National AIDC Centre for Wales Faculty of Advanced Technology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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National AIDC Centre for Wales Faculty of Advanced Technology


... tag' System now adopted in MOST M&S stores on high value items such as Men's ... Ladies jackets etc. Still to become cheap enough for underwear and socks etc. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: National AIDC Centre for Wales Faculty of Advanced Technology

Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC)
Hywel Williams
National AIDC Centre for Wales Faculty of
Advanced Technology
AIDC Centre for Wales
What is the biggest single barrier to advancement
in IT?
  • Slow, (QWERTY) inaccurate, subject to human
  • We need a way of getting rid of the keyboard,
  • Reduce the volume of information we collect OR
  • Automate the capture of as much data as possible

AIDC Centre for Wales
My personal preferred term is Intelligent Data
Intelligent Data Capture is now all around us,
and forms an increasing part of our lives
Think of something as routine as a supermarket
  • All the products (except some weighable items)
    are bar coded
  • The shelf edge labels are bar coded
  • Expensive items have RFID tags which have to be
  • The Anti-Theft gates at the exit are based on
  • The Credit card you pay with has RFID chip and
    magnetic data
  • Loyalty cards have magnetic identification
  • Has the potential for beneficial use
  • Has the potential for intrusive use

AIDC Centre for Wales
What is Automatic Identification and Data Capture?
Some form of Identity which stays with or is
part of the entity it aims to identify and the
ability to read that identity
Wide range of technologies and application areas,
but all exhibit certain characteristics.
  • Accuracy the technology has extremely low error
    rates on reading or transmitting codes (virtually
    nil) .
  • Keying errors 1300
  • OCR errors 130,000
  • Bar Code errors 13,000,000 (3
  • RFID errors 110,000,000 (10 Million)

AIDC Centre for Wales
Characteristics (Continued)
2. Speed of data availability faster than any
manual input, thousands of characters can be read
every second. Also very often data can be
captured while either the goods or the reader are
moving. 3. Economics the speed and accuracy of
data collection over manual methods result in
greater customer satisfaction, and rapid
payback. 4. Versatility Almost every type of
situation requiring recording or measuring will
have an answer somewhere within the technology
AIDC Centre for Wales
  • There are dozens of differing technologies and a
    myriad of devices which fall within the scope of
    Automatic Identification Data Capture but there
    only two basic technologies
  • Data Carrier - Sometimes known as item
    attendant identification a device or tag which
    belongs with or is attached to in some way to the
    object to be identified.
  • Advantages- cost, often relatively simple
  • Disadvantages- some carriers can become detached
  • Feature Extraction- An inherent unique feature
    of the article maybe isolated and used as an
  • Advantages- integral part of the object cant
    be detached
  • Disadvantages- can be expensive and highly

AIDC Centre for Wales
Take a moment to think of some- Technologies Appl
AIDC Centre for Wales
AIDC Centre for Wales
  • Industry Sectors
  • Retail bar codes, anti-theft (RFID), payment
    methods (swipe cards)
  • Manufacturing bar codes, RFID process control
  • Logistics Transport bar codes, RFID
  • Healthcare bar codes, 2D bar codes, RFID
  • Social Care Digital Pen Paper, RFID
  • Warehouse Management Systems bar codes, RFID
  • Wherehouse systems dont use them
  • Pharmaceuticals bar codes, 2D barcodes, RFID
  • Agriculture Animal Tagging

AIDC Centre for Wales
  • Historical Milestones
  • 1949 -- the first barcode is invented (patent
  • 1959 -- first wildlife radio tags
  • 1967 -- first retail barcode scanning system
    (little used at first)
  • 1975 -- anti-theft material tags appear in
    libraries and stores
  • 1984 1989 10 fold increase in retail bar code
  • 1980 -- RFID is invented
  • 1990 -- Automobile toll-collection tags appear
  • 1997 -- first all-polymer IC tag demonstrated
  • 1997 to present day -- Increasing use as tag
    prices fall and application areas grow
  • Estimated growth from 300M in 2004 to 3Billion
    in 2009

