CHAPTER ONE Performance Leakage and Value Discounts on the TSX - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CHAPTER ONE Performance Leakage and Value Discounts on the TSX


... - trade based on their private information Noise traders- trade because of liquidity needs or for hedging purposes ... of the case study, ... changing forex trade ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: CHAPTER ONE Performance Leakage and Value Discounts on the TSX

CHAPTER ONEPerformance Leakage and Value
Discounts on the TSX
  • Lawrence Kryzanowski and Skander Lazrak
  • Concordia University Brock University,

Reading Questions
  • What costs should an investor consider when
    executing a transaction?
  • What type of trader is most concerned about the
    quoted spread and how is it calculated?
  • What type of trader is most concerned about the
    effective spread and how is it calculated?
  • What metric is available to measure price impact
    and how is it calculated?
  • What information is obtained from examining the
    quoted depth?

Reading Questions Contd
  • Are the various spread measures normally
    distributed for the security types on the TSX?
  • Which security types have the lowest and highest
    relative spreads, on average, on the TSX?
  • Describe how trades are classified as buyer- or
    seller-initiated when this needs to be inferred
    from quote trade data and what is the accuracy
    of doing so?
  • Describe the time-series behavior of the number
    of trades over time?
  • Discuss three implications of the findings of
    this study?

Performance Leakage and Value Discounts on the TSX
  • Performance affected by trade execution quality
  • Trade costs commissions, fees, execution
    opportunity costs
  • Execution quality depends upon investors
    investment style and trading demands

Execution Quality
  • Imputed from data since not observable
  • Difference between actual trade execution price
    fair value estimate
  • Pre- and post-trade measures
  • Metrics include quoted, effective realized
    spreads, quoted depth, number of trades trading
    volume (number of shares dollar value)

Quoted Spreads and Depth
  • Quoted Spread
  • Important for (e.g., momentum) traders whose
    informational advantage becomes stale quickly
  • Quoted (Inside) Depth
  • Important for traders whose trade sizes exceed
    the quoted inside depth

Effective Realized Spreads Price Impact
  • Effective Spread
  • Important for (e.g., value) traders whose
    informational advantage does not become stale
  • Realized Spread
  • A measure of the market-makers profit if s/he
    rebalances inventory shortly after making the
  • Price Impact Difference between effective
    realized spreads

Studied Sample
  • All 2,300 listed securities on TSX with data for
    first 2 months of 2008
  • Security types common shares (CDN USD)
    preferreds units warrants asset-linked notes
  • Examine all valid trades and quotes
  • Over 197 million quotes 25 million trades

Execution Quality Estimates
  • Nearly all distributions are right skewed so that
    the Median lt Mean
  • For all three relative spread measures
  • Lowest averages and ? Common shares with prices
    gt 5 and NT_NO
  • Highest averages and ? Warrants USD
  • Considerable variation intra inter security
  • E.g., intra quoted spreads for common shares with
    prices gt 5 range from 0.03 to 16.45

Execution Quality Estimates Contd
  • Quote depth averages ?
  • Lowest highest Warrants Common gt5
  • Traded volume (number shares) averages ?
  • Lowest highest NT_NO Common lt5
  • Traded volume () averages ?
  • Lowest highest NT_NO (except Warrants for
    median) Common gt5
  • Number of trades averages ?
  • Lowest highest NT_NO Common gt5

Execution Quality Estimates Contd
  • Intertemporal variation appearance in top 3 ranks
    for the 6 liquidity measures
  • Warrants USD frequently appear
  • Common gt5 never appears
  • Common lt5 has solo appearance
  • Units appears in top 3 for 2 measures
  • NT_NO relatively higher for all six liquidity

  • Net benefits of trade impacted by material
    variation in potential actual trade execution
    costs intra inter security type
    intertemporally (including global shocks)
  • Valuation discount estimates by security type
    important for asset valuators investors for
    nongranular fund holdings
  • Value discount or performance drag estimates
    important for assessing reported portfolio
    performance, particularly under adverse market

CHAPTER TWOInformed Trading in Parallel Auction
and Dealer Markets The Case of the London Stock
  • Pankaj J. Jain
  • Christine Jiang
  • Thomas McInish
  • Nareerat Taechapiroontong

Reading Questions
  • At one time the London Stock Exchange was losing
    trades to other European exchanges. Why?
  • Describe the main characteristics of the London
    Stock Exchanges SEATS and dealer markets.
  • Who can trade on the SEATS and dealer markets and
    why? Describe a type of order that you might
    decide to route to each market?
  • Which trading platform within the London Stock
    Exchange has a higher permanent price impact and
  • Which trading platform within the London Stock
    Exchange has the ability to screen out informed
    traders and why?

Reading Questions
  • How have the dealers obligations to provide
    liquidity on the London Stock Exchange changed
    over time?
  • What do you know about transparency (pre- and
    post-trade) on the London Stock Exchange?
  • Provide your opinion about the various optimal
    institutional design features of a stock
  • Which trading platforms on the London Stock
    Exchange are associated with lower temporary
    price impact and total price impact?
  • List some key characteristics of a trade that
    determine its price impact.

Objectives and Contributions
  • Test whether intensity of trader anonymity is
    correlated with trading with informed traders
    (adverse selection)
  • Use permanent price impact (PPI) of trades to
    gauge information content of orders in 2 parallel
  • Provide evidence based on unique structure of the
  • Compare adverse selection problem between
    parallel anonymous Auction market and
    non-anonymous voluntarily Dealer market.
  • Fully time-synchronized markets and no
    firm-specific differences (same firms)

Previous Studies on Trader Anonymity
  • Survey Institutional investors prefer to trade
    in anonymous automated execution systems that
    provide low disclosure of identity of the company
    submitting the orders.
  • Economides and Schwartz (1995) and Schwartz and
    Steil (1996)
  • Theory Negotiated dealer market serves as a
    screening device to eliminate informed trades.
  • Seppi (1990) and Pagano and Roell (1992)
  • Professional non-anonymous relationship between
    specialist and brokers reduces the adverse
    selection problem.
  • Benveniste et al. (1992)
  • Off-exchange dealers are likely to cream skim
    order flow and divert informed orders to
    on-exchange market.
  • Easley, Kiefer and OHara (1996)
  • Upstairs dealer market facilitates searching and
    matching of order flow.
  • Seppi (1990), Burdett and OHara (1987) and
    Grossman (1992)

