Title: John Deere 148 158 and 168 Farm Loaders Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMW21465)
I 9
O M W 2 1 4 6 5
2To the Purchaser
This safety alert symbol identifies impor- tant
safety messages in this manual. When you see this
symbol, be alert to the possi- bility of personal
injury and carefully read the message that
follows. Right and left-hand sides are
determined by facing in the direction of forward
travel. Record your loader model and serial
number in the space provided on page 86. Your
dealer needs this information to give you prompt,
efficient service when you order parts or
attachments. Because John Deere sells its
products world-wide, U.S. units of measure are
shown with their respective metric equivalents
throughout this operator's manual. These
equivalents are the SI (International System)
Units of Measure.
- Page
- SAFETY ..............................2-8
- Before Operating ......................2-3
- Operating. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . 3-4 - Handling Round Bales ..................5-6
- Service and Storage..................... 7
- Transporting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . 8 - PREPARING THE TRACTOR ............. 9-11 Tractor
Size ........................... 9 FrontAxle.
.... . . .. . . .... . . . 9 Front Tires
............................10 - Rear Tires ............................10
- Rear Tread ...........................11
- Rear Ballast...........................11
- ATTACHING THE LOADER .............. 12-19
- Mounting the Loader ................. 12-14
- Hydraulic Connections ................ 15-19
- CONTROLS ......................... 20-23
- Remote Cylinder Control Valves ......... 20-21
Independent Control Valve ............. 22-23
TROUBLE SHOOTING ................. 40-41 SERVICE
........................... 42-44 Cylinders
.......................... 42-44 Hardware Torque
Chart .......... , .......44 ATTACHMENTS
...................... 45-57 60-Inch (1.52 m)
Manure Fork .............45 Materials Bucket
.......................45 Tines . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.46 Extensions For 60-Inch (1.52 m) Materials
Buckets .....................46 Side Cutting
Edges .....................47 Bucket Level
Indicator ................ 47-48 Round Bale
Clamp................... 49-51 Grapple Fork
....................... 51-53 Haystacker. . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
54-55 Mounting Stand .....................
56-57 Independent Control Valve
................57 ASSEMBLY .....................
..... 58-83 Preparing the Tractor
................. 58-59 Installing Mounting
Ffames ............. 59-68 Attaching the Loader
....................69 Connecting Hydraulics
................ 70-83 SPECIFICATIONS
..................... 84-85 Operating Dimensions
...................85 SERIAL NUMBER
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BEFORE OPERATING 1. Read all decals and SAFETY
section of this manu- al.
2. Escaping fluid under pressure can have
sufficient force to penetrate the skin, causing
serious per- sonal injury. Before disconnecting
lines, be sure to relieve all pressure. Before
applying pressure to the system, be sure all
connections are tight and that lines, pipes and
hoses are not damaged. Fluid escaping from a very
small hole can be almost invisible. Use a piece
of cardboard or wood, rather than hands to search
for suspected leaks. If injured by escaping
fluid, see a doctor at once. Serious infection or
reaction can develop if proper medical treatment
is not administered immedia1ely.
6Safety 3
- Become familiar with all controls.
- Check hardware condition.
- Check condition of hydraulic hoses and connec-
- tions.
- Remove foreign objects from loader.
- Be sure no one is near loader.
- Be sure all tractor PTO shields are installed.
- Improper use of loader can cause serious injury
or - death.
- Under most operating conditions
- Using a seat belt on a tractor with a roll-over
- protective structure is recommended.
- Using a seat belt on a tractor without a
roll-over protective structure is not recommended.
74 Safety
- OPERATINGContinued
- Use the recommended rear wheel ballast.
- Keep PTO clutch lever disengaged.
- Be sure no one is near tractor and loader.
- Do not allow riders on tractor or loader.
- Operate loader from operator's seat only.
- Carry load low at all times.
- Turn tractor at slow speeds.
- Reduce tractor ground speed when traveling over
rough terrain. - Avoid traveling over loose fiil, rocks and holes.
- Do not overload loader. 13, Avoid working on
inclines. - Drive slowly through gates and doors.
- Avoid handling loose or shiftable loads.
- Never use loader as a battering ram.
