Church Planting Landmines, Tom Nebel and Gary Rohrmayer, ChurchSmart Resources' Review and Adaptatio - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Church Planting Landmines, Tom Nebel and Gary Rohrmayer, ChurchSmart Resources' Review and Adaptatio


... need to have a vision and a process of turning the church over to their converts. ... If you are going to hire a full-time person, then hire a generalist, a leader ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Church Planting Landmines, Tom Nebel and Gary Rohrmayer, ChurchSmart Resources' Review and Adaptatio

Church Planting Landmines, Tom Nebel and Gary
Rohrmayer, ChurchSmart Resources. Review and
Adaptationby Bill Wiesman,
  • Learning from failure is a key concept in life
    and successful church planting.
  • Church Planting Landmines looks at many of the
    issues that can bring failure and gives practical
    advice on how to avoid these mistakes.

Land Mines include
  • Ignoring personal health and growth
  • Lack of leadership development
  • Leadership backlash
  • Personal Evangelism entropy
  • Corporate Evangelism entropy
  • Inadequate Enfolding Strategy
  • Fear of money
  • Underestimating spiritual warfare
  • Misfiring on hiring
  • Delaying Missions Engagement

  • Every NewStart leadership team should read this
    book before launch.
  • In addition to describing the landmines, each
    chapter contains valuable insights and concrete
    guidelines for advance planning to avoid these
    common mistakes.
  • Many of these suggestions should be incorporated
    into the DNA of every NewStart prior to launch.

Landmine 1 Ignoring Personal Health.
  • The Abuse of Finances
  • The Abuse of Power.
  • Pride.
  • Illicit Sexual Relationships.
  • The Neglect of our Physical Bodies.
  • Critical Family Issues.
  • Plateauing.

Strategies to Finish Well
  • Intercessory Prayer Teams.
  • Disciplines Ongoing Life of Spiritual Training
    vs. Trying. I probably couldnt run a marathon
    if I simply tried, but I probably could if I
  • Renewal Times. Suggest a signed pledge to take
    off one day a week, and at least one family
    vacation a year. Daily- quiet time, Weekly- day
    off, Monthly- retreat day, Annually- special
    events and extended vacations.
  • Mentoring and Accountability.
  • Being a Life-long learner.

Landmine 2 Lack of Leadership Development
  • Most church planters pray for God to bring them
    leaders, but God wants them to develop leaders.
    Every leader is responsible not just to build a
    team and manage a task, but to spot, encourage,
    and develop other leaders under their care.

Natural vs. Spiritual Leaders
  • Natural Leaders
  • Self-confident
  • Know People
  • Make their own decisions
  • Ambitious
  • Originate own methods
  • Enjoy commanding others
  • Motivated by personal considerations
  • Independent
  • Spiritual Leaders
  • Confident in God
  • Also know God
  • Seek to find Gods will
  • Self-effacing
  • Find Gods methods
  • Delight to obey God
  • Motivated by love for God and people
  • God-dependent

Creating a Leadership Culture in a New Church
  • Must re-define Spiritual Leadership
  • Great Leaders are Teachable Leaders
  • Identify Emerging Leaders
  • Equip leaders Holistically
  • Celebrate Achievements
  • Create a Multiplying Mindset

Landmine 3 Leadership Backlash
  • Honest criticism is hard to take, particularly
    from a relative, a friend, an acquaintance, or a
    stranger. Franklin Jones

Causes of backlash
  • There may have been pre-existing leaders on site
    prior to the planter.
  • There are often insecurities on the part of the
  • The planter has limited time available.
  • Potential leaders feel pressure to serve.
  • Assumptions are made that the initial leaders
    will be the perpetual leaders.

A Solution that Works
  • Phase 1 The Pastors Advisory Team PAT A group
    of people that help the church planter make
    decisions prior to the launch date.
  • Phase 2 The Transitional Advisory Group TAG
    Team After the PAT is dissolved at launch , a
    new leadership team takes the church on to the
    next level for a specific period of time, perhaps
    a year.
  • Ph 3 The Short-term Leadership Team SLT
  • Phase 4 Formal Board

Further Recommendations on Phased Progressions
  • Use as many phases as you need and any names you
  • In the beginning, dont give away roles, give
    away jobs. Roles connote titles, position, and
    policy making, but jobs connote service.

Landmine 4 Personal Evangelism Entropy
  • Entropy is the natural and irreversible tendency
    toward disorder in any system without an external
    source of energy. As the church gets older and
    older it becomes harder to keep evangelism on the
    front burner because of all the competing issues
    that keep pushing it back.

  • Remember that you are a missionary to your
  • Upgrade your networking skills.
  • Be available to those experiencing life
  • Share your wins, losses and blunders continually
    with the church. (Not just the victories.)

