Title: Global Social Work Practice: Reflective Practice for Justice and Peace
1Global Social Work Practice Reflective Practice
for Justice and Peace
- Collaborative Course Loyola University of
Chicago School of Social Work and Vytautas Magnus
University School of Social Work - Spring, 2009
2 Faculty Loyola Professor Katherine Tyson VMU
Professor Violeta Ivanauskiene
3Group Presentation Assignment
- Imagine You are a team of global social workers
consulting with the United Nations - Choose a social problem anywhere in the world
and - describe the nature and extent of the problem
and - what social workers could do, if they had the
funding from the UN, to remedy it - When all the presentations are completed we will
reconsider our definitions of Global Social Work
Practice and see if we need to revise it
4(No Transcript)
5(No Transcript)
6The Singing Revolutions In Lithuania, Latvia,
Estonia, 1989-1990 The Baltic Way
7Vytautas the Great (courtesy of Wikipedia)
8Trakkai Castle Lithuania
9Church of Vytautas the Great, Kaunas, Lithuania
10Resurrection Church Kaunas, Lithuania
11TV Tower Vilnius, LT
12About Vytautas Magnus University The beginnings
of higher education in Lithuania go back to the
16th century when, in 1579, the college founded
by Jesuits in Vilnius became a higher school of
education, the University of Vilnius. In 1832,
Czar Nicholas I closed the university. After the
independence of Lithuania was declared, in 1918,
the State Council decided to re-establish the
University of Vilnius. Since Vilnius was occupied
and the Lithuanian government transferred to
Kaunas, this decision was not put into
effect. In 1920, Higher Courses of Study were
begun in Kaunas, laying the foundation for the
establishment of a university. In February 1922,
the Lithuanian Government of Ministers decided to
establish the University of Lithuania in Kaunas.
The ceremonial opening of the university took
place on February 16, 1922. On June 7, 1930, the
university was named Vytautas Magnus University.
It was closed during the Soviet occupation. The
act of re-establishing Vytautas Magnus University
was proclaimed on April 28, 1989.
13Woodcarver at Baltica 2005 Festival, Vilnius,
14Professors Ivanauskiene and Liobikiene Marijampole
, LT
15Professors Ivanauskiene and Tyson Marijampole, LT
16Globalization and Social Work
- What is globalization? (Hare, p. 408)
- Economic
- Ecological
- Social
- Role of global social worker Promote social
development via - Direct services (micro and meso level)
- Participating in international policy-making or
planning organizations - Knowledge base
- Socially-constructed what is that?
- Theory
- Evidence-based
- Indigenous (Hare p. 415)
17Human rights orientation of this course
- Social services that focus on
- Facilitating healing of social and familial
trauma - Advancing social justice within and between
countries - Fostering cross-cultural and transnational
understanding and cooperation - Advancing self-determination, peace and freedom
18What are social work roles in your country? How
are they similar and different from global social
work practice?
- Advocate
- Program developer and manager
- Practitioner with individuals, families, groups
- School social worker/social pedagogue
- Researcher
- Social policy planning
- Consultant and supervisor
- Educator
- More?
19Characteristics of international social work
- Consolidation of democracy
- Remedying poverty
- Global solidarity, conflict prevention,
peace-keeping - Transcending nation-states (20)
- Creation of solutions based on regional needs
beyond national borders (21) - Involving new social actors to frame common
20Questions about Global Social Work (Gray and Fook)
- Definition p. 628, 630-631
- Four debates (p. 627)
- Efforts towards indigenisation of sw based on
articulating cultural practices, p. 634-5 - How distinguish local from global now? 635
- Universalizing recommendations 637-638
- SW is instrument of government?
- SW is discourse about it, or practice?
- Who dominates discourse and why?
- Value of universal standards for social work (p.
629) but how to monitor? - Final recommendations p. 639
21International Federation of Social Workers
- The International Federation of Social Workers
recognizes that social work originates variously
from humanitarian, religious and democratic
ideals and philosophies and that it has
universal application to meet human needs arising
from personal-societal interactions, and to
develop human potential.Professional social
workers are dedicated to service for the welfare
and self-fulfillment of human beings to the
development and disciplined use of scientific
knowledge regarding human behavior and society
to the development of resources to meet
individual, group, national and international
needs and aspirations to the enhancement and
improvement of the quality of life of people and
to the achievement of social justice.
22What is your opinion of this definition of Global
Social Work?