Order flow of SETS stocks on the London Stock
Comparison of SETS and Dealer
markets in 2000
Data selection and processing
  • Main data source London transaction data service
  • Compustat global file used for Market
  • SETS stocks FTSE 100 or FTSE 250 in 2000
  • Trading days gt80 days in 2000
  • Sample stocks 177
  • Delete 28 stocks for methodological problem
  • Final sample 149
  • Trade Reports File contains
  • Trade direction (buy or sell)
  • Trade location (SETS or Dealer)
  • Code that identifies each counterparty, but
    there no information concerning their actual
  • Standard trade and quote filters are applied

  • Keim and Madhavan (1996) and Booth et al.
    (2002)s price impact measures
  • Permanent price impact BSln (PA/PB) inform.
  • Temporary price impact BSln (PT/PA) liquidity
  • Total price impact BSln (PT/PB)
  • Note BS is buy/sell indicator PB,PA,PT are
    before, after, and trade prices

Fig. 1. Cumulative average returns around large
GBP trades. We identify the 5 of trades that
have the greatest GBP value.  We label each of
these trades, in turn, as trade 0.  For each
trade 0, we identify the twenty previous trades,
trades -1 through -21, and the subsequent 21
trades, trades 1 through 21.  We calculate the
return for each trade from -20 to 20 as the
difference in the log of the trade price minus
the log of the previous trade price.  These
returns are averaged and cumulated beginning with
trade -20. Mean values of cumulative average
returns are plotted above.
Table 4. Information Differences on SETS and
Permanent Price Impact Permanent Price Impact Temporary Price Impact Temporary Price Impact
Independent variables Independent variables Coefficient t-statistics Coefficient t-statistics
Intercept -0.2224 -1.74 1.3699 12.19
SETS 0.2849 21.62 -0.1956 -16.92
Cap 0.0008 0.08 -0.0024 -0.26
Price 0.0274 2.00 -0.1060 -8.82
Volatility 0.1031 4.90 0.1176 6.37
Freq -0.0399 -4.77 -0.0180 -2.45
Size 0.0311 2.28 -0.0948 -7.93

Adj. R2 0.7062 0.7836
F-value 119.97 175.58
  • Regulators of the London Stock Exchange
    accomplished their goals of providing efficient
    markets by offering alternative trading venues.
  • Dealers compete effectively with SETS
  • More number of trades on SETS
  • Larger trade size on dealer market
  • Price impact measures suggest that SETs trades
    have larger information content
  • Dealers effectively screen out informed traders
    or charge them more for providing liquidity

CHAPTER THREEMomentum Trading for the Private
  • Alexander Molchanov
  • Philip Stork
  • Massey University

Reading Questions
  1. Is there momentum in the worlds largest shares
  2. Are these momentum profits economically
  3. Do the momentum returns depend on ranking and
    holding periods?
  4. How different is the magnitude of the momentum
    effect in various regions?
  5. Is momentum a disappearing phenomenon?
  6. Is trading volume a useful variable in
    determining momentum profits?
  7. How robust are momentum profits to trading costs?

  • Momentum effect is one of the best-known return
    predictability patterns
  • Jegadeesh and Titman (1993) Past winners keep
    outperforming past losers
  • Behavioural finance has several potential
    explanations (Daniel, Hirshleifer and Subramanyam
    (1998), Hong and Stein (1999))
  • Concensus is yet to be reached
  • Simplicity of a momentum trading strategy makes
    it attractive to a private investor

  • We use only the largest shares in the most liquid
  • Transaction costs, bid/ask spreads and lending
    fees are likely to be lower for these shares
  • They are more likely to come into private
    investors spotlight (Barber and Odean, 2008)
  • Constituents of five major indices, covering
    years 1992 2008
  • Dow Jones Euro Stoxx 50, DJIA 30, Dow Jones
    Nordic 30, SP/ASX 50, SP/TSX 60
  • Survivorship bias is (mostly) removed

Momentum Profits
  • Top five winners are bought and bottom five
    losers sold short
  • Both ranking and holding periods are varied from
    one to twelve months
  • One month is skipped between ranking and holding
  • Momentum returns are observed in all markets, but
    the statistical significance varies

Momentum Profits
  • Australia and Canada exhibit highest momentum
    returns both in terms of magnitude (up to 31)
    and statistical significance (T-Value up to 4.31)
  • For other markets, even though returns are mostly
    positive, significance is not reached
  • Momentum returns generally increase with an
    increase in ranking period length

Robustness Checks
  • Is momentum a disappearing phenomenon?
  • Sample is split in two periods 1992 1999 and
    2000 2008
  • Returns decrease in Europe, US and Canada (in the
    latter case remaining economically meaningful)
  • Returns increase greatly in Australia and remain
    virtually unchanged in Nordic stocks
  • Do momentum returns depend on the size of
    momentum portfolio?
  • Returns increase for extreme winners/losers, but
    at a cost of greater volatility

Volume Filter
  • Momentum returns have been linked to trading
    volume (Conrad, Hameed and Niden (1994), Lee and
    Swaminathan (2000))
  • Shares which show extreme volume changes (10 or
    -50) are filtered out
  • Volume filter works for small-size portfolios
  • For larger portfolios, the difference is negative
    and small

Private Investor Trading
  • The following transaction costs are assumed
  • Four times 0.3 and twice the bid-ask spread of
    0.3, a total of 1.8 per six months
  • Stock lending fee of 1 and miscellaneous costs
    of 0.4
  • Total transaction costs of 5 per annum
  • The actual costs are likely to be less than our
  • Canadian and Australian momentum strategies are
    robust to trading costs and yield more than 10
    per annum

  • Momentum effect is one of the better-known market
  • We document significant momentum returns, robust
    to a number of tests
  • Momentum profits are significant in Australia and
    Canada, net of trading costs

CHAPTER FOURTrading in Turbulent Markets Does
Momentum Work?
  • Tim A. Herberger
  • Daniel M. Kohlert
  • University of Bamberg

Reading Questions
  • Do momentum strategies involving NYSE stocks
    deliver positive abnormal returns in the period
    from 1994 to 2009?
  • Are some momentum strategies involving NYSE
    stocks more profitable than others in the period
    from 1994 to 2009?
  • How do transaction costs affect profits of
    momentum strategies involving NYSE stocks in the
    period from 1994 to 2009?
  • Do profits of momentum strategies involving NYSE
    stocks depend more on poorly performing loser
    stocks or on well performing winner stocks in
    the period from 1994 to 2009?

