Title: Realise the longterm climate change integrations
1CLIVAR Contributions to Implementation of the
WCRP Strategic Framework Priorities to 2013 and
Jim Hurrell and Howard Cattle
2Outline of JSC-30 presentation
- Mission and Objectives
- Organization
- Contributions to WCRP Implementation Plan
- Unifying COPES Themes
- WCRP Cross Cuts
- Priorities Over the Next 5 years
- Frontiers Beyond 2013
- Infrastructure Needs
- Issues for JSC Consideration
3CLIVAR input to WCRP Implementation Plan
- Latest CLIVAR Draft 25 March 2009
- Updated in response to comments from JSC
- (on 11 February 2009 version)
- A work in progress In particular, CLIVAR
SSG-16 - (Madrid, 19-22 May 2009) will
- Review, reaffirm and build consensus on the
- intermediate- term priorities
- More fully address JSC comments/concerns,
- including how to deliver on CLIVAR
contributions - Focus on emerging science challenges for
- 2013 and beyond
4Priorities Over the Next 5 years
- Organize around
- ACC, decadal and seasonal prediction, monsoon
- and extremes cross cuts under COPES
- Additional focus on observations, synthesis and
- ocean modeling as a particular CLIVAR
contributions - to overarching COPES themes
- Asked each panel to identify top priorities
under - each topic above (as appropriate)
- 2-3 imperatives for each topic (15 total)
- Reflects breadth and depth of activities
5Priorities Over the Next 5 years
Imperative 1
- Anthropogenic Climate Change
- Realize long-term climate change integrations
under - WGCM/AIMES/IAM joint planning
6Priorities Over the Next 5 years
Imperative 2
- Anthropogenic Climate Change
- Promote analysis of CMIP5
7Priorities Over the Next 5 years
Imperative 2
- Anthropogenic Climate Change
- Promote analysis of CMIP5
- Explore regional change through regional panels
8Priorities Over the Next 5 years
Imperatives 3-5
- Decadal Variability and Predictions
- (Key Focus Across CLIVAR)
- To what extent is decadal variability in the
oceans - and atmosphere predictable?
- What are the mechanisms of variability?
Predictability Determined by Mechanisms
- Interactions of Forced
- and Natural Variability
9Priorities Over the Next 5 years
Imperatives 3-5
- Decadal Variability and Predictions
- (Key Focus Across CLIVAR)
- To what extent is decadal variability in the
oceans - and atmosphere predictable?
- What are the mechanisms of variability?
10Priorities Over the Next 5 years
Imperatives 3-5
- Decadal Variability and Predictions
- (Key Focus Across CLIVAR)
- Do we have the proper tools to realize the
- predictability?
- (Coupled) data assimilation systems to
initialize models?
- Models good enough to make skillful
11Priorities Over the Next 5 years
Imperatives 3-5
- Decadal Variability and Predictions
- (Key Focus Across CLIVAR)
- First attempts already underway
12Priorities Over the Next 5 years
Imperatives 6-8
- Seasonal Prediction (see also April 2009 WCRP
Report) - Realize CHFP as WCRP-wide activity leading to
- improved predictions
- Experimental Protocol defined
- 10 Participating Groups (12 models)
- Development of diagnostic subprojects
- Building links for pan-WCRP involvement
GEWEX GLACE-2 SPARC Stratospheric Historical
Forecast Project CliC Snow Cover Impact
- Data Distribution Strategy in Place
Three distributed data servers Data can be
downloaded in common format and grid
13Priorities Over the Next 5 years
Imperatives 6-8
- Seasonal (and Longer-Term) Prediction
- Facilitate completion of key process studies
- Improve prediction of key tropical modes (ENSO,
14Priorities Over the Next 5 years
Imperative 9
- Monsoons and African Climate Variability
- Contribute to improved predictions through
- Leveraging key WCRP modeling experiments
diagnostic subprojects
15Priorities Over the Next 5 years
Imperative 10
- Extremes
- With GEWEX organized focused WCRP activity
16Priorities Over the Next 5 years
Imperative 10
- Extremes
- With GEWEX organized focused WCRP activity
- Initial thrust on drought
17Priorities Over the Next 5 years
Imperative 11
- Improved Ocean Models (WGOMD)
- Key to achieving CLIVAR/WCRP goals for ocean
- analysis, seasonal and decadal prediction and
- anthropogenic climate change
Atlantic MOC index from a suite of coupled