AIDC is without doubt a source to be exploited
by those intent on winning, and a competitive
threat to those who choose to ignore it or are
unaware of its potential. (Patricia Hewitt when
Secretary of State for the DTI)
AIDC Centre for Wales
Common Excuses in the Supply Chain
I can assure you your shipment is on the water
Your shipment is waiting to be released
Your order is being put onboard as we speak
Your goods have just left the loading dock
AIDC Centre for Wales
Data Carrier Technology
AIDC Centre for Wales
Optical Data Carriers
  • Linear Bar Codes (Licence Plate technology)
  • In use since the 1970s especially in retailing.
    Very simple to print either on to special labels
    or direct on to product or immediate packaging.
  • Need to be read by a line of sight reader which
    may be fixed, semi-fixed or portable.
    Supermarkets use X lasers to compensate for
    angular presentation.

Low capacity up to about 50 characters. Some
symbologies can accommodate alpha, numeric, and
special characters. Wide range of affordable
hardware available, some specialised, some can be
general purpose, e.g. print bar codes direct on
documents using laser printer
AIDC Centre for Wales
Numbering Systems
GTIN numbering system (Also known as EAN) In
retailing every product sold to the public which
carries a bar code is unique and centrally
registered worldwide with a group of
organisations under the GS1 umbrella. Each
country has its own organisation but they work to
a common standard.
It is a 14 digit number the format of which
varies a bit but basically, the first part of the
number identifies the manufacturer, and the
second identifies the product within that
manufacturer. The final digit is always a check
digit. Companies with a large product range have
a short company identifier leaving room for lots
of products, whilst companies with smaller
product ranges may have longer company ids but
shorter product codes. Codes with 50 as first 2
digits are registered in UK.
Example of 3 of 9 - used to print bar code
equivalent of things like Document Serial Number
very easy to use, most database systems just
use a special font, e.g. print twice once using
Arial or Times New Roman, and once using bar code
AIDC Centre for Wales
2-D (Matrix) Bar Codes
Matrix Codes- Consist of a block of cells, which
are filled with mini bar codes, can be
interpreted and translated into blocks of up to
2000 characters. The borders act as
registration so that code can be read in any
The technique is widely used in Direct Part
Marking. Useable in hostile environments
Shows a 2D bar code on a brake calliper of a car.
Can also be used on pistons
Marks can be very small, the example shows a 2D
matrix on a pin head
  • Many product marking methods
  • Printing
  • Laser
  • Punching, drilling
  • Embossing, dot peen

UID DoD Identity on everything supplied to US
Armed Forces
AIDC Centre for Wales
Other Optical Methods
  • Multi-row bar codes- series of linear barcodes
    stacked one on top of the other. Label must
    pass under reader for each line to be read.
    Data can be appended (like word wrap) to carry
    more data. Often found on outers.
  • Optical Character Readers Originally special
    stylised fonts either OCR-A or OCR-B Best known
    on bank cheques. Can now read text (Omnipage etc)
    but not accurately enough to collect data for
    decision making.
  • 3. Optical Mark Readers extension of punch
    cards best known example is Lotto. The lottery
    till has to be capable of reading five different
    masks, for the different games

AIDC Centre for Wales
Digital Pen Paper a unique combination of
The camera photographs the handwriting at 100
fps, either the image is sent to the phone via
bluetooth or the pen is plugged into the cradle,
in either case the image is passed on to the
server, where it overlays the master. It can
then be stored as an image, and also translated
to text using very sophisticated context
sensitive handwriting recognition. This is far
more accurate than conventional OCR text
AIDC Centre for Wales
  • Magnetic Stripe-
  • Widely used on credit cards, debit cards, loyalty
    cards, hotel door keys etc. Durable and fairly
    cheap. Low storage capacity. Chip and Pin uses
    RFID instead of the magnetic strip
  • Also widely used as access control devices.
  • Form the basis of many Time Attendance systems
    including Job Time Logs
  • Smart Cards are an extension of this technology,
    which are chip based, and have read/write
    properties and larger storage potential. Cashless
    Systems, like the Oyster Card is an example which
    is capable of top up, and balance retention.
    These systems hold data on the card rather than
    in a remote database.