- The social work profession promotes social
change, problem solving in human relationships
and the empowerment and liberation of people to
enhance well-being. Utilizing theories of human
behavior and social systems, social work
intervenes at the points where people interact
with their environments. Principles of human
rights and social justice are fundamental to
social work. - By International Federation of Social Workers,
23Tackling Global Poverty (Seipel)
- Define poverty
- 1) Income, 2) Human Poverty Index
- Important facts
- Decline in poverty rate but gap between rich and
poor countries is growing (p. 198) - 1.3 billion out of all people in developing
countries live below the international poverty
rate of 1 per day - Great income disparities within regions and
between regions - Growth of external debt among developing
countries - Commitment to education is not prominent in many
parts of the world (198) and in some regions has
actually decreased since the 1980s
24Poverty reduction (Seipel)
- An effective anti-poverty approach must have many
foundations and be sustainable (199) - Economic growth with equity (200)
- Support micro-enterprise
- Create jobs through tax policies and legislation,
w/ training, savings, health services - International cooperation
- Support fair trade
- Reduce unmanageable foreign debts
- Improve foreign aid
- Social investment
- Inhibit political corruption
- Develop human capital, health equity
- Educate all people
- Facilitate solidarity among poor people to
advance their political leverage
25Amartya SenDevelopment as Freedom(1999)
- Five distinct types of freedom, all of which
focus on human choice - 1) political freedoms,
- 2) economic facilities,
- 3) social opportunities,
- 4) transparency guarantees, and
- 5) protective security (1999, p. 10).
- Definitions
- Transparency guarantees the need for openness
that people can expect the freedom to deal with
one another under guarantees of disclosure and
lucidity. When that trust is seriously violated,
the lives of many people both direct parties
and third parties may be adversely affected by
the lack of openness These guarantees have a
clear instrumental role in preventing corruption,
financial irresponsibility and underhand
dealings (1999, p. 40). - Protective security citizens need for social,
economic, and medical safety nets, which are
needed in many countries as well as in many
communities in the United States. - Unfreedom includes the recognition that threats
to human sustenance are physically dangerous and
psychologically shackling.
26Amartya Sen Possibility of social choice
- Task develop using systematic investigation,
broadly applicable and reasonable axioms about
important aspects of social choice - Questions in developing social choice theory p.
188. - Example how to define poverty? 194 how is
poverty shared and distributed? What is
comparative deprivation? 197 - Distinguish adaptation and ability to find
contentment in life from true social choice
27Freedom and Self-Determination
- Respecting the clients right to
self-determination is a longstanding value of
social work - Ones chosen values, cognition, and intentions
have significant regulatory impact on subjective
experience and even on aspects of brain function - Self-determination is a capacity in each person,
hence a standard with which to evaluate a
clients developmental progress it includes - Multicultural definitions of selfhood (Ewalt)
- Freedom with regard to aspects of life that ones
choices can direct (Sen 1999) - Inner freedom from drivenness by intentions
acquired to cope with traumatizing experiences --
Reflective awareness of own intentions and goals
and capacity to freely choose between them
- Is the birthright of every person
- Is manifested in
- A capacity to recognize truth in self and others
(integrity in Stephen Carters1996 use of the
term) - A stable perception of and action to advance
justice (fair, equitable treatment of all) - The ability to think autonomously about oneself
and ones world (a free mind) - The ability to advocate for fair treatment of
oneself - Competence in ones chosen work
- A capacity to experience the pleasures of
intimacy (romantic and caregiving intimacy)
29Practice Implications of Cultural Variations in
- How directive should social worker be (Gray
Fook, p. 636-637)? - How individualized is the notion of self?
- How much freedom of choice does the person
believe s/he has in that society? How much does
s/he actually have?
30Discussion Questions
- a) How does the concept of self-determination
that Patricia Ewalt describes fit with your
cultural definitions of self-determination? This
includes both the concept of self, and the
concept of freedom of choice. - b) What kinds of obstacles to self-determination
do clients you have worked with experience? - c) How do you think social workers can develop
self-determination for people 1) individually 2)
in communities 3) nationally 4) globally? - d) Amartya Sen bases his ideas on concepts of
Freedom of Choice (see slide) and he discusses
five kinds of freedom. Give examples of those
freedoms and unfreedoms in your country.
31Questions raised in the context of post-Soviet
- What is freedom? (see Jurkuviene Harrison
Stevenson) - Freedom for what? Freedom from what?
- What is democracy? (consider Jane Addams
definition) - How is democracy maintained?
- What is the role of civil society in democracy?
- How does social work contribute to civil society
and thereby democracy? -
32Developing social services in Russia (Tempelman)
- - Microethnographic study of social workers in
Russia found - Despite social problems accompanying
democratization and societal instability, there
is excitement about the new freedom - With democratization and increased recognition of
social problems, there is a need for defining and
developing new forms of practice to respond to
the new context - Importance of research to establish practice
models and define problem areas - Current issues in social work
- Establishing legitimacy of social work as a
profession - Social work education
33Discussion questions
- How does your country need to develop and improve
its democracy? - How can social workers in your country contribute
to that process?
34Healey Global Social Work has four key
- Internationally-related domestic practice and
advocacy - addressing problems that cross national
boundaries (e.g., trafficking, drug sales) - Working with international populations
- Professional exchange using knowledge gained
from other countries to improve practice and
policy in home country - International Practice Social workers contribute
to international development by working in
international development agencies Grameen Bank
example p. 11 - International policy development and advocacy
Social work as a worldwide movement influencing
policy at the international level, as in
educational efforts with UN policy deliberations
on violence against women, p. 13 - Discussion Question What examples of these
aspects of Global Social Work have you seen?