climate models
Differences in amplitude and time scale of
simulated MOC variability Perfect model
predictability experiments would likely show
correspondingly distinct behaviors
18Priorities Over the Next 5 years
Imperative 11
- Improved Ocean Models (WGOMD)
- Key to achieving CLIVAR/WCRP goals for ocean
- analysis, seasonal and decadal prediction and
- anthropogenic climate change
WGOMD Coordinated Ocean-ice Reference
CORE-I Results 500 yr repeating annual cycle
- CORE-II protocol
- Interannually-varying forcing
- based on analysis products
- Web-based repository for evaluating
- ocean simulations (REOS)
19Priorities Over the Next 5 years
Imperative 12
- Continue development of ocean synthesis
- products and reanalysis
20Priorities Over the Next 5 years
Imperative 13
- Further development/implementation of
- Pacific and Indian Ocean systems
- Development of Southern Ocean (with
- SCAR) and South Atlantic systems
- strategy for future ocean hydrography,
- carbon and biogeochemistry
- measurements through GO_SHIP
- Refine and augment Argo
- Facilitate implementation of network
- of autonomous measurements
- of deep ocean (deep Argo)
21Priorities Over the Next 5 years
Imperatives 14-15
- Develop and Strengthen Interactions with
- Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Communities
- Develop and strengthen existing links with IGBP
(ESSP/CGP,IOCCP), - fisheries (ICESPICES), and many other
regional - efforts e.g. SIBER (INDIAN OCEAN)
- Joint targeted workshops
- Develop ocean carbon aspects of ocean
synthesis - activities (WGCM with IGBP AIMES/WGOMD
22CLIVAR ImperativesBuilding a Consensus
- Discuss for max 15 Minutes each Imperative.
- Tonight think about what it means for the SSG
family to execute them. - Tomorrow decide on mechanisms to follow through
and how these are leading us toward addressing
the grand challenges.
23CLIVAR ImperativesBuilding a Consensus
- The Imperatives were put together in response to
the request of input to the WCRP Strategic
Framework - We had organized and communicated them along the
WCRP crosscutting activities - Numbers are not in order of importance
- Pay attention if we have missed out something
- Map out in your mind the contributions from your
group of experts
24The Dimensions of CLIVAR Science
25The Dimensions of CLIVAR Science
26Themes we have used to organize the imperatives
- Anthropogenic Climate Change (I1 I2)
- Decadal Variability / Prediction (I3 I4 I5)
- Seasonal Prediction (I6 I7 I8)
- Monsoons (I9)
- Extremes (I10)
- Development of global observing system, modeling,
reanalysis (I11 I12 I13 I14) - Process Observations (I7)
27I1 Analysis of Climate Change Integrations
28(No Transcript)
29(No Transcript)
30(No Transcript)
31I2 Regional Aspects of ACC through regional models
32To explore regional aspects of ACC through CLIVAR
regional studies, including use of regional
- What are the factors that make a region to be
poorly (or adequately) represented?
- Teleconnection mechanisms?
- (O-A-L)
- Regional processes?
- (O-A, L-A, O-A-L)
33To explore regional aspects of ACC through CLIVAR
regional studies, including use of regional
Regional Features in Claris-LPB and AMMA case
studies (Prepared by Daniela Jacob, for the
CLARIS-LPB meeting at the Lund RCM Wshop) But
applicable to NARCCAP, Asian Monsoon, Somali Jet)
- (Some) dynamical flow features in the regions
- Subtropical highs
- Trades/monsoons (WAM)
- Jet streams (AEJ, LLJ)
- Mesoscale convective systems (MCS)
- Regional/local characteristics
- Land sea/lake breezes, orography (eg. Ethiopian
highlands, Andes) - Studies of interactions of large scale flows with
convective systems using high resolution models
are part of both AMMA and Claris-LPB (RCM) -
- High resolutions for oceans and along the coast
also needed (coupled AORCM)
34To explore regional aspects of ACC through CLIVAR
regional studies, including use of regional
- Improvement of regional scenarios
- Need to understand why a region is poorly
represented, but as important, why other regions
are properly represented -both through process
studies (e.g., role of land cover changes) - Identify a useful set of metrics to assess
vulnerability (time or temperature approach?
