Title: Water Board Certified Regulatory Program CEQA Training for Basin Planning and TMDLs
1Water BoardCertified Regulatory Program CEQA
Training forBasin Planning and TMDLs
2Introduction to CEQA for Certified Regulatory
- Terry Rivasplata, Jones Stokes
- Steven Blum, OCC
3Why Are We Here?
- To understand the rationale behind CEQA well
enough to manage a CEQA process well and prepare
excellent CEQA documentation - To understand the differences between normal
CEQA and CEQA for Certified Regulatory Programs
(and theyre not as big as you think) - To prepare staff to do an excellent job of
developing CEQA analyses in the future
4What is CEQA?
- A process designed to reveal potential
environmental impacts of a project - A vehicle that empowers citizens to influence
environmental decision-making - A process not a permit
- A legal requirement that can ensure
- Real public participation
- Mitigation of adverse impacts, whenever feasible
5Who Must Comply with CEQA?
- CEQA requirements apply to California public
agencies (state and local) - Projects proposed by private entities come under
CEQA when state or local permits are required
6How CEQA Works
- CEQA is intended to be interpreted in a manner
that affords the fullest possible protection of
the environment (Friends of Mammoth v. Board of
Supervisors 8 Cal.3d 247) - Relies on strict adherence to process as a way
to ensure public participationin government
decision making
7How CEQA Works
- Environmental analysis must include
- A description of project
- Potential significant impacts
- Review of mitigation and alternatives that will
avoid impacts - Review of cumulative impacts
- All environmental documents are subject to both
public and public agency review and comment
8Finding CEQA
- CEQA statute Public Resources Code 21000 et
seq. (California Environmental Quality Act) - CEQA Guidelines 14 CCR 15000 et seq.
- SWRCB implementation regulations 23 CCR 3720
et seq. - Updated statute, guidelines, caselaw, other info
9What is a Project?
- The whole of an action that may cause either
- A direct physical change in the environment
- A reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change
in the environment - Public agency issuance of a grant, loan, or other
financing of a project - Categorical exemption for studies (Guidelines
Guidelines 15378
10What is a Project?
- Adoption of a plan or policy that may result in
a significant environmental impact - Issuance of a permit, license, or entitlement
- NPDES permits are exempt from CEQA
Guidelines 15378
11What are Significant Impacts?
- A significant impact causes a substantial or
potentially substantial adverse change in
physical conditions in the project area - Environmental review must consider
- Direct impacts
- Reasonably foreseeable indirect impacts
- Impacts to the environment including impacts not
regulated by the lead agency -
Guidelines 15382
12Levels of Analysis
- If the project has no potential for significant
adverse impacts Negative Declaration - If significant impacts can be mitigated to
insignificance Mitigated Negative Declaration - If potential remains for significant impacts
Environmental Impact Report
13Certified Regulatory Programs
- Agency programs designed to protect the
environment and ensure public participation - Certified by Secretary of the Resources Agency
- Exempt from document formatting requirements of
standard CEQA process (similar content) - Examples
- Basin Planning and policies including TMDLs
(Water Boards) - Timber Harvest Plans (Dept of Forestry and Fire
Protection) - Coastal Development Permits (California Coastal
14Case Law Defining SEDs
- Since certification of the Basin Plan program,
our work has become more controversial and
subject to litigation - Case law has been defining and refining
requirements for SED - Required elements
- Level of detail
- Organization of SED
15Case Law Lessons Learned
- L.A. River Trash TMDL City of Arcadia
- Deer Creek Temperature California Sport Fishing
Alliance - L.A. River Metals TMDL Alternatives Analysis
Case - Others
16Certified Regulatory Programs
- Subject to most normal CEQA requirements
- Cross-agency consultation
- Public disclosure and review
- Notice, scoping, reasonable range of compliance
methods, alternatives analysis, mitigation,
cumulative impacts analysis, findings (resolution)
17CRP Requirements
- Project documents constitute substitute
environmental documentation (SED) - Basin Plan amendment
- Supporting Staff Report
- Checklist/environmental analysis
- Comments
- Responses
- Resolution
18SED Levels of Analysis
- Neg Dec-level SED
- Mitigated Neg Dec-level SED
- EIR-level SED
19Environmental Analysis
- Meets CEQA objectives
- Considers potential impacts
- Considers range of compliance methods
- Evaluates mitigation, alternatives to the
project, cumulative Impacts
20CRP Process
- Basin Plan amendments under the CRP follow the
public process for Basin Planning - Noticing and public review periods
- SED elements and organization
- Follow Water Board CEQA regulations (currently
under revision) - State Board SED process satisfies the CEQA
procedural requirements as well
22Basin Planning Overview
- Rik L. Rasmussen
- Senior Environmental Scientist
- Chief, Planning, Standards, and Implementation
23TMDLs and Basin Plan Amendments
- CWA 303(d)(2) 303(e)
- EPA Approved TMDLs must be incorporated into
State Water Quality Management plan - Should be incorporated during Continuous Planning
Process - CWA 303(c)
- Changes to Water Quality Standards
- Objectives
- Beneficial Uses
- NPDES Compliance Schedule Provisions
24TMDLs and Basin Plan Amendments (contd)
- Porter-Cologne
- 13242 requires Program of Implementation for
Water Quality Objectives - Administrative Procedures Act
- Rule of General Applicability
- Serial Actions
- Implementation will take multiple actions of the
Water Board
25(No Transcript)
26Overlapping Legal Requirements? Notice
- Porter-Cologne
- Government Code
- 6061 Publication for one day in a Newspaper
- 6061.3 Publication for 3 days for Prohibitions
- 45 Day for Notice of Filing (23 CCR 3777)
- Clean Water Act
- 45 Day Notice (33 US Code 1251 et. Seq.)
- Administrative Procedures Act
- CWA Public Participation (Gov.t Code 11353(b)
27Overlapping Legal Requirements?Economics
- Porter-Cologne
- When adopting new or revised water qualtiy
objectives - must consider economics (CWC 13241)
- When adopting an agricultural water quality
control plan (CWC 13141) - Estimate total costs of program
- Identify potential funding sources
28Overlapping Legal Requirements?Economics (Contd)
- CEQA 21159
- Adoption of a rule or regulation requiring the
installation of pollution control equipment, or a
performance standard or treatment requirement
29Response to Comments
- Peer review (Health and Safety Code 57004)
- Written response in record
- Public comments (23 CCR 3779 40 CFR Part 25
Administrative Procedures Act) - Written response available at hearing
- Oral response
- CEQA comments
- Late comments
- Summary of oral comments?
30Hearing Requirements
- Porter-Cologne
- 13244 (Regional Board), 13245 (State Board)
- Requires Agencies to develop CEQA procedures
- Procedures must be consistent with all CEQA
requirements (Joy Road Area Forest and Watershed
Association v. CDF, 142 Cal.App.4th 656) - Clean Water Act
- Comply with public participation requirements
- Administrative Procedures Act
- Defers to Porter-Cologne and CWA
31(No Transcript)
32 - State Board Liaisons
- Joanna Jensen Regions 2 and 6
- Michael Buckman Regions 3, 7, 4
- Nirmal Sandhar Regions 9 8
- Mitchell Goode Regions 1 5
- Nicholas Martorano Regions 4 5
- Backup
- Water Quality Standards Contacts
- Stephanie Rose Freshwater Bacteria
- Tom Kimball Methylmercury Fish Tissue
Objectives, Selenium - Steve Camacho Cadmium and Nutrients.
- David Edwards Chlorine Policy, Toxicity Control
Provisions (SIP)