtfewer suspensions dropouts
12What are the Implications for Framing a
Comprehensive System for Addressing Barriers to
13 Intervention Continuum Content
14A Continuum of Interconnected Systems for
Meeting the Needs of All Students One key Facet
of a Learning Supports Component
Systems for Promoting Healthy Development
Preventing Problems primary prevention
includes universal interventions (low end
need/low cost per individual programs)
School Resources (facilities, stakeholders,
programs, services)
Community Resources (facilities, stakeholders,
programs, services)
Systems of Early Intervention early-after-onset
includes selective indicated
interventions (moderate need, moderate cost per
Systems of Care treatment/indicated
interventions for severe and chronic
problems (High end need/high cost per individual
15Categories of Basic Content Arenas for Learning
Supports Intervention
Classroom-Based Approaches to Enable Learning
Crisis/ Emergency Assistance Prevention
Student Family Assistance
Infrastructure gtleadership gtresource-
oriented mechanisms
Support for Transition
Community Outreach
Home involvement t Engagement In Schooling
16Major Examples of Activity in Each of the Six
Basic Content Arenas
17 Classroom-Based Enabling Re-engaging
Students in Classroom Learning FOCUS
Classroom based efforts to enable
learning gtPrevent problems intervene as soon as
problems appear gtEnhance intrinsic motivation
for learning gtRe-engage students who have become
disengaged from classroom learning
18 Classroom-Based Enabling
(cont.) EXAMPLES OF ACTIVITIES Opening the
classroom door to bring in available supports
19 Classroom-Based Enabling
(cont.) EXAMPLES OF ACTIVITIES Opening the
classroom door to bring in available supports
Redesigning classroom approaches to enhance
teacher capability to prevent and
handle problems and reduce need for out of
class referrals
20 Classroom-Based Enabling
(cont.) EXAMPLES OF ACTIVITIES Opening the
classroom door to bring in available supports
Redesigning classroom approaches to enhance
teacher capability to prevent and
handle problems and reduce need for out of
class referrals Enhancing and personalizing
professional development
21 Classroom-Based Enabling
(cont.) EXAMPLES OF ACTIVITIES Opening the
classroom door to bring in available supports
Redesigning classroom approaches to enhance
teacher capability to prevent and
handle problems and reduce need for out of
class referrals Enhancing and personalizing
professional development Curricular
enrichment and adjunct programs
22 Classroom-Based Enabling
(cont.) EXAMPLES OF ACTIVITIES Opening the
classroom door to bring in available supports
Redesigning classroom approaches to enhance
teacher capability to prevent and
handle problems and reduce need for out of
class referrals Enhancing and personalizing
professional development Curricular
enrichment and adjunct programs Classroom and
school-wide approaches used to create and
maintain a caring and supportive climate
23Crisis Assistance and Prevention
FOCUS School-wide and classroom-based efforts
for gtresponding to crises gtminimizing the
impact of crises gtpreventing crises
24Crisis Assistance and Prevention
assistance in emergencies so students can
resume learning
25Crisis Assistance and Prevention
assistance in emergencies so students can
resume learning Providing Follow up care as
26Crisis Assistance and Prevention
immediate assistance in emergencies so
students can resume learning Providing Follow
up care as necessary Forming a
school-focused Crisis Team to formulate a
response plan and take leadership for developing
prevention programs
27Crisis Assistance and Prevention
immediate assistance in emergencies so
students can resume learning Providing Follow
up care as necessary Forming a
school-focused Crisis Team to formulate a
response plan and take leadership for developing
prevention programs Mobilizing staff,
students, and families to anticipate response
plans and recovery efforts
28Crisis Assistance and Prevention
immediate assistance in emergencies so
students can resume learning Providing Follow
up care as necessary Forming a
school-focused Crisis Team to formulate a
response plan and take leadership for developing
prevention programs Mobilizing staff,
students, and families to anticipate response
plans and recovery efforts Creating a caring
and safe learning environment
29Crisis Assistance and Prevention
immediate assistance in emergencies so
students can resume learning Providing Follow
up care as necessary Forming a
school-focused Crisis Team to formulate a
response plan and take leadership for developing
prevention programs Mobilizing staff,
students, and families to anticipate response
plans and recovery efforts Creating a caring
and safe learning environment Working with
neighborhood schools and community to
integrate planning for response and
30 Support for Transitions
FOCUS School-wide and classroom-based efforts
to gtenhance acceptance and successful
transitions gtprevent transition problems gtuse
transition periods to reduce alienation gtuse
transition periods to increase positive
attitudes/motivation toward school and learning
31 Support for Transitions
support programs for newcomers
32 Support for Transitions
support programs for newcomers Daily
transition programs (e.g., before/afterschool,
33 Support for Transitions
support programs for newcomers Daily
transition programs (e.g., before/afterschool,
lunch) Articulation programs
34 Support for Transitions
support programs for newcomers Daily
transition programs (e.g., before/afterschool,
lunch) Articulation programs Summer or
intersession programs
35 Support for Transitions
support programs for newcomers Daily
transition programs (e.g., before/afterschool,
lunch) Articulation programs Summer or
intersession programs School-to-career/higher
36 Support for Transitions
support programs for newcomers Daily
transition programs (e.g., before/afterschool,
lunch) Articulation programs Summer or
intersession programs School-to-career/higher
education Broad involvement of stakeholders in
planning for transitions
37 Home Involvement in Schooling FOCUS
School-wide classroom-based efforts to engage
the home in gtstrengthening the home
situation gtenhancing problem solving
capabilities gtsupporting student development and
learning gtstrengthening school and community
38 Home Involvement in Schooling
EXAMPLES OF ACTIVITIES Addressing specific
support and learning needs of family
