Title: System Testing Using the Rational Unified Process as a Guideline
1System Testing Using the Rational Unified Process
as a Guideline
- Dr Tamar ZemelSoftware and Systems Engineering
- Arik Rokach Eli ShalhonPrinting Workflow
2- The transition program
- The RUP Process
- The Standard Processes
- The System Testing Standard Process
- Results
- Plans for the future
3The Printing Workflow Solutions SPIRE Product Line
- Develop HW and SW to improve printing quality and
rate - A number of systems being developed in parallel
using an existing common core - Incremental development
- Small difference between systems
- A number of engineering groups work concurrently
4The Transition Program
- Improve Development Process using the CMM as a
guide line - Involve all development groups SW, HW,
Marketing and System Testing
5The Rational Unified Process
6Rational Unified Process - Characteristic
- Object-Oriented driven
- Iterative and Incremental
- Architecture and Use case driven
- Component based development
- A process that consist of a number of cycles
- Every cycle ends with a product release to the
8The phases of a RUP Cycle
- Phases
- Inception - Definition of the system capabilities
- Elaboration - Design of the system architecture
- Construction - Building the system
- Transition - Deployment of the system
- In every phase a number of iterations
9RUP- The Distribution of the Main Activities
Requirement Analysis Design Implementation Te
10RUPS Models
- Requirements - Use-case Model(actors and use
cases) - Analysis - Analysis Model (Classifiers and use
case realizations) - Conceptual - Design - Design Model - Blue print for
implementationdeployment Model - Implementation - Implementation Model (system
components) - Testing - Testing Model (test cases)
11The Standard Processes
12Standard Process
- Policy
- Roles
- Method
- Phases
- Training
13Phase Definition
- Activities
- Entry criteria
- Applicable infrastructure
- Work products
- Measurements
- Verification and reviews
- Exit criteria
14The Standard Process
- Product Development Standard Process
- Sub-processes
- Supporting Activities
15Product Development Standard Process
A-Level Plans
Inception Feature list identification A-Level
Feature List
B-Level Plans
Customer Requirements
Elaboration Feature Specification GUI
Specification System Design HW Architecture
Design B-Level Planning
Feature Spec
System Design
Construction HW CI Construction SW CI
Construction System Testing Design Beta-site
Testing Design System Integration System Testing
Transition Beta-Site Testing Product Release
Configuration Management Quality
Assurance System Engineering
Quality Assurance Configuration
Management Configuration Management
16Product Development Standard Process The
- Product Marketing
- SW
- HW
- System Testing
- Every Sub-process defines the roles and
activities of a specific group
17Product Development Standard Process Supporting
- Program Management
- Configuration Management
- Quality Assurance
- Measurements
- Support activities are applicable to all groups
involved in the development process
18Program Organization
System Testing Group Leader
19The System Testing Standard Process
20The System Testing Standard Process Policy
- The system testing group is involved in the
program from its inception phase and participates
in technical and managerial reviews - System testing activities are planned based on
the standard process - Tests cases and plans are feature oriented
21The System Testing Standard Process Policy
- Plans and tests are reviewed
- The system testing documentation, inputs files,
output files and SW are under configuration
management. - System testing plans and test cases are changed
when requirements are changed
22System Testing Standard Process
A-Level Plans
Inception A-Level Planning
Feature List
B-Level Plans
Customer Requirements
Elaboration B-Level Planning
Construction System Testing Design Beta-Site
testing Design System Testing for a Release
Transition Beta-Site Testing Product Release
System Design
Feature Spec
Configuration Management Quality
Assurance System Engineering
23The System Testing Standard Process Roles -
System Testing Leader
- System Requirement review - participant
- A-Level system testing plan
- Feature specification and Graphical User
Interface (GUI) definition reviews - participant - B-Level system testing plan
- Re-planning
- System testing task progress meetings
- Updating system testing progress
- Managing system testing risks
- Reporting system testing status
- System testing design
- System testing design review
- Identifying required test cases for a release
- Approving testing environment
- Reporting faults detected
- Analysis of system testing results
- System testing result review
- Configuration management
24The System Testing Standard Process Roles -
System Testing Engineer
- System testing test case detailed design
- System testing
- System testing results recording
- Report System testing task status
- Reporting system faults detected during testing
