Title: $ite Manager is a powerful project management system that is designed for the complexities of construction management but is applicable to all phase of a project from design, engineering, construction, subcontracts, through completion.
1ite Manager is a powerful project management
system that is designed for the complexities of
construction management but is applicable to all
phase of a project from design, engineering,
construction, subcontracts, through completion.
ite Manager
- a Microsoft Access based Construction
Management system
What is ite Manager?
ite Manager is applicable to all types of
projects from commercial and rehabilitation
development projects, to industrial
installations, IT system development, and green
field sites.
Manage your project in a complex environment!
Your project exists in a complex environment with
labor, suppliers and internal influences
impacting your project.
The schedules, estimates of work, contracts,
materials, etc. define your project. Your goal is
to successfully execute the project to these
ite Manager incorporates all of your project
data into a system that allows progress and
trends to be measured as the project progresses.
Knowledge of what