- Remain at controls until operating cycle is com-
plete. - Lower bucket or attachment to ground when loader
is unattended. - Never stand under a raised loader bucket or at-
- tachment.
Protect Against Noise Prolonged exposure to loud
noise can cause impair- ment or loss of
hearing. Wear a suitable hearing protective
device such as earmuffs (A) or earplugs (B) to
protect against objec- tionable or uncomfortable
loud noises.
AEarmuffa BEarplugs
8Safety 5
- Improper use of front-end loaders to handle round
bales can result in iniury to the tractor
operator from - the bale rolling back down the loader boom into
the operator's station or - - a tractor roll-over accident caused by
instability - when the bale is not carried low.
- CAUTION Exercise extreme caution when using a
front-end loader to handle round bales. Be
careful and prevent bodily injury. - Even when using proper equipment, handling round
bales can be hazardous. Follow the instructions
shown in this manual and on the decals attached
to the loader and round bale clamp.
96 Saf'ety
- Do not handJe round bales with the loader unless
the specially designed John Deere round bale
clamp is installed. Without the clamp, the bale
can fall on the operator when the loader is
raised. - To avoid handling and stability problems, do not
exceed a round bale weight of 2000 pounds (907 - The tractor must be equipped with a roll-over
protective structure to prevent operator injury
in case of a tractor roll-over accident. - The tractor must have maximum rear ballast per
wheel and maximum tread width. See Rear Tread
and Rear Ballast on page 11.' - Reduce the tractor ground speed. Carry the bale
as low as possible and maintain adequate
visibility and ground clearance at all times. - Jerky operation causes tractor-loader
instability. Operate the loader controls
9. When handling round bales on a slope, approach
the bale with the tractor facing uphill.
- Never use the tractor-loader to stop a rolling
bale. - Obey all safety messages under Operating on
pages 3 and 4.
10Safely Y
- Lower bucket or attachment to ground, shut off
tractor engine and relieve pressure in hydraulic
system before adjusting, lubricating, or
servicing loader. - Check hoses, fasteners and other parts for dam-
age. Make necessary repairs. - Escaping fluid under pressure can have
sufficient force to penetrate the skin, causing
serious per- sonal injury. Before disconnecting
lines, be sure to relieve all pressure. Before
applying pressure to the system, be sure all
connections are tight and that lines, pipes, and
hoses are not damaged. Fluid escaping from a very
small hole can be almost invisible. Use a piece
of cardboard or wood, rather than hands to search
for suspected leaks. - If injured by escaping fluid, see a doctor at
once. Serious infection or reaction can develop
if proper medical treatment is not administered
APin Hole Leak
118 Safety
- Reduce tractor ground speed when transporting a
load. - Carry load as low as possible and maintain ade-
quate visibility and ground clearance at all
times. - Take extra care when traveling over rough terrain
or on a slope. - When driving the tractor-loader on a road or
high- way at night or during the day, use
accessory lights and devices for adequate
warning to operators of other vehicles. In this
regard, check local govern- ment regulations.
Various safety lights and devices are available
from your John Deere dealer.
V6 685
12Preparing The Tractor
- The John Deere 148, 158 and 168 Farm Loaders have
been designed for use on the following John Deere
tractors. - 148 Loader - 2520, 2840, 3020, 3130, 4000,
4020, - 4030, 4040, 4230, 4240, 4320, 4430
- and 4440 Tractors.
- 158 Loader - 4000, 4020, 4040, 4230, 4240, 4320,
- 4430, 4440, 4520, 4620, and 4630
- Tractors.
- 168 Loader - 4640 Tractor.
- IMPORTANT The 168 Loader is not approved for
tractors with a higher horsepower rating or
weight than the 4640 Trac- tor. - Standard tractors with long wheelbase only.
FRONT AXLE CAUTION Do not use loader on tractors
with Roll-0-Matic front end, double front wheel
or single front wheel. Adjust front axle tread
10-inches (25.4 cm) greater than minimum tread
setting. Refer to tractor operator's manual for
1310 Preparing the Tractor
FRONT TIRES The following tires are approved for
use with the 148, 158 and 168 Loader.