25The System Testing Standard Process
26The System Testing Standard Process Inception
- Evaluate testability of features
- A-level planning
27The System Testing Standard Process Inception
Phase - A-Level Planning
- Purpose - Preliminary planning
- Input - Program A Level Plan
- Activities
- Estimation of effort and schedule
- Identification of risks
- Identification of testing facilities and
equipment - Output - A-Level system testing plan (STP)
- Reviews - A-Level Program Management Review
28The System Testing Standard Process Elaboration
- Evaluate testability of features specified in
feature specs and GUI definitions - B-Level Planning
29The System Testing Standard Process Elaboration
Phase - B-Level Planning
- Purpose - Detailed planning of testing process
- Inputs
- A-level plans
- Feature specs
- System design
- GUI definitions
30The System Testing Standard Process Elaboration
Phase - B-Level Planning
- Activities
- Define System testing content
- Estimate effort and size
- Define process
- Define schedule
- Risk management
- Facilities
- Review - B-Level PMR
31The System Testing Standard Process The
Construction Phase
- System testing design
- System testing
- Beta-site testing design
- If required
32The System Testing Standard Process Construction
Phase - System Testing Design
- Purpose - Design test case before testing begins
based on system requirements - Input
- Feature specifications and GUI definitions
- System design
- B Level STP
- Existing system testing documentation
33The System Testing Standard Process Construction
Phase - System Testing Design
- Activities
- Identify test cases
- Write test procedures
- Evaluate coverage
- Define testing sequence
- Define regression testing
- Output - System Testing Design document
- Reviews - System testing design review
34The System Testing Standard Process Construction
Phase - System Testing for a Release
- Purpose - Test a release of the system according
to the STD - Input
- RD release note
- System CD
35The System Testing Standard Process Construction
Phase - System Testing for a Release
- Activities
- Identify required tests for the release
- Test and record results
- Evaluate results
- Compute testing metrics
- Output - System testing results report
- Review -
- System testing progress
- System testing results review
36The System Testing Standard Process Construction
Phase - Beta-Site Testing Design
- Purpose - Design the test cases for the beta-site
testing and their distribution between testing
sites - Input
- System Testing
- Feature specifications and GUI definitions
- System design
- Existing system testing documentation
37The System Testing Standard Process Construction
Phase - System Testing Design
- Activities
- Identify test cases
- Specify test cases
- Map test cases to the sites
- Output - System Testing Design document
- Reviews - Beta-Site Testing Design Review
38The System Testing Standard Process Training
- System Testing Leader
- Management
- Testing
- System Testing Engineer
- testing
- Other
- Testing orientation
39The System Testing Standard Process Measurements
- Number of test cases
- Number of system testing cycles
- Number of changes in test cases
- Number of faults in test cases
- Number of faults detected
- Number of crashes
- Rate of fault detection
- Testing coverage
40The System Testing Standard Process Tailoring
- A new product with one release
- A new product with several releases
- A new product within a product line
- An upgrade of an existing product
41Infrastructure to Support System Testing
- System testing procedure
- A-Level and B-level system testing plan templates
- System Testing Description template
- Test Director
- Automatic testing (WinRunner)
- Bug Tracking tool
42Management of the System Testing Standard Process
- Monitoring
- Task meetings
- Professional - status meetings
- Projectile - progress meetings
- Control
- Program Management Review
43Quality Assurance for the System Testing Standard
- Participate in planning
- Support system testing design
- Review work products
- Audit process
44Configuration Management for System Testing
- All work products are placed under configuration
control - Test scripts and simulators are placed under
configuration control
45Results - Achievements
- Improved group morale
- System testing engineers are involved in the
program from the beginning - The role of the STEs is defined
- The required activities are defined
- Templates improve efficiency of testing design
46Results - Achievements (continued)
- Improve testing capabilities
- Tests are planned and documented in advance
- Tests fits the features
- Test case undergo peer reviews
- System testing documentation is under
configuration control
47Results - Difficulties
- Existing set of tests do not fit new format
- No time to redesign existing testware
- Short time for testing cause frustrations
48Plans for the Future
- Improve existing set of tests
- Identify and use regression tests
- Increase automatic testing portion
- Apply system testing measurements