35Global social welfare organizations
- United Nations (p. 127 ff) - aims of peace,
international amity, cooperation, and harmonizing
govt actions to attain common goals 185 member
nations - Economic and Social Council
- High Commission for Refugees
- UN Fund for Population Activities
- World Bank provides loans to encourage
development activities - International Monetary fund provides technical
assistance to countries on financial matters
(banking, taxation, etc.) (p. 135) - USAID (138) foreign aid program
- Peace corps
- NGO relief and development, advocacy,
development education, exchange, agencies engaged
in global sw, agencies with branches in many
36 Efforts to articulate global human rights and
global professional ethics
- The articulation of a view of universal values
regarding human life - The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human
Rights at http//www.un.org/Overview/rights.html - Example of universal professional code of ethics
- The International Federation of Social Workers
Statement on Ethics at http//www.ifsw.org/en/p3
37Global Social Work Values
- What is the debate about between universalism in
values and cultural relativism of values? (Healey
p. 152) - Do you have examples of how a clash of values
relevant for social work is evident in
cross-cultural human rights concerns? - In your example, who participates in the
formation of the cultural values and who benefits
from maintaining them? - In your example, how might value clashes be
reframed so people can benefit from the dynamic
(e.g. changing) aspect of cultural values?
38Global Professional Ethics(Pettifor, 2004)
- Professional codes of ethics (p. 264)
- promote optimal behavior by providing
aspirational principles - regulate professional behavior by monitoring and
disciplinary action - eg protect people from the
misuse of professional power - Promote ethical thinking rather than
rule-following - Consolidate professional identity
- Discussion questions
- What kinds of ethical conflicts are problematic
for social workers in your country? - Have there been examples of the misuse of social
workers professional power in your country that
concern you?
39Discussion questions about developing
professional ethical thinking
- If professional codes of ethics are transplanted
from one culture to another - Can the values and standards fit with the values
and standards of the country to which they are
transplanted? - Can the values and the standards be consistent
with actual practice? - A basic level of safety, open communication,
democratic institutions, and human rights may be
essential for professional ethical thinking (p.
270 Pettifor). Do you agree? Why or why not?
40Working for reconciliation in the context of
massive societal trauma The example of Rwanda
(discussion of Pham et al., 2004)
- Define precisely the nature of the trauma Rwandan
people experienced due to the genocide - What social efforts were made to generate
reconciliation and how effective were they? - Judicial
- Legislative
- What associations did the authors find between
PTSD symptoms and attitudes towards social
justice and reconciliation? - Why would PTSD symptoms make it difficult for
people to feel comfortable working with others?
41Working for reconciliation in the context of
massive societal trauma The example of Rwanda
(Pham et al., 2004)
- Rwanda used three judicial processes to rectify
effects of the 1994 conflict - the ICTR,
- Rwandan national trials, and
- gacaca trials.
- People responded most positively to gacaca they
felt more informed and involved with the process
(p. 610). When people feel as thought they have
more control of the outcome, they are more likely
to support the process. Since gacaca is
community-based and trials are held publicly
within the community, people may be more involved
and committed (2004, p. 610). - The least positive response was toward ICTR,
about which Rwandans had the least information.
Therefore, a lack of reliable information is the
key factor undermining the capacity of the
tribunal to contribute to reconciliation in
Rwanda (p. 610) - Individuals within the community respond more
positively when feeling involved in the justice
42Discussion questions
- What examples do you see in your country of PTSD
that results from societal or ethnic-level
violence? - What are aspects of global social workers roles
to assist with this PTSD?
43Sex, violence, and economic restructuring in
Kuwait (Tetreault)
- What kind of economic restructuring is currently
occurring in Kuwait? - Depressed oil prices force internal economic
redistribution among social groups can intensity
ethnic rivalry (237-238) - What is the role of gender in such a context?
- gender violence incorporated as an element of
discourse between antagonistic ethnic groups
(238) - conflicts over womens proper place mask
struggles by some groups to retain control and
power. (239) - Shutting women up in their houses leaves more
jobs for men (251) describe how this process
has occurred in Kuwait
44Stigma and access to care(discussion of Castro
Farmer, 2005)
- How are stigma and discrimination at the heart of
the AIDS pandemic? - Define structural violence.
- What did the authors find about why stigma is so
hard to eradicate? - How does treatment spark a virtuous social
cycle? (p. 56) - If you apply these ideas to clinical social work
treatment, how would clinical social work
treatment spark a virtuous social cycle?
45Developing culturally sound definitions of
well-being and mental health(discussion of Wong
Tsang, 2004)
- What are some examples of Western
misunderstandings of Asian cultures and values? - What is essentialization, why is it
problematic, and what alternatives are there? (p.
457) - Can you think of other examples of
essentialization? - How might essentialization interfere with forming
a good social work alliance? - What are the key dimensions of mental health
according to the Asian women? - Spirituality
- Social conditions and access to opportunities
- Autonomy and self-confidence
- Thinking about these definitions of mental
health, how would you define mental health?
