Title: Heart Disease, Stroke, Diabetes, Arthritis lifestyle Diet, Fitness or Drugs to reverse disease naturally in 30 days
1Heart Disease, Stroke, Diabetes, Arthritis
lifestyle Diet, Fitness or Drugs to reverse
disease naturally in 30 days
2USA spent over Trillion in losses due to
Stroke, heart attacks, cancer, obesity
- US Surgeon General stated most degenerative
diseases are preventable reversible - Genetically at birth -- obese person born with 75
billion fat cells - Thin person 30 billion fat cells
- We can shrink size, not number of cells
3Apes- Delgado diet 12 days save Hearts11 pounds
food, 2,300 calories, Evo 94 geneticKings
College Hospital London-Lynne Garton RDraw vegan
hazelnuts, Veggies-watercress, broccoli, carrots,
cabbage, tomatoes, radishes, fruit-strawberries,
melons, figs,bananas, mangoes, honeyCholesterol
dropped 23Hypertension 140/83 to normal
122/76lost average 9.7 lbs HDL drops
initiallythen increases by ratio
4Dr Nick Delgado study 9 days-one year compliance
643 people-Tony Robbins
- Cholesterol Triglyceride reduction diet high
fiber, very low fat, Vegan-78 complex carb, 12
protein, 10 fat, 5mg cholesterol exercise - Pizza-Whole grains, beans, potatoes, fruit,
vegetables - Weight, blood pressure reduction, uric acid,
kidney, liver function normalize - Triglycerides 150 to 600 reduce 42
- Cholesterol 200 to 293 reduced 30
- Zeiss microscope, Reflotron, Cholestech's,
carotid scan Diasonic, BP cuffs - Nick Delgado published PhD, American Academy
Holistic Health, March to Aug 1992-93 - How to Look Great and Feel Sexy Recipes by Delgado
5World Cuisines healthiest to worst
- What do you usually eat?
- Fish, Chicken, meat, dairy eggs or rice,
potatoes, veggies -
- Which selections do you think are healthy?
- Asian, Thai, Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese-10
fat - Mexican, Greek, Italian-20 fat
- or
- USA, Sweden, Finish, German-40 fat
- Who lives longer past the age of 40 with lowest
heart Disease? - International Atherosclerotic Disease Project
300,000 Autopsys, Tarahumara Indians, HDL 25 to
35, cholesterol 125, J Clinical Nutrition 35,
April 82
6Eskimos confused, Massi Tribe Africa
- Eskimos consume less than 23 fat, Tundra,
Central Canada as compared to Costal Eskimos 50
fat, highest rate of interdermal brain bleeding,
fish oils Scientific American 1971 - Massi Tribe consume Meat, blood, milk of cows,
pass treadmill because herd cows 30 miles a day,
yet autopsy accidental death severe narrowed
cholesterol plaques in arteries-G Mann, Am J
Clinical Nutrition May 1974
7Delgado Diet or Atkins?
- After one year Atkins dieters regained
- lost weight, and Medium fat continued
- to lose weight after the first year
- Side effects in 120 dieters on Atkins,
- LDL cholesterol increase 10 or more,
- 66 constipation, 60 headaches, 25 general
feeling weakness, muscle cramps, diarrhea. Atkins
book and food sales to 200 million dollars
-Bankrupt - Low fat Delgado type Diet lost 18 body
weight-Dropped LDL 52, total cholesterol
triglycerides 39, (HDL rose 9) homocysteine and
clotting factors - Preventive Cardiology, August 2002
8Insulin, Blood sugar diet and exercise
- Glycemic index normal for potatoes on Very Low
Fat Diet-Vegan worsened USA high fat - Insulin (under 2) and ideal blood sugar control
is obtained by low fat vegetables, fruit, whole
legumes, brown rice, herbs-Avena Sativa-Free T
DIM, I3C-clear 16 aOHE estrogens, exercise - high protein fat diets, vs. low fat, sugar
- Growth hormone-GH improve metabolism
- Testosterone improves Diabetes-insulin
- Himsworth 1935, Kelly M West 1966, J.W. Anderson
1976, Nathan Pritikin, Massey 1986, James
Barnard, Ornish, Neal Barnard 2002 John McDougall
Nick Delgado 1979 to 2007
9Delgado Diet easy low fat bulk cooking
10Warning-114 Side Effects From Artificial
Sweeteners, connections to Brain Damage Autism
- Aspartame is a deadly neurotoxin and converts to
dangerous byproducts! - Monsanto, hired government officials cleared laws
- Can cause headaches, seizures, confusion, brain
tumors and over 100 other side effects! - A dieters empty stomach accelerates these
conversions and amplifies the damage! - Stevi herb is all natural, 100 times sweeter than
sugar and has no side effects!
