Title: Partnership for Minority Advancement in the Biomolecular Sciences PMABS
1Exploring the Use of Technology in Science
by Susanne Bockholt Linwood Webster Jory
Weintraub J. Paige West
2- Introduction to CELL and PMABS
- CELLs Curriculum Development Program
3What Is CELL?
CELL is the group responsible for carrying out
information technology initiatives within PMABS
4Our mission is to improve the quality of science
education and increase diversity in science
careers by providing access to cutting-edge
biomolecular science and technology at both
secondary schools and historically minority
universities (HMUs) across North Carolina.
5Our Partners
6What are PMABS Initiatives?
- HMU biomolecular science education and research
- Faculty professional development
- Infrastructure modernization
- Curriculum reform
- Undergraduate development
7What Drives CELL?
CELL takes a unique approach to reforming science
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9What Does CELL Do?
- IT-Based Course Development
- Technology Infrastructure Development
10Technology Infrastructure Development
11What Does CELL Do?
- IT-Based Course Development
- Technology Infrastructure Development
- HMU Faculty Technology Training
12HMU Faculty Technology Training
13What Does CELL Do?
- IT-Based Course Development
- Technology Outreach (via The Bus)
- Technology Infrastructure Development
- HMU Faculty Technology Training
- Technology Training for Tomorrows
- Scientists/Educators
14Training Tomorrows Scientists/Educators
- 5 year, 4 million NIH-funded training grant
- Emphasizes training in both research and teaching
- Provides instructional support at PMABS partner
HMUs - Establishes a community of scholars dedicated to
science and science education
15- Introduction to CELL and PMABS
- CELLs Curriculum Development Program
16Course Development
- Needs
- Courses
- Key upper-level courses not offered
- Lack of resources for course development
- Skills
- Basic computer skills
- Information Technology (IT) skills
17Course Development
- Meeting the Needs
- Provide courses otherwise unavailable
- Develop and deliver courses cost effectively
- Emphasize computer/IT skills
18Course Development
- CELLs Courses
- Molecular Cell Biology
- Fall 2000
- NC Central University and Shaw University
- Susanne Bockholt and Paige West
- Immunology
- Spring 2001
- UNC-CH and Fayetteville State University
- Jory Weintraub
- Neurobiology
- Fall 2001
- Specific schools undetermined, potentially
between three sites - Paige West
19Course Development
- Philosophical Approach
- Non-traditional, internet-supported distance ed
- Residential students
- Synchronous
- Asynchronous
- IT intensive
- Movies, Animated Graphics, Simulations, 3D
modeling - Courseware (CourseInfo)
- Syllabus and Content
- Group collaboration and presentation
- Communication
- Computer Assisted Personalized Assessment (CAPA)
20Course Development
- The Technology
- SMARTBoard
- SMART Notebook
- Online
- PMABS partners networked
- VideoConferencing
- ProShare
- FireTalk
- NetMeeting
21- Introduction to CELL and PMABS
- CELLs Curriculum Development Program
22PMABS Precollege Program
Putting inquiry-based science learning in
students hands
- Professional development for teachers
- Contemporary biomolecular science curriculum
- Hands-on science learning opportunities for
23Science Technology Learning Issues
- Exposure to new technologies
- Access to equipment, software and hardware
- Training
24Addressing Issues of Access
Mobile Science and Technology Laboratory
25Mobile Lab Inside Elevations
Highlighted Equipment
26Addressing Issues of Access
Highlighted Features
- Internet Access
- Free-standing operation
- Handicap access
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34Exploring the Use of Technology in Science
by Susanne Bockholt Linwood Webster Jory
Weintraub J. Paige West
35What are PMABS Initiatives?
- Scientist-facilitated
- precollege outreach