46Discussion of The origins of cultural cognition
- What is the pivotal and quintessentially human
capability? - Define intention skills of cultural cognition
- How do children learn to read the intentions of
others? - What do the authors mean by their statement,
language is not basic, it is derived (27) and
why is this important?
47Discussion of Cooperation and competition in
peaceful societies
- How does the researcher define a peaceful society
and what are some examples? - What does the researcher conclude about the link
between competition and aggression by examining
peaceful societies? - What are some hallmarks of child rearing in
peaceful societies? - What are some rituals that foster cooperation?
Competition? - Do you believe that competition fosters
aggression and violence? - How can you as a social worker promote peace in
your country? Globally?
48Discussion questions for Child-rearing and the
development of behavioral inhibition in China
and Canada
- How is behavioral inhibition defined and measured
in this research? Why is it an important concept
for child development? - What statistical associations did the researchers
find between the mothers attitudes and the
childrens behavioral inhibition? - Do you agree with the researchers conclusions
that cultural values are expressed by the mothers
express and influence their children?
49Mother and child, China
50Canadian children
51Discussion of Aggression in Russian Children
- How do the researchers define and measure
aggression and relational aggression? - How are parenting styles and marital interactions
defined and measured in this study? - How can parents minimize dysfunctional forms of
aggression in their children? Does this vary by
country and culture? - Gender differences in relational aggression often
are noted in the US but not in this Russian
sample. How do the researchers explain this and
do you agree?
52Russian Children
53!Kung children
54Effects of Political Violence on Palestinian
Childrens Behavior Problems
- Context
- prior to 1987 Intifada (Palestinian uprising
against Israeli occupation of West Bank and Gaza
Strip) 39 of Palestinian children had lost a
family member, 85 had witnessed
political-motivated violence - 50-63,000 children were injured in first 2 years
of Intifada 18,000 men arrested and separated
from their children - Secret police had posed as researchers and
journalists so intermediaries had to be used to
conduct interviews - Research questions (p. 35) What is the impact of
living in a war zone in the context of other
developmental risk factors?
55Effects of political violence on Palestinian
children, cont.
- Hypothesis Repeated exposure to violence
multiplies the risk of children developing PTSD
(with behavior problems, numbing, dissociation,
etc.) - Sample 150 children, 6-9 and 12-15, boys and
girls, in low-violence and high-violence
communities, all in 2 parent households - Measures demographics mothers completed
Achenbach Child Behavior Inventory children were
interviewed about their experiences of violence
Conflict Tactics Scale given to mother re father,
and child re mother Parenting Stress Index
completed by mother - Risk factors counted see p. 37
- Results Palestinian children had same incidence
of behavior problems as US children exposed to
chronic violence - Accumulation of risk evident see p. 39 chart
as risks went over 4 children went over threshold
into clinical dysfunction
56Effects of political violence on Palestinian
children (cont).
- Results (cont)
- Gender, age, and community context did not
multiply risk but in context of high risk, boys
and younger children showed more risk (p. 39). - Children are much more resilient to community
violence in a context of functional families - Theoretical context and conclusions
- Independence, responsibility, and an absence of
overprotection are associated with resiliency for
girls while structure, rules, parental
supervision and male role model are associated
with resiliency for boys - Trauma is associated with overwhelming affects
and cognitions - younger children are therefore
more vulnerable to accumulation of risk - Children in families fraught with conflict
experience profound accumulation of risk when
then faced with political violence
57Workshops for Peace in Palestine and New Delhi
- Global Convention on Peace and Nonviolence New
Delhi, January 31 - February 1, 2004 - Workshops on peace and nonviolent conflict
resolution, Palestine
58Representations of the individual Post-Communist
- Research question Can living under two different
systems (Western European individualism and
Soviet collectivism) lead to different social
representations of the individual? - Background
- Values of individualism grounded in Renaissance
and humanism (798) - have roots in economic (Weber), philosophical
humanistic Kant rationality, intentional
activity and autonomous thought are supreme
capacities of human beings, i.e. they are the End
in Itself 800 and - political theories (Locke, society arises
through the voluntary contract of individuals
trying to maximise their own self-interests
800, heritage of US constitution and UN
Declaration of Human Rights - Is post-modern Western glorification of the
individual a threat to civilisation and society
(804)? - People lack and need the fulfillment of a purpose
beyond themselves and a sense of social
59Representations of the individual Post-Communist
- Under Soviets, totalitarian collectivism was an
ideology forced on citizens, to which they were
made to conform (802). - Freedom of individual was a luxury for the
future, present regarded in terms of ensuring
victory of proletariat (Class struggle)(803) - herd mentality with loss of individual freedoms
and often persecution of dissidents resulted
(803) - Theory social representations are forms of
thinking and of activities based on folk logic.
