Title: Colorado 5 Million Lives Campaign
1Colorado 5 Million Lives Campaign
- WebEx Call February 6, 2008
5M Lives WebEx Call, 2/6/2008
2SE2 Role
- Strategic communications planning
- Technical assistance
- Advice/ideas
- Tool-box of materials
3SE2 Role
SE2 will help hospitals develop
- A communications plan including activities to
help spread, sustain and support campaign efforts
internally and externally. - An outreach plan to inform patients and families
about your hospitals efforts to improve the
safety of care.
45M Lives Communications
Communications Plan Goals
- Inform internal hospital staff of campaign to
get buy-in - Inform the public of the efforts your hospitals
involvement in the campaign
5Internal (Hospital) Communications
Goal Sustain patient safety improvements by
creating awareness throughout your hospital and
keeping employees motivated to apply the
6Internal (Hospital) Communications
Objective Inform employees about your hospitals
involvement in the campaign Activity Include
template newsletter article in internal hospital
7Internal (Hospital) Communications
Objective Get buy-in from employees and provide
an opportunity for questions from them Activity
Introduce 5M Lives Campaign at employee meetings
8Internal (Hospital) Communications
Objective Get buy-in from physicians and provide
an opportunity for questions from them Activity
Introduce 5 Million Lives Campaign at physician
9Internal (Hospital) Communications
Objective Get and keep hospital employees
excited and motivated about the
campaign Activity Post team-building flyers in
areas frequented by employees
10Internal (Hospital) Communications
Objective Provide employees with tools to
improve patient safety procedures Activity
Distribute HITs and campaign fact sheets to all
11Internal (Hospital) Communications
Objective Continue education for employees to
ensure interventions are being implemented
correctly Activity Host periodic informational
sessions on the interventions and technical
aspects of each
12Internal (Hospital) Communications
Objective Recognize employees who are champions
of the campaign, helping to build morale and have
outstanding performance in increasing patient
safety Activity Create an employee recognition
program for outstanding adherence to patient
safety improvements
13External (Community) Communications
Goal Increase community awareness about patient
safety improvements in your hospital.
14External (Community) Communications
Objective Inform the community that your
hospital is participating in the campaign as part
of its commitment to continual patient safety
improvements Activity Send template press
release to local media on your hospitals
participation in the campaign
15External (Community) Communications
Objective Inform patients and families about
patient safety improvements at your
hospital Activity Provide informational sheets
for patients and families in waiting rooms and
16External (Community) Communications
Objective Create opportunities for community
involvement to generate interest in the
campaign Activity Develop materials or use
existing materials to educate the community on
the campaign during existing events
17External (Community) Communications
Objective Continue to keep the public informed
on the campaign Activity Include template
article in hospitals community newsletter
18External (Community) Communications
Objective Keep the public informed on progress
of the campaign Activity Update and resend
press release to your local media periodically
with updates throughout the campaign
19External (Community) Communications
Objective Provide the perspective of hospital
leadership on what your hospital is doing to
increase safety and reduce infections Activity
Submit an op ed from your hospitals CEO or
trustee to your local newspaper
20Communications Tool-box
Go to
21Recent news stories
Fort Morgan Times http//www.fortmorgantimes.c
20lives20campaign.txt Pueblo Chieftain
22Proactive media outreach
- Safety and infection prevention are getting a
lot of media attention - Story telling can be powerful
- Example Colorado 100K Lives Campaign
23Proactive media outreach
- Story Ideas
- A patient saved by your Rapid Response Team
- A family helped by the efforts your hospital is
making in patient safety - Sustainable improvements youre seeing in
outcomes due to safety interventions - An op-ed signed by your CEO about could use
hook of current news related to safety (MRSA
prevention, hospital report card, etc.)
245M Lives Communications
Website www.Colorado5MillionLives.org (Will
be updated with materials / information
throughout the campaign.)
- Olivia Gallegos
- Campaign Communications Coordinator
- SE2
- 907 Acoma St. Denver, CO 80204
- 303-892-9100 x 19
- Olivia_at_PublicPersuasion.com