Title: Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Transportation Working Group ITS Experts Group Busan, South Korea September 2, 2003
1Asia Pacific Economic CooperationTransportation
Working GroupITS Experts GroupBusan, South
KoreaSeptember 2, 2003
- Walter Kulyk, P.E.
- Director, Office of Mobility Innovation
- Federal Transit Administration
- US Department of Transportation
- Reauthorization
- 511
- Intelligent Vehicle Initiative (IVI)
- Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)
- National ITS Architecture
- ITS Standards
- Priority ITS Initiatives
- SAFETEA (the Safer, Accountable, Flexible, and
Efficient Transportation Equity Act of 2003) - Six year 247 billion reauthorization proposal
- Intelligent Transportation System Performance
Incentive Program - 135 million/yr. (TEA-21 was 113M/yr.)
- Intelligent Transportation System Research
- 121 million/yr. (TEA-21 was 100 M/yr.)
- 511 Deployment Coalition
- Policy and working entities
- Provide national guidance
- U.S. DOT Support
- State planning grants
- Model deployment initiative
- Research and technical assistance
5511 (continued)
- Goals by 2005
- Coverage
- 25 or more states
- 30 of top 60 metro areas
- More than 50 of population
- Brand Awareness more than 25
- Customer Satisfaction
- Information quality 80 satisfied
- Service quality 80 satisfied
6511 (continued)
- Funded at 25 Million Annually
- Government/Industry Partnership
- Federal Role
- Fostering the development, deployment, and
evaluation of driver-assistance safety products - Ensuring that safety is not compromised by the
introduction of in-vehicle systems - 4 Platforms
- Cars, Trucks, Buses, and Maintenance Vehicles
- Forward and side collision warning, rear impact,
intersection warning - Future collaboration on DSRC potential
8Bus Rapid Transit Initiative
- BRT Forums transit operators and suppliers
- BRT Consortium Projects
- BRT Matrix focused on
- Running ways
- Stations
- Vehicles
- Service
- Route Structure
- Fare Collection
- Integrated Deployment of BRT Components
- BRT-ITS Program
9National ITS Architecture
- National ITS Architecture is being updated to
Version 5.0 - Highlighted Changes
- Enhancement of Security Coverage
- New Disaster Response and Evacuation User Service
- New Security Monitoring Subsystem
- Added 511 Support to the Architecture
- Added Road Closure Management
10 National ITS Architecture (continued)
- Highlighted Changes (continued)
- Changed "Roadside" Class to "Field"
- Transit Related Updates
- Updated Standards / Architecture Relationship
- Emissions Management Modifications
- Parking Management Area Improvements
11ITS Standards
- NTCIP standards in maintenance/update mode
- NTCIP center to center standard has reached FDIS
as an ISO standard - TCIP dialogues ready for user review this fall
- SAE ATIS standard just passed committee ballot
- 5.9 GHz DSRC standards have moved to IEEE 802.11
12Priority ITS Initiatives
- DOT ITS Management Council
- 15 member ITS Program Advisory Committee
- Focused on delivering large multimodal projects
- FTAs proposal includes
- Integrated Customer Focused Transit Service
- Social Service and Transit Provider Coordination
- Vehicle Lane Assist
13World Wide Web (WWW)Resources
- www.its.dot.gov US DOT ITS Joint Program
Office - www.fta.dot.gov Federal Transit
Administration - www.fhwa.dot.gov Federal Highway
14Contact Information
Walter Kulyk Director, Office of Mobility
Innovation Federal Transit Administration
(TRI-10) 400 Seventh Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20590 Phone (202) 366-4991
Fax (202) 366-3765 E-mail
15(No Transcript)