Ref Ongoing discussion in Claris LPB) - Such questions require the involvement of
regional projects with an understanding of the
regional climate. - - TFRCD - WGCM
- - CORDEX (COordinated Regional climate
Downscaling Experiment) - - NARCCAP
- - AMMA
35To explore regional aspects of ACC through CLIVAR
regional studies, including use of regional
- Timeline depends on TFRCD and CORDEX progress,
but links should be established within one year. - Identify common subjects of interest (e.g., at
the recent RCM meeting in Lund it became evident
that groups like NARCCAP, Claris LPB and AMMA
have many issues in common) - (List the needs from national/regional programs)
- CLIVAR regional groups need to begin
interactions with the modeling community,
particularly the TFRCD. Joint workshop? - List the needs from CLIVAR (workshops, working
group etc.)
36I3 Decadal Prediction
37I4 ACC, patterns/modes, decadal variability
38CLIVAR Imperative 4 Impacts of anthropogenic
forcing on the dominant patterns of decadal
variability and the interactions between the two
Helge Drange
- Anthropogenic forcing
- GHGs, ozone aerosols
- Direct effect
- GHGs e.g. increased SST and SSS (with spatial
variations) changes in hydrography cryosphere
and albedo changes in soil moisture weakened
Walker circulation, - Ozone Increased southern ocean wind stress
- Aerosols Land-sea contrast continental
patterns - Amplified (non-linear) response
- e.g. Arctic warming melting tundra (CO2CH4)
marine and terrestrial CO2-uptake weakened AMOC
future of overflows - Uncertainty related to future (anthropogenicfeedb
ack) forcing - Multi-model sensitivity experiments needed
(2-degree or 6 deg warming?) - Tipping points/regime shifts
- For instance related to the combined effect of
anthropogenic forcing, natural forcing
(sunvolcanoes) and extreme phases of natural
39CLIVAR Imperative 4 Impacts of anthropogenic
forcing on the dominant patterns of decadal
variability and the interactions between the two
Helge Drange
- Risk for abrupt changes
- Combined effect of anthropogenic and natural
forcing, natural variability - Remote response
- e.g. Indian/western Pacific SST -gt NAO response
-gt N Atl SPG -gt AMOC/AMO - General issues
- (Non-)Stationarity/(un-)stable relationship
between forcing and response - The extent to which the background climate state
influence the variability modes - Time window
- Today next few decades end of the 21st century
- All considerations
- Variability in nature (can the instrumental
record be complemented by temporal and spatial
high-resolution paleoclimate reconstructions?) - Variability in models (do model deficiencies,
biases or drift influence the variability
characteristic of the model?) need for
multi-model approach
40CLIVAR Imperative 4 Impacts of anthropogenic
forcing on the dominant patterns of decadal
variability and the interactions between the two
Helge Drange
- International (CLIVAR) effort to help make
progress - Available and new instrumental observations,
paleoclimate reconstructions (timespace), theory
(e.g., teleconnection), modelling - Focus on interplay between anthropogenic forcing,
natural forcing and extreme phases of the
variability modes may lead to rapid and/or
irreversible changes? - Urgent need to identify critical anthropogenic
forcing to reduce likelyhood for abrupt (or
irreversible) changes - CLIVARs role
- Dedicated workshop (based on CMIP5?)
- Engagement between Working Groups link
observations and observation strategies,
peleoclimatic records, model improvement
(deficiencies, biases, drift) and extensive
modelling assessments - Focus on a few processes/regions (Atlantic-Arctic
is one candidate)
41I5 Oceans role in decadal variability
42Improve understanding of the oceans role in
decadal variability through coordinated
monitoring modeling
- Internal variability (AMV, PDV) has clear
societal impacts (e.g. hurricane activity,
regional drought, fisheries)
- AMV MOC plays role spatial pattern
(hemispheric SST dipole) - PDO weak ocean-atmosphere coupling -?
