Title: ISO 22000:2005....What Transition Can it Make in your Food Production Facility?
1- ISO 220002005....What Transition Can it Make in
your Food Production Facility? - An Experience In Brief.
2- Presented by
- Huda Musa El Sayed
- Wheata Ind. Co. Ltd.
- ( (Araak Group
- Sudan
3Food Industry in Sudan
- Food industry in Sudan has remarkably flourished
and diversified in the past decade. - Up until 2010 the food manufacturing industry
sector constitutes 55 of the manufacturing
industry in Sudan.
4Regulatory and Statutory BodiesFood Safety
- The following authorities are responsible
- SSMO (Sudanese Standards and Metrology Org.).
- Ministry of Health.
5Food Safety Awareness
- 1st International Food Safety Conference in Sudan
took place on March 2010 held by SSMO with
collaboration of FAO.
6Food Industry Food Safety Responsibility and
- HACCP system implemented by many food production
companies (HACCP recommended but not mandatory). - One company has an ISO 220002005 certified
(FSMS), implementation started in a no. of
companies. - Food safety forums held by the food industry.
7Importance of an Integrated Food Chain Approach
to Control Food Safety Hazards
- Food safety failures in both developed and
developing countries have intensified interest
everywhere in systematic prevention at every link
in the food supply chain. - Food safety is a joint responsibility of all the
actors in the food chain and requires their
combined efforts. -
Weak links Minimize food safety
Strong links enhance food safety
8ISO 220002005 Standard
- Food safety management systems Requirements for
any organization in the food chain. - Harmonizes the requirements for systematically
managing safety in food supply chains and offers
a unique solution for good practice on a
worldwide basis. - A meaningful system backed by international
consensus. - Has the potential to turn the difficult task of
meeting multiple or even contradictory
requirements from various different safety and
quality guidelines into one system. - Shares common management principles with ISO
9ISO 220002005 Specifies the Following Key
Elements to Ensure Food Safety
10Wheat Milling Factory- At a Glance
- Established at 2001.
- Milling capacity 1750 metric tons of wheat per
day. - Plays a dynamic role in the achievement of food
security in Sudan. - ISO220002005 certified FSMS.
11Benefits of Implementing ISO 220002005
- Benefits can vary depending on the org., its
type, its situation and management system in
place before adopting the ISO 220002005 standard
12Perceptible Benefits
- Meeting and complementing statutory and
regulatory requirements.
13Benefits of Implementing the ISO
220002005Perceptible Benefits Well
established communication channels
- Organized and targeted communication concerning
food safety with - Internally with employees that have an impact on
food safety. - Externally with
- - Regulatory and statutory bodies.
- Suppliers of raw materials .
- Service providers.
- Inspection companies.
- Customers.
14A Scientific Drive for Food Safety
- Incessant exploitation of sound scientific
principles. - Food safety hazards identified and controlled
according to scientific basis. - Linking all food production aspects in a
comprehensive scientific way. - Utilization of guidelines and standards published
by the Codex and other international standards. - Ability to identify the food safety risks
associated with our activity, to foresee them and
to effectively contain any emergency that may
15Dynamic Control of Food Safety Hazards.
- All food safety hazards of relevancy to the
process and the product are carefully IDENTIFIED
and consequently - CONTROLLED.
16Team work
- Efficient relationship based on openness all
working towards the same goal - FOOD SAFETY
17In House Training
- A structured program for training of food
handlers. - Personnel hygiene practices (principles) became
habits for all employees and workers that have an
impact on food safety.
18Documents illustratingWhat? How ? When? and Who?
- For know how and to guarantee the sustain-ability
of food safety procedures and consequently the
FSMS. - To monitor and measure effectiveness of the FSMS.
- All the work and plans are organized under
specific internationally used scientific titles
and terminology. -
20Wheat Products Contaminants Analysis
- Although not verified in wheat products before
implementing the ISO 220002005 standard
mycotoxins (DON, Ochratoxin A) heavy metals (lead
and cadmium) and pesticide residues which are
potential contaminants were always not detected
at low detection levels. - Microorganisms (Bacillus cereus and Clostridium
perfingens) levels were far below the levels
permitted by local regulations.
21Customer Complaints
- No complaints regarding food safety of wheat
products were received after implementing the ISO
22Food Safety a Culture in the Organization
- Food safety became an ultimate goal.
- Employees conscientious about food safety.
- Deeper knowledge of all the production process
(from A to Z). - Better exchange of knowledge between staff .
- At the employees level more awareness to
regulatory and statutory requirements. - Understanding of food safety responsibilities.
23Perceptible Benefits
- Reading back on the importance of different
technologies. - Improved over all performance.
- Better planning.
- Control focused on what is necessary and
conserving resources. - Enhancement of the traceability systems.
24Self Confidence and Contentment
- Confident about wheat products safety.
- Feeling that the right thing is done.
- Credibility of the companys image.
25Opportunities for Improvement.Continues
- Inputs for improving the adequacy of the food
safety management system are but not only - Verification and auditing.
- Validation.
- Management review.
- Communication.
26Infrastructure and Technology A Fundamental
- The infrastructure allowed the production in
satisfactory sanitary conditions. - Sites, buildings, product flows and the factory
layout are logically arranged. - Technology installed was satisfactory to produce
safe food.
27Top management commitmentAn Essential Support
- Top management must wholeheartedly understand the
food safety concept. - Top management has a major role in the
successful implementation through its commitment
to provide necessary resources. -
28Obstacles Faced During Start of Implementation
- Lack of knowledge about food safety
- Food safety not distinguished from other quality
aspects. - Preliminary knowledge of HACCP system and also
29Benefit for You as a Supplier
- Your customer want to have confidence that your
organization is well run, that you are managing
the food safety hazards associated with your
products and that you are taking onboard any
regulatory requirements. - ISO 220002005 can provide the confidence your
customers need in order to do business with you
because you identify and control food safety
hazards in the right way.
30ISO Standards can be Used in Line with IS0
220002005 Standard
- ISO/TS 220042005, Food safety management systems
Guidance on the application of ISO 220002005. - ISO 220052007, Traceability in the feed and food
chain General principles and guidance for
system design and development.
31- Food Safety a Non negotiable Human Right Remains
the Responsibility of all the Operators Along the
Food Chain - Are You Doing Your Part?
32- Your Commitment to Food Safety is a
- Moral Commitment
33 Thanks for Listening
Wheata Ind. Co. Ltd.(Araak Group), Sudan.