Title: The Data Reference Model Information Sharing Tool Pilot Part 1
1The Data Reference Model Information Sharing
Tool Pilot Part 1
- Brand Niemann (US EPA), Chair,
- Semantic Interoperability Community of Practice
(SICoP) - Best Practices Committee (BPC), CIO Council
- July 19, 2005
- http//web-services.gov/ and
- http//colab.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?SICoP
- 1. Introduction
- 2. SICoP DRM Use Cases and Pilots
- 3. SICoP Rationale for DRM Work
- 4. Information Sharing Tool Pilot Part 1 Today
- 5. Information Sharing Tool Pilot Part 2 August
16th and September 14th - 6. Application Demonstrations
31. Introduction
- A Little Bit of History
- Karen Evans, Vice-Chair of CIO Council, December
13, 2002 - In all things we see the Councils mission to ..
develop taxonomy and XML data definitions that
apply across government (1 of 6 things). - See http//web-services.gov/CIOCouncil.pdf
- Karen Evans, Administrator, E-Gov and Information
Technology, Dec. 22, 2004 - The AIC will launch an interagency collaborative
working group to develop the next version of the
FEA DRM and associated implementation guidelines. - The first task of the working group will be to
create a detailed work plan for revising,
completing, validating and evolving the Data
Reference Model. - It is critical your representative(s) has
experience in one or more of the following
disciplines data description (database schema
design), categorization (taxonomy design),
exchange (XML Schema design) and search (query
and indexing). - John Lee (FEA-PMO), Kim Nelson (OMB), and Roger
Costello (OMB) on behalf of Karen Evans - Directions to the AIC (May 21) and to the DRM WG
(May 19) Address the E-Gov Act 2002, Section 207
(d) requirements in the DRM work and accelerate
the schedule to meet an October 17th deadline. - The BRM, TRM, SRM and A300 have XML Schemas
because OMB needs structured data to facilitate
processing and analysis. - See the next slide The DRM Schema in Context.
4The DRM Schema in Context
- The Federal Enterprise Architecture is more than
the Reference Models and Profiles. - Compliant with the W3C XSD Standard What
Agency XML Instances Need to - Conform To. See http//colab.cim3.net/file/work/dr
m/schema/Draft_FEA_DRM_Schema.htm. - Part of the DRM XML Profile. (2) Part of the DRM
Semantic Technology Profile. - (3) OMB Performance Assessment Rating Tool.
52. SICoP DRM Uses Cases and Pilots
- DRM/E-Gov Act Section 207 (d) Workshop, June 28th
(Mike Daconta - three uses case so far) - Federated Search
- SICoP, June 13th First Public Forum FAST
(FirstGov Search) - Federated Repository
- SICoP, July 19th DRM Workshop LogicLibrary and
Metallect - Agency Specific
- SICoP, June 28th DRM Workshop Taxonomy and
Interoperability for EPA - Suggestions for Non-Concur Agencies
- GSA Already have the FEA Reference Model
Ontology (FEA-RMO) for Model Driven Architecture
(MDA). - Express FEA-RMO as a Topic Map, SICoP, July 19th
DRM Workshop. - EPA See two SICoP Pilots for June 28th DRM
Workshop. - FAA Leader in the International Enterprise
Content Management (iECM) Initiative (Paul
Fontaine). - IC See ContentAnalyst and Digital Harbor Pilot
Fact Sheets.
63. SICoP Rationale for DRM Work
- Semantics not new
- Web not new
- Semantic Web putting semantics on the Web is
new - Sir Tim Berners-Lee
- "The Semantic Web is an extension of the current
web in which information is given well-defined
meaning, better enabling computers and people to
work in cooperation. - A new form of web content that is meaningful to
computers that will unleash a revolution of new
possibilities. - OWL is an important step for making data on the
Web more machine processable and reusable across
applications. - Just as databases tables are connected through
joins, multiple distributed information
representations can be strung together through
semantic joins. - Lee Lacy, OWL Representing Information Using
the Web Ontology Language, Trafford, 2005, 282
pages. - See http//www.trafford.com/robots/04-1276.html
73. SICoP Rationale for DRM Work
- Sir Tim Berners-Lee at the SWANS Conference,
April 7, 2005, on the Government Role - Making public data available in standard Semantic
Web formats. - Requiring funded data to be available in Semantic
Web formats - Encouraging flagship applications.
- Supporting Web Science research for advanced
83. SICoP Rationale for DRM Work
Sir Tim Berners-Lee at the SWANS Conference,
April 7, 2005, on the constant tension
Keep a wise balance. The semantic web allows a
mixture of the two approaches, and smooth
transitions between them.
93. SICoP Rationale for DRM Work
- Substance of the Semantic Web Deborah
McGuinness, Stanford and Mike Dean, BBN, SWANS
Conference, April 7, 2005 - Selected Technical Benefits of Ontologies
- 1. Integrating Multiple Data Sources
- 2. Semantic Drill Down / Focused Perusal
- 3. Statements about Statements
- 4. Inference
- 5. Translation
- 6. Smart (Focused) Search
- 7. Smarter Search Configuration
- 8. Proof and Trust
103. SICoP Rationale for DRM Work
Ontologies on Web Servers
Standard namespaces XMLS Datatype OWL
Specification RDFS Specification RDF Specification
Ontologies being Used/Extended
namespace references
Ontology Stewards Web Server
Information Publishers Web Server
Ontology- specific Datatypes
compliant with
Instance Data
Web Ontology Language Architecture. Source Lee
Lacy, OWL Representing Information Using the
Web Ontology Language, Trafford, 2005, page 144.