They are formed, maintained and changed by both
implicit and explicit processes they have both
performative and constructive functions - some are stable, some change over time (805)
- They prescribe socially shared definitions of
social phenomena which are enacted in language
and other forms of communication (805)
60Representations of the individual Post-Communist
- Method 6 countries compared (selected
pragmatically not scientifically), with 1172
people participating - 2 word association tasks, both contained
political, ideological, and economic terms, one
with the word individual, the other without it - Questionnaire about respondents perceived
freedom of choice in personal satisfaction,
professional achievement, financial situation,
and future planning - Data analysis
- of the word association tests occurred in the
form of multidimensional scaling using matrices
to represent proximity (808, 809) - Content analysis used to examine free
associations - Then descriptive analysis, factor analysis, and
discriminant analysis (811)
61Representations of the individual Post-Communist
- Findings
- The positive form of individualism --associated
with freedom, human rights, self-determination,
democracy -- was not destroyed under Soviet rule - Perhaps because these values are needed for human
survival (820) - Central Europeans regarded the individual in a
market economy more positively Western
Europeans regarded political systems more
positively (821) - why do you think this is? - CE people also think they have more personal
freedoms now than WE people do (consider that
people evaluate such issues by comparison with
their recent history 822) - Interdependence between language and social
representations (823)
62Representations of the individual Post-Communist
- How might the differing representations of the
individual in CE and WE influence social work
practice? - What are some implications for global social work
of the interdependence between language and
social representations? - Consider that in Czech and Slovak languages,
equivalents for term community dont exist
(823) - The term individual has many variations in
meaning (824) - Czechs and Slovaks associated individual with
loneliness, also had experienced greatest
repression under Soviets
63Discussion of Learning to care for clients in
their world (Ryan)
- Why is it challenging to learn how to deliver
culturally sensitive care? - How did the students cope with immersion in a
different culture? - What are the positive benefits of international
64Research from a Global Perspective
- Why, in global perspective, should we be
concerned about research? - What are some of the challenges in conducting
global social science research that has local
relevance? - What are some of the hazards social science
researchers face?
65International social science research
- What are some differences between international
research in the physical sciences as opposed to
the social sciences? - What are some of the problems prioritized for the
future of international social science research? - What is the potential future of international
social science research?
66Construction of scientific knowledge on the
Mongolian steppe
- How do power differentials work to condition and
constrain scientific knowledge? - What are the different groups interacting in the
research on the Mongolian steppe and how do they
relate with each other? - What does the author reference in this
conclusion The practices of scapegoating local
populations, ignoring their preferences, and
dismissing their perceptions through the guise of
an objective and rational science does not
advance the cause of development or science. (p.
67Participatory action and consumer empowerment
- What is the core commitment (perspective) of
participatory action/consumer empowerment
research? - How do these methods empower consumers of social
services? Participants in the research? - How are these methods challenging for researchers
to implement?
68Global Peace-building Efforts(Doyle and
Sambanis, 2000)
- Definition Peace-building addresses the sources
of hostility and builds local capacities for
conflict resolution. Conflicts are inevitable in
plural democracies peace-building aims to
foster the social, economic, and political
institutions and attitudes that will prevent
these conflicts from turning violent. In effect,
peace-building is the front line of preventive
action. - At the levels of community and national systems,
peace-building strategies - 1) address the local sources of hostility and
promote respect for ethnic, religious, and racial
differences, - 2) develop local capacities for change (local
economic resources, political participation,
civil society institutions, social capital), and - 3) evaluate and build the international
commitment available to assist change.
69Clinical Social Workers play an Essential Role in
- Many examples indicate that policy-making is not
enough Social and psychological changes need to
occur at a grassroots level before, during, and
after peace agreements are signed (Maoz, 2004). - Even in countries (e.g., Thailand, Lithuania)
where there is relative stability, a profession
of social work, and policies promoting human
rights and welfare, many social workers and other
professionals lack the clinical skills of U.S.
clinical social workers to help carry out human
rights policies.
70Clinical Social Work Advances Peace-building via
- Reducing hostilities
- Healing the psychosocial impact of traumatic
experiences - Understanding, preventing, and remedying peoples
inhumanity to each other - Advancing local capacities for change in the
direction of democracy - Developing peoples self-determination, affirming
their motives for truth, justice, and compassion - Building the institutions of civil society
71Research issues for developing culturally
appropriate social work practice
- Define authentization and its application for
social workers in non-Western countries - How does the author define culture? Do you agree
with it? - Describe the three central aspects of applying
research cross-culturally linguistic and
conceptual equivalence, communication processes
and styles in different cultures, and forming
relationships with people
72Discussion of The New Face of Terrorism
- What are the characteristics of individuals who
become terorrists? - What are the psychological processes used by
terrorist groups to enforce obedience and
compliance in their followers? - What are the most effective measures one can use
to combat terrorism?
73International social policy
- Definition of social policy Principles,
procedures, and courses of action established in
statute, administrative code and agency
regulation that affect peoples social
well-being (Healey quoting Dear, p. 219) - Domestic level policies that have global impact
ex. Immigration laws and NAFTA (US) - Global level policies formulated by
international intergovernmental bodies ex. Human
rights legislation in UN - Issues in cross-national comparative policy
analysis - Accuracy and comparability of data across nations
- Different definitions of terms and concepts
- Cultural differences in values that underlie
policies, political environment, and process of
74Influencing social policy
- What are the different levels of social policy?