- Likely that AMV / PDV cannot be understood
- External GHG and aerosol forcings will alter
statistics of these regional patterns
43Improve understanding of the oceans role in
decadal variability through coordinated
monitoring modeling
- Scientific Challenges
- Observations
- Provide initial conditions for assimilation into
models (new technologies) - Measure basin-scale mass transports, and
storage/transports of heat, FW, carbon (until
models accurately reproduce these) - Partnerships with assimilation community
(evaluation of products) and Carbon community
- Modeling
- Identify and fix model biases (may differ on
regional basis) - Reproduce observed ocean transports ( improved
resolution, physical parameterizations) - Determine mechanisms of decadal to multi-decadal
variability - Separate influences of internal variability from
external forcings
44Improve understanding of the oceans role in
decadal variability through coordinated
monitoring modeling
- Near term (2009 - 2013)
- Implement MOC observing system at various
latitudes (N. Atl subpolar, S. Atl subtropics
continue RAPID, MOVE, Line W) and passages
(Drake, Agulhas, Arctic-subArctic) - Implement deep ocean observing system
- Funded at national, institutional levels, but
internationally coordinated - Workshops needed to develop plans,
proposals - Address model biases, consistency of simulated
ocean transports - Multi-model experimentation, internationally
coordinated - Working Groups to document various biases by
analyzing large sets of models and synthesis
products (perhaps on regional basis) - Longer term (2013)
- Converge to sustained ocean observing system for
initialization and verification of models -
45I6 Climate System Historical Forecast Project
46To realise the Climate System Historical Forecast
Project (CHFP) as a WCRP-wide activity leading to
improved seasonal predictions
- Provide baseline assessment of seasonal
prediction capabilities using the best available
models and data for initialization - Observing system design and assessment
- Model improvements
- Provide experimental framework for focused
research on how various components of the climate
system interact and affect one another - Provide a test bed for evaluating IPCC class
models in seasonal prediction and WX prediction
systems on (sub-)seasonal timescales
47- Completing baseline experiment
- Ensuring data accessibility
- Encouraging diagnostic sub-projects
- Collaboration with ENSEMBLES, APCC
- Completing climate component interaction
experiments - Collaboration GEWEX-GLACE, SPARC, CliC
- Extending WX models to (sub-)seasonal (THORPEX)
- Extending beyond the baseline
- Model improvements process studies
- Observing system assessment, design
- IPCC/AR5 seasonal prediction participation
48- Data availability (CIMA, APCC) Baseline
completed - June 2009-July 2010
- GLACE July 2010
- Diagnostic sub-projects Additional follow-on
experiments? - Programmatic support () for sub-projects and
follow-on experiments (AR5 contribution) - Support for WGSIP/CIMA meeting
- CliC, GEWEX, SPARC Participation
- Support for close-out workshop (AR5 contribution)
49I7 Complete CLIVAR endorsed campaigns
50Facilitate key CLIVAR-endorsed observational
campaigns and their data legacy for CLIVAR
- Mostly process studies
- Wide-spread scientific themes (time- and
space-scales, locations, etc) - (TACE, SPICE, NPOCE, VOCALS, MESA, LPB, AMMA,
AMY, WAVES, TRIO, ASOF, KESS, CLIMODE, DIMES, ) - Focusing on processes that are important for
better understanding of monsoon systems, regional
ocean circulations, air-sea interactions,
hydrological cycles, etc.
51Facilitate key CLIVAR-endorsed observational
campaignsand their data legacy for CLIVAR
- Scientific targets and challenges are provided in
the science plan of each activity - Collaboration with local/national observational
activities and researches - Collaboration among the process studies, with
large-scale observing systems - Inputs from and feedbacks to the integrated
modeling activities are required - (what is the required observations, what is the
best data stream, how to implement a new
understandings and parameterizations, ) - Extension to long-term observations
52Facilitate key CLIVAR-endorsed observational
campaignsand their data legacy for CLIVAR
- Coordination of related observational studies
under SSG and/or each panel - Data portal for the CLIVAR-endorsed campaigns
- OceanObs09 good opportunity for the ocean
related studies to know other activities (Met.
Land surface?) - A workshop to enhance collaboration among the
observational activities and with modeling
activities (2010 or 2011?) (or at CLIVAR Science
53I8 Tropical Modes of Variability
54Imperative 8
- To reduce uncertainties in the role of modes of
tropical variability - for seasonal and decadal prediction
- ENSO and MJO (review paper in preparation,
Lengaigne et al.) - ENSO and annual cycle (Timmermann New linear
framework submitted to JCL to explain the
seasonal synchronization of ENSO events. Still
unresolved mechanisms for frequency entrainment) - ENSO and Atlantic zonal mode (Atlantic Nino)
Remote forcing from ENSO (the atmospheric
response), and local air-sea interaction that
works against the atmospheric response. - ENSO and Atlantic meridional mode (CGCMs
demonstate that Caribbean temperatures can affect
ENSO amplitude very significantly, needed are
proxy data for ENSO and the AMM to verify this
relation interactions with PAGES needed joint
PAGES-CLIVAR workshop on interbasin interactions
) - ENSO and the IOD CGCMs shows that without the
IOD, ENSO properties (amplitude, frequency )
change significantly, need to understand the
two-way interaction - ENSO and Indian monsoon Some El Niños create
drought while some dont Unstable relationship
on decadal scales
56Implementation better simulation of modes of
variability (ENSO) (hard to put a timeline)
- Cold bias removal
- Simulation of TIWs, WWBs, and ISO
- Better representation of annual cycle
overtuning of thermocline sharpness may improve
ENSO but weaken annual cycle performance - Better representation of convection and global
teleconnections - New diagnostic tools (BJ index) to identify the
main physical deficiencies of CGCMs in terms of
ENSO performance gt could be adopted for Atlantic
Nino - Better representation of ENSO, its irregularity,
flavour, and teleconnections, is pre-requisite to
improve representation of Pacific decadal
57Implementation Seasonal and Decadal Prediction
(hard to put a timeline)
- Improvements in seasonal prediction of ENSO rely
on a better representation of WWBs, MJO, annual
cycle and ENSO growth - Application of BJ index framework to ENSEMBLES,
CLIIPAS and DEMETER data - This would give enormous insight into why
different prediction models perform differently - A large part of the decadal signal in the Pacific
is an ENSO residual. Decadal predictions can be
useless, if the ENSO performance and
representation of teleconnections do not improve - Examination of how decadal signals project onto
interannaul scales?