Momentum Strategy
  • Trading strategy that buys stocks that have
    performed well in the previous J months
    (winners) and sells stocks that have performed
    poorly in the same period (losers)
  • Based on different combinations of ranking
    periods (J) and holding periods (K)
  • J and K usually between 3 to 12 months
  • Self-financing due to long/short approach

Empirical Evidence (Selection)
  • Jegadeesh and Titman (1993) First report of
    positive and statistically significant returns of
    momentum strategies for the U.S. stock market
  • Moskowitz and Greenblatt (1999) Strong
    contribution of industry momentum to momentum in
    stock returns
  • Rouwenhorst (1998) Positive market-adjusted
    abnormal returns for a sample of 12 European
    stock markets
  • Chui et al. (2000) Positive market-adjusted
    abnormal returns for a sample of 8 Asian stock
  • Glaser and Weber (2003) Positive market-adjusted
    abnormal returns for the German stock market

Data Set
  • Monthly stock prices over the period from
    12/31/94 to 05/31/09 for all stocks listed on the
    New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) excluding
  • American Depository Receipts (ADRs)
  • Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
  • Closed-end funds
  • Delisted stocks
  • Weighted NYSE index used as market proxy
  • Source Datastream

  • Three strategies
  • Short-term (J 3, K 3)
  • Medium-term (J 6, K 6)
  • Long-term (J 12, K 12)
  • Winner portfolio Best-performing percent of NYSE
  • Loser portfolio Worst-performing percent of NYSE
  • Overlapping portfolios
  • Portfolio formation one month after ranking

  • Gross return
  • Market-adjusted abnormal return
  • Market-adjusted abnormal return after transaction

