Title: ACRSPR MR Imaging of Congenital and Pediatric Cardiovascular MR Disorders
1ACR-SPR MR Imaging of Congenital and Pediatric
Cardiovascular MR Disorders
October 9-11, 2009
- Individual workstations for all attendees
- Leading vendor cardiovascular MR post-processing
software at every workstation - Emphasis on computer-based self-paced learning
with significant one-to-one faculty-to-attendee
2Pediatric Cardiovascular MR Techniques
Cynthia K. Rigsby, MD Department of
Medical Imaging Childrens Memorial Hospital
Chicago, IL
- The use of gadolinium for MRA and for power
injection is considered off-label - The use of gadolinium for children under the age
of 2 years is considered off-label
4Pediatric Cardiovascular MR Techniques
- Structure
- Function
- Flow
- Tissue Composition
- White blood techniques
- 2D and 3D steady state free precession
- Gradient echo
- Black blood techniques
- Inversion recovery fast spin echo/ HASTE
- High resolution
- ECG-gated
- Time-resolved
6White BloodSteady State Free Precession
- Balanced FFP, FIESTA, True FISP
- High contrast to noise ratio
- Low TE values
- Lessen turbulent flow artifacts
7White BloodGradient Echo
Gradient echo
- Accentuate turbulent flow jets
- Higher TE values than SSFP
8White BloodGradient Echo
Local shim
No local shim
- Severe banding/off-resonance artifacts on SSFP
9White BloodGradient Echo
- Infants/small children if TR for SSFP imaging gtgt
4 ms
3 month old with DORV s/p
- 3D steady state free precession
- Whole heart coverage
- Cardiac and extracardiac vascular imaging
- No contrast
- Isotropic, high resolution
- Up to 1 mm in plane resolution
- Coronary anatomy
- Performed free breathing
- Relatively operator independent
- Ideal for imaging children and CHD
Fenchel M, Greil GF, Martirosian P, Kramer U,
Schick F, Claussen CD, Sieverding L, Miller S.
Three-dimensional morphological magnetic
resonance imaging in infants and children with
congenital heart disease. Pediatr Radiol. 2006
Dec36(12)1265-72. Epub 2006 Sep 28.
11Adult lost to follow up and no available records.
Short of breath. Echo (poor windows) showed
CC-TGV and LV (subpulmonary) to PA conduit.
Evaluate anatomy and function.
- Mesocardia
- Azygous continuation of the IVC
- Hepatic veins drain directly to the RA
- Pulmonary veins drain to the left atrium
- Atrioventricular discordance ventriculoarterial
discordance - L-looped ventricles, L-TGV (CC-TGV)
- LV (subpulmonary) to distal main PA conduit
- Artifact related to metal in conduit
- Mild enlargement and hypertrophy of the systemic
RV - Small native PA. Normal RPA and LPA.
- Aortic insufficiency
- Right aortic arch with mirror image branching
- Right and left coronaries arise beneath the
sternum from separate ostia from the right
anterior facing sinus - Liver in the LUQ spleens in the RUQ
143D SSFP Limitations
- Non-cine images only. No functional info.
- Supplement with cine SSFP and flow sequences
- Future time resolved 3D SSFP
15Black Blood
- Characterize myocardial structure and composition
- Double inversion recovery fast spin echo/HASTE
- T1 SE
- May be performed with fat suppression and/or post
16Black Blood
- 7 yo male chest pain, vomiting, heart rate of 250
bpm - Echo large mass
Double inversion recovery fast spin echo/HASTE
17Black Blood
- MRI and biopsy c/w fibroma
Double inversion recovery FSE fat suppression
post gad
183D-Magnetic Resonance Angiography
- Mainstay for extracardiac vascular anatomy
- Gadolinium contrast
- Acquire multiple phases with each injection
- /- Timing of image acquisition
- Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis
- Images improved with breath holding
Roya S. Saleh, Swati Patel, Margaret H. Lee, M.
Ines Boechat, Osman Ratib, Carla R. Saraiva, and
J. Paul Finn Contrast-enhanced MR Angiography of
the Chest and Abdomen with Use of Controlled
Apnea in Children Radiology 2007 243 837-846.
