Interoperability in the Australian Mining Industry AUSIndustry Workshops Executive Briefing Part 2 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Interoperability in the Australian Mining Industry AUSIndustry Workshops Executive Briefing Part 2


Placer Dome case history. Runge case history. Other industry needs. Where to next? ... Andrew Scott of Placer Dome. Jane Kato of Runge ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Interoperability in the Australian Mining Industry AUSIndustry Workshops Executive Briefing Part 2

Interoperability in the Australian Mining
IndustryAUSIndustry Workshops Executive Briefing
Part 2
  • Lesley Wyborn
  • Geoscience Australia
  • 22 June 2005

Outline Interoperability in the Australian
Mining Industry
  • Revision What is interoperability
  • Placer Dome case history
  • Runge case history
  • Other industry needs
  • Where to next?
  • Key take home message

Acknowledgements pt 1
  • The work to be presented in this workshop has
    been funded by the
  • 1. Commonwealth
  • AUSIndustry Innovation Access Program (IAccP)
  • AUSIndustry Innovation Access Fora Program (IAF)
  • Geoscience Australia
  • 2. State
  • Mineral Resources Tasmania
  • Geoscience Victoria
  • NSW Department of Mineral Resources
  • Queensland Department of Natural Resources and
  • Northern Territory Geological Survey
  • Western Australia Department of Industry and
  • Primary Industry and Resources South Australia
  • 3. Industry
  • Minerals Council of Australia
  • Social Change Online
  • Fractal Technologies
  • 4. All of the Above

Acknowledgements part 2
  • Andrew Scott of Placer Dome
  • Jane Kato of Runge
  • Colleagues of CSIRO, Geoscience Australia and
    Social Change Online who never gave up.

Setting the context for this paper
  • Interoperability represents perhaps the most
    significant paradigm shift in how data and
    information are managed and utilised since the
    emergence of the Internet
  • Neil Williams
  • CEO Geoscience Australia
  • Chair Australian Government Spatial Policy

Interoperability responding to national Drivers.
OSDM conference on Interoperability October 2005
What is interoperability?
  • "capability to communicate, execute programs, or
    transfer data among various functional units in a
    manner that requires the user to have little or
    no knowledge of the unique characteristics of
    those units

Lesleys definition
My stuff operates with your stuff and I dont
give a damn where it is, how it works and what
the format is
  • Source OGC Abstract Specification Topic 12
    Services. Derived from ISO 2382-1.

Where stuff digital computers programs
data etc
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  • The work to be presented is the result of a test
  • Participants should only act on the presentations
    and technical advice after independent
    consideration of their own particular

The role of AUSIndustry
  • The Test bed demonstrator was developed under an
    AUSIndustry Innovation Access Program (IAccP)
    grant led by the Minerals Council of Australia,
    CSIRO, GA and the pmdCRC.
  • Geoscience Australia and all State and Territory
    Geological Surveys funded the building of a
    demonstrator of real time interoperability
    between GA, SA and WA
  • The current AUSIndustry Innovation Access Fora
    (IAF) grant is to hold workshops in every capital
    city to
  • showcase interoperability - what it is and how
    Australian Industries can benefit from it
  • Install the test bed on the remaining state
  • Seek feedback on future directions
  • All results from both projects are available
    online at http//

Where will we be at the end July?
?July 14
?June 22
?July 21
?July 28
?June 15
Is there a business case for us to continue?
  • At the end of the current Innovation Access Fora
    grant we will have test bed interfaces between GA
    and every state and Territory Survey
  • This test bed makes some data accessible by
    industry from government sources
  • Are there other use cases?
  • Does industry value interoperability?
  • Let us look at two use cases

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Reasons from our letters of support for the
Innovation Access Fora Grant 1
  • The Geoscience Agencies recognise that
    significant potential of this technology to
    deliver strategic geoscience data to the minerals
    exploration industry
  • David Mason, Chair Chief Government Geologists
  • BHP Billiton is focussed on the utilisation and
    analysis of geospatial data to provide advice
    across our global operations in a timely and
    efficient manner. The ability to obtain these
    data more readily, and in open exchange formats
    will increase our efficiency to do what we do
  • Grant McLatchie, Co-ordinator Business
    Improvement, GIS, IT Databases, BHP Billiton

Reasons from our letters of support for the
Innovation Access Fora Grant 2
  • io global utilises geochemical data sets from
    government and the private sector on a daily
    basis, and improved efficiencies through
    interoperability would greatly benefit our
  • Stephen Winter, Managing Director io global
  • In the process of implementing acQuire software
    throughout the world the implementation personnel
    have continued to discover significant issues
    with the transfer and effective use of data
    between systems. Many issues have been identified
  • Data is invalidated or lost in the transfer
  • Metadata is often lost because it was not
    convenient to transfer
  • Unsupportable data conversion tools are
    constructed to facilitate transfers of data that
    are part of a critical process
  • Bill Withers, Managing Director, Metech Pty ltd