Average Monthly Returns of Momentum Portfolios in the Period from 1994 to 2009 P1 Low-return loser portfolio, P2 High-return winner portfolio, J Ranking period (in months), K Holding period (in months), P2 P1 Zero-cost momentum portfolio, t-statistics in parentheses Average Monthly Returns of Momentum Portfolios in the Period from 1994 to 2009 P1 Low-return loser portfolio, P2 High-return winner portfolio, J Ranking period (in months), K Holding period (in months), P2 P1 Zero-cost momentum portfolio, t-statistics in parentheses Average Monthly Returns of Momentum Portfolios in the Period from 1994 to 2009 P1 Low-return loser portfolio, P2 High-return winner portfolio, J Ranking period (in months), K Holding period (in months), P2 P1 Zero-cost momentum portfolio, t-statistics in parentheses Average Monthly Returns of Momentum Portfolios in the Period from 1994 to 2009 P1 Low-return loser portfolio, P2 High-return winner portfolio, J Ranking period (in months), K Holding period (in months), P2 P1 Zero-cost momentum portfolio, t-statistics in parentheses Average Monthly Returns of Momentum Portfolios in the Period from 1994 to 2009 P1 Low-return loser portfolio, P2 High-return winner portfolio, J Ranking period (in months), K Holding period (in months), P2 P1 Zero-cost momentum portfolio, t-statistics in parentheses
Ranking Period (J)   Holding Period (K) Holding Period (K) Holding Period (K)
Ranking Period (J) Portfolio 3 6 12
3 Loser (P1) -0.0167    
  Winner (P2) 0.0038    
  Winner Loser (P2 - P1) 0.0205    
  (t-stat) (4.16)    
6 Loser (P1)   -0.0187  
  Winner (P2)   0.0032  
  Winner Loser (P2 - P1)   0.0219  
  (t-stat)   (5.93)  
12 Loser (P1)     -0.0091
  Winner (P2)     -0.0064
  Winner Loser (P2 - P1)     0.0027
  (t-stat)     (1.12)
Abnormal Monthly Returns of Momentum Portfolios Using the Average NYSE Return as the Market Proxy in the Period from 1994 to 2009 P Return of momentum portfolio, J Ranking period (in months), K Holding period (in months), M Average market proxy return, P M Abnormal return, Panel A Zero transaction costs, Panel B Transaction costs .2 percent, Panel C Transaction costs .5. Panel D Transaction costs 1, t-statistics for monthly return differences in parentheses Abnormal Monthly Returns of Momentum Portfolios Using the Average NYSE Return as the Market Proxy in the Period from 1994 to 2009 P Return of momentum portfolio, J Ranking period (in months), K Holding period (in months), M Average market proxy return, P M Abnormal return, Panel A Zero transaction costs, Panel B Transaction costs .2 percent, Panel C Transaction costs .5. Panel D Transaction costs 1, t-statistics for monthly return differences in parentheses Abnormal Monthly Returns of Momentum Portfolios Using the Average NYSE Return as the Market Proxy in the Period from 1994 to 2009 P Return of momentum portfolio, J Ranking period (in months), K Holding period (in months), M Average market proxy return, P M Abnormal return, Panel A Zero transaction costs, Panel B Transaction costs .2 percent, Panel C Transaction costs .5. Panel D Transaction costs 1, t-statistics for monthly return differences in parentheses Abnormal Monthly Returns of Momentum Portfolios Using the Average NYSE Return as the Market Proxy in the Period from 1994 to 2009 P Return of momentum portfolio, J Ranking period (in months), K Holding period (in months), M Average market proxy return, P M Abnormal return, Panel A Zero transaction costs, Panel B Transaction costs .2 percent, Panel C Transaction costs .5. Panel D Transaction costs 1, t-statistics for monthly return differences in parentheses Abnormal Monthly Returns of Momentum Portfolios Using the Average NYSE Return as the Market Proxy in the Period from 1994 to 2009 P Return of momentum portfolio, J Ranking period (in months), K Holding period (in months), M Average market proxy return, P M Abnormal return, Panel A Zero transaction costs, Panel B Transaction costs .2 percent, Panel C Transaction costs .5. Panel D Transaction costs 1, t-statistics for monthly return differences in parentheses Abnormal Monthly Returns of Momentum Portfolios Using the Average NYSE Return as the Market Proxy in the Period from 1994 to 2009 P Return of momentum portfolio, J Ranking period (in months), K Holding period (in months), M Average market proxy return, P M Abnormal return, Panel A Zero transaction costs, Panel B Transaction costs .2 percent, Panel C Transaction costs .5. Panel D Transaction costs 1, t-statistics for monthly return differences in parentheses Abnormal Monthly Returns of Momentum Portfolios Using the Average NYSE Return as the Market Proxy in the Period from 1994 to 2009 P Return of momentum portfolio, J Ranking period (in months), K Holding period (in months), M Average market proxy return, P M Abnormal return, Panel A Zero transaction costs, Panel B Transaction costs .2 percent, Panel C Transaction costs .5. Panel D Transaction costs 1, t-statistics for monthly return differences in parentheses Abnormal Monthly Returns of Momentum Portfolios Using the Average NYSE Return as the Market Proxy in the Period from 1994 to 2009 P Return of momentum portfolio, J Ranking period (in months), K Holding period (in months), M Average market proxy return, P M Abnormal return, Panel A Zero transaction costs, Panel B Transaction costs .2 percent, Panel C Transaction costs .5. Panel D Transaction costs 1, t-statistics for monthly return differences in parentheses Abnormal Monthly Returns of Momentum Portfolios Using the Average NYSE Return as the Market Proxy in the Period from 1994 to 2009 P Return of momentum portfolio, J Ranking period (in months), K Holding period (in months), M Average market proxy return, P M Abnormal return, Panel A Zero transaction costs, Panel B Transaction costs .2 percent, Panel C Transaction costs .5. Panel D Transaction costs 1, t-statistics for monthly return differences in parentheses Abnormal Monthly Returns of Momentum Portfolios Using the Average NYSE Return as the Market Proxy in the Period from 1994 to 2009 P Return of momentum portfolio, J Ranking period (in months), K Holding period (in months), M Average market proxy return, P M Abnormal return, Panel A Zero transaction costs, Panel B Transaction costs .2 percent, Panel C Transaction costs .5. Panel D Transaction costs 1, t-statistics for monthly return differences in parentheses Abnormal Monthly Returns of Momentum Portfolios Using the Average NYSE Return as the Market Proxy in the Period from 1994 to 2009 P Return of momentum portfolio, J Ranking period (in months), K Holding period (in months), M Average market proxy return, P M Abnormal return, Panel A Zero transaction costs, Panel B Transaction costs .2 percent, Panel C Transaction costs .5. Panel D Transaction costs 1, t-statistics for monthly return differences in parentheses Abnormal Monthly Returns of Momentum Portfolios Using the Average NYSE Return as the Market Proxy in the Period from 1994 to 2009 P Return of momentum portfolio, J Ranking period (in months), K Holding period (in months), M Average market proxy return, P M Abnormal return, Panel A Zero transaction costs, Panel B Transaction costs .2 percent, Panel C Transaction costs .5. Panel D Transaction costs 1, t-statistics for monthly return differences in parentheses Abnormal Monthly Returns of Momentum Portfolios Using the Average NYSE Return as the Market Proxy in the Period from 1994 to 2009 P Return of momentum portfolio, J Ranking period (in months), K Holding period (in months), M Average market proxy return, P M Abnormal return, Panel A Zero transaction costs, Panel B Transaction costs .2 percent, Panel C Transaction costs .5. Panel D Transaction costs 1, t-statistics for monthly return differences in parentheses Abnormal Monthly Returns of Momentum Portfolios Using the Average NYSE Return as the Market Proxy in the Period from 1994 to 2009 P Return of momentum portfolio, J Ranking period (in months), K Holding period (in months), M Average market proxy return, P M Abnormal return, Panel A Zero transaction costs, Panel B Transaction costs .2 percent, Panel C Transaction costs .5. Panel D Transaction costs 1, t-statistics for monthly return differences in parentheses Abnormal Monthly Returns of Momentum Portfolios Using the Average NYSE Return as the Market Proxy in the Period from 1994 to 2009 P Return of momentum portfolio, J Ranking period (in months), K Holding period (in months), M Average market proxy return, P M Abnormal return, Panel A Zero transaction costs, Panel B Transaction costs .2 percent, Panel C Transaction costs .5. Panel D Transaction costs 1, t-statistics for monthly return differences in parentheses Abnormal Monthly Returns of Momentum Portfolios Using the Average NYSE Return as the Market Proxy in the Period from 1994 to 2009 P Return of momentum portfolio, J Ranking period (in months), K Holding period (in months), M Average market proxy return, P M Abnormal return, Panel A Zero transaction costs, Panel B Transaction costs .2 percent, Panel C Transaction costs .5. Panel D Transaction costs 1, t-statistics for monthly return differences in parentheses Abnormal Monthly Returns of Momentum Portfolios Using the Average NYSE Return as the Market Proxy in the Period from 1994 to 2009 P Return of momentum portfolio, J Ranking period (in months), K Holding period (in months), M Average market proxy return, P M Abnormal return, Panel A Zero transaction costs, Panel B Transaction costs .2 percent, Panel C Transaction costs .5. Panel D Transaction costs 1, t-statistics for monthly return differences in parentheses
Ranking Period (J)   Panel A Panel A Panel A   Panel B Panel B Panel B   Panel C Panel C Panel C   Panel D Panel D Panel D
Ranking Period (J)    Holding Period (K)   Holding Period (K)   Holding Period (K)     Holding Period (K)  Holding Period (K)  Holding Period (K)   Holding Period (K) Holding Period (K) Holding Period (K)   Holding Period (K) Holding Period (K) Holding Period (K)
Ranking Period (J)   3 6 12   3 6 12   3 6 12   3 6 12
3 Market Return (M) 0.0026       0.0026       0.0026       0.0026    
  Momentum Return (P) 0.0209       0.0181       0.0140       0.0071    
  Abnormal Return (P - M) 0.0183       0.0156       0.0114       0.0045    
  (t-stat) (-3.31)       (-2.82)       (-2.08)       (-0.82)    
6 Market Return (M)   0.0015       0.0015       0.0015       0.0015  
  Momentum Return (P)   0.0223       0.0210       0.0189       0.0154  
  Abnormal Return (P - M)   0.0208       0.0195       0.0174       0.0139  
  (t-stat)   (-5.10)       (-4.77)       (-4.27)       (-3.41)  
12 Market Return (M)     0.0021       0.0021       0.0021       0.0021
  Momentum Return (P)     0.0030       0.0023       0.0013       -0.0004
  Abnormal Return (P - M)     0.0009       0.0002       -0.0008       -0.0025
  (t-stat)     (-0.30)       (-0.07)       (0.28)       (0.87)
  • Significantly positive abnormal market-adjusted
    returns for short- and medium-term momentum
  • Medium-term strategy delivers highest performance
  • Significant abnormal returns for short- and
    medium-term strategies after transaction costs of
    .2 and .5 percent, and for medium-term strategy
    after 1 percent transaction costs
  • No significant returns at all for long-term
  • Profits mainly driven by loser portfolios