- What are some ways that domestic and
international social policies interface? - What are some activities social workers can
undertake to influence social policy (give
examples, see Healey p. 226 ff) - In their native countries
- Internationally
75Transferability of welfare models Examples from
Finland and Estonia
- How do social policies get transferred from one
country to another (use specific examples)? - What structural factors foster policy
development? - How does cultural diffusion foster policy
76Devising Practice Standards for Aboriginal
Out-of-home Care
- Context
- What is the situation of aboriginal peoples in
Australia? - Concern expressed by Aboriginal leaders about
appointment of white Childrens Guardian - Over-representation of Aboriginal children in
child welfare system - Self-determination
- White Australian definition freedom of choice
(individual) - Aboriginal collective right to achieve
reasonable standard of living, ensure being able
to do things in Aboriginal way, be free of White
domination - Why are practice standards important in child
welfare policy? - Who develops them and why is it important to
include multiple cultural groups in standard
77Devising Practice Standards for Aboriginal
Out-of-home Care 2
- Office of the Childrens Guardian, Australia
- Evaluating out-of-home care
- Advocating for childrens rights
- Ensuring respect for childrens cultures of
origin - Partnership model for developing standards
- Led to insights about challenges facing
Aboriginal out-of-home care agencies - University partnership that framed drafts of
standards in concert with Aboriginal peoples and
in their language - Standards available for public review and
revision http//www.kidsguardian.nsw.gov.au
78Legacy of the South African Truth and
Reconciliation Commission
- TRC purposes
- Mandated by interim government of Mandela and de
Klerk (540), context of strife between African
National Congress and National Party - Memorialization of victims of human rights
violations demand for human rights instituted
by force of law (545) - distill truth into reconciliation, suffering
into forgiveness, historical strife into national
identity, and word into divinity (531) - What do we learn about memorialization?
- Case of Ahmed Timol, political activist who was
murdered under apartheid, facts of his death
covered in lies (532) - We use their names to remember the larger
picture of which they were a part (535) - South African society wanted to relieve itself
of the burden of its disappeared, through forms
of speech and action that would make them
reappear (535)
79Truth and Reconciliation Commission (cont)
- Collective Mourning
- Making the dead present by identifying with them
what if they were here, what would they want? - Finding a way to go on living without the dead
loved ones the dead loved one comes to represent
an ideal type - Memorializing the name into the future
compensates for the unfairly truncated life - Transitional justice unique to nations
transitioning from authoritarian regimes
characterized by gross violations of human rights
to liberal democracies (539) - Need to punish perpetrators and strengthen rule
of law - Need for social healing through public
reconciliation - Build the moral capital of the new regime through
spectacles of transition (539) - delicately appease old regime to prevent a coup
- Strengthen the new regime
80Truth and Reconciliation Commission (cont)
- Qualified Amnesty (541)
- proportionality standard used to distinguish
crimes motivated by individual hatred and those
motivated by larger political aims (541) - Provided an alternative to civil war
- Promoted moral awe as social attitude (541)
- Setting the agenda in a transitional society is
about cultural attitudes as well as
constitutional and civic issues (542), which TRC
established - Timols name institutes the moral authority of
remembrance (543) and a school in his name was
a demand for justice to take place within civil
society because Black South-Africans had been
depived of education under apartheid - Emphasis on victim dignity
- reimagining the terms of citizenship
- Providing a public focus for debate (rather than
violence), resulted in solidification of
political agreement between warring parties
81Understanding and fighting Third World poverty
Learning from the ANC (Saul)
- Third World concept what are the problems with
it, and what is the usefulness of this
conceptualization? - What are current conditions in South Africa (p.