11Atkins diet fish oil same as medium saturated
fat diet
- 2 died of 66 people on Atkins diet, Philadelphia
Veterans, 34 dropped out - there was no significant difference in the
amount of saturated fat on the Atkins diet and
the low-fat, actually medium fat, diets (30 of
total calories). This is 4 times higher in bad
fats than Delgado diet. - Atkins group added fish oil to lower
triglycerides, no fish oil on medium fat diet. - May 18 2004-Annals of Internal Medicine
12Children dangerous LDL increase, lipid rose 50,
HDL fell on Atkins diet over two years
- Atkins like diet 6 - 24 months total
cholesterol increased 174-232, LDL rose 99-148,
triglycerides 96-154, HDL fell 56-49 - Even after stopping for six months dangerous
artery clogging levels persisted - John Hopkins Medical 141 children study
13Healthy Red Blood Cells and Clumping
- Healthy blood flow
- Vegetables, fruit, Rice, potatoes
- Titrate calories-80 satisfied
- Primary causes of poor circulation
- Fat-lipids
- Triglycerides
- 2 milk 32 calorie
- Dehydration
- Enzyme insufficiency
14sedentary-view Television, alcohol, USA diet,
increase LDL, ED, Lipitor 26 vs. 22
- 32,000 men Harvard incidence of ED
- 26 of men 50 59, 40 60 69 suffer ED due to
hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, smoking,
ED risk more than 8 ½ hours of TV per week, more
than 2 drinks per day - (Annuals of Internal Medicine 2003)
- 4262 patients LDL Cholesterol 62 or less v 95 or
higher - 26 died or had heart attack compared to 22 on
Lipitor (triples the risk of liver toxicity) - (New England Journal of Medicine 2004)
15Diets compared (30 top experts, WHO criteria,
Delgado/Mediterranean/Okinawa diet Atkins/sugar busters
Very high in fruits fruit No
Very high in Vegetables Veggies limited
Very high in Fiber-rich whole grains and beans Minimal grain to moderate No
Low in saturated fat and cholesterol Low or none
Low in trans fat Low x
Low in sodium
Low in refined grains Low X
Low in oils Low/essential fatty
Low in sugar-rich foods and beverages low x
Moderate in Protein Moderate protein
Daily Exercise Yes x
Biochemistry/hormone Yes/ diet balance
16Benefit 10 year comparison Studys
- A Mediterranean Diet Is Cost-Effective in
Patients with Previous Myocardial Infarction, 37
vs. 5 AHD - Kim Dalziel, Leonie Segal, Michel de Lorgeril J.
Nutr. 1361879-1885, July 2006 - Very-Low-Fat Diets, James Barnard PhD,
Circulation, 1999 100-1011-1015 - Lifestyle Reverse Coronary Heart Disease?