58Cross-panel activities
- Tropical variability and greenhouse warming
- (Perth conference, review paper on ENSO and
Climate Change in preparation, Matt Collins,
Wenju Cai) - Atlantic panel could initiate activity to
diagnose the effects of greenhouse warming on the
Atlantic Niño and meridional mode - AAMP/Indian Ocean Panel could initiate activity
to diagnose effects of greenhouse warming on the
IOD - Due to the interaction of the IOD, ENSO, Atlantic
variability, this could become a nice cross-basin
panel activity
60I9 Global Monsoon Systems
61Imperative 9 contribute to improved prediction
of the global monsoon systems and African climate
variability, including capacity building.
ENSO (and maybe IOD) predictable 2-3 seasons, but
cant predict monsoon even at short lead time.
Statistical schemes are no better.
LT 1mnth
Pre-monsoon SON
Monsoon DJF
Rainfall Forecast Skill Anomaly Correlation from
dynamical hindcasts 1980-2006
- Stymied by
- Lousy models poor representation of convection
(diurnal cycle, ISV/MJO), land surface
processes, resolution, coupling with upper ocean - Lousy initialization upper ocean,
convection/rain, land surface - But maybe seasonal monsoon is inherently
unpredictable - Other sources of predictability beyond ENSO
Atlantic, Indian Ocean, land surface..?
62BoM prediction from 1/1/86
Monsoons dominated by ISV Enormous scope for
practical application of skilful IntraSeasonal
forecasts maybe of more utility than seasonal
prediction because seasonal variability low, ISV
high Ability/techniques to predict monsoon ISV
unknown, but promising
63- Scientific challenges
- Improved models, especially convection, monsoon
expression of MJO/ISV, land surface processes,
upper ocean mixed layer - Coordinated assessment of representation of key
monsoon components, esp MJO/ISV and its monsoon
signature, diurnal cycle, land surface - Determination of limits of predictability
ISV-IA-decadal - Improved initialization (upper-deep
ocean/land/ice) - Intraseasonal initialization/ensemble generation
- Development and delivery of useful prediction
products (capitalize on whats predcitable)
64- Promote diagnostic sub-projects of CLIVAR-CHFP
and GEWEX-GLACE2 - establish limits of seasonal monsoon
predictability, impact of land surface
initialization, benefit of higher resolution,
., (funds for post-doc-PI to take lead) - Promote WCRP-IMS project on Reproduction and
Prediction of Monsoon ISO - Support monsoon ISV prediction experiment (Bin
Wang/Duane Waliser) - Support proposed MJO Task Force
- Facilitate coordination of the ISV
prediction/simulation projects for AMY07- 12,
YOTC, VAMOS, AMMA,. - Monsoon ISV prediction/simulation Workshop
2010 - Monsoon regions encompass many countries with
limited resources for operational prediction and
research - Capacity building is critical scientific
expertise, operational capability, product
development and delivery - Support for regional participation in ISV/MJO
prediction workshop - Support for regional participation in CHFP
sub-project on monsoon prediction/assessment
65I10 Extrems
66Organized focused WCRP activity on climate
extremes (with GEWEX)
- Extremes matter...demand for info
- Extremes research observe, detect, attribute,
model, predictability, experimental prediction - Climate variability affects extremes -
attribution becoming clearer. We may find some
predictability (seasonal and longer) for some
extremes (e.g. drought). - What about ocean extremes such as warm temps
leading to coral bleaching and sea ice retreat?