80-1) and why? - Sauls critique of NEPAD approachAfricans who
seek meaningful development for their continent
will have to become participants in global and
continental initiatives that proceed on the basis
of a much more profoundly anti-capitalist
perspective than the ANC leadership is currently
prepared to countenance. (81)
82Crime in transitional societies Example of South
Africa (Leggett)
- Crime problem in South Africa
- increased because, like all transitional
societies, of generalized social disorder and a
deep sense of normlessness (582) - Increased also because of improved public trust
in police with increased reporting - Murder rate is down but still 25 higher than the
US increases in assaults and rapes associated
with more reporting due to growing consciousness
of gender violence (584) - Rising property crime rates are due to growing
enfranchisement of the population and a sign of
economic growth and democratization (584) - Problems inherent in police department
- 10 of police were brutal, uneducated
kitconstables (587) - History of use of torture and oppressive ideology
83Fighting crime through community policing
Strategies for transitional societies (Leggett)
- Police departments
- Are trained largely through experience
- Cannot be rebuilt altogether but must retrain
existing staff - SAP police reform
- Process entails making police accountable to
public, rather than police being an army of
occupation (589) - Built on South African police strengths
controlling crowds, securing public spaces,
technical skills (handling dogs and forensic
testing), combating criminal organizations - Torture no longer accepted, so improved detective
skills required - Community policing increased contact with public
to improve police sensitivity and public trust
Community police forums designed to provide
accountability, monitoring, and evaluation of
police (insufficient public participation at
present) - Resulted in over half of victims polled felt
police were doing a good job (591)
84Crime, human rights, and democratization(Leggett)
- Human rights advocacy resulted in reduction in
circumstances allowing use of lethal force (591)
opposed by police leaders bec of possible
increased police fatalities - Two major crime prevention strategies
- National crime prevention strategy (1996) four
tenets Reconstruct criminal justice system,
Environment redesign to reduced crime Support
community values and education Address organized
transnational crime but had little impact - National Crime Combating Strategy focused on
areas with serious and violent crimes, allowed
crackdowns (search and seizure without due
process) suppressed statistical reports of
crime current phase of normalization involves
sector policing, relying on public identification
of problems and intensive community contact
85Aboriginal reconciliation and restorative justice
in Australia
- Premise there is a connection between
microinjustices and collective case of aboriginal
communities as victims (289) - Context disenfranchising aborigines through
expropriating land rights, violence against them,
prohibiting tribal cultural practices (282)
public controversy about official recognition of
these crimes - Restorative justice Defined, p. 279, emphasis on
relationships damaged by crime, and strategies
for repairing them - Characteristic processes
- Informal setting, more flexible procedure, guilt
admitted - Diversionary conference (280)
- Four key aspects accountability, apology, voice,
reconciliation (280ff)
86Aboriginal reconciliation and restorative justice
in Australia
- Authors are advocating broader notion of
restorative justice to accommodate structural,
collective, and historical injustices - Deliberative Poll on reconciliation in Canberra
- conference including disproportionately more
aboriginal representatives, in English (with
translators available), small group discussions
and open sessions - Community spirit was established
- Goal of apology not achieved debates
- Apologizing suggests personal culpability
- without financial reparation, is apology only
superficial? (285) - Successful reconciliation entails more outreach
of white Australians to learn aboriginal cultures
and include them in educational curricula (286) - What would be restored in collective restorative
justice? (287) - Microjustice and macrojustice (Roy, 288)
- Concern that reconciliation not turn into
manipulation to preserve the status quo (289)
87Divorced from Justice
- Highlighting and criticizing personal status laws
that are derived from interpretations of Muslim
Sharia is religiously explosive for some - Human Rights Watch report on Divorce in Egypt
(2004), key findings - Women and men have different systems for
obtaining divorce (109) - Obedience complaints filed by men if a woman
leaves the home without mans permission (110) - No female judges
- Many Egyptian women become impoverished and
homeless in divorce process (often giving up all
financial rights in exchange for divorce) - Two band-aid solutions (no change in underlying
legal structure) - 2000 Kuhl or no-fault divorce instituted
- Family courts established 2004 (114)
88Muslim womens human rights
- Key human rights violations addressed by Amnesty
International in response to pressure from
feminist groups in 1970s-80s for womens human
rights - gender apartheid, female genital mutilation,
honor killings - Methods 1991 report, advocacy for 77 women in
detention in Syria (98), publicizing womens
human rights violations as of 1994 - Arguing against cultural relativism customs can
be changed, regional activists wanted their
countrys customs reformed (99) - Rape defined as torture, training investigators
to assist victims (100) - Vienna Declaration included statement that
violence against women was a violation of human
rights (1993)
89Muslim womens human rights (cont)
- UN 4th World Conference on Women, 1995, AI
included women prisoners, refugees, asylum
seekers and displaced women - All women in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan
defined as prisoners of conscience (101) and
criticized government policies in Sudan that
imposed governments interpretation of Islamic
law on all citizens - Sponsoring national seminars on eradicating FGM
(1996), p. 102 - Report on Honor Killings in Pakistan (1999) (102)
- Recognition of the home as a place of terror of
women, campaigned against forced marriages, abuse
of domestic workers, debt bondage, trafficking,
and sexual slavery
90AI and Muslim womens human rights
- International Criminal Court - in force in 2002
makes it possible to prosecute human rights
violations - Heads of state, officials can be prosecuted
- Victims of domestic violence, trafficking and
bonded labor can bring suit - Political asylum laws broadened to include gender