- Ornish, D, Brown, Lancet. 1990 336 129
17Reverse diabetes, hypertension, CHD, prevent
bypass surgery, obesity-VLFD
- Barnard, RJ, Effects of Life-style Modification
of serum Lipids, Arch Intern Med, 1991 1511389 - Barnard, James, Massey, Pritikin, Long term
High-complex Carb, fiber, low fat, exercise,
Non-insulin Dependent Diabetic-NIDDM, on 4587
patients Diabetes Care, 19836
18Full body imaging detection plaques
1964 splice imaging organs, heart
20Reverse Heart Disease, Diabetes
- Regression of Atherosclerotic stenosing lesions
of the renal arteries and spontaneous cure of
systemic hypertension through control of
hyperlipidemia LL Basta MD, Am J of Medicine,
Sept 1976, 420 - Incidence CHD lipoprotein cholesterol, WP
Castelli, JAMA, Nov 28, 1986, 2835 - 32 Angiography reverse CHD, Circulation, July 1981
21Cholesterol food vs. Plant zero
- Egg yolk, Liver, Butter, 250 to 300 mg
- Shrimp, Crab, Fish, Turkey 90 to 150 mg
- Beef, pork, lamb, Salmon, Tuna 63 to 82 mg
- Chicken, Scallops, clams 50 to 60 mg 3.5 oz
- Cholesterol - Legs, wings, wiggle, move, eyes
- Body excretes 100 mg/ day cholesterol, 36,000 mg
year, reduce by 5 plaques in 5 years - Roots grew Zero cholesterol
- Rice, peas, beans, banana, potato, nuts 0
22Eye imaging of vascular health
23Protein the actual needs for humans
- Dr. Kempner showed his results with studies on
hundreds of adults on only 20 grams of protein a
day (4 from plant protein, 2.3 fat and 93
carbohydrate (mainly from rice and fruit), where
he proved all adults were in positive nitrogen
balance. (7) Keep in mind human breast milk is
only 6 protein and even more diluted than rats
milk which is 20 to 25 protein. Yet human
infants during their most rapid growth rate
periods absorb all the protein necessary for
proper growth and health on this low protein diet
of 6. (8) In long term studies by Knapp on 102
infants ages 5 to 14 months, there was no
difference in growth rate between babies fed milk
proteins and babies fed vegetable proteins. (2) -
24Rice better than chicken for supplying protein in
- In a 59 day study experiment by Lee, normal young
men 20 to 27 years old were fed diets of equal
caloric value. On the first diet, rice provided
100 percent of the protein, the other rice
provided 85 of the protein and chicken was 15.
In both diets protein accounted for 6.5 of total
caloric intake. Nitrogen balance studies showed
that for humans the essential amino acid pattern
in rice is equal if not superior to that of a
chicken and rice diet. In fact, those on all rice
protein had a positive nitrogen balance 20
higher than those on the 85 rice and 15 chicken
diet. Something about animal protein makes it
more difficult for humans to get sufficient
protein nitrogen balance. (1)
25Humans require plant proteins
- 1.Lee, C. J., et al. Nitrogen retention of young
men fed rice with or without supplementary
chicken. Am J. Clin Nutr., 1971, 24318-23. - 2. Knapp, J., et al. Growth and nitrogen balance
in infants fed cereal proteins. Am J Clin. Nutr.,
1973, 26 586-90. - 3. Reddy, V. Lysine supplementation of wheat and
nitrogen retention of children. Am J. Clin
Nutri., 1971, 2431246-49. - 4. Cerqueira, M. T., et al. The food and nutrient
intakes of the Tarahumara Indians of Mexico. Am.
J. Clin. Nutri., 1979, 32905-15. - 5. Fisher, H., et al. Reassessment of amino acid
requirements of young women on low nitrogen
diets. I. Lysine and tryptophan, Am. J. Clin.
Nutr., 1969, 22 1190-96. - 6. Goldrick, R. B. et al. An assessment of
coronary heart disease and coronary risk factors
in a New Guinea highland population. In
Atherosclerosis Proceedings of the Second
International Symposium, Jones R. J., ed Berlik
Springer-Verlag, 1970, pp 366-68. - 7. Kempner, W. Treatment of heart and kidney
disease and of hypertensive and atherosclerotic
vascular disease with the rice diet. Ann. Int.
Med., 1949, 31821-56. - 8. Pritikin, Nathan, The Pritikin Promise, Simon
and Schuster, New York 1983.