  • Generation of superior returns using momentum
    strategies possible over the period from 12/31/94
    to 05/31/09
  • Despite, or precisely because of turbulent market

CHAPTER FIVEThe Financial Futures Momentum
  • Juan Ayora and Hipòlit Torró
  • Universitat de València

Main Objectives
  • Testing the existence of the momentum effect in
    financial futures markets.
  • Researching the influence of futures volatility,
    trading volume, and open interest on momentum
    strategy performance.

Testing Momentum Effect (I) Procedure
  • Formation periods (F) and holding periods (H) are
    set at 1, 3, 6, 12 and 24 months.
  • In each F period, futures are grouped in three
    portfolios P1, P2 and P3
  • P1 contains past winners
  • P3 contains past losers
  • P2 contains the remaining contracts.
  • We then compute portfolio returns for each
    holding period.
  • Finally, the momentum portfolio return is
    calculated as P1-P3. That is, by taking long
    positions in the past winning contracts, and
    short positions in the past losing contracts.
  • The momentum effect exists if the average return
    of this portfolio is positive and significantly
    different from zero.

Testing Momentum Effect (II) Results
Return averages and t-statistics (above)
Momentum, Volatility, Trading Volume, and Open
  • Bessembinder and Seguin (1993) results
  • Positive relationship between trading volume and
  • Negative relationship between open interest and
  • Cross-effect an increase in open interest
    reduces trading volume influence on volatility.
  • Abnormally high trading volume associated with
    positive shocks in prices.
  • Next, we analyse implications on momentum

Momentum Returns and Futures Volatility
Return averages and t-statistics (above)
Momentum Returns and Trading Volume
Return averages and t-statistics (above)
Momentum Returns and Open Interest
Return averages and t-statistics (above)
Momentum Returns, Open Interests, and Volume
Return averages and t-statistics (above)
  • Momentum strategies for 6 and 12 months produce
    significant returns.
  • Momentum effect is more persistent in highly
    volatile futures contract portfolios.
  • Momentum effect is more persistent in futures
    portfolios with low relative increase in trading
  • Momentum effect is more persistent in futures
    portfolios with high relative increase in open
  • When open interest and traded volumes are allowed
    to interact, the momentum effect is more
    persistent in futures portfolios with high
    relative increase in traded volume, and low
    relative increase in open interest.
  • 6 and 12 month momentum strategies returns are
    shown to be abnormal
  • Risk-adjusted momentum returns using CAPM and
    Fama and French three-factor model only partially
    explain momentum strategy returns.
  • Bootstrap test shows that mean and Sharpe ratios
    are above the percentile 99.5 of the empirical

CHAPTER SIXOrder Placement Strategies in
Different Market Structures A Primer
  • Giovanni Petrella
  • Catholic University (Milano, Italy)

Handbook of Trading, edited by Greg N. Gregoriou
Reading Questions
  • When should you submit a limit order?
  • When should you place a market order?
  • Will an aggressive trader use limit orders?
    Explain your answer.
  • What is the winner's curse for a limit order
  • What effect does the bid-ask spread have on the
    decision to take or offer liquidity?
  • Explain the factors affecting the probability of
    limit order execution.
  • What is a liquidity event?
  • What is the difference between efficient and
    inefficient return volatility?
  • Which is the type of order that you would use
    when the stock price is mean reverting? Explain
    your answer.
  • Which is the type of order that you would use if
    a news is expected to arrive? Explain your answer.

Order Placement Strategy
  • The order placement strategy refers to
  • the type of orders (i.e., to trade via limit
    orders, market orders or a combination of both),
  • the size of the orders,
  • and the timing of the orders
  • The order placement strategy depends on the
    relative merits and costs of limit orders and
    market orders
  • What are the costs and returns from placing limit

Handbook of Trading, edited by Greg N. Gregoriou
Costs of Trading by Limit Orders
  • Risk of adverse informational change (also known
    as ex post regret or cost of being bagged or
    winners curse)
  • Heads You Win
  • The market moves against the limit order trader
    (thats why I will regret the execution)
  • Bearish news has caused the price of the stock to
    fall and my buy limit order executes
  • Bullish news has caused the price of the stock to
    rise and my sell limit order executes
  • Risk of limit order not executing (i.e., non
    execution cost)
  • Tails I Lose
  • Bullish news has caused the price of the stock to
    rise and my buy limit order does not execute
  • Bearish news has caused the price of the stock to
    fall and my sell limit order does not execute
  • So, why did I place that limit order?