TIRE SIZE 2520 3840 3020 3130 4000 4020 4020 4040 4230 4240 4320 4430 4440 4620 4630 4640
11L x 15 6PR 148 148 148 148 148
10.0 x 16 6PR 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 148
11.0 x 16 8PR 148 158 148 158 158 148 158 158 158 158 158 158 158 168
14L x 16 6PR 158 158 168
7.5 x 20 6PR 148 148
9.5 x 20 8PR 158 158 168
11,2 x 24 6PR 148 148 148 148 148
12.4 x 24 6PR 148 148 158 148 158 148 158 148 158 148 58 148 158 148 158 158
14.9 x 24 6PR 158 158
Powet font wheel drive
Inflate tractor front tires 4 psi (0.3 bar) (0.3
kg/cm) above inflation pressure recommended for
heavy front-mounted equipment as shown in tractor
opera- tor's manual. REAR TIRES Inflate tires as
specified in tractor operator's manual.
14Preparing the Tractor 11
REAR TREAD Use maximum rear tread to increase
tractor stability. Refer to tractor operator's
manual for instructions. CAUTION If rear tread
Is limited, reduce tractor transport speed and
avoid holes and inclines.
F6 68 5
REAR BALLAST CAUTION To prevent tractor damage
and maintain loader-tractor stability, add rear
ballast as outlined below. Ballast
recommendations are a) For tractors with 80-inch
(2.03 m) rear tread setting -
TRACTOR 2520 3020 (long wheelbase) 4000 All Other
BALLAST PER WHEEL 400 lbs. (181.4 kg) 200 lbs.
(90.7 kg) 200 lbs. (90.7 kg) 0
b) If minimum rear tread width is necessary, use
700 additional pounds (317.5 kg) per wheel. NOTE
The amount of ballast recommended above is
intended to help maintain stability and provide
adeguate traction during normal loader opera-
tion with materials-handling and manure
buckets. Additional ballast up to maximum lire
carrying capacity should be added, if neces-
sary, when operating tractor and loader on uneven
terrain, when operating loader with grapple fork
or haystacker attachment, or to improve
traction. Refer to tractor operator's manual to
install ballast.
15Attaching The Loader
loader for the firat time, prepare the tractor
and attach the loader as explained under "As-
sembly," pages 58 through 83. CAUTION Use
mounting stand to attach loader only after the
stand has been ad- justed according to
instructions under "Removing Loader" pages 34
through 36.
1. Swing lift link back onto mounting frame.
2. Advance tractor slowly between loader ust
enough to attach lih link to bum.
16Attaching the Loader 13
3. Remove hardware from lift cylinder clamp.
Attach lift link to boom with pin, spacer, washer
and spring
- Advance tractor slowly.
- Lift link will raise loader. Mounting stand will
swing off ground. - Lift link will lower loader masts onto mounting
- frames.
5. a) Attach 148 Loader masts to mounting frame
with eight 3/4 x 2-inch cap screws, lock washers
and nuts. Tighten to 300 ft-lbs (407 Nm)
torque. b) Attach 158 and 168 Loader masts to
mounting frames with eight 7/8 x 2-1/4-inch cap
screws, lock washers and nuts. Tighten to 445
ft-lbs (603 Nm) torque.
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19Aftaching the Loader 15 HYDRAULIC
CONNECTIONS CAUTION Escaping fluid under
pressure can have sufficient force to penetrate
the skin, causing serious personal injury. Be-
fore disconnecting lines, be sure to relieve all
pressure. Before applying pressure to the system,
be sure all connections are tight and that
lines, pipes, and hoses are not damaged. Fluid
escaping from a very small hole can be almost
invisible. Use a piece of cardboard or wood,
rather than hands, to search for suspected
leaks. If injured by escaping fluid, see a doctor
at once. Serious infection or reaction can de-
velop if proper medical treatment is not
administered immediately.
APin Hole Leak
IMPORTANT use Teflon tape on all pipe threads.
Over-tightening O-ring fittings re- sults in
leakage. Keep Quik-Couplets clean.
- Remote Cylinder Control Valve Operation
- Connect hoses from top oil tube and second oil
tube to remote cylinder control valve on right
side. - Connect hoses from third oil tube and bottom oil
tube to remote cylinder control valve of left
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