113. SICoP Rationale for DRM Work
- Tim Berners-Lee (June 2005 Interview by Andrew
Updegrove at http//www.consortiuminfo.org/bulleti
ns/pdf/jun05/feature.pdf) - One of the criticisms I hear most often is, The
Semantic Web doesnt do anything for me I cant
do with XML. This is a typical response of
someone who is very used to programming things in
XML, and never has tried to integrate things
across large expanses of an organization, at
short notice, with no further programming. One IT
professional who made that comment around four
years ago, said a year ago words to the effect,
After spending three years organizing my XML
until I had a heap of home-made programs to keep
track of the relationships between different
schemas, I suddenly realized why RDF had been
designed. Now I use RDF and its all so simple
but if I hadnt have had three years of XML hell,
I wouldnt ever have understood. - Many of the criticisms of the Semantic Web seems
(to me at least) the result of not having
understood the philosophy of how it works. A
critical part, perhaps not obvious from the
specs, is the way different communities of
practice develop independently, bottom up, and
then can connect link by link, like patches sewn
together at the edges. So some criticize the
Semantic Web for being an (clearly impossible)
attempt to make a complete top down ontology of
everything. - Doug Whall, CIA
- Question How do you get started with all of this
build on previous work or jump right in with
ontologies? Answer Usually build on previous
work see next slide for Suggested Roadmap to
Semantic Interoperability Architecture (SIA).
123. SICoP Rationale for DRM WorkSuggested Roadmap
Dimensions of Interoperability
Line of Sight
Evolution of the SOA Platform
For explanation, see http//web-services.gov/scope
134. Information Sharing Tool Pilot Part 1 Today
- Stage 1 Browse the DRM Schema Dynamic SVG
Interface - See http//web-services.gov/pilots/GeoDecisions/ma
p.htm - Note Use Ctrl-mouse click to zoom out and use
right mouse key for full menu. - Based on the EPA Region 4/GeoDecisions Pilot by
Richard Hammond, EPA Region 4 and Kiran Batchu,
GeoDecisions presented at the June 28th Workshop. - Note Double-click on red dot and single click on
items with no red dot to launch pop up window
with definitions, etc.
144. Information Sharing Tool Pilot Part 1 Today
Single Click
154. Information Sharing Tool Pilot Part 1 Today
- Stage 2 Enter Your Own Information
- Steps (See next two slides)
- User clicks on an element.
- Fill out the information in the form and click
the Save button. - DRM schema instance is updated dynamically and
displayed in a text area. - If an element can have data as well as
attributes then its form will have the main
data entry text box as well as the attribute text
boxes. - Also could use http//et.gov/registerxml.aspx to
register your XML file and have it indexed for
federated search (See slide 18).
16User clicks on an element
Fill out the information in the form And clicks
Save button
DRM schema instance is updated dynamically And
displayed In a text area.
17A form for an element with attributes.
If an element can have data as well as
attributes then its form will have The main
data entry text box (previous slide) as well as
The attribute text boxes.
184. Information Sharing Tool Pilot Part 1 Today
194. Information Sharing Tool Pilot Part 1 Today
- Stage 3 IRS Tax Map
- See http//web-services.gov/pilots/taxmap/tmhome.h
tm - Recall June 28th Workshop - IRS Tax Map
Electronic Research Tool, David Brown, Internal
Revenue Service, Media and Publications Division. - Also see slide 21 for http//et.gov/component_sear
204. Information Sharing Tool Pilot Part 1 Today
214. Information Sharing Tool Pilot Part 1 Today
225. Information Sharing Tool Pilot Part 2 August
16th and September 14th
- Short-term Goal Some individual instances in
http//et.gov (no cost and scalable). - Longer-term Goal Enough individual instances to
be organized into a Topic Map (low cost and
scalable). - Note there is a Federal Web Content Manager's
Toolkit from the work of the Interagency
Committee on Government Information. - See http//www.firstgov.gov/webcontent/index.shtml
- Short-term Goal RDF Data Stores in Oracle 10.2
running on the Collaboration Workplace Server
(reasonable cost and scalable). - Longer-term Goal DRM Ontologies and others used
with the RDF Data Stores Pilots and in the
Composite Applications Pilots (reasonable cost
and scalable). - Recall Web Ontology Language Architecture in
slide 10.
236. Application Demonstrations
- The DRM Information Sharing Tool Kit Phase I
- Kiran Batchu, GeoDecisions. Now morning session.
- Building Topic Maps in OWL-DL
- Anne Cregan, National Information and
Communications Technology Australia (NICTA)
Center of Excellence (invited) - DRM Data Management Process Pilot
- Ian Foster, SoftwareAG, Mills Davis,
246. Application Demonstrations
- Federated Repository Using the Wiki and FEA
Reference Model Ontology - Brent, Carlson, LogicLibrary.
- Mining Legacy Systems to Create An Ontology-Based
Repository - Tom Hite, Metallect.
- Building a Hospital Incident Reporting Ontology
(HIRO) in the Web Ontology Language (OWL) Using
the JCAHO Patient Safety Event Taxonomy (PSET) - Liju Fan, PhD1, Douglas Boenning, MD1, Annette
Smith, MS1, Gerald Castro, MPH2, Stacey
Champagne, MA2, Jerod M. Loeb, PhD, Andrew Chang,
JD, MPH2. 1KEVRIC - An IMC Company, Silver
Spring, MD 2The Joint Commission on
Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations,
Oakbrook Terrace, IL. - Health Information Technology Interoperability
Coordination - Marc Wine, GSA.