Unix, Remote Computing, and NMR Calculations on a Linux Cluster n1 at UNCW - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Unix, Remote Computing, and NMR Calculations on a Linux Cluster n1 at UNCW


Certain carbocations may exist as structures in which the positive charge is ... the vi editor and some commands (e.g., grep) as indicated in the lab handout. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Unix, Remote Computing, and NMR Calculations on a Linux Cluster n1 at UNCW

  • Unix, Remote Computing, and NMR Calculations on
    a Linux Cluster n1 at UNCW

  • Certain carbocations may exist as structures in
    which the positive charge is localized mainly on
    one carbon (classical) or spread over several
    carbons (non-classical) due to bridging or other
  • In this lab we will do calculations to predict
    the lowest energy structure for a given
    carbocation. We will also calculate the NMR
    shielding values of the carbon atoms in the

  • The difference in the sum of the carbon atom
    isotropic shielding values between the parent
    hydrocarbon and the cation (which is equal to the
    difference in the sum of their chemical shifts)
    have been correlated to the nature of the
    carbocation (classical or non-classical).
  • If the absolute difference (hydrocarbon
    parent-cation) is gt350 ppm, the cation is
    considered to be classical if the difference is
    lt250 ppm, it is considered to be non-clasical.

NMR Isotropic Shielding Values
(Gaussian mistakenly reports these as Isotropic
Shielding Tensors)
Differences in shielding values differences in
chemical shifts
Ethane/ethyl/bridged ethenium ion
Isotropic Shielding Values (in ppm )
194 194 388
148 (-118) 30
61 61 122
Difference from 388
358 262

  • Because NMR calculations require large basis sets
    for accuracy, you will use a computer faster than
    a pc these calculations will be performed
    remotely on an 8 processor Linux cluster at UNCW.
  • This machine is a Linux-based platform, so you
    will need to learn how to do remote computing and
    a few Unix commands.
  • You will also learn how to use Gaussian 03, a
    widely used quantum chemistry computational
    software package.

Logging on to a remote computer
  • Well use puTTy (icon in Applications folder) for
    secure connections to logon to
  • n1.dobo.uncw.edu
  • (this is Linux cluster, called n1)
  • Login (on n1)
  • martin
  • password (Ill enter this)

Unix Commands
  • Useful Unix commands
  • pwd (tells you what directory you are in)
  • mkdir NMR (makes a new directory named NMR)
  • ls la (gives a complete listing of files in
  • cd .. (changes directories to the next higher
  • cd (changes directories to your home, or login
  • cp filename1.dat filename2.dat (makes a copy of a
    file, giving it a different filename)

Other useful Unix commands
  • cp filename1.dat dirname1/filename2.dat (makes a
    copy of a file, saves it in a different directory
    and gives it a different filename)
  • mv filename1.dat dirname2/filename1.dat (moves a
    file to a different directory, keeping the same
  • mv filename1.dat dirname2/filename2.dat (moves a
    file to a different directory, and changes the
  • rm filename1.dat (removes (deletes) a file)
  • rmdir dirname1 (removes (deletes) a directory it
    must be empty first could use rm dirname1 r,
    but this is dangerous
  • exit (or logout) (logs you off the computer)

vi text editor commands
  • vi filename.dat (opens filename.dat in text
    editor must be in same directory as file, or
    else must use pathname/filename)
  • i (enters insert mode Esc gets you out of
    any mode)
  • a (enters append mode Esc gets you out of
    any mode)
  • x (enters delete mode Esc gets you out of
    any mode)
  • r (single character overstrike mode upper
    case R is for multiple character overstrike
  • dd (deletes entire line)
  • ZZ (exits vi editor, saving changes)
  • q! (exits vi editor without saving changes)

Editing an input file for Gaussian
  • Gaussian 03 requires input files with a .dat
    (or .com) extension
  • The file must be in a certain format, shown on
    the following slide
  • Spacing is critical (blank spaces or no spaces
    and blank lines must be exactly as called for)
  • The molecule description (Cartesian coordinates
    or Z-matrix) is free-form any number of spaces
    between adjacent columns is OK

