Title: Marie Curie Information and Proposal Writing Day New Zealand House 12 October 2004
1Marie Curie Information and Proposal Writing
DayNew Zealand House12 October 2004
- Estelle Kane
- UK Research Office
- mobility_at_bbsrc.ac.uk
2Host session
- Estelle Kane
- UK Research Office
- mobility_at_bbsrc.ac.uk
3Overview of session
- UKRO as National Contact Point
- Outline of submission and evaluation process
- Advice on Marie Curie Proposal Writing for Host
4What is UKRO?
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research
Council (BBSRC)
Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research
Council (EPSRC)
Medical Research Council (MRC)
Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)
Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council
5UKROs mission
To promote effective UK participation in EU
funded research, higher education training
related activities by alerting subscribers to
the opportunities available providing updates on
developments exchanging information between UK
6UKRO services
- Web http//www.ukro.ac.uk
- Tailored information services
- Advice to European Officers researchers
- UK Mobility National Contact Point
- UK Briefing visits
- Brussels Meeting room
7National Contact Point
- First point of contact for applicants
- Advice, guidance and information on applying for
funding, contract management, report writing etc - Website and helpline service
- Training events, publicity actions
- Liaison between the Member State and the
8Proposal submission and evaluation
- Estelle Kane
- UK Research Office
- mobility_at_bbsrc.ac.uk
9Proposal submission (1)
10Proposal submission (2)
- Hard copy
- Sensible font size
- Electronic Proposal Submission System (EPSS)
- User-name and password in good time
- Send in time
11Proposal submission (3)
- 2 Stage submission process
- Stage 1
- Submit an outline of total project
- Address select criteria in detail
- Stick to page limit (where stated) and font size
criteria - Stage 2
- Submit a complete proposal
- The following actions will follow a 2 stage
submission process - RTN and EST
12Proposal submission (4)
- For both 1 and 2 stage evaluation process
- Submit a complete proposal before the deadline
- The following actions will follow a 2 stage
evaluation process - IEF, IIF, OIF, EXT, EXC
- The following actions will follow a 1 stage
evaluation process - SCF, ToK, EXA, ERG, IRG
13Outline of the process
- Published as a call
- Submit application before deadline
- Evaluation process
- Notification of results
- Submit full proposal or undergo complete
evaluation - Notification of results
- Contract negotiation
- Contract signature and start of project
14Evaluation process
Individual Evaluation
Ethical Issues
Ranking by Commission
Negative Result
Commission Funding Decision
15Key documents
- The Call Text
- A Rough Guide to the Marie Curie Actions
- The Human Resources and Mobility Work Programme
2004-2006 - The Handbook all actions except IRG
- The Guide for Proposers
- Guidance Notes for Evaluators
- Sources
- UKRO NCP website http//www.ukro.ac.uk/mobility
- Commission http//fp6.cordis.lu/fp6
16Proposal writing
17What does the Commission want?
- Breaking down the application form
- Understanding the action
- Finding more information
- Think about your evaluators
18Research Training Networks (1) a reminder
- Well defined collaborative research projects
of recognised international stature - Minimum 3 partners in 3 Countries
- Flexible framework for the Training and
Development of Researchers - (Appropriate mix of Early Stage and Experienced
researchers) - Promotion of multidisciplinary research
- Up to 3 year fellowships, including short stays
19Research Training Networks (2) December 2004
- Indicative budget of 45 million euro.
- The call will be focused, requesting applicants
to address the following objectives - - bringing together and integrating different
disciplines, especially towards the derivation of
novel concepts, approaches and frameworks - - establishing/furthering co-operation in
research and research training between academia
and industry and/or other relevant economic
20Overall proposal structure for RTNs
- B1 Scientific Quality of the Project or
Research Training Area - B2 Quality of Training Activities
- B3 Quality / Capacity of the Host(s)
- B4 Management and Feasibility
- B5 Relevance to the objectives of the activity
- and Added Value to the Community
- B6 Previous proposals and contracts
- B7 Other Issues
21Weightings and thresholds for RTNs
- W T
- B1 Scientific Quality of the Project 15 (50) 3
- New!
- B2 Quality of Training Activities 20 (50) 4
- New!
