Title: The Future of NIGERIA Refocusing Youth Energy for National Development through Information Technology
1The Future of NIGERIA Refocusing Youth Energy
for National Development through Information
- presented by
- Gbenga Sesan
- Nigerias Information Technology Youth Ambassador
- me_at_gbengasesan.com www.gbengasesan.com
- at the
- IEEE Nigeria Section Meeting
- University of Ibadan, July 13, 2002
2Nigeria Today
Nigeria is the most populous black nation on
earth and the origin of some of the world's best,
but the vessel of the nation appears to be
anchored at a state of rest and our best is yet
to be expressed within our borders. It thus
becomes a deep-seated concern for any patriotic
citizen of our motherland that the supposed giant
of Africa has not taken her rightful place
amongst the nations. We believe its high time
external and internal forces began acting on the
vessel of the nation lest we all drown. Even if
we have to walk slowly, we must neither walk
backwards nor stand still.
3The Future of Nigeria
I see a new Nigeria emerging, one that will be
built on the labours of our heroes past, hewn out
of the debris of the present waste and engineered
by the strength of the future leaders the youth.
These young men and women will adopt Information
Technology for the purpose of personal
development, nation building, regional
cooperation and global participation. They may be
unknown today, but in the secrecy of their abode,
they master the tool that will change their lives
and that of their nation. They're building the
nations tomorrow today.
4Whats my business?
- We will keep complaining and may remain looked
down upon if no one cares. - Young people are the link between today and
tomorrow - the ones who should decide tomorrows
fate - The young people of Nigeria must rise to the
challenge of weaving the New Nigeria, the Nigeria
of our collective dreams. For how long do we
complain? - A wise man will leave an inheritance for his
childrens children If you dont care, will your
kids grow up experiencing the same things you
hated seeing? - The worth of life is measured by donation and not
5Using IT for Nation Building
- What do you want to do in life? The whole world
will stand aside for a man who knows where hes
going - How does Information Technology affect your
chosen career path? - Learn IT! Take advantage of online resources,
free information, magazines. http//web.mit.edu/oc
w/ MIT Open Courseware - Use IT for greater impact Domestic, Career, etc
- Be mindful of your contributions to the nations
development and recognize your role as a global
citizen - Theres something called Social Responsibility
Give back to society in your own way
6The Future of NIGERIA Refocusing Youth Energy
for National Development through Information
- presented by
- Gbenga Sesan
- Nigerias Information Technology Youth Ambassador
- me_at_gbengasesan.com www.gbengasesan.com
- at the
- IEEE Nigeria Section Meeting
- University of Ibadan, July 13, 2002