Handbook of Trading, edited by Greg N. Gregoriou
Benefits of Limit Orders A Better Price
  • Limit order traders hope to get better prices
  • Buyers who submit limit orders hope to buy at the
  • If they had submitted a buy market order instead,
    they would pay the ask price (which is higher
    than the bid)
  • Sellers who submit limit orders hope to sell at
    the ask
  • If they had submitted a sell market order
    instead, they would receive the bid price (which
    is lower than the ask)
  • but they do not always realize their hopes
  • Limit order traders receive better prices only if
    their order actually trades
  • If the market moves away from their limit price,
    they may never trade
  • If they still want to trade, they will have to
    chase the price by raising their bid or
    lowering their offer
  • This would make the final price actually worse
    than the price that they would have obtained had
    they used market orders

Handbook of Trading, edited by Greg N. Gregoriou
When a Liquidity Event Occurs!
  • A liquidity event is the arrival of a trader on
    the other side of the market who is buying
    liquidity (and is not an informed trader)
  • I posted a buy limit order and an impatient
    seller arrived
  • I posted a sell limit order and an impatient
    buyer arrived
  • Alternatively, you can look a the same event as
    mean reversion in the pricing process
  • I posted a buy limit order and the price first
    goes down and then up
  • I posted a sell limit order and the price first
    goes up and then down
  • Again, why did I place that limit order?
  • Because I expected that sufficient mean reversion
    would offset the costs that might result from
    informational change

Handbook of Trading, edited by Greg N. Gregoriou
Order Placement Strategy in a Continuous
Order-Driven Market
  • Should I submit
  • A market order?
  • A limit order?
  • If a limit order, how should I price it?
  • The decision is made with respect to
  • Gains from trading
  • A buy (sell) market order would pay (receive) a
    higher (lower) price
  • A buy (sell) limit order would pay (receive) a
    lower (higher) price
  • Probability of a limit order executing
  • A market order would be executed with certainty
  • A limit order would not be executed with certainty

Handbook of Trading, edited by Greg N. Gregoriou
Factors Affecting the Probability of Order
Execution (I)
  • Price aggressiveness
  • For buy orders, the higher is the limit price,
    the higher is the probability of execution
  • For sell orders, the lower is the limit price,
    the higher is the probability of execution
  • Demand/supply equilibrium
  • The larger is the size of the depth on the buy
    (sell) side, the lower is the probability of
    execution for a buy (sell) limit order
  • The market order arrival rate
  • The larger is the arrival rate of market order on
    the opposite side of the market, the higher is
    the probability of execution for a limit order

Handbook of Trading, edited by Greg N. Gregoriou
Factors Affecting the Probability of Order
Execution (II)
  • Duration of the order
  • The longer is the duration of the order, the
    higher is the probability of execution
  • Volatility
  • The larger is price volatility, the higher is the
    probability of execution for a limit order
  • This does not imply that order execution will be
    profitable, this just means that higher
    volatility entails higher probability of
  • Execution is profitable for a limit order trader
    if the volatility that triggered the limit order
    execution is temporary
  • Execution is unprofitable for a limit order
    trader if the volatility that triggered the limit
    order execution is permanent

Handbook of Trading, edited by Greg N. Gregoriou
Implications for Trading Strategies in a
Continuous Order-Driven Market
  • High volatility days or high volatility stocks
    make convenient to use limit orders
  • You might even place limit orders on both sides
    of the market to benefit from accentuated
    intra-day volatility
  • When operating in this manner you resemble a
    dealer (buy at the bid and sell at the ask)
  • Relatively patient traders place limit orders
  • This is called Passive Trading Strategy (PTS)
  • Large investors may prefer PTS because this
    strategy does not cause market prices to change
    (market impact) as the orders are naturally
    absorbed by the market
  • Relatively eager traders place market orders

Handbook of Trading, edited by Greg N. Gregoriou
Continuous Order-Driven Markets vs. Call Auctions
  • Immediacy
  • Waiting time is lower in continuous order driven
  • Price discovery
  • Prices are better in call markets then in
    continuous markets
  • Prices are volatile in continuous markets because
    of news (efficient volatility) and order
    imbalance (inefficient volatility)
  • Traders get their orders executed depending on
    the current market conditions at the time of the
  • In a call auction, the terms of your trade will
    depend on the market conditions at the end of the
    pre-opening phase (which implies that you may get
    more orders on the opposite side of the market,
    and thus you may get better conditions)

Handbook of Trading, edited by Greg N. Gregoriou
Continuous Order-Driven Markets vs. Call Auctions
  • Trading volume
  • Volume is higher in continuous markets
  • Some traders that do not get execution in a call
    market, may execute their trades in a continuous
    market (with zero surplus)
  • If on the opposite side of the market, there are
    impatient traders demanding liquidity
  • In short
  • Continuous markets sacrifice surplus (i.e.,
    expected profits) for immediacy
  • Call auction markets sacrifice immediacy for a
    better price discovery process

Handbook of Trading, edited by Greg N. Gregoriou
Implications for Trading Strategies in a Call
  • There is no bid-ask spread in a call auction
    because all executed orders clear at the same
  • Executed orders receive price improvement (or
    positive surplus or positive expected profits) in
    a call auction
  • Buy orders priced above the single clearing price
    and sell orders priced below it receive the price
  • Orders priced exactly at the clearing price do
    not receive price improvement
  • Traders are more aggressive in a call auction
  • The limit price affects the probability of
    execution, but it does not set the price

Handbook of Trading, edited by Greg N. Gregoriou
CHAPTER SEVENProfitability of Technical Trading
Rules in an Emerging Market
  • Dimitris Kenourgios
  • University of Athens, Department of Economics
  • Spyros Papathanasiou
  • Hellenic Open University, School of Social

Reading Questions
  • Why the profitability of technical trading
    strategies does not support the Efficient Market
  • Describe why and how traders use moving average
    trading rules.
  • Why academics have main concerns regarding the
    validity of technical analysis?
  • Describe how the bootstrap methodology overcomes
    traditional statistical problems of financial
    time series.
  • What is the reason for the use of a generalized
    autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity
    (GARCH) model under the bootstrap methodology?

Reading Questions
  • Why it is important to examine the profitability
    of technical trading rules after considering
    transaction costs?
  • The main conclusion of this chapter is that
    technical trading strategies win the buy and
    hold strategy. Present and discuss the main
    results which confirm this argument.
  • Are the reporting results consistent to the study
    of Brock, Lakonishok and LeBaron (Journal of
    Finance, 1992) and other existing empirical
    research? Why?
  • Do the results of this chapter support or not the
    use of technical analysis?
  • How traders would benefit reading this chapter?