67Organized focused WCRP activity on climate
extremes (with GEWEX)
- Implementing a drought prediction imperative
- CLIVAR-GEWEX Drought Interest Group (DIG) - see
submitted report) - Challenges
- Many disparate activities within CLIVAR/GEWEX
could contribute, but few/none have done so. - Requires close collaboration between GEWEX and
CLIVAR, with ties to CLiC. Drought doesnt fit
neatly within WCRP! - Maintaining focus amidst high expectations.
Drought is a multi-disciplinary and, at times,
societally driven extreme.
- Implementing additional foci on extremes
- Increased level of planning/consideration of
extremes with regional Panels, modeling Panels,
and ETCCDI (who has been doing this for some
time). Sharper focus on extremes highly
68Organized focused WCRP activity on climate
extremes (with GEWEX)
- Timeline
- 2009 Build inventory of drought-related research
activities, entrain regional expertise into DIG,
develop draft publication outline (assessment of
drought prediction-ability) - 2010 Develop draft drought publication. Plan
international drought (prediction-themed)
workshop complete/round out the drought
publication - Program needs (national/regional)
- Evaluate regional drought predictability (use
existing and new modeling experiments) - Other drought research
- Needs from CLIVAR
- Continued staff support (thanks Anna!)
- Financial support for DIG to meet formally to
plan the publication and workshop - Support from WCRP/CLIVAR for an international
workshop (2010/earl 2011)
69I11 Coupled Models (focus on Ocean)
70CLIVAR Imperative Realize scientifically robust
coupled model simulations and improve the ocean
components within them
- Three key areas where ocean climate models are
essential - AMOC and Arctic variability, predictability,
stability (including ice) - Sea level rise thermal expansion
ocean/ice-shelf interactions - Southern Ocean dynamical and biogeochemical
(esp. carbon cycle) response to increasing
AMOC anomaly in coupled models from NCAR and
GFDL. From Hurrell et al.OceanObs09
Southern ocean temp and density change. From
Boening et al. (2008)
71CLIVAR Imperative Realize scientifically robust
coupled model simulations and improve the ocean
components within them
- Challenges for physical processes in ocean
models - AMOC and Arctic
- mesoscale and submesocale eddies parameterized
and/or resolved - boundary currents and gyres transport and eddy
generation - water mass formation, including overflows and
deep convection - poleward heat to the Arctic and its impact on sea
ice - Sea level rise
- steric effects water mass properties and
non-Boussinesq kinematics - ice-shelf/ocean interactions dynamic solid
boundaries and flow under shelves - Southern ocean
- effects from mesoscale eddies (e.g., saturation)
not presently robust across models - shelf interactions for downslope flows
(ventilation) often missing or poorly represented - topographic interactions steer mean flows and
generate eddies - Drift and biases Greatly handicap simulations,
requiring improved processes, better numerics,
and improved component models (ocean, atmosphere,
land, sea and land ice). This issue will
continue to limit our ability to address the key
questions above, and others such as ocean
acidification. - Partnerships to evolve understanding and improve
models - Process modelers and theorists fundamentals and
parameterizations - Climate modelers processes and sensitivities in
larger context, and motivate areas for
measurements - Observationalists guidance and feedback from
72CLIVAR Imperative Realize scientifically robust
coupled model simulations and improve the ocean
components within them
- Timeline 10 years to garner robust
understanding and quantification of
uncertainties, which in particular should provide
better idea of what models must either resolve or
can parameterize. - enhanced studies of processes
- experiences with refined ocean and coupled models
- continued measurements and comparison to
simulations - Needs from programs and CLIVAR
- Climate Process Teams proven venue to help
improve climate models - Workshops (a few suggestions)
- Role of ocean in decadal variability and
predictability of AMOC - Physics of sea level observed and projected
patterns and magnitudes - Physics and biogeochemistry in a changing
Southern Ocean - WGOMD specific activities
- Sponsor/organize above workshops
- Coordinated Ocean-ice Reference Experiments
(Drange on Thursday) - Collaborate w/ WGCM to coordinate CMIP5 analyses
with ocean focus
73I12 Ocean and Coupled Reanalysis
74Develop ocean and coupled synthesis/reanalysis
systems providing input to present and future
decadal prediction efforts
- Major uncertainties in predictions (SI and
DEC/CEN) originate from uncertainties in the
models initial condition and from errors in
coupled models. - Ocean syntheses are now being used to initialize
coupled models. However, mismatch in model
physics lead to initialization shocks. Errors in
coupled models lead to fast degradation. - To overcome those, the assimilation needs to be
performed in the coupled model framework to
obtain proper initial conditions. - At the same time a coupled assimilation system
will allow to reduce model errors through
parameter optimization.