26India, Indians of Mexico, New Guinea Natives get
complete proteins from plant foods
- Reddy showed in Indian children given just cereal
proteins were able to grow to full size on a low
vegetable based protein diet. A study reported
about the famous long distance running Tarahumara
Indians of Mexico shows that their nearly
complete vegetable- derived protein diet allows
for superior athletic performance in endurance
events. (4) The New Guinea natives consume one
of the lowest protein diets in the world, mainly
from sweet potatoes and their leaves, yet they
are free of diabetes and heart disease, they are
muscular and strong people with healthier kidney
function than people in the western world. (6)
27Endurance athletes need slightly more protein
than bodybuilders
- six elite bodybuilders, six elite endurance
athletes, and six sedentary controls during a
10-day period of normal protein intake followed
by a 10-day period of altered protein intake. The
nitrogen balance data revealed that bodybuilders
required 1.12 times and endurance athletes
required 1.67 times more daily protein than
sedentary controls. Lean body mass (density) was
maintained in bodybuilders consuming 1.05 g
protein.kg-1.day-1. Endurance athletes excreted
more total daily urea than either bodybuilders or
controls. We conclude that bodybuilders during
habitual training require a daily protein intake
only slightly greater than that for sedentary
individuals in the maintenance of lean body mass
and that endurance athletes require daily protein
intakes greater than either bodybuilders or
sedentary individuals to meet the needs of
protein catabolism during exercise - The American Society for Nutrition J. Nutr.
137985-991, April 2007
28Superior Protein for Humans
- 10 g-Split Peas, Navy beans, Black-eyed peas,
Lentil sprouts, Green Peas-cup - 12 g.-Flank Steak, Halibut, Scallops, Chicken 2oz
- 8 g.-Collards, Brussels sprouts, soybean sprouts,
Asparagus - Langley, Vegan Oxford, England 1988
29Calcium Loss ROTS Spiral
30 100 yr Old Bone Density OK
- Okinawa's have about 20 fewer hip fractures than
do mainland Japanese, and Japanese have about 40
fewer hip fractures than Americans (see Ross PD,
et al. Am J Epidemiol 1991133801-9). - High calcium intake by Okinawa's in both food and
their natural drinking water, high vitamin D
levels from exposure to sunlight, increased
physical activity, especially at older ages, and
high intake of dietary flavonoids (estrogenic
compounds from plant foods)
31Our bodys many cries for Water
- Dr Battmagelian- 65 to 75 of body is water
- Hormones, enzymes, digestion depend on Water for
optimum performance - We cannot store water more than 3 hours -- drink!
- Intense exercise or heat, drink more!
- Drink 2 to 3 liters of water a day or 1/2 oz per
body weight, 120 lbs needs 60 oz.-8 glasses a day - Dehydration Thirsty? Too late
- Yellow Urine- a serious sign of dehydration (B1
temporary color) - Add pinch sea salt (3-6G) per liter of water.
- To get clustered/organic water eat fresh fruit,
veggies, sprouts - Human digestive tract is designed for fruit and
vegetable intake
32Aging, brain inflammation solutions
- Aging is associated with increased oxidative
stress, disturbances in energy metabolism and
inflammation-like processes. - Dietary restriction (DR) by consuming rice,
vegetables and fruit can extend lifespan and
might increase the resistance of the nervous
system to age-related neurodegenerative
disorders. - New agents directed against the inflammatory
processes revealed in studies of Alzheimer
disease lesions may have broad therapeutic
applications. - McGeer PL, McGeer EG. Brain Res Brain Res Rev.
1995 Sep21(2)195-218. - PROLLA Tomas A. (1) MATTSON Mark P Trends in
neurosciences, 2001, vol. 24, no11, pp. 21-31 (78
33Wrinkles-serious hormone and water deficiencies
- Test urine for absorption of hGH, androgens,
estradiol, Aldosterone-loss water, need salt,
weak upon standing, low BP - Finger nails-ridges-thyroid low Cold hands, cold
feet-BMR - Alcohol, protein, fatty food, caffeine all cause
34(No Transcript)
35Do you consume enough Fiber?