Reasons from our letters of support for the
Innovation Access Fora Grant 3
  • The issue of poor data interoperability and
    interchange in the exploration and mining
    industry is widely recognised as a significant
    barrier to achieving better outcomes both
    scientifically and economically, within the
  • As a software vendor, Fractal Technologies is
    acutely aware of the inefficiencies caused by
    having to support such a wide range of data
    formats, which requires us to spend a significant
    portion of our development resources writing file
    format translators rather than adding value
    through the creation of smarter data processing
    algorithms and data analysis tools
  • Mark Morrison, Technical Director, Fractal
    technologies Pty Ltd

Key points from case studies and support letters
  • Show the diversity of use cases for the same data
    type throughout the mining value chain
  • Show a strong business case for interoperability
    for management of your data in the external world
  • Show an even stronger business case for
    interoperability for internal data management
  • Show why standards need to be developed by groups
    working together as part of a community
  • Highlight the emerging issue that responsibility
    of data quality becoming a legislative issue

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Standardised XML interfaces will impose quality
control by default
Standardised XML interfaces will impose quality
control by default
There is a clear need to go further
  • What are our options?
  • Introducing the AUSIndustry Industry Cooperative
    Innovation Program (ICIP)
  • Announced 2 June 2005
  • Round 1 applications due 25 August

The AUSIndustry Industry Cooperative Innovation
  • Is this a viable mechanism for us to proceed?
  • Do we meet the criterion of an Action Agenda?
  • Are we an Innovation Implementation Activity?
  • The systematic work necessary for installing and
    establishing tools, processes, systems and
    services to implement innovation in an industry

Key initiative and actions Response to Minerals
Exploration Action Agenda June 2004
  • Recommended actions
  • Development and endorse a plan to upgrade and
    expand the Geoscience portal to include new
    on-line datasets
  • Endorse and adopt standards for company
    exploration data submitted to Mines Departments
  • Implement web-based services for on-line access
  • Develop and endorse a plan for implementation of
    an Australian Earth Science Grid

See http//
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What would we do for Industry Cooperative
Innovation Program (ICIP)?
  • We could extend the development of production
    system for the ADX standard beyond just
    interfacing assay data between the assay
    laboratories and industry to achieve part of the
    Minerals Action Agenda for improved access to
    pre-competitive geoscience information
  • Through ICIP we would expand the framework for
    this standard to also be one for interfacing
    assay data between and within government and
  • We would develop the means of having this
    standard used for company exploration data
    submitted to Mines Departments
  • This standard would be available for internal
    business use cases
  • The ADX standard would provide a framework for
    other minerals industry observational data as
    well as helping establish a viable metadata schema

Industry Cooperative Innovation Program (ICIP)
the realities
  • We will need cash support from industry for an
    ICIP grant
  • As several companies are already investing in
    this technology then if we work together and do
    it in a partnership we can ensure the standards
  • will suit all your use cases both internal and
  • will involve government, and industry (both large
    and SMEs and
  • will address the bigger picture needs expressed
    by submissions by industry to the Minerals
    Exploration Action Agenda
  • The ICIP scheme will leverage the dollars you are
    currently investing by giving you dollar for
    dollar return on your investment
  • We will need industry to lead the program
  • Please let us know ASAP if you are interested
    remember the 25 August deadline

Any Mining Company
Any Mining Company
Any Mining Company
There is no doubt our Interoperability test bed
has wider applications eg it could also
facilitate real time Emergency Management
Source http//
Key Take Home Message realise the dimensions
of the bigger picture
  • Interoperability represents perhaps the most
    significant paradigm shift in how data and
    information are managed and utilised since the
    emergence of the Internet
  • If you want to know where interoperability is ask
    the person in front of you if their digital stuff
    is interoperable with your stuff and then you
    will know where interoperability is!!!
  • As interoperability is everywhere the standards
    that underpin it must be developed at the
    international level
  • All sectors that support the mining industry
    government, industry, academic need to work
    together to develop the required standards
  • As the standards of other disciplines may be
    standards relevant to the mining industry we need
    to work in a very wide international forum
  • If we do this then we will develop the standards
    that underpin developing Australias future

Thank You
Contact Lesley Wyborn Geoscience
Australia Phone 02 62499489 Email lesley.wyborn_at_ga
Contact Robert Woodcock CSIRO Phone 08 6436
8780 Email
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