- B3 Quality / Capacity of the Host(s) 15 -
- B4 Management and Feasibility 15 3
- B5 Relevance to the objectives
- of the activity Added Value to the
- Community 35 New! -
- B6 Previous proposals and contracts
- B7 Other Issues
22RTNs B1 Scientific Quality of Project/Research
Training Area (1)
- For the deadline of November 2004 Are the ST
objectives well specified , including in terms
of inter-disciplinary content and inter-sectoral
issues? - For the 2005 deadline Are the ST objectives
well specified , including in terms of
inter/multi-disciplinary, inter-sectoral and /or
fragmentation issues? - Is the joint collaborative research project of
high scientific quality, realistic and well
23RTNs B1 Scientific Quality of Project /Research
Training Area (2)
- Is the research methodology appropriate?
- Is the project original and innovative?
- Does it demonstrate sound knowledge of the
24RTNs B2 Quality of the Training Activities/
Transfer of Knowledge (1)
- Is the training / ToK programme precisely
described, well articulated and consistent with
the collaborative research project? - Does it address important and timely training /
ToK needs (e.g. multidisciplinary, and
intersectoral (both mandatory in 2004-call))? - Is it adapted to the targeted researchers
25RTNs B2 Quality of the Training Activities/
Transfer of Knowledge (2)
- Does it combine local specialist training with
network-wide training / ToK activities? - Benefit to the researcher in terms of the
acquisition of relevant complementary skills
(e.g. Management, Communication, IPR, ethics,
26RTN Tips Training programme (1)
fail here) - Detailed and exhaustive (credible activities)
- Detail on collaborations between ESR and EXR
- Flexible, adaptable and well monitored
- Secondments
- Ambitious but not tourist exchanges
- Linked well with work plan and exact schedule
27RTN Tips Training programme (2)
- Complementary and interdisciplinary skills
- RTN newsletter, accessible databank
- Balanced training for all in RTN must be no
disadvantage for some nodes - Participation in events while important, does not
constitute training in itself
28RTN Tips Training programme (3)
- Variety of implementation (scale, location,
method, timing) - Make main decisions well before start
- Ensure does not overlap with existing programmes
and RTNs in field (in Europe!) - Distant learning appreciated but must be seen as
29Early Stage Researcher Training
- W T
- B1 Scientific Quality of the Project 10 (30) 3
- New!
- B2 Quality of Training Activities 15 (70) 4
- New!
- B3 Quality / Capacity of the Host(s) 25 -
- B4 Management and Feasibility 15 3
- B5 Relevance to the objectives
- of the activity Added Value to the
- Community 35 New! -
- B6 Previous proposals and contracts
- B7 Other Issues
30ESTs B1 Scientific Quality of Project/Research
Training Area
- Scientific/technological quality of the training
area. Timeliness and relevance of the research
training area - Research methodology including any
interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary aspects
of the proposal - Originality and innovative nature of the training
31ESTs B2 Quality of the Training
Activities/Transfer of Knowledge (1)
- Quality of the training programme including
complementary training offered - Match and appropriateness of the proposed
training for the targeted researchers - Benefit to the researchers of the training in the
relevant field
32ESTs B2 Quality of the Training
Activities/Transfer of Knowledge (2)
- Benefit to the researchers and host from new
collaborations. - Mutual recognition of the training acquired by
multi-partner hosts (where appropriate)
33EST Tips Fellowships
- Mentor/trainee balance
- Common and well defined selection process
(equality, criteria defined, publicity, cross
assessment, recruitment) - Training programme adaptable to individual
(career development plan, competence matching) - Deliverables for Fellow
- Realistic fellowship lengths
34EST Tips Training programme
- Detailed and exhaustive (credible activities)
- Flexible, adaptable and well monitored
- Complementary and inter-disciplinary skills
- Participation in events while important, does not
constitute training in itself
35ESTs Specific Objectives and Added Value (1)
- Relevance of the proposal to one or more of the
specific objectives of the action - as specified
in section of this document - Structuring effects at the European level and if
relevant extent to which other European policy
objectives are met. - Contribution to international recognition of
research training and diploma recognition
36ESTs Specific Objectives and Added Value (2)
- Match to the demand for researchers in the