- Get 25-60g/day fiber
- 1.5 g fiber x__ fruit
- 1.5 g fiber x__veggies
- 2.5 g fiber x_w.grains
- 3 g fiber x__ beans
- 1 g fiber x_white flour
- 0 g fiber in meat, fish, chicken, cheese,eggs,
oil, butter, milk - Burkitt, D., Eat Right to stay healthy, Arco, New
York, 1979
36Brown Rice, Curry, tomato, mash potato, veggie,
Squash, asparagus, split peas
37Healthy Restaurant Dinning
- Asian-Thai, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese
- Italian
- American
- Greek
- Mexican
- Vegetable dishes, spicy or mild, Rice, Soups,
Sushi-Veggie - Minestrone soup, salads, Spaghetti Squash, fat
free tomato sauce - Salad Bars, soups
- Hummus, eggplant
- Beans, Rice, Fajitas
38World Record on Herbs Diet
- Carl Lewis -Worlds Fastest man-10-10-80
- World Record Iron Man Fruit Rice Dave Scott
- Bob Wieland walks across America and Record bench
press - Diet, fitness, natural herbs and hormones.
- Frank Shamrock-SE cream
- John Slawinski-long drive golf
- Nick Delgado age 52 Endurance Vertical lifts
39Exercise assists reduction triglycerides, LDL
- Hansen, Exercise increases proportion of fat use
during short term fat diet - Am J, Clin. Nutr.2007. 85 109
- Effect of Diet Exercise in men, postmenopausal
women Low HDL, high LDL Cholesterol, Stenfanick,
Stanford U - Elkin, N Engl J Med, 1998339
- Moderate step 2 diet, exercise LDL reduce
40Exercise or attend church prolong life
- Religious Attendance More Cost-Effective Than
Lipitor? - Exercise adds 3 to 5 years to life, Religion 2 to
3 yr. vs. 2.5 to 3.5 yr statins - Daniel E. Hall, MD, MDiv The Journal of the
American Board of Family Medicine 19103-109
(2006) -
41Statin treat Heat disease rather than risk
- The Statin studies from targeting
hypercholesterolemia to targeting the high-risk
patient - Risk in seniors for cancer, impotency, muscle
pain, kidney failure, suicidal, short temper,
memory loss, amnesia - Deplete CoQ10, liver enzyme elevation
- 23 million on statins, USA 13 million JAMA, Nov
03, H.T. Ong QJM 2005 98(8)599-614
42Inflammatory conditions can be helped
- Lupus
- Migraine sinus headaches
- Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid, tendonitis
- growing pain, bone
- Digestive IBS, Colitis, Diarrhea, Crohns
- Asthma, Eczema
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia
- Chronic cough, Bronchitis
- Autism, ADD, ADHD
- Ear ache, sore throat, bad breath
- Sinus, nasal drip
- Heart irregular, rapid, edema
- Hypo/hyperglycemia
- Thyroid, weight gain
- Bed wetting, PMS, vaginal itch, cramp
- Skin, Acne, rash, hives
43Free Radical damage-Hydrogen Peroxide
toxic-Allergy, Stress, diet, chemical, fit?
44Healthy Dry Blood Free Radical DamageBradford,
R, Allen, H, Culbert, M, Oxidology, The study of
Free Radical Damage-Reactive Oxygen Toxic Species
and their Metabolism in Health and Disease,
Bradford Foundation1985
45ROS NO must be cleared exercise fatigue
- Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 959 108-116 (2002).
- Since the early 1980s biologists have recognized
that skeletal muscle generates free radicals. Of
particular interest are two closely related redox
cascadesreactive oxygen species (ROS) and nitric
oxide (NO) derivatives. The ROS cascade is
initiated by superoxide anion radicals derived
from the mitochondrial electron transport chain,
the membrane-associated NAD(P)H oxidase complex,
or other sources. NO is produced by two NO
synthase isoforms constitutively expressed by
muscle fibers. ROS and NO derivatives are
produced continually and are detectable in both
the cytosolic and extracellular compartments.
Production increases during strenuous exercise.
Both ROS and NO modulate contractile function.