Format of Gaussian input file
  • chk/tmp/yourdirname/filename.chk
  • HF/6-31G nosymm opt freq
  • (blank line)
  • (title or any comments you wish to add go here)
  • (blank line)
  • 1 1 (charge multiplicity )
  • molecular specificationXYZ coordinates or
    Z-matrix goes here
  • (blank line)
  • --Link1--
  • chk/tmp/yourdirname/filename.chk
  • HF/6-31G geomallcheckpoint nosymm popnpa
  • (blank line)

(the red section is a link to an nmr job)
Submitting a Gaussian job
  • An executable script called xg03 has been written
    to automate the submission process for Gaussian
    03 calculations.
  • xg03 filename.dat

Checking on a Gaussian job
  • After a job has been submitted, note the .job and
    .out files in your directory an .error file
    indicates a finished job.
  • A copy of the .out file may be viewed at any time
    without interrupting the calculation type cat
    filename.out to scroll through the file very
    quickly to the end use the elevator bar to go
    back into the file.
  • Alternatively, use more filename.out and the
    spacebar to view the file one screen at a time

Objectives for Tuesdays lab
  • Logon to the account
  • Create a directory for your scratch files
  • mkdir /tmp/425_nhm
  • Make a copy of the H.dat file to a file having
    your initials in the filename
  • cp H.dat Hnhm.dat
  • Use the vi editor to edit the file H.dat

Objectives for Tuesdays lab
  • vi Hnhm.dat (use vi editing commands to change
    the directory and filename in the first line)
  • submit H.dat for Gaussian 03 calculation.
  • xg03 Hnhm
  • When the job is finished, examine the output
  • more Hnhm.out

Objectives for Tuesdays lab
  • Build a model of each of your isomeric
    carbocations in Titan
  • Optimize each of them using semi-empirical MO
    theory (AM1 or PM3). If this changes the
    structure from what you want, re-build the
    structure using constraints if needed and skip
    the semi-empirical MO optimization step.
  • Save the structures as .pdb files
  • Open them in GaussView save them as Cartesian
    Coordinate files (with a .dat extension).
  • Note the atom numbering. A sketch or a copy of
    the structure with atom numbers will be helpful.

Objectives for Tuesdays lab
  • Edit the .dat files using Notepad on a pc or vi
    on n1 to conform to the Gaussian 03 format used
    by n1. (see handout)
  • Use WINSCP3 to copy the files to an account on n1
    (our Linux cluster).
  • Alternatively, use puTTY to access n1, then open
    a new file in vi, then copy and paste your .dat
  • Submit them by typing the command
  • xg03 filename.dat

Visualizing Gaussian results
  • Transmit a copy of the .out file from n1 to the
    local pc this is done using WINSCP3.
  • We use a program GaussView that opens Gaussian
    .out files and renders models of structures in
    various types of representations.
  • Observe each structure and make measurements on
    each structure as needed to determine if it is
    a classical or non-classical carbocation.

Objectives for the Next lab
  • Repeat the entire process, this time modeling the
    parent hydrocarbon (alkane).
  • Perform the data analysis, including calculating
    the difference in the sums of the chemical
    shielding values between the parent hydrocarbon
    and each carbocation structure.
  • Visualize the carbocations, copy the structure to
    put in your report, and make measurements as
    needed to determine whether each is classical or

Objectives for the Next lab
  • Also obtain the NMR Isotropic Shielding values
    and the npa charges on the carbon atoms in each
    structure. These can be done using the vi editor
    and some commands (e.g., grep) as indicated in
    the lab handout.
  • Analyze the data (NMR shielding values, npa
    charges, energies, bond lengths and bond angles)
    to determine whether the carbocation you modeled
    exists as a classical or non-classical structure,
    according to the HF/6-31G calculations.
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