AIDC Centre for Wales
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
Bar Codes have changed our lives over the past 20
years, the next 20 will be changed even more by
the uptake of RFID
  • The term covers a range of devices from simple
    licence plate systems, up to complex tags capable
    of integration to GPS systems for satellite
    tracking. Also often used to maintain information
    on-board rather than just link to other
    computer records.
  • Advantages over bar codes- Do not need line of
    sight, Can hold far more data, Data more secure
    (smudging) Data can be read/write and added to,
    Can be read much faster.
  • System consists of two parts, a transponder and a
    transceiver. The transceiver emits a signal to
    which the transponder responds, which in turn is
    picked up by the transceiver. The system was
    first invented 1939 to distinguish friendly or
    enemy aircraft.
  • High growth area as costs of tags and readers
    reduce, and as software becomes more available.
  • RFID can be classified as- chipped or chip-less,
    active or passive, and frequency in which they

AIDC Centre for Wales
Outline Principles of RFID
Handheld Option
Wake up call
Static Option
RF signal converted to power (Faradays Law)
AIDC Centre for Wales
Chipped Tags
  • Passive Tags
  • No internal power supply. The chip needs to
    become excited, which it does by means of a radio
    signal sent out from the reader. The internal
    Arial is designed to generate enough power from
    the signal to activate the chip and then to
    transmit a signal back to the reader. The tag can
    contain information other than just its number.
    The read only memory can have data added to it
    (usually only once at creation). Read distances
    only a metre or so.
  • They come in all shapes and sizes dependant upon
    the application to which they will be put
  • Can be VERY small 0.4mm X 0.4mm and thinner than
    paper (about a grain of sand)
  • Active Tags (Beacons)
  • They use an internal power supply to generate an
    outgoing signal, sometimes continuously sometimes
    at fixed intervals.
  • Transmission range up to 10 metres and battery
    life up to 10 years.
  • Can be linked to amplifiers and used in
    conjunction with Global Positioning Satellites,
    into SatNav systems, and vehicle tracking systems.

AIDC Centre for Wales
RFID Frequencies
RFID Tags are available in a range of
frequencies, each of which have their particular
advantages and disadvantages, and it is CRITICAL
the right one is chosen to match the application,
e.g. read distance, cost, read/write ability
Throw Away
  • Low Frequency (125 134 KHz)
  • High Frequency (13.56MHz)
  • Ultra High Frequency (850-950MHz)
  • Microwave (2.45 5.8GHz)

AIDC Centre for Wales
Tags come in all shapes and sizes depending on
the use to which they will be put
AIDC Centre for Wales
Chip-less Tags
A development area currently
a tag will be developed with just enough
intelligence built in to a circuit that can be
printed using special conductive inks that a
separate IC will not be required.
Low cost, Low data capacity Low range (often near
contact), but more rugged than silicon based
To replace chipped tags as a carrier for the
Electronic Product Code (EPC) which would be a
bit like current GS1 bar codes in that a world
wide universal code is developed for all products
AIDC Centre for Wales
Vision Systems
  • Camera systems can be used in a variety of ways
    for example-
  • Monitoring product conformity product on a line
    can be continually checked against a standard
    and corrective action taken when deviation occurs.
  • As part of a biometric system e.g. facial
    recognition or Iris recognition
  • Traffic Identification recognise number plates
    for City congestion charges and possibly road
    tolls in the future.

AIDC Centre for Wales
Feature Extraction Technology
These systems depend on a property of the item
itself, rather than data about the item
AIDC Centre for Wales
Person Based Systems (Biometrics)
  • Facial Recognition key co-ordinates of faces
    are recorded and compared
  • Handwriting Recognition used forensically, but
    now in use on PDAs and tablet PCs.
  • Speech Recognition Record and compare sound as
    wave patterns.
  • Physical Patterns e.g. iris recognition, finger
    print recognition, hand geometry and vasculature
    can be used in conjunction with other means,
    e.g. smartcards
  • Gait Step length, walking speed, joint rotation
    are combined to a pattern for comparison.
  • DNA Who goes on the database?

