Title: 50 Wellington Street and 67 Darling Street Brantford, Ontario
150 Wellington Street and 67 Darling
StreetBrantford, Ontario
2History of Nipissing in Brantford
- 2002- agreement signed between Wilfrid Laurier
and Nipissing to offer a concurrent education
program with 30 students in a pilot - 2006-first graduating class with 25 graduates
- Shared space with Laurier Brantford in the
Carnegie building and Grand River Hall
3Darling Street Building-2005
- 6 classrooms
- 8 offices
- Student study lounge
- Kitchen
- Wireless with video projectors in each classroom
- Small parking lot
4Provincial Grant-2007
550 Wellington Street
- 6 classrooms
- 2 lecture theatres
- Student study areas
- Technologically-advanced
- Large parking lot
6Orientation Day 2008
- The new building opened on September 8, 2008
- We welcomed 231 new first year students
7Official Opening
839 Nelson St.-Home of GVES
9Education Programs2008-09
- Laurier-Nipissing Concurrent Education BA/BEd
Program - Nipissing Consecutive Education BEd Program
- Nipissing Masters of Education courses
- Nipissing Additional Qualifications courses
- 661 Concurrent Education Students
- 79 Consecutive Education Students
- Approximately 60 part-time Masters students
yearly - Approximately 250 part-time AQ students
11Faculty and Staff
- Director and Administrative Assistant
- Academic Advisor
- 3 Practicum Staff
- Custodian and technician (part-time)
- 9 Full-time faculty
- 22 Part-time faculty
12Goal 1 To Enhance Our Academic Programs and
Research Capacity
- Program Review
- Program Development
- Graduate Programs
- Research Culture
- Quality Courses
- Faculty Development
13Dr. David Booth
Dr. David Booth was invited to give presentations
on Literacy in February 2007 and March 2008 to
the students and faculty of the Brantford campus.
- Faculty members are involved in various research
projects - Self Study in Teacher Education
- Brantford Collegiate Literacy Project
- Sierra Leone Research
- Mentorship Research
- Physical Education Assessment Research
- Music Literacy Research
- Technology Research
15Gifted Outreach Conference2006/07/08
- First year students are paired with senior
students in the practicum in order to provide
guidance and support.
Mentorship was a great experience! It gave me
the opportunity to teach alongside another person
and gain more than just a singular teaching
experience. It was awesome to be able to share
lesson and classroom management ideas with each
other. It was a really phenomenal learning
experience and I would recommend it for
everyone. Shannon, Year 4 Nipissing Brantford
17Mock Kindergarten Room
18Alternative PlacementsW Ross MacDonald School
- Our teacher candidates are placed in a variety of
schools to work with diverse students.
19Italy Practicum
20LAquila, Italy
- Three groups of student teachers have gone to
Kenya in association with Free the Children to
teach and to build schools, under the direction
of Dr. Sandra Reid
22 China
- Groups of student teachers have gone to China to
teach in Chinese and English-Canadian schools
23Goal 2 To Enhance Our Student Experience
- Attractive Features of Program
- Recruitment Strategies
- Clubs and Projects
- Partnerships and Agreements
- Retention of Students
- Graduation, Convocation, Alumni
- Students are invited to provide input and
feedback for program enhancement. - Students are involved in such areas as
professional development and program
implementation. - Students are taking a leadership role in
environmental awareness.
25Circle K Social Club
- This student club is organized and sponsored by
the Kiwanis Club. It blends community service
and leadership training with the opportunity to
meet assist needy children - Hockey Game
- Food Drive
- Santa Claus Parade
- Mitten Tree Campaign
26Santa Claus Parade2007, 2008
27Nipissing Brantford Hockey Team
28Fill the Bus Food Drive
- A food drive has been conducted each year of our
program and donated to the Brantford Food Bank
29School College Work Initiative
- The School College Work Initiative is an exciting
local partnership whereby Teacher Candidates in
Year 3 and Year 4 of the Concurrent Education
program participate in developing connections
between elementary and secondary schools and
community colleges. This is done to help build
awareness and understanding of pathways leading
to college programs. -
The School College Work Initiative provided an
opportunity for us to get a glimpse of
educational paths, outside of our own experience.
As a future teacher, itll be great to be able
to give a first hand account of more than one
post-secondary path to my students.
Christina, Nipissing Brantford Graduate
30Goal 3 To Improve Our Learning Resources and
- Realignment of Offices
- Brantford Library
- New Building 50 Wellington
- Technological Resources
- Professional Development Resources
- Development of Regional Campus
31 Video Conferencing
- Both of our lecture theatres are equipped with
the latest Polycom video conferencing equipment
which allows us to connect to our other campuses
and to colleagues around the world. - A portable video conferencing unit is also
available which allows us to offer video
conferencing capabilities in any room, office or
meeting space.
32 Technologies
- Nipissing students have the opportunity to use
many of the innovative products designed by SMART
Technologies in both classroom and workshop
Interactive Whiteboard
33 Technologies
- The SMART Document camera allows teachers to
interactively display any object or printed
material into their lessons.
Document Camera
34New Initiative Mobile Learning Lab
- Apple Mobile Learning Labs provide an excellent
solution for schools that need an affordable way
to increase student access to the latest
technology. - Ready to roll into any classroom, this complete
lab conveniently brings innovative digital tools
right to where learning is taking place.
35Goal 4 To Develop Our People and Structures
- Quality Staff and Faculty
- Positions of Responsibility
- Refinement of Staff Roles
- Communication with Staff and Faculty
- Professional Development Opportunities
36New People and Structures
- Organizational chart
- Monday Message from the director
- Group email addresses
- Nipissing Newsletter for students
- New academic advisor, custodian and technician
37New Staff Positions
- As a new staff member and a graduate of the
concurrent education program, I am able to apply
the skills and knowledge that I have acquired in
the program to my new position as a practicum
placement coordinator.
I enjoyed my program and teaching
internationally in Italy was an experience I will
never forget! It challenged me to use different
teaching strategies geared for those who arent
fluent in English. Being able to go abroad and
teach is an opportunity of a lifetime, and
Nipissing gave that to me! Ruth, Nipissing
Brantford Graduate
38Goal 5 To Enhance Our Profile
- Profile with New and Present Students
- Profile with Main Campus
- Profile with City of Brantford
- Profile with Laurier Brantford
- Partnerships (colleges, universities, educational
- Grand Valley Educational Society
- Downtown Action Committee
- Town and Gown Committee
- Best Start Network
- Chamber of Commerce
- Grand River School College Work Initiative
40Dr. David Suzuki
- Nipissing field-tested his Nature Challenge
lesson plans - Educators from various areas were invited to
offer their ideas
41New Street Signage
42Visitors to the Kindergarten Room
43Goal 6 To Build Growth and Viability
- Increase Intake and Retention
- Five Year Concurrent Program
- New Programs
- Development Campaign for 50 Wellington
- Alumni Engagement and Data
44Awards and Donations
- Advancement Committee has been formed with
community members - Numerous awards have been established by
individuals and groups - Awards have been presented at the Convocation
Dinner - Naming opportunities are available for both
buildings and each room - Presentation to community and service groups
45Trip to North Bay campusJanuary 2008Alumni
46Future Plans
- Full-time Masters of Education Program
- Collaboration with Mohawk and Laurier in Early
Childhood Education - Expand the teachable subjects and course
offerings - Further Partnerships with school boards and
alternative placements - Addition of new positions in advancement and
public relations?
47 Thank You
- Sincere thanks to the Board of Governors
- Your support and direction are appreciated
- Nipissing Brantford looks forward to further
growth - We are proud to be a part of the Nipissing