75Develop ocean and coupled synthesis/reanalysis
systems providing input to present and future
decadal prediction efforts
- Some proto type coupled assimilation systems do
exist (GFDL, K7). However, much needs to be done
to understand and improve first encouraging
results. - New coupled assimilation systems need to be
developed to - Produce initial conditions.
- Improve model parameters.
- Among others, this is underway as part of THOR
and national efforts. - Requires close collaboration between GSOP, WGMD,
WGSIP, WOAP, atmospheric reanalysis communities
and others. - Needs and already has close collaboration with
76Develop ocean and coupled synthesis/reanalysis
systems providing input to present and future
decadal prediction efforts
- Timeline
- Improvements of initialization ongoing
- Use of existing coupled system ongoing and
expanding - Development of coupled systems next 5 years.
- List the needs from national/regional programs
Are needed. - Needs skillful people! Computer resources!
- List the needs from CLIVAR (workshops, working
group etc.) - GSOP Meetings
- 1. Workshop on Initialization planned for late
this year. - Next Reanalysis Conference
- Workshop on Initialization and Coupled
Assimilation early 2011
77I13 build and sustain global ocean observing
78CLIVAR IMPERATIVES-13Sustain Enhance Ocean
Observing System
- D.E.Harrison
- Detlef Stammer
- Chair, GSOP Hamburg
- We continue to learn the implications of ocean
undersampling, the changing historical observing
system and metadata limitations. - A sustained system with global coverage is
critical for ocean state assessment, climate
research and climate forecasting. - Even the agreed initial system, fully implemented
wont meet all CLIVAR needs. - Can we set priority goals? Can we estimate
adequacy? FOR Sub-Argo? Carbon Inventory Change?
Overturning Circulations? Southern Ocean?
Marginal Ice Zones? Boundary Currents? - What can we say about needs for forecasting and
for evaluation of climate projections? -
- Shortage of funding is primary limiting factor
for present plan. - Need improved advocacy by assessment, research
and forecast communities. - Need next-gen GCOS IP and CLIVAR priority
science enhanced OS coordination more
effective JCOMM and DM systems better routine
info and delivery. Maybe more survey capability. - Research priorities likely will set OS evolution.
How long can we expect research agencies to fund
the on-going parts of the system? - Will the research community want to continue to
do the needed work and share the observations? - Need a strategy to sustain and evolve the system
over multiple decades. What form do we think
best for next phase(s)?
- Satellite situation is promising for present
ocean sensor suite. Cost issues? Next-gen costs? - Initial in-situ system is do-able, but needs
another USD50mil/yr. Sensor manufacturer issues? - Enhanced system to cover all feasible physical
variables over accessible ocean needs at least
another USD50mil/yr and a decade of development. - Cost of adding biogeochemical and ecosystem and
living marine resources into an integrated system
has not been scoped. Not feasible at present, but
initial steps can be taken for USD20mil/yr - Need more ocean and climate info from system
what cost in people, years and budget?
82I14 Interactions with the marine
83Priorities Over the Next 5 years
Imperative 14
Develop and Strengthen Interactions with
Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Communities
- Statement of the Problem
- Climate variability and change in the world
oceans alter the structure and functioning of
marine ecosystems, which in turn affects
availability of ecological resources and
benefits, changes the magnitude of some feedbacks
between ecosystems and the climate system, and
affects economic systems that depend on
ecosystems. - Richardson and Poloczanska (2008) state less
than 11 of published papers in each of the
fields of ecology, conservation biology, and
biodiversity research deal with marine systems
in part because of
- relatively low levels of funding
- a lower capacity to observe marine ecosystems
- multiple stressors stymie attempts to isolate a
climate change signal
84Develop and Strengthen Interactions with
Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Communities
- The Challenge
- A grand challenge problem is to understand and be
able to project the potential effects of global
climate variability and change on marine
ecosystems, the goods and services marine
ecosystems provide, the drivers and consequences
of human responses to marine ecosystem
variability and change, and marine ecosystem
links to the climate system.