AIDC Centre for Wales
Substance Based recognition
  • Physical or Chemical properties of substances
    can be used to identify batches
  • Inert trace elements may be added to chemicals in
    varying strengths to identify the source and
    batch. Classic example being
    detection taggants and
    post explosive taggants which allow
    tracking of plastic explosives via
  • Inherent unique properties may be used for
    example the use of a chemical nose. Substance
    specific sensors are used to measure ammonia, SO2
  • Emission sensors e.g. thermal images can be
    compared against stored patterns to detect some

AIDC Centre for Wales
Practical Example of Major Retail Chain moving
from Bar Coding to RFID
  • 5 million tagged returnable trays
  • 100 suppliers writing to tags
  • Read/Write 24 million trays per week
  • Each tag contains product code, use by date,
    supplier code, batch number allowing full
  • Cross docking warehouses drop trays from
    suppliers onto conveyors which are automatically
    labelled with the store and directed to the
    correct output bay.

Throw away tag System now adopted in MOST MS
stores on high value items such as Men's Suits,
Ladies jackets etc. Still to become cheap enough
for underwear and socks etc.
AIDC Centre for Wales
  • Some Other Examples-
  • Airport security and baggage handling bar
    codes, RFID and biometrics are all either in use
    or shortly to be put into use
  • London (and other ) Marathon all runners have
    microchips to record their time
  • Ticketing Systems All 2006 World Cup tickets
    had RFID tags which eliminated forged tickets.
    Also allowed traceability if touting of genuine
    tickets was reported.

AIDC Centre for Wales
Unique identification of all surgical instruments
with 2D bar codes makes tracking and recording of
which instruments were used in which operations,
which can be sterilised and which have to be
discarded (CJD etc)
All blood is identified by donor as well as blood
type. Records need to be kept especially when
blood is turned into other products like plasma
etc when several bloods may be merged
Which leg, right or left? Coded tags can
eliminate notes mix up, and reduce the effect of
poor handwriting and reduce mistakes
AIDC Centre for Wales
The Power of ID in Healthcare
Conference in Cardiff on Tuesday 30th October
jointly organised by ourselves and Informing
  • Morning will be split into-
  • Background i.e. putting AIDC in Context within
    Wales and Europe.
  • Technical Advances smart cards RFID and other
  • Afternoon session
  • Specific applications in Health Care sector
    including Community care
  • Discussion led by Informing Healthcare as to the
    future adoption of these technologies into the
    Welsh NHS

AIDC Centre for Wales
  • Myths a lot of myths exist around RFID tags in
    particular, about the loss of anonymity
  • You can be located anywhere by any random tag you
    may have.
  • Most retail tags are removed at the till, they
    have performed their function by then
  • Tags are usually part of the packaging rather
    than the item
  • You must be within 4 feet of a reader, the reader
    must be able to identify the tag, it then needs a
    link back to a database to tie your details up to
    the tag. A bit tenuous to say the least.
  • Cash tagged Euros help counting avoid
    counterfeiting traceable? No there is no link
    from you to the cash when you hand it over
    unless of course you have to provide personal id
    for every transaction then we would have to

AIDC Centre for Wales
  • If you ever visit an organisation that claims
    that they are making maximum use of AIDC
  • Tell me Id love to use them as a case study
  • Look out of the window

AIDC Centre for Wales
  • Some people within organisations pretend that
    they have no applications which AIDC could
    streamline. That position is
  • Uncomfortable
  • Unsustainable
  • Its dangerous if anyone is looking for somewhere
    to park their bike
  • If you are a Welsh organisation, let us at the
    National AIDC Centre for Wales help you to see
    the future. Initial consultations are FOC to all
    Welsh organisations be they private or public,
    large or small, North or South
  • If you are outside Wales
  • Why not relocate its good down here
  • If you cant relocate, we should still be able to
    re-direct you

Thank You very much for your attention, I hope
that the presentation has been somewhat
informative. Website
(Cymraeg) Telephone 01443-654542 Email
AIDC Centre for Wales
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