Under basal conditions, low levels of ROS enhance
force production. Excessive ROS accumulation
inhibits force, for example, during fatiguing
46Aging needs CVAC, nitrogenous, antioxidants to
buffer ROS NO
- NO inhibits skeletal muscle contraction, an
effect that is partially mediated by cyclic GMP
as a second messenger. With aging, redox
modulation of muscle contraction may be altered
by changes in the rates of ROS and NO production,
the levels of endogenous antioxidants that buffer
ROS and NO, and the sensitivities of regulatory
proteins to ROS and NO action. The impact of
aging on contractile regulation depends on the
relative magnitude of these changes and their net
effects on ROS and NO activities at the cellular
47Antioxidants in vegetables
- blended fruits, vegetables, along with brown or
basmati rice and salads with free of dairy, with
low fat dressings supplies antioxidants and other
phytochemicals that keep the joints strong and
repair damage - (Am J Clin Nutr 53(1 Suppl) 362S, 1991)
- adequate antioxidants to destroy the damaging
free radicals that form in the joint tissues - J Orthop Res 8731, 1990
- Raw uncooked vegan diet, rich in lactobacilli,
decreased subjective symptoms of rheumatoid
arthritis (Br J Rheumatol 37274, 1998).
48No Arthritis joint pain avoid Dairy Cereal
- rheumatoid arthritis (46 adults) who eliminated
dairy products and cereals. Thirty-six patients
(78) responded favorably with 17 clearly
improved, and 19 in complete remission for one to
five years. Eight of those 19 stopped all
medications with no relapse. - Favorable benefits appeared in 3 months in 32 of
the patients (Lancet 33968, 1992) - 12-week cow's milk feeding produced the highest
incidence of significant joint lesions. - Egg protein was less arthritis inducing than
cow's milk - soymilk caused no reaction.
- (Int Arch Allergy Appl Immunol 80192, 1986)
49Leaky gut-Increased Intestinal Permeability
damages the immune system
- Patients with inflammatory arthritis have been
shown to have inflammation of the intestinal
tract resulting in increased permeability.
Normally, only the small molecules are allowed to
pass through the intestinal wall, while the large
ones that can act as antigens, causing immune
reactions, have a limited ability to pass
through. Infections and toxins can cause gaps in
this barrier and allow large molecules to pass
into the blood. Feeding high cholesterol meat
cheese diets to young animals also increases
their "leaky gut" (J Pediatr Gastroenterology
Nutr 998, 1989 Pediatr Res 21347, 1987).
(Baillieres Clin Rheumatol 10147, 1996).
50Delgado Diet, fitness reduces inflammation
- arthritis were once rare to nonexistent in rural
populations of Asia and Africa As recently as
1957, no case of rheumatoid arthritis could be
found in Africa. That was a time when people in
Africa followed diets based on grains and
vegetables. - (Chung Hua Nei Ko Tsa Chih 3479, 1995 Arthritis
Rheum 34248, 1991). - Lupus unknown in Africa before 1960,
African-Americans lead in the incidence of lupus
in the US (J Am Med Women's Assoc 1998 53(1)
9-12), (J Rheumatol 192, 1992 Ann Rheum Dis
49400, 1991).
51Wheat, corn, and beef delayed allergy induces
inflammatory Arthritis
- Stroud reported on 44 patients with rheumatoid
arthritis treated with the elimination of food
and chemical avoidance. They were then challenged
with foods. Wheat, corn, and beef were the
greatest offenders (Clin Res 28791A, 1980) (Clin
Allergy 10463, 1980). - Vegan diet assists changes in the fecal flora are
associated with improvement in the arthritis
activity (Br J Rheumatol 3664, 1997). - Antibodies and the foreign protein (antigens) in
the blood (Curr Opin Rheumatol 1058, 1998 Ann
Prog Clin Immunol 463, 1980).
52Basophil-1 of Total Leukocytes, Allergic
Reaction, Inflammatory Response, Infection?
53Caffeine, Alcohol, cause Liver Stress
Spicules (Fibrin protein). WBC-White Blood
Cells protect us from bacteria -Toxic Rods
FormsOConner, Barbara, A Color Atlas and
Instruction Manual of Peripheral Blood Cell
Morphology. Baltimore, MD Williams Wilkins
54 WBCNo react, React,
Severe React- Corn
- Dr Dan Dantini MD, NIH study www.foodallergytest.c
om - ADL ALCAT test, www.preventivecare.com
55Autism-over 500,000 children severely mentally
retarded- US
- Autism was rare 40 years ago, it was one in every
1000 (now 900 increase or 1 in 200 children) of
children are born with organic brain damage due
to high levels of organic chemicals and heavy
metals during gestation and a genetic weakness of
the child to remove toxins via the liver. Mercury
Themisel in vaccines paid by Monsanto and
Nutrasweet diet sodas chemicals lower in blood
store in childrens brain with Autism. - Dr Edelson- 80 success rate if treated prior to
age 3 (allergy free diet, IV sauna
supplements)-work place, cosmetics, - Dr Dan Dantini MD NIH study-brain, skin
- Reduce inflamed foodallergytest.com
- Stem Cells for brain damage
56(No Transcript)
57Delgado plan reduce migraine back pain
- Kristina Kauffman
- My migraines went
- away completely
- I stopped swelling
- in my joints knee,
- Low back are free of
- Pain eating by delayed
- Food lists.