- An Example
- In the regions of the worlds most productive
coastal upwelling habitats, some evidence
suggests that equatorward winds are
strengthening, increasing the supply of nutrients
to near-surface photosynthesizing organisms. - Conversely, heating of the surface ocean through
global warming should increase the density
difference between surface and deeper waters,
making vertical transport of nutrients more
difficult. - Which of these two competing mechanisms will
85Develop and Strengthen Interactions with
Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Communities
- Partnerships and Needs
- Develop and strengthen existing links with IGBP
(IMBER/GLOBEC), carbon (IOCCP,GO_SHIP), fisheries
(ICESPICES), and other regional efforts (e.g.,
SIBER Sustained Indian Ocean Biogeochemical and
Ecological Research Project) - IMBER membership on CLIVAR panels, and vice versa
- Joint targeted workshops
- Develop ocean carbon observations and synthesis
activities - Development of Earth System Models that address
physical, biogeochemical and marine ecosystem
components and their interactions
86I15 End user Interaction Application Operation
87Imperative 15 To develop the interaction with
users of CLIVAR science and delivery of CLIVAR
outputs to operations
- Science
- Who are the users?
- Educators, climate scientists outside (and
inside) CLIVAR, sectoral scientists, operational
forecasters, the adaptation community, decision
policy makers - Addressing user needs involves having a
conversation about their problem NOT their
demands. - What are the outputs?
- CMIP archive (and other MIPs) e.g. model
runs/hindcasts - Enormous contribution to IPCC
- Research (peer reviewed papers, methodologies,
educational materials) - Outputs will be used if they address a need, if
they are easily available and if they are
understandable. - What is operations?
- Implicit delivery YES Explicit delivery ???
88Imperative 15 To develop the interaction with
users of CLIVAR science and delivery of CLIVAR
outputs to operations
- Science
- Who are the users?
- Educators, climate scientists outside (and
inside) CLIVAR, sectoral scientists, operational
forecasters, the adaptation community, decision
policy makers - Addressing user needs involves having a
conversation about their problem NOT their
demands. - What are the outputs?
- CMIP archive (and other MIPs) e.g. model
runs/hindcasts - Enormous contribution to IPCC
- Research (peer reviewed papers, methodologies,
educational materials) - Outputs will be used if they address a need, if
they are easily available and if they are
understandable. - What is operations?
- Implicit delivery YES Explicit delivery ???
89Imperative 15 To develop the interaction with
users of CLIVAR science and delivery of CLIVAR
outputs to operations
- Implementation
- Already natural implementation so what is
question? - How to speed implementation process? Or
- How to get more credit fo impact of CLIVAR
science? - Some ideas
- Programs like CPAPP (of US CLIVAR)
- IASCLIP Alliance (part of new program w/i
VAMOS) - Portal/clearing house for data (obs, model,
fcst), also highlighting archiving CLIVAR
90Imperative 15 To develop the interaction with
users of CLIVAR science and delivery of CLIVAR
outputs to operations
- Timeline Resources
- Timeline - ??? Ongoing
- Resources
- Communications Officer for CLIVAR
- Computing (Server, data storage??, programmer)
- Provide web ( meeting?) support for
coordination of regional alliances within
CLIVAR programs - Add-on funding to support IPCC work, and other
community service and outreach activities of high
impact - International CPAPP program (110k
91Themes we have used to organize the imperatives
- Anthropogenic Climate Change (I1 I2)
- Decadal Variability / Prediction (I3 I4 I5)
- Seasonal Prediction (I6 I7 I8)
- Monsoons (I9)
- Extremes (I10)
- Development of global observing system, modeling,
reanalysis (I11 I12 I13 I14) - Process Observations (I7)
92Frontiers Beyond 2013
- Climate observations (CLIVAR emphasis on ocean
obs) - Long-term, continuous and well calibrated
- Attribution and prediction of regional weather
and climate - Decadal variability and prediction
- Science most directly connects to decision makers
at the regional level
- Nonstationary climate variability and prediction
- How will natural modes of variability change
implications for prediction
- Development of next generation Earth System
Models - Physical climate carbon cycle, dynamic
vegetation, chemistry, land ice, - ecosystem processes, human dimensions,
- More unified approaches to improve representation
of physical processes - (predictions across timescales share
common processes and mechanisms)
- Integrated Earth System analysis
- Develop capability to integrate increasing range
of observations in ESMs - to produce internally consistent
estimates of the state of the Earth system
- Geoengineering
- Major research effort needed to determine costs,
risks and consequences