19High Resolution MRA
- MRA traditionally been performed without
ECG-gating - Images can be limited by motion at the base of
the heart - Aortic root
- Ascending aorta
16 year old with Marfan syndrome
20High Resolution MRA
- MRA traditionally been performed without
ECG-gating - Images can be limited by motion at the base of
the heart - Aortic root
- Ascending aorta
16 year old with Marfan syndrome
21ECG-gated MRA
- Acquisition synchronized with ECG tracing
- Images acquired during cardiac phase with least
motion - Possible because of parallel imaging and reduced
acquisition times - Helps to eliminate motion at the base of the
heart - More reliable assessment of aortic root and
ascending aorta
Groves, Elliott M., Bireley, William, Dill,
Karin, Carroll, Timothy J., Carr, James C.
Quantitative Analysis of ECG-Gated
High-Resolution Contrast-Enhanced MR Angiography
of the Thoracic Aorta. Am. J. Roentgenol. 2007
188 522-528
22ECG-gated MRATeen with probable coarctation
Case courtesy of James Carr, Northwestern
23Time-Resolved MRA
- Repeated quick acquisition of 3-D MRA datasets
- 700 ms 6-10 seconds per phase
- Temporal information can be useful for diagnosis
- Tradeoff between temporal and spatial resolution
- Eliminates need for timing of contrast arrival
- Inject and scan
- Less susceptible to breathing and motion
artifacts - TRICKS, subsecond MRA
24Time-Resolved MRA
2.5 sec temporal resolution
25Time-Resolved MRA 10 yo with dyspnea on exertion
1 second temporal resolution
- SSFP imaging
- Myocardial tagging
- Systolic function
- How well the heart contracts during systole to
force blood out of the ventricles - RV and LV systolic function assessed with
ejection fractions - Endocardial border tracings on systolic and
diastolic images - 16 yo female TOF s/p repair
When/if to intervene Tetralogy of Fallot
patients? Therrien, etal. Optimal timing for
pulmonary valve repair in adults after TOF
repair. Am J Cardiol 2005 95 779-82.
29Probability of major adverse clinical outcomes
-death, sustained VT, functional
deterioration-late (median 21 years) after TOF
repairmedian follow-up 4.2 years
- Taken from Knauth, A L et al. Heart
200894211-216 - Z- score of 7 172 ml/m2 women
- 185 ml/m2 men
- Diastolic function
- How well the heart relaxes
- Diastolic dysfunction
- Limitation in ventricular relaxation causing
impairment of ventricular filling during diastole - Can precede systolic dysfunction
- More difficult than systolic function to directly
14 yo with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- Myocardial tagging can be used to assess systolic
and diastolic function - Parallel RF pulses saturate tissue and lead to
tags - Qualitative analysis
- Subjective and not reproducible over time
- Quantitative analysis
- Marks location of muscle tags and follows over
the cardiac cycle - Accurately index wall motion abnormalities
- Myocardial strain
Mid-LV inferior wall circumferential strain
Taken from Ennis DB, Epstein FH, Kellman P,
Fananapazir L, McVeigh ER, Arai AE. Assessment
of regional systolic and diastolic dysfunction
in familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy using MR
tagging. Magn Reson Med. 2003 Sep50(3)638-42.
Jérôme Garot, David A. Bluemke, Nael F. Osman,
Carlos E. Rochitte, Elliot R. McVeigh, Elias A.
Zerhouni, Jerry L. Prince, and João A. C. Lima
Fast Determination of Regional Myocardial Strain
Fields From Tagged Cardiac Images Using Harmonic
Phase MRI Circulation 2000. 101 981-988
34MR Phase Contrast Imaging
- Direct non-invasive measurement of
- blood flow velocity, direction, and flow rate
- Valve stenosis and regurgitation
- Shunt fractions (QpQs)
- Relative lung blood flow
- Diastolic dysfunction
- Myocardial wall motion
- Non-contrast MRA
- Significance of vascular stenoses
- Assessment of collateral flow
35Phase Contrast Imaging
- Pulmonary valve regurgitation
- Image perpendicular to vessel of interest
- Adequate temporal and spatial resolution
- Accurate velocity and blood flow measurements
- 16 yo TOF s/p repair
36Phase Contrast Imaging
- Flow direction
- White
- Black
- Gray
- Velocity
- Flow volume
- Velocity
- Vessel area
37Phase Contrast Imaging
- Regurgitant fraction
- Backward flow/forward flow
- 34/56 ml/beat
- 60 regurgitant fraction
38Phase Contrast Imaging
Therrien J, Provost Y, Merchant N, Williams W,
Colman J, Webb G. Optimal Timing of Pulmonary
Valve Replacement in Adults after TOF Repair.