  • This chapter investigates the profitability of
    technical trading rules in the Athens Stock
    Exchange (ASE).
  • We compare various moving average trading
    strategies against the buy and hold position in
    the spirit of Brock, Lakonishok and LeBaron
    (Journal of Finance, 1992), employing traditional
    t-test and bootstrap methodology.
  • The profitability of technical trading rules
    contradicts the Efficient Market Hypothesis

  • Although the majority of the professional traders
    and investors use technical analysis, empirical
    research is still limited since most academics,
    until recently, had not recognized the validity
    of these methods.
  • It focuses on a less developed and efficient
    stock market, given the existing paucity of
    research in such markets.
  • In contrast to prior relevant studies, it
    examines the profitability of technical trading
    rules after transaction costs.
  • Statistical and more advanced econometric methods
    can help traders to implement profitable
    technical trading strategies.

Literature (1)
  • U.S. stock markets
  • Brock, Lakonishok and LeBaron BLL (1992)
    investigate two popular trading rules (moving
    average and trading range break rule), utilizing
    the Dow Jones Index from 1897-1986.
  • Kwon and Kish (2002) provide an empirical
    analysis on technical trading rules (the simple
    moving average, the momentum, and trading
    volume), utilizing the NYSE value-weighted index
    over the period 1962-1996.
  • Their results indicate that the technical trading
    rules can capture profit opportunities over a
    buy-hold strategy.

Literature (2)
  • Emerging and less developed stock markets
  • Singapore Wong, Manzur and Chew (2003)
  • Jordan Atmeh and Dobbs (2006)
  • Greece Vasiliou, Eriotis and Papathanasiou
    (2008a, 2008b)
  • Their results show that the application of
    technical trading strategies provide substantial

  • t-test we compare the mean returns of the
    unconditional buy methodology with the returns of
    the buy signals given by the moving averages and
    the returns of the unconditional buy methodology
    with the returns of the buy signals minus the
    returns of the sell signals given by the moving
  • ? Null hypothesis No actual difference between
    mean returns.
  • 2. Bootstrap methodology under GARCH(1,1)
    model we compare the returns conditional on buy
    (or sell) signals from the actual FTSE/ASE-20
    data with the returns from simulated comparison
    series generated by a GARCH model (500
  • ? Null hypothesis the trading rule excess return
    calculated from the original series is less than
    or equal to the average trading rule return for
    the pseudo data samples.

  • Daily closing prices (in logs) of the FTSE/ASE-20
    index from 1/1/1995 to 31/12/2008.
  • The returns are calculated after transaction
  • We evaluate the performance of the following
    moving average rules against the buy and hold
    strategy 1-9, 1-15, 1-30, 1-60, 1-90, 1-120 and
  • The first number in each pair indicates the days
    in the short period and the second number shows
    the days in the long period.

Empirical Results (1)
  • t- test results
  • Rejection of the null hypothesis.
  • The technical strategies win the buy and hold
    strategy (FTSE/ASE-20).
  • The buy-hold strategy gives 5.109 annually
    return, while the strategy of simple moving
    averages 24.675.

Empirical Results (2)
  • Bootstrap results
  • Acceptance of the null hypothesis.
  • Most of the simulated GARCH (1,1) series generate
    a mean return larger than that from the original
    FTSE/ASE-20 index.
  • The technical strategies win the buy and hold
    strategy (FTSE/ASE-20).

  • Making trading decisions based on moving average
    rules lead to significantly higher returns than
    the buy and hold strategy, even after transaction
  • Technical rules produce useful signals and can
    help to predict market movements.
  • This contradicts the EMH since traders and
    investors can gain significant abnormal returns.
  • Findings are consistent to the existing empirical

CHAPTER EIGHTTesting Technical Trading Rules as
Portfolio Selection Strategies
  • Vlad Pavlov
  • Stan Hurn
  • Queensland University of Technology

Reading Questions
  • What is technical analysis? Outline how
    moving-average rules operate.
  • Explain what is meant by the data-snooping bias.
  • What is the Reality Check?
  • How is an arbitrage portfolio constructed.
  • Why is it difficult to assess the profitability
    of technical trading rules?

  • Brock, Lakonishok and LeBaron (1992) - bootstrap
    analysis of a few popular technical trading rules
  • Lo, Mamaysky and Wang (2000) - wide universe of
  • Sullivan, Timmermann and White (1999) data
    snooping bias in rules selection, Reality Check

  • Multitude of trading rules
  • Infrequent signals
  • requires large amounts of data
  • Most studies use either one or a small number of
    time series
  • need very long histories

The Main Idea
  • Apply trading rules to a large dataset of stocks
  • move away from using a single index or currency
  • Use trading rules to form portfolios
  • from an arbitrage portfolio using buy and sell

The Data
  • AGSM dataset comprising monthly observations on
    prices and dividend payments for 6000 ASX stocks
    from 1973 to 2008.
  • How to deal with missing observations?
  • Mean returns become very sensitive to the
    treatment of missing returns and exits for very
    small stocks.
  • Empirical exercise limits attention to top 500
  • Additional liquidity filters used to limit the
    effect of missing observations.

MA Trading Rules
  • Compute two MAs (long and short)
  • BUY signal
  • short MA (t) gt long MA (t) and short MA (t-1) lt
    long MA (t-1)
  • SELL signal
  • short MA (t) lt long MA (t) and short MA (t-1) gt
    long MA (t-1)
  • Arbitrage portfolio
  • purchase all stocks which generate buy signals
    in a particular month and finance this purchase
    by shorting the stocks for which sell signals
    are generated

Example of MA Rule
Empirical Results
  • MA rules do appear to generate abnormally high
  • The simple MA rule works as traditionally
  • Exponentially weighted MA rule requires
    non-traditional contrarian implementation
  • Reconciliation of this result hinges on
    recognition of relationship between the two
    different types of MA rule.
  • Exponentially weighted rule actually magnifies a
    small area of the possible outcomes generated by
    the simple MA rule relating to simple MA rules
    with averaging less than 12 months
  • Exponentially weighted MA rules may be more
    appropriate because averaging periods greater
    than a year generate very few trading signals.