particular field, and contribution to gender
balance - Extent to which other objectives of European
policies and actions are met (e.g. structuring
the European Research Area attractiveness of
science European competitivity intersectorial
exchanges promoting women in science cohesion
and regional policy)
37European Research Policy background documents
- Towards a European Research Area, Jan 2000
- More Research for Europe Towards 3 of GDP, Sept
2002 - ERA Providing New Momentum, October 2002
- Investing in Research An Action Plan for Europe,
June 2003 - The Role of Universities in the Europe of
Knowledge, Feb 2003 - Researchers in the ERA One Profession, Multiple
Careers, July 2003 - Europe and Basic Research, Jan 2004
- ST, the Key to Europes Future Guidelines for
Future EU Policy to Support Research, June 2004
38Example of European Policy Objectives
- Life Sciences and Biotechnology A Strategy for
Europe, Jan 02 - Environment 2010 Our Future, Our Choice, July
2002 - Stimulating Technologies for Sustainable
Development An Environmental Technologies Action
Plan for the EU, Jan 2004 - Towards a European Strategy for Nanotechnology,
May 2004 - Security Research The Next Steps, September 2004
39Transfer of Knowledge Quality of Host (1)
- Quality of the host in its current area of
research - Quality and relevance of international/
intersectoral research collaborations - Quality and adequacy of infrastructure /
facilities - Match between project and host's profile
- Capacity of the hosts to receive knowledge
40ToK - Quality of Host (2)
- Some evaluators comments
- Although host group seems to have good expertise,
only a summary of CVs of some people involved in
the project and information on research topics of
partners are provided. - The description of the host quality is very
unsatisfactory and does not include information
requested for section B3.
41ToK - Quality of Host (3)
- Evaluators comments continued
- The host's capacity to receive and disseminate
knowledge is very large. - The educational dimension of the activities is
important and substantial. - The host provides accommodation, and visiting
positions will be properly advertised.
42ToK Management and Feasibility (1)
- Practical arrangements for the implementation and
management of the transfer of knowledge project
including ability to build upon knowledge
transferred - Recruitment/exchange strategy, including
timetable, equal opportunity policy, etc
43ToK Management and Feasibility (2)
- Feasibility and credibility of the project
- Quality of the collaborative partnership (where
relevant) - Appropriate size of requested fellowship project
with regard to capacity of the host
44ToK Management and Feasibility (3)
- Some evaluators comments
- The match of the targeted researchers profile to
the knowledge transfer is not discussed. - The practical arrangements for the implementation
of the joint research program and the management
structure are described, including the sharing of
intellectual property rights. - On the other hand, none of the other criteria are
covered, e.g. the issues of recruitment, the
ability of each host to absorb transfer, the
match of the staff to be exchanged to the
project, etc
45ToK Management and Feasibility (4)
- Evaluators comments continued
- The management processes and plan are described
in detail, highly professional and excellent. - An appropriate size and experienced team is in
place for managing this complex project (creating
a CoE) and giving it a high probability of
success. - Equally important is the high level commitment
from the host institutes and its collaborating
partners. - However, the recruitment processes and
coordination between partners should be better
46Series of Events (SCF) Quality of Research
- Quality of training
- Contact building arrangements
- Importance and relevance of the training
47SCF Tips Quality of Research Training
- Keynote teachers are clearly identified
- Ensure field covered is not too wide or too
narrow so beneficial to early stage researchers - Clear link between the events
- Variety of engagement methods e.g. hands-on
experience presentation of work meet the
experts, with both theoretical and practical
training - The publications will have a reference beyond the
event itself
48Marie Curie deadlines for host/excellence actions
49Further information
- UKRO NCP website
- http//www.ukro.ac.uk/mobilityUKRO NCP contact
details mobility_at_bbsrc.ac.uk Tel 32 2 230 0318
- Other useful websites
- http//www.europa.eu.int/comm/research/fp6/mariecu
rie-actions/home_en.html - http//www.cordis.lu/rtd2002/home.html
- http//europa.eu.int/geninfo/whatsnew_comm.htm