discrimination - UN Commission on Human Rights passed resolutions
condeming marital rape, violence against women,
in favor of reproductive rights and sexual health
91Consciousness-raising and community development
- Context literacy education in Recife, Brazil
- Problem internalization of viewpoint of
oppressor about onself, ones future, and ones
community - Results passivity, despair
- Remedy group affirmation of common experiences
of oppression, naming, compounding individual
power through group support - Results motivation for self-education, community
strengthening and development, affirmation of
chosen cultural values, group action to advance
92Social exclusion
- Defines a new poverty characterized by rupture
between individual and society in context of
rapid technological change (Healey, p. 273) - loss of solidarity as part of a population no
longer participates in significant opportunities
available in a society (273) - Defined globally in terms of gaps between richest
and poorest nations - Examples refugees, street children, with poverty
as major defining feature
93Balancing economic and social development
- Human capital development investments in
people that increase productivity - Social capital development capacity-building in
communities, building on indigenous groups - Encouragement of self-employment and other
productive employment efforts (Healey, p. 268)
94Grameen Bank
- Underlying philosophy
- poverty is the absence of all human rights
- peace cannot be viable when poverty exists
- People who are poor are most vulnerable to
victimization by unscrupulous lenders, corrupt
public officials, or terrorist leaders - Fighting poverty is the best way to fight
terrorism - people who are poor can be entrusted to honor
loans and better themselves and their families
once the poor can unleash their energy and
creativity, poverty will disappear very quickly
(6) - Facts about world poverty (see p. 1)
Globalization must not become financial
imperialism (5) - we can reconfigure our world if we reconfigure
our mindset (5) - How Yunus started Grameen Bank
- Loaning his own money to his neighbors (next door
to his campus!) in Bangladesh to help them get
free of enslaving money-lenders - Donations grew and poor increasingly ran it
- The bank became self-supporting as people repaid
95Grameen Bank - 2
- 7 million borrowers by 2006 (30 years), mostly
women - 80 of Bangladesh families reached - Repayment rate is 99
- Loans totalled about 6 billion
- The bank is self-supporting and makes a profit
- 58 of its borrowers have crossed the poverty
line - Women sent children to school, bank now gives
30,000 scholarships every year 13,000 students
have student loans, with 7,000 per year - They created Grameen phone (mobile phone company)
to bring ICT to poor people - the goal is to give
majority ownership to the poor women of Grameen
bank - He proposes a social business - as a solution
to contemporary economic problems (p. 4)
96Advancing human rights policy Example of
- Consider the history of working to advance human
rights in Mexico. - Define civil society. What is its function in
advancing human rights? - What occurs in the low intensity war waged by
the government military forces against the
indigenous people of Chiapas? what are the
consequences of this war? - What has been the role of indigenous women in the
struggle for human rights and what are some
results of their efforts? - What is the meaning of the conclusion that state
policy agendas must be consistent with indigenous
values otherwise, indigenous people will seek
alternative institutions to promote democratic
principles (p. 86).
97Zapatista liberation army 1994 Sources
prising-1994/ http//www.libcom.org/history/articl
98Advocating for human rights in Vieques, Puerto
- What were the health consequences for the
Viequenses of continued exposure to US
war-simulation exercises? - What organizations were developed to advocate for
cessation of military exercises in Vieques? - What was the new strategy of the community
organization effort? - What specific activities did they undertake to
accomplish their goals?
99Preventing AIDS in China and South Africa
- What factors are associated with participating in
HIV-STD prevention activities among
rural-to-urban Chinese immigrants? - Context Population mobility associated with
increased risk for HIV infection because of - lack of knowledge about HIV risk,
- instability of sexual partners in mobile
populations, - unemployment and reliance on jobs as sex workers
- Return to community of origin then spreads HIV
- High-risk behaviors are highly stigmatized in
Chinese culture - China is in early stages of AIDS epidemic
- Method surveyed a sample of 4,208 migrants in
Beijing and Nanjing, ages 18-30, recruited in
public places, primarily Han Chinese ethnicity
logistic regression statistical analysis used
100Preventing AIDS in China and South Africa
- Findings
- The more people know about HIV, the more likely
they are to participate in prevention - The more people engage in high-risk behaviors
(engaging in high risk sexual behaviors, using
drugs), the less likely they are to participate - Risk of peer involvement or stigma discouraged
people from participating - Those who migrated because they wanted to learn
about the outside world were also more willing to
participate - Knowledge is necessary but not sufficient to
foster behavior-change and motivation reducing
stigma is important in increasing participation - Those with the highest risk behaviors are most
difficult to recruit into health care and
101Preventing AIDS in China and South Africa
- South African context prevalence rate of HIV
infection 22.4 among pregnant women 12.5 for
all South Africans - Experimental design do students exposed to
intensive teacher-led interventions have more
knowledge about HIV and AIDS prevention, use
safer sex, and reduced stigma towards those with
AIDS? - Sample 9th graders in 22 schools in
KwaZulu-Natal Statistical and process analysis - Findings
- Student knowledge increased significantly but
safer sex practices did not - Teachers implemented the program variably, those
who used it more were more effective in
increasing safe sex practices
102Peace-building in Violent Conflict (Maoz, 2004)
- Context 1993 Oslo peace accords between Israelis
and Palestinians have broken down (p. 565)- so
How can the goals of peacebuilding be realized
when there is no peace-making? - Overall strategy dialogues and joint
people-to-people projects at the grassroots level
that aim to transform the relations between the
sides (564) - Definition of peace-building
- encompasses, generates, and sustains a full
array of processes, approaches, and stages needed
to transform a conflict toward a more