Landmine 5 Corporate Evangelism Entropy.
  • Reasons
  • Postpartum syndrome. After the intensity of
    birth, there is always some kind of let-down.
  • The church may have had an ineffective
    grand-opening or launch. (Best times, early fall
    or pre-Easter.)
  • The tyranny of the urgent. Urgent items are
    those that require immediate attention, whether
    important or not. Important items contribute to
    your mission, values, your high priority goals.
    Important matters that are not urgent require
    more initiative, more proactivity.

Equipping A Strategy for Overcoming Corporate
  • Fueling the prayer life of your people.
  • Training your people to be storytellers Theirs,
    Churches, Jesus
  • Training your people to be inviters and

Landmine 6 Inadequate Enfolding Strategy
  • Launching a new church is so event oriented, with
    the planning and preparation of the public
    worship services, that something is likely to
    suffer, such as poor follow-up of newcomers. A
    clear strategy is needed before the church opens
    its doors and the strategy needs to be revisited
    and reworked again and again.

Six Things to improve the enfolding strategy
  • First impressions.
  • Response filtering. Use a response card. Use the
    card for the communication of the whole church.
    Hand out pens. Have the card mentioned at least
    three times (welcome, offering, prayer time).
    Train your people continually to use the card.
  • Second Touch.

Second Touch Thermometer
  • 90-100 A gift delivered to their home by a
    volunteer before they get home after the service.
  • 80-90 A gift delivered to their home by a
    volunteer within 24 hours of their visit.
  • 70-80 A phone call from a volunteer within 48
    hours of their visit.
  • 60-70 A gift delivered to their home by a
    volunteer within 48 hours of their visit.
  • 50-60 A phone call from the pastor within 24

Second Touch Thermometer (cont)
  • 40-50 A gift delivered to their home by the
    pastor or staff within 48 hours of their visit.
  • 30-40 A personalized letter from the pastor or
    staff addressing a specific question or concern,
    with appropriate materials enclosed. Example
    What is child dedication?
  • 20-30 A personalized letter from the pastor or
    staff with a stamped First Impression Card
  • 10-20 A personalized letter from the pastor or
  • 0-10 A form letter from the pastor or staff.
  • 0 No Response.

Six Things to improve the enfolding strategy
  • Next Steps. Refers to understanding,
    communicating, and offering programming for the
    next step in someones spiritual journey. Offer
    next steps for seekers, visiting believers,
    regular attendees, and committed members.
  • Modular Training. This is a systematic approach
    to help new converts and believers work through
    spiritual formation issues, develop the life
    ministry skills, and make the critical
    commitments they need to move toward spiritual
    maturity and multiplication. Rick warrens
    baseball diamond is an example.
  • Empowering converts. Maturity is an issue of
    obedience and responsibility, not an issue of
    longevity. Church planters need to have a vision
    and a process of turning the church over to their

Landmine 7 Fear of Money
  • The roots of fear or neglect of money relates to
    the church planters personal rejection issues,
    coupled with a skeptical society rampant with
    stories of financial abuse.

  • Agree on some foundational issues God blesses
    faithful stewards its not about what the church
    needs, its about what the Lord wants its okay
    to teach about tithing.
  • Create a Stewardship Culture. Suggestion to use
    Gods Guarantee Card, ala John Maxwell. (Gives
    back everything given after 90 days if the Lord
    doesnt bless.)
  • Recommend the traditional offering rather than an
    offering box. If you use an offering box must
    still model and teach stewardship.

Solutions (cont)
  • Financial seminars, small groups and
  • Bulletin and newsletter reminders.
  • Capital campaigns.
  • Finally, be seeker friendly. Its very possible
    to teach and model good stewardship without being
    labeled as money-hungry.

Landmine 8 Underestimating Spiritual Warfare
  • You may know that prayer is not the preparation
    for the battle, prayer is the battle. If you
    dont believe it you will step on landmine number
    8. Those involved in church planting need to
    approach it with a biblical worldview, having a
    healthy respect for the unseen world. Spiritual
    warfare as it is levied against church planters
    and their churches can be placed into one of
    three categories discouragement, distractions,
    or disqualifications.

Ideas for Creating a God-dependent Church
  • Create a culture of dependence. Regularly
    communicate and set the tone that this is a
    church that needs God.
  • Intercession Teams.
  • Specialized Prayer Teams. One idea, a prayer
    meeting at 6am that is only to pray for growing
    church attendance, conversions, and hurting
  • Fasting

Ideas for Creating a God-dependent Church (cont)
  • Specialized Prayer Meetings.
  • Prayers for Healing.
  • The Individual Prayer Life of the Leader. There
    seems to be at least a correlational linkage
    between the spiritual vitality of a leader and
    the blessing of God on the movement.