Bootstrap Results
  • The analysis in this paper does not lead to any
    specific investment strategies based on MA
    crossover rules.
  • In the Australian data over the period from 1973
    to 2008, however, contrarian interpretation of MA
    trading rules generate profits over a one month
  • There is an obvious mode of the return
    distribution which is very difficult to explain
    by alluding to pure chance selection. Some
    parameter subset of these MA rules appear to pick
    a systematic factor in returns that is not one of
    the well-known Fama-French factors.

CHAPTER NINEDo Technical Trading Rules Increase
the Probability of Winning? Empirical Evidence
from the Foreign Exchange Market
  • Alexandre Repkine
  • Korea University

Reading Questions
  1. What is the primary purpose of applying technical
    analysis rules to trading financial instruments
    and commodities?
  2. What would be the realistic trading strategies
    applied by the practicing traders?
  3. Why are stop-loss and stop-limit orders important
    for any trading strategy?
  4. What would be the probability of a currency pair
    moving by b points in the favorable direction
    before moving by a points in the opposite
  5. What would be an average return on a random-entry
    strategy based on a stop-limit order at b points
    and a stop-loss order at a points?

Reading Questions
  1. Can technical trading rules be used for entry so
    as to increase the probability of winning and to
    decrease the probability of losing?
  2. How can one use pattern recognition techniques in
    order to identify charting patterns of technical
    analysis such as e.g. double bottom?
  3. What are the differences between empirical and
    theoretical probabilities of winning?
  4. Is there a technical trading strategy that would
    result in positive returns for all currency
  5. What would be the reason for the persistent
    popularity of technical analysis among practicing

The Value of Technical Analysis Rules
  • Technical analysis rules are sometimes thought of
    as a means of realizing consistently positive
  • Academic literature has recognized the ability of
    certain technical rules to increase returns, but
    it also emphasized the unstable performance of
    these rules
  • Our question is not about consistent returns, it
    is about increasing the probability of winning
  • Does the application of technical trading rules
    in the foreign exchange market increase the
    traders probability of beating the market?

Risk- and Profit-Management in Real-World
Trading Strategies
  • A position is opened according to some technical
    trading rule
  • Stop-limit orders specify the level of profit on
    an open position at which the latter must be
    closed (profits are earned)
  • Stop-loss orders specify the level of loss on an
    open position at which the latter must be closed
    (losses are incurred)
  • Stop-limit orders help traders run their profits,
    stop-loss orders help traders limit their losses

Efficient Market Hypothesis
  1. The efficient market hypothesis implies it is
    impossible to earn positive returns on a
    random-entry strategy with whatever levels of
    stop-limit (b) and stop-loss order (a) specified
    since the expected return in that case will be
  2. What if the market entry (creating an open
    position) is not random? What if one enters the
    market using signals produced by technical
    trading rules?
  3. Hypothesis Technical analysis rules shift the
    probability of winning up to the level of
    , making the return due to the technical
    analysis strategy positive
  4. We use two technical analysis rules for entry
    double bottom and bull flag

The Double Bottom Pattern
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 0.5 -1 -1 -1 0.5 0.5 -1 -1 -1 0.5
2 1 0 -1 0 1 1 0 -1 0 1
3 0.5 0 -1 0 0.5 0.5 0 -1 0 0.5
4 0 0.5 -1 0.5 0 0 0.5 -1 0.5 0
5 0 1 -1 1 0 0 1 -1 1 0
6 -1 1 0 1 -1 -1 1 0 1 -1
7 -1 0.5 0 0.5 -1 -1 0.5 0 0.5 -1
8 -1 0 0.5 0 -1 -1 0 0.5 0 -1
9 -1 0 1 0 -1 -1 0 1 0 -1
10 -1 -1 0.5 -1 -1 -1 -1 0.5 -1 -1
  1. Shaded cells represent the double bottom pattern
  2. Figures in each cell represent the weights that
    reflect the extent to which the actual foreign
    exchange rates are fitting the double bottom
  3. This charting template is fitting each
    individually observed exchange rate into one of
    its cells, so a fitting statistic can be
  4. If the fitting statistic is large enough, entry

Calculating the Fitting Value An Example
  • Suppose we want to see whether the exchange rate
    movements were fitting the double bottom pattern
    during the past 100 days
  • Suppose we choose the exchange rate fluctuation
    range between the values of 1 and 2 during the
    past 100 days
  • Each column in our template would correspond to a
    sub-period of ten days with the first row of the
    template corresponding to the range of 1.92,
    the second one to 1.81.9 and the tenth row
    (which is the bottom row) corresponding to the
    range of 11.1
  • If hypothetically for the past 100 days the
    exchange rate were fluctuating in the range of
    1.92, then the value of the fit for each
    10-day sub-period would be simply equal to the
    template weight value, and the total fit for the
    historical window would be equal to the sum of
    the weights in the first row of the template

Empirical Study Plan
  • The sample period January 1st, 1999, through
    January 31st, 2007
  • Fit the two trading patterns within the 40 days
    trading windows
  • Use data on the worlds ten major currency pairs
  • For each currency pair and one of the two trading
    rules, round the highest estimated fitting value
    down to the nearest integer and use this value as
    a signal to enter the market
  • Computing the difference between empirical and
    theoretical probabilities of winning
  • Choose the currency pair (e.g. EUR/USD)
  • Let and vary between one and one thousand
    points with the increment of one point, which is
    supplying us with one million strategies for each
    currency pair and the technical analysis pattern
  • Compute the number of profitable entries, i.e.
    the ones that result in the exchange rate
    deviating by points in the profit-making
    direction before deviating by points in the
    loss-making direction. Call the share of such
    profitable entries . This will be our empirical
    probability of a profitable entry.
  • In case we find for a particular trading rule and
    currency pair, the average expected empirical
    return on this rule is statistically positive for
    this currency pair

Differences between Empirical and Theoretical
Probabilities of Realizing Positive Returns due
to Technical Analysis Application.
Bull -1.54 -21.78 25.38 11.41 13.93
Doulbe Bottom 38.93 31.24 -14.96 11.08 1.07
Bull 23.90 25.00 10.00 17.62 -49.47
Double Bottom 26.15 50.00 2
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