American Journal of Cardiology 2005 95 779-782.
39Tissue Composition
- T2
- Myocardial delayed enhancement
- Perfusion
- Iron overload states
- ßthalassemia/Sickle cell disease/Hemochromatosis
- Iron accumulation in organs including heart and
liver - Chelation therapy to remove excess iron
- May or may not be completely successful
- Cardiac complications due to iron overload are
leading cause of death in thalassemia - Cardiac failure directly correlates with cardiac
iron burden
Wood JC, Enriquez C, Ghugre N, et al. Physiology
and pathophysiology of iron cardiomyopathy in
thalassemia. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2005 1054
41T2 Principles
- T2 is an MRI signal decay rate
- Greater iron in magnetic field increases field
inhomogeneity and shortens T2 - T2 values correlate with heart and liver iron
load - T2 imaging replacing liver biopsy and used to
direct chelation therapy
- Gradient echo pulse sequence with multiple TE
values - Mono-exponential decay curve fit to the MRI data
- Slope 1000/T2
- Higher iron content will have steeper curve and
lower T2
Normal volunteer T2 30 ms
Thalassemia patient T2 3 ms
Normal volunteer T2 33 ms LIC 1.04 mg/g dry
weight liver
Thalassemia patient T2 2.1 ms LIC 12.5 mg/g
dry weight liver
45Tissue CompositionMyocardial Delayed Enhancement
- Gadolinium rapidly equilibrates between
extracellular space and interstitium - Washes in and washes out of normal myocardium
- Slower wash in and wash out from damaged
myocardium - Delayed enhancement
- Images performed 15 minutes following contrast
- Scar or myocardial replacement fibrosis
Raymond J. Kim, David S. Fieno, Todd B. Parrish,
Kathleen Harris, Enn-Ling Chen, Orlando
Simonetti, Jeffrey Bundy, J. Paul Finn, Francis
J. Klocke, and Robert M. Judd Relationship of MRI
Delayed Contrast Enhancement to Irreversible
Injury, Infarct Age, and Contractile Function
Circulation 100 1992-2002
46Myocardial Delayed Enhancement
15 yo s/p left ventriculotomy as an infant for
apical muscular VSD repair. Chest pain during
47Myocardial Delayed Enhancement
- Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- Patchy MDE in area of hypertrophy
- Indicative of replacement fibrosis
- MDE associated with markers for risk of sudden
cardiac death and progressive disease
Moon etal. Toward Clinical Risk Assessment of HCM
with Gadolinium CMR. JACC 200341 1561-7.
48Myocardial Delayed Enhancement
- Thrombus imaging
- Failed classic Fontan patients prior to Fontan
conversion surgery - Retrospective review
- No false negative MRI studies for thrombus
compared with surgical findings
CT and MRI Imaging of the Failed Fontan
Circulation prior to Fontan Conversion. Ladino
M, de Freitas RA, Michelotti M, Deal BJ,
Mavroudis C, Backer C, and Rigsby CK. 93rd RSNA
Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, Chicago,
Illinois 2007.
49Myocardial Delayed Enhancement
- 3 year old with chest pain, abnormal ECG, and
elevated cardiac enzymes - Delayed enhancement
- Myocarditis
- May be nodular, subepicardial
- Does not respect vascular territories
- Cath negative biopsy c/w myocarditis
Lim etal. Non ischemic causes of delayed
myocardial hyperenhancement on MRI. AJR 2007
188 1675-1681
50Perfusion ImagingFirst Pass Contrast Enhancement
18 month old with 5 days of fever WBC 174K, 80
51Myocardial Delayed Enhancement
- Idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome
- Eosinophil mediated organ damage
- Thrombus
- Inflammation/fibrosis
- Restrictive cardiomyopathy (late)
Paydar A, Ordovas K, Reddy G. MRI for
Endomyocardial Fibrosis. Pediatr Cardiol.DOI
52Pediatric Cardiovascular MR Techniqueshttp//www.
- Structure
- 2D and 3D imaging
- SSFP, Gradient echo, MRA
- Function
- SSFP and myocardial tagging
- Flow
- Phase contrast imaging
- Tissue Composition
- T2, delayed enhancement, perfusion imaging
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