39 Home Involvement in Schooling
EXAMPLES OF ACTIVITIES Addressing specific
support and learning needs of family
Improving mechanisms for communication
connecting school and home
40 Home Involvement in Schooling
EXAMPLES OF ACTIVITIES Addressing specific
support and learning needs of family
Improving mechanisms for communication
connecting school and home Involving homes
in student decision making
41 Home Involvement in Schooling
EXAMPLES OF ACTIVITIES Addressing specific
support and learning needs of family
Improving mechanisms for communication
connecting school and home Involving homes
in student decision making Enhancing home
support for learning and development
42 Home Involvement in Schooling
EXAMPLES OF ACTIVITIES Addressing specific
support and learning needs of family
Improving mechanisms for communication
connecting school and home Involving homes
in student decision making Enhancing home
support for learning and development
Recruiting families to strengthen school and
43 Community Outreach for Involvement and
Support (including Volunteers) FOCUS
Building linkages and collaborations to
strengthen students, schools, families, and
44Community Outreach for Involvement and Support
(including Volunteers) EXAMPLES OF ACTIVITIES
Planning and Implementing Outreach to Recruit a
Wide Range of Community Resources
45Community Outreach for Involvement and Support
(including Volunteers) EXAMPLES OF ACTIVITIES
Planning and Implementing Outreach to Recruit a
Wide Range of Community Resources Systems
to Recruit, Screen, Prepare, and Maintain
Community Resource Involvement
46Community Outreach for Involvement and Support
(including Volunteers) EXAMPLES OF ACTIVITIES
Planning and Implementing Outreach to Recruit a
Wide Range of Community Resources Systems
to Recruit, Screen, Prepare, and Maintain
Community Resource Involvement Reaching out
to Students and Families Who Don't Come to
School Regularly Including Truants and
47Community Outreach for Involvement and Support
(including Volunteers) EXAMPLES OF ACTIVITIES
Planning and Implementing Outreach to Recruit a
Wide Range of Community Resources Systems
to Recruit, Screen, Prepare, and Maintain
Community Resource Involvement Reaching out
to Students and Families Who Don't Come to
School Regularly Including Truants and
Dropouts Connecting School and Community
Efforts to Promote Child and Youth
Development and a Sense of Community
48 Student and Family Assistance
FOCUS Specialized assistance provided
through personalized health and social service
49 Student and Family Assistance
Providing support as soon as a need is
recognized and doing so in the least
disruptive ways
50 Student and Family Assistance
Providing support as soon as a need is
recognized and doing so in the least
disruptive ways Referral interventions for
students families with problems
51 Student and Family Assistance
Providing support as soon as a need is
recognized and doing so in the least
disruptive ways Referral interventions for
students families with problems Enhancing
access to direct interventions for health,
mental health, and economic assistance
52 Student and Family Assistance
Providing support as soon as a need is
recognized and doing so in the least
disruptive ways Referral interventions for
students families with problems Enhancing
access to direct interventions for health,
mental health, and economic assistance
Care monitoring, management, information sharing,
and follow-up assessment to coordinate
individual interventions and check whether
referrals and services are adequate and
53 Student and Family Assistance
Providing support as soon as a need is
recognized and doing so in the least
disruptive ways Referral interventions for
students families with problems Enhancing
access to direct interventions for health,
mental health, and economic assistance
Care monitoring, management, information sharing,
and follow-up assessment to coordinate
individual interventions and check whether
referrals and services are adequate and
effective Mechanisms for resource coordination
and integration to avoid duplication, fill
gaps, garner economies of scale, and enhance
54 Student and Family Assistance
Providing support as soon as a need is
recognized and doing so in the least
disruptive ways Referral interventions for
students families with problems Enhancing
access to direct interventions for health,
mental health, and economic assistance
Care monitoring, management, information sharing,
and follow-up assessment to coordinate
individual interventions and check whether
referrals and services are adequate and
effective Mechanisms for resource coordination
and integration to avoid duplication, fill
gaps, garner economies of scale, and enhance
effectiveness Enhancing stakeholder awareness
of programs and services
55For more specific examples and mapping and
analysis self study surveys for each arena, see
the Centers online resource aid Guide to
resource mapping and management to address
barriers to learning An intervention for
systemic change
56- Combined Continuum and Content Arenas
- Levels of Intervention
Systems for Promoting Healthy
Preventing Problems
Systems for Early Intervention (Early after
problem onset
Systems of Care
Classroom-Focused Enabling
Crisis/ Emergency Assistance Prevention
Content Arenas
Support for transitions
Home Involvement in Schooling
Community Outreach/ Volunteers
Student Family Assistance
57To Recap
School improvement planning for developing a
comprehensive system of learning supports to
address barriers to learning and teaching
requires (1) adoption of a umbrella framework
that can unify current efforts (2)
expansion of the framework for school
accountability to account for efforts to
enhance social and personal functioning
and address barriers to learning and teaching
58To Recap
A comprehensive framework to guide development of
an enabling/learning supports component combines
a continuum of intervention with a discrete set
of content arenas. The resulting matrix provides
a mapping tool and a planning guide for
developing a comprehensive set of learning
59Study Question
To what degree does the current policy and
practice framework for student/learning supports
marginalize the work and contribute to ad hoc and
fragmented planning and development?
60Next Time A discussion of next steps to
enhance school improvement planning for
developing a comprehensive system for
addressing barriers to learning teaching