Title: The current place of HIV and immunosuppression in lower genital tract pathology- What should the clinician know?
1The current place of HIV and immunosuppression in
lower genital tract pathology- What should the
clinician know?
- Heather Evans October 2005
2HIV Iatrogenic Immunosuppression
3HIV/AIDS Development of the epidemic
- 1981 - First recognised case in America
- 1983 - Discovery of the virus
- First case of AIDS in the UK
- 1984 - Development of the Antibody test
- 1986 - Zidovudine first antiretroviral drug
- 1995 - Development of viral load testing (PCR)
4Global summary of the HIV/AIDS epidemic,
December 2004
Number of people living with HIV/AIDS
Total 39.4 million Adults 37.2
million Women 17.6 million Children
under 15 years 2.2 million People newly infected
with HIV in 2004 Total 4.9 million Adults
4.3 million Women 2 million
( 2002) Children under 15 years 640 000 AIDS
deaths in 2004 Total 3.1 million Adults
2.6 million Women 1.2 million (2002)
Children under 15 years 510 000
Data source UNAIDS
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6HIV and CIN
7Scale of the epidemic in UK
- More Heterosexual transmission
- 12 adult AIDS in women
- 70 from heterosexual intercourse
- Men women from or spent time in Sub-Sahara
Africa - 53,000 adults by end of 2003, 27 unaware
- X2 increase in women infected from 14 in 1990 to
35 in 2000
8Rates of diagnosed HIV-infected adults seen for
care in the UK in1998 and 2003 by residence
Data source SOPHID and CD4 monitoring scheme for
9HIV AIDS diagnoses and deaths in HIV-Infected
individuals by year of occurrence in the United
Kingdom, 1993-2002
. Data source HIV/AIDS reports.
10HIV in London
- 850 HIV positive women gave birth in UK in 2003.
- 60 in inner London
- Prevalence of 1 in 400
- Elsewhere prevalence 1 in 4,500
11Human Immunodeficiency Virus
- HIV is a retrovirus that uses its RNA and the
hosts DNA to make viral DNA by encoding the
enzyme reverse transcriptase allowing DNA to be
transcribed from RNA
12HIV electron micrograph
14HIV Disease Progression
Infection with HIV results in a gradual depletion
of CD4 cells Case definition of AIDS CD4 lt
200/µL Opportunistic infection Cancer
- Systemic immunosuppression
- Reduced CD4 counts
- High viral HIV load
- Local immunosuppression
- Reduced Langerhans cells (Barton 1990)
- Impaired CD8 function (Olaitan AIDS 1996)
16HPV and CIN
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19Association between HIV CIN
- Up to 10 of colposcopy patients HIV USA
- Prevalence of CIN increased x4-10
- gt40 of HIV at RFH had abnormal smear at
20HIV CIN - Summary
- HIV alters the natural history of CIN resulting
in rapid progression, a lower rate of regression
and an increased recurrence rate following
treatment - Increased risk of CIN with advancing
immunosuppression - Persistent infection with oncogenic HPV and high
HPV load - HIVve women often suffer from multifocal disease
involving the whole anogenital tract
21(No Transcript)
- HAART improves immunological and virological
status allowing clearance of virus - Heard et al AIDS. 2002
- CIN regression occurred in 67 (39.9) of the
enrolled women. - Other studies disagree
23NHS CSP Standards Quality in Colposcopy
Guidelines 2004
- Women newly diagnosed with HIV
- Base-line cytology colposcopy
- Annual cytology
- Same age range
24Assessment of HIV women with CIN
- Careful colposcopy
- Inspect vagina vulva as higher incidence of
multi-focal disease - Biopsy ALL abnormal areas
25Cervical Screening protocol for HIV-positive
women at Royal Free Hospital
3 consecutive negative smears required at 6-
monthly interval before back to annual smears
26HIV and CIN
- Case Report - Patient X
- 30 year old Ugandan, married,
- non-smoker
- 1995 Moderate dyskaryosis on smear, biopsy
CIN3, - Laser ablation to 8mm
- 1996 Severe dyskaryosis on f/u smear
- 1996/97 2X LLETZ, clear margins
- 1998 Knife cone biopsy - CIN3 to margins
- 1999 HIV test - positive
27HIV Cervical Cancer
28HIV and Cervical Cancer
- X5 more frequent in HIV positive .
- 1993 Cx cancer AIDS defining condition
- Commonest AIDS defining malignancy
- Unlike Kaposi sarcoma and other AIDS defining
neoplasms its occurrence is not dependant on
immunocomporomise (Clarke B Mol Pathol 2002)
29HIV Cervical Cancer
- Poor prognosis
- Poor response to therapy
- Higher recurrence rates
- Higher death rates
- Maiman et al, 1993, Cancer
30Immunosuppression and CIN (1)
- Women with Renal Failure requiring dialysis
- Cytology at or shortly after diagnosis
- Colposcopy if resources permit
- Any abnormality should be referred to
colposcopy - Women about to undergo renal transplant should
have had cytology within the past year
31Immunosuppression and CIN (2)
- No indication for increased surveillance for
- Cytotoxic chemotherapy
- Long term steroids
- Tamoxifem
32Immunosuppression and CIN (3)
- Women on cytotoxic drugs for rheumatoid
conditions or immunosuppression post transplant - Follow national guidelines
- Refer if smear abnormal
- HIV increases risk of CIN because of local
systemic immune impairment - Colposcopists should consider HIV in women with
difficult to manage CIN - HIV positive women are 5 times more likely to
develop CIN and cervical cancer - New guidelines should improve surveillance
management. - Liaison with HIV physician is an important part
of management of infected women