Landmine 9 Misfiring on Hiring
  • Getting the right people in your organization
    will determine the level of success that you will

The Youth Pastor Mistake and the
Shepherd-Equipper Tension.
  • There is nothing that will institutionalize your
    church more than hiring a full time youth pastor.
    Hiring a full time youth pastor as your first
    staff person reinforces the idea that only
    professionals can do ministry rather than the
    idea of staff being the equippers of ministry.
  • An equipping leader can recruit, train, and coach
    other leaders to do the ministry of the church.

Problem of Settling for What You Can Afford
  • There are no blue light specials when it comes to
    finding exceptional people.
  • Churches tend to look for stability, structure,
    subordinates, saving money, someone to shape.
  • Impact players look for excitement,
    flexibility, partnerships, compensation, to shape

  • First hire should be a part-time specialist
    focusing on the areas worship, childrens
    ministry, or administration. These ministries
    directly affect the Sunday morning attendance.
  • If you are going to hire a full-time person, then
    hire a generalist, a leader who can oversee and
    equip leaders in several areas of the ministry.
  • Develop a Process for Hiring. What do they look
    like? Where do You Find Them? What do you do When
    They are in Front of You? How do You Make the

Landmine 10 Delaying Mission Engagement
  • Most new churches and planters declare that their
    mission includes participating in the greater
    mission of building Gods Kingdom around the
    world and often that they want to be a
    reproducing church planting other churches.
    But, somewhere along the way diversions occur or
    a shift of the heart takes place.

Too Weak, Too Strong, and the Curse of the Y
  • Some churches are not as strong as originally
    anticipated, finances are tight, and the workload
    is heavy. These churches see themselves as too
    weak to give away people or money or prayer
    beyond their own needs.
  • Just the opposite can also occur. The church has
    grown to a certain level of success and health.
    For some mysterious reason the Y word- yet-
    appears. Were not ready yet to give or
    sacrifice or take risks. The church wants to
    buy land, or add a staff person, or any number of
    other causes and this leads them to think that
    they are not ready yet.

Reasons to be a Missional Church
  • Our theology requires it.
  • God blesses generosity.
  • Obligation and integrity. (to the ones who made
    your journey possible, the denomination or
    sending body.)
  • The need

Ways to Maintain Your Missional Commitment
  • Plant a daughter church. (Birth before we
  • Be generous. Dont wait to be obedient to the
    Lord. Give away at least 10.
  • Participate in the life of the denomination or
    sending agency.
  • International Missions Involvement.

Case Study
  • The Pointe Church of the Nazarene White House,

  • Lead Pastor and church planter, Todd Bush has
    served for more than fifteen years in
    contemporary church ministry, beginning ministry
    working extensively with youth and young adults,
    then serving nearly thirteen years as Lead/Senior
    Pastor.  Todd has been married for nearly
    fourteen years to Yolanda and they have three
    wonderful sons Elijah who is eleven years old,
    Levi who is seven years old, and Joel who is
    three years old.

  • Worship Creative Arts Pastor, Bill Petty
    was born and raised in Nashville. Bill and Cinda
    have two precious children, Eve and William.
    Bill's passion is to serve God and influence
    others through ministry founded in music and
    arts. In 2007, God introduced Bill to Pastor Todd
    Bush, revealing a common vision for a new
    ministry in White House, TN. Bills
    accomplishments include Male Vocalist of the Year
    for the 2008 CIA Music Awards.

  • Senior Adult Pastor, Jack Oden is a native of
    Nashville, TN. Jack and Faye have been married
    for 39 years and have two children and two
    grandchildren. Jack has been an ordained
    minister since 1985 and in full-time ministry for
    25 years. Senior Adult Night takes
    place on Wednesday nights _at_ 630 pm. 

White House, Tennessee
  • 2000 Population 32,136
  • 2000 Unclaimed estimate 16,768
  • 2008 Estimated Population 38,427
  • Above average Growth expected
  • 2013 Population Projection 42,410
  • 41.4 of households have children compared to
    National average of 33.4

(No Transcript)
White House, Tennessee
The Pointe Church of the Nazarene
  • Began in Community Center 09/2007
  • Averaging 125 to 150 in Worship
  • Multiple Community Outreach Events
  • First Steps and Next Steps
  • Connect Groups
  • Contemporary Worship


Land Mines include
  • Ignoring personal health and growth
  • Lack of leadership development
  • Leadership backlash
  • Personal Evangelism entropy
  • Corporate Evangelism entropy
  • Inadequate Enfolding Strategy
  • Fear of money
  • Underestimating spiritual warfare
  • Misfiring on hiring
  • Delaying Missions Engagement
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