- I sleep easily I have no indigestion problems of
any kind and I began to drop weight. I no
longer take the anti-inflammatory drugs and
painkillers that I was taking before eating
58Drugs worsen leaky gut inflammation
- nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (like Advil,
Motrin, Naprosyn, etc.), apart from aspirin and
nabumetone (Relafen), are associated with
increased intestinal permeability in man. While
reversible in the short term, it may take months
to improve the barrier following prolonged use. - (Baillieres Clin Rheumatol 10165, 1996).
59Omega-3, 6 fish oil vs. low fat studies
- Vegetable oils, including those of the omega-3
and omega-6 variety, are particularly strong
suppressors of the immune system. This immune
suppressing quality of oils (for example, fish
oil and primrose oil) has been used to suppress
the pain and inflammation of arthritis, but like
too many drug therapies the ultimate outcome may
not be best for the patient. Suppression of the
immune system prevents it from doing its work of
removing invading foreign proteins. - Low-fat diets (centered around blended drinks of
fruits and vegetables) have been shown to retard
the development of autoimmune diseases, similar
to lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, in
experimental animals (Ann Rheum Dis 48765,
60Fruits vegetables stop leaky gut
- Fasting is known to decrease intestinal
permeability, thus making the gut "less leaky."
Fasting with just vegetables and fruit has been
shown to dramatically benefit patients with
rheumatoid arthritis (Scand J Rheumatol 1982
11(1) 33-38). When patients return after the
fast to a diet with dairy products, the gut
becomes more permeable and the arthritis returns.
(Scan J Rheumatol 8249, 1979).
61Experiments of Performance Cool Core body
- Cooling unit for hands, head, feet help pull- ups
with no fatigue and no loss, in 6 weeks from 100
to 600 pull-ups-Stanford University - A lot of Muscle fatigue is due to temperature of
muscle. - Eliminate overheating, cramping, body work out
harder, recover quicker, steroids free-NFL,
boxers, ultra cyclist, Army, MS, pain
62Mammals -Cyclic Variable Altitude condition
Orcas in Captivity Exhibit Flaccid Dorsal Fins
In the Wild, Orcas, sound, and dive deep,
rapidly-Breeching. Dorsal Fin Is Erect and
They Exhibit Characteristics of Intense Vitality
63Carl Linton CVAC inventor
64Change temperature, hypoxia, Rapid variable,
Altitude- internal message
65The blood has more Oxygen at high altitude
- ? increase in the number of Red Blood Cells-5
Stanford pilot study - ? increase in number of small blood vessels-
Capillaries - inside cells Mitochondria increase to produce
more ATP and energy - Max V02 increased 20 in power 8 weeks 4 x a
week, 40 minutes each - EPO is 12 billion industry, athletes-cyclist,
football, cancer-chemotherapy, anemia
66Sleep top mountain, Train sea level
(1997) 83 102-112
Four weeks of living high-training low improves
sea-level running performance in trained runners
due to altitude acclimatization (increase in red
cell mass volume and VO2 max )
67Changes in Oxygen stimulates EPO
(1999) 31(2) 264-268
Conclusions It was concluded that short-term
hypobaric hypoxia can activate the erythropoietic
response and improve the aerobic performance
capacity in healthy subjects
68Cyclic conditioning healing, power
- University of Hawaii
- First In-Man Scientific Data
- Data courtesy of Lawrence Burgess, MD,
- John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of
Hawaii. - Presented at the 2006 Annual Meeting of the
- American College of Sports Medicine
- June 3, 2006, sponsored by US Army
- Research at Stanford
- Anne Friedlander, PhD., High Altitude Metabolic
Physiologist Associate Director for Education and
Evaluation at VA Palo Altos Geriatric Research
Education and Clinical Center, and a consulting
professor for the program in Human Biology at
Stanford University. Anti Aging grant.
69Protocol change adaptation
Cyclic Variations in Altitude, temperature,
- Delgado uses 3- 20 minute sessions x 3 wk
- 300 500 changes (1.2 million feet) in
altitude -
- 1,000 ft per sec. - ascending
- 10,000 ft. per second - descending
- 3 reasons effective change Altitude,
Temperature, decrease in O2- Hypoxia
70Intensity Training in 15 Minutes
- Discipline for 60 days good habit
- Planning Calendar
- Train Consistency
- Correct form See it
- Intense (pyramid, pre-exhaust, forced
reps/negative reps.) - Reward yourself exercise outdoors, music, fun
- Dreams, Values
71Intimacy with Nitrogen-Kudzu improves heart
contractility and reduce your weight
- Evidence Michigans Ferris State University
claims that sex burns about 200 calories which is
equal to 20 minutes on a treadmill. Pulse rate
rises from about 70 to 150 beats per minute. - Sex stretches tones up muscle. During
intercourse, muscular contractions work the
pelvis, thighs, buttocks, arms, and neck. Sex
also boosts production of testosterone, which
leads to stronger bones and muscles.
72Dr Nick trains 54 athletes Arnold Classic
- 40 lbs 430 lifts-Dr Nick
- 40 lbs 155 lifts- Adarn Frost
- 40 lbs 109 lifts-Josh Thomas
- 35 lbs 450 lifts-Dr Nick
- 35 lbs 120 lifts James Durroh
- 35 lbs 81 lifts Dan Severn
- 30 lbs 1005 lifts Nick 25 lbs 1000 lifts
- 15 lbs 155 lifts improve to 530 lifts Shane Lewis
Brin, age 16 - 150 lifts to 505 lifts- Matt
- Female won Amanda 200 lifts 20 pounds.
73Energy output of exercise
- To understand how to calculate actual energy
output of any exercise one has to apply - Newtons Law (Distance x number of reps x weight
lifted). -
- 40 lbs x 425 lifts x 55 inches move weight
distance 935,000 units of energy - 40 lbs 180 lifts x 55 396,000
- 30 lifts 300 lifts x 55 495,000
- 35 lifts 100 lifts x 55 192,500
- 40 lbs 105 lifts x 55 231,000
- 2,249,500 units of pure energy output
74Single lift 220 lbs vs. 30 lbs x 1000 lifts x
55, Female, London 2007 oldest, youngest
75Athletes Speed, Power, Recovery
- train with Kudzu
- Dan the Beast Severn
- Heath Herring
- Shonie Carter
- Diego Sanchez
- Amber De Luca
- Dan Bobish
- golf-
- John Slawinski
76(No Transcript)
77Nick Body Fat22 yr-25 23 yr-10, 48 yr-9,
78Gym/Fitness Self Assessment
- Calendar fitness journal
- Note exercise nutrition
- Test your levels by lab
- Write short term goals
- Monitor body fat
- Measure inches
- Reward yourself
- music, hiking, outings
79NFL, fighter1) hydration 2) mind 3) supplement
nitrogenous 4) diet 5) Fitness 6) CVAC 7) stem
80Ron Klatz, Bob Delmonteque, Jack La Lane 93 yr,
Rey Wilson, Nick
81Remember the 5 Steps to optimal health
- Power of Biochemistry-Hormones
- Medicine, Herbs, stem cells
- Mind-NLP, Time lines-Stress
- Fitness-combine cardio strength
- Very Low fat natural food Diet
82Power of mind for goals by Nick Delgado
- Write down 3 goals you have in life a paper to
read every morning or night for 30 days before
going to sleep or upon waking.
- Reduce body fat eating more vegetables, soup,
fruit, lift weights - Improve prosperity and partnerships
- Enjoy life, sex, quality relationshipRelax body,
mind count 100 to 90, relax 